10 Genius Ways Movies Fixed Their Own Mistakes

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[Music] the phrase we'll fix it in post must be one of the most common and most dreaded if you're a VFX team phrases uttered on set and it's true even if you've got your film plan down to the tiniest detail sometimes unforeseen things can make everything take a step back I mean an actor could get hurt a set could be destroyed or the catering might have given the whole cast food poisoning cutting the filming short side note if anyone wants to hire my food van now that tastes like grease were available at any time seriously any time however it does mean that studios have to get a bit creative when mistakes are made and the films on this list went above and beyond when it came to staunch Lee refusing to cut content and did everything in their power to fix issues present in the process so with this in mind our duels this is what culture calm and these are 10 genius ways movies fixed their own mistakes number 10 Jeremy Renner got CGI arms after breaking them tag while filming a stunt for last year's comedy film tag in which he surfs down a stack of chairs Jeremy Renner managed to break both of his arms when the rigging holding up the chairs broke causing him to fall to the floor ouch despite initially having no idea he'd sustained any serious injuries and even performing a second take of the sequence Renner eventually went to the hospital where he learned at the breakage and had both of his arms put in casts the actors soon returned to set and continued to perform the scenes as best as possible but that meant that the VFX team had to paint out his real broken arms and replaced them digitally for the job Rena had to wear green sleeves over the cast to make the post-production tasks easier and impressively it's incredibly difficult to notice the CGI arms in the end result which is a pretty nice job now no one think of how Jeremy had to wipe his bum while healing don't you do it don't think about it don't number 9 Marlon Brando was filmed in shadow to hide his weight game Apocalypse Now on paper Marlon Brando seemed like a perfect casting choice to play the deranged Colonel Kurtz in Francis for cobblers Vietnam war epic but he already immensely problematic shoot was further complicated when Brando arrived at the set in Manila in less than ideal condition Brando was roughly 40 pounds overweight giving him a stocky build that was far away from the thin Kurtz that was described in the book heart of Plus get this Brando didn't even bother to read the script and argued with the director about what he should say and even the name of his character finally they came to a compromise to conceal his undulating gut Brando would be dressed in slimming black clothes shot primarily in shadow and filmed largely from the waist up while a body double would be used to make him look taller and you know what for as much a disaster as this sounds on paper it did give Kurtz a greater sense of mystery and intrigue and no doubt contributed to the movies third act being as brilliantly surreal as it was about eight pogs were created after puffins wouldn't leave thus at star wars the last Jedi now upon first casting eyes on the adorable little bug birds you'd think that they were always planned from the start by Disney in order to make some type of massive cash grab with merchandise and plush toys well that turned out not to be the case as the porks weren't actually conceived until shooting had started and when the team went to the Irish island of skellig michael to film the scene set on luke's home planets they discovered that the island was completely covered with puffins who quickly disrupted production moreover skellig michael is a nature reserve meaning that the animals could not be moved even temporarily and so rather than ask the VFX team to painstakingly remove the puffins from hundreds of shots that decided to simply incorporate an indigenous bird species into the final film you'd never guess it from the final product and for the mere shot of chewy snacking down on a pork the hassle was all totally worth it number 7 the malfunctioning sharp prop was ditched for the sake of suspense jaws Steven Spielberg's jaws isn't just a quintessential Hollywood blockbuster it's a tightly wound suspense masterpiece that remains virtually unrivaled over 40 years later but things almost turned out very differently and only due to a series of production setbacks did the film become what it is today originally the shark was supposed to have a far more pervasive presence throughout the film but the time-consuming maintenance and the routine malfunctioning of the three sharp props prompted spheal bow to change tack mid shooting with the sharks having to be drained of saltwater and repainted every night Spielberg had finally had enough he later said I had no choice but to figure out how to tell the story without the shark so I just went back to Alfred Hitchcock what would Hitchcock do in a situation like this it's what we don't see which is truly frightening Spielberg opted instead to focus on both the human elements and the art of implication splicing together only scarce glimpses of the shark for most of the film and it was definitely all the better for it creating a blueprint that Hollywood has been following for almost half a century through exploration of the fear of the unknown number 6 a visible camera was covered with a coat the matrix when neo and Morpheus pay the Oracle a visit in the first matrix movie there's a distinctive close-up shot of a doorknob when neo Morpheus are both reflected it's a lovely if tiny shot that once again plays into the themes of reflections of the self and not trusting what we perceived to be real however there was one tiny thing that was standing in the way of this shot the actual camera shooting it so the team came up with an ingenious and surprisingly simple solution they just threw a coat over it yes that's right much like when I have to hide one of your mother's doing unspeakable acts to me and the cinema I simply chucked a coat over the offending object and now you can't see the left-hand side of the shot where the camera is placed now to be honest you'd only really spotted if you were looking for it but with the 4k update out there it is more obvious now than ever before and does make it impossible to unsee on your next viewing you're welcome number five Jim Carrey forgot his line but was hidden with clever editing Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events though the Jim Carrey starring movie adaptation of a series of unfortunate events has been thoroughly outdone by the Netflix TV series it's still a solid movie and one elevated significantly by carries thoroughly batty performance as the villainous Count Olaf while shooting an early scene where Olaf is introduced to the Baudelaire children however Carrey had a mental blip and forgot his next line yet this one take Tony wasn't gonna stop and let this shot be wasted so Olaf just asked that he wants to go over the scene again even asking Klaus to repeat his line now if you look closely at this moment you can see Carrie gesturing off screen most likely to the script supervisor but thankfully he manages to maintain the eye line with the child actor allowing the director to use the tape with some clever editing it comes across as a totally organic exchange aided both by the movies generally self-aware tone and the fact that Olaf is himself an actor number four different tags were literally spliced together Star Wars Episode three Revenge of the Sith George Lucas's reliance on digital filmmaking techniques in the Star Wars prequels well largely reviled by his fans and with good reason but it did also allow Lucas a huge amount of versatility when it came to tinkering with scenes in post-production shooting almost every scene against the green-screen allowed him to effectively insert any digital backdrop he wanted and if Lucas realized a scene wasn't quite working in post he could employ some cutting-edge wizardry to generate the drama he desired by literally splicing together different takes with subtle transitions and by subtle like usually mean blur wipes God knows he loves them for example did you know that when Anakin is talking to Palpatine that these are two completely different tanks well yeah maybe you do now because the attack was still a little rough around the edges but still at the time audiences had no clue that these two actors are speaking two totally different versions of their counterparts number three Leonardo DiCaprio cut his hand and just kept acting Django Unchained by now this scene has become something of a legendary moment in the mightily brilliant Django Unchained the moment where Leo displayed how much he wanted to win an Oscar at this point in time and smashed down on the table so hard that he destroyed a glass and his hand in equal measure and while in most circumstances this would nesset a director to cool cut Leo being the pro that he is simply kept performing the rest of the take while baring his bloodied hand to the camera Tarantino was so impressed that rather than simply erased the gaff from the movie he kept it in and even allowed to Caprio to build upon it by wiping his bloody hand over the face of Django's wife broom-hilda but of course DiCaprio had his hand bandaged up first and the blood smeared over Washington's face was completely faked contrary to popular belief nevertheless a brilliantly Savage movie moment was born out of a painful flub number 2 James Franco's head injury was concealed with a headband pineapple Express if you ever wondered why James Franco suddenly has a headband on in pineapple express during the second half of the film well no me neither as I just thought it was part of the stoner aesthetic however there was a real-life issue that meant the headband was a necessity in an earlier sequence where Saul runs into a tree Franco accidentally ran into a screw on the prompt tree cutting his head and requiring him to receive stitches in order to cover up the injury so randomly acquires a banned simple right and luckily because it fits his character it's one that audiences didn't even question and number one visible crew members were digitally transformed into bystanders Shazam just recently Shazam director David F Samberg posted a fascinating video about the problem-solving aspects of filmmaking focusing on the issues that he faced while making his DC superhero film there he confirmed that neither himself nor any of his crew members noticed a major error while shooting the scene where Shazam careens through a mall Samberg was so focused on agonizing over the visual effects used to realize his ant flight that he totally forgot about the blatantly visible visual effects crew members on the right-hand side of the escalator he did pick up on this during post-production however and in a totally genius feat of quick thinking simply had his VFX team ad shopping bags at the crew members to make them look like regular shoppers Samberg himself admits that their utter lack of reaction to Shazam's flying despite being in his direct eyeline is still a mistake but at least the CGI bags do enough to trick the audience's brain and stop them thinking about the people just randomly standing about and there we go those were 10 genius ways that movies fix their own mistakes I hope that whatever you're getting up to today my friends you have a fantastic day and if you wanna chat to me about this or anything else in general to do with films movies video games and wrestling's you can do so at retro J with a zero over on Twitter as always I've been Jules you've been awesome never forget that and ah speak to you soon bye
Channel: WhatCulture
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Rating: 4.815237 out of 5
Id: PDnyj7elRAc
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Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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