10 Movie Idiots Who Made Simple Solutions Look IMPOSSIBLE

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watching and enjoying films always comes with a certain degree of the suspension of disbelief on an obvious level there's fantastical elements like alien invasions high-profile conspiracy or basic magical formula but to look at things in a more subtle lights real life is unlikely to bring about such specific events that will occur in such a specific order that fantastical outcomes prevail in films Charlie buys two chocolate bars and wins a ticket to Wonka's factory in real life i buy two chocolate bars and win a trip to dying of heart failure at 40 as an audience we can get on board with all of these phenomenons quite easily as long as everything is logical sadly sometimes a film takes a step outside its self-contained boundaries and we start to have issues as soon as you have to ask why did that happen or shouldn't they have just done X Y Zed you're in trouble and if a plot couldn't progress without a specific MacGuffin chances are there'll be some critical looks on the faces of viewers so let's take a look at movie moments that had us scratching our heads up plot curiosities or worse still table flipping at the downright idiocy of some of the on-screen characters I'm will for culture and here are 10 movie idiots who made simple solutions look impossible 10 gravity you can't name your film after a law of physics only to Defiance sci-fi films usually are the best films for smudging reality a little bit what Tony Stark really be able to synthesize a new element in his basement with some PVC pipes as he does in Iron Man 2 well no can men in black really wipe your memory with a little blinky lights well I don't know maybe that's the scary thing isn't it you'd never know you'd literally never know however when you take a look at sci-fi films grounded in some sorts of realism they can be a bit tricky take 2013 space thriller gravity for instance hyper realistic graphics and real-world settings made Sandra Bullock and George Clooney's space walk gone wrong all the more captivating space is super dangerous and gravity encapsulated the horrors of very possible events should those flimsy Space Station's encounter a problem but there's something else those astronauts don't want you to know and that space can't be actually kind of mundane sure seeing the rotation of Earth might be cool but have you ever actually looked into how poop works up there without gravity it's messy and floating around in space gets old once you've had to strap yourself into bed a couple of times unless you're into that point being they had to take some liberties to make things as exciting as they were take for instance the scene where our two protagonists end up tumbling through the vacuum stone gets caught on some cables coming from a defunct parachute and manages to grab his fellow astronauts as he nearly flies straight past but the ropes won't hold them both and so we say goodbye to George Clooney as he valiantly sacrifices himself so that Sandra Bullock might have a chance of making it back to earth is this scene dramatic yes is it a heartbreaking display of selfishness absolutely could both parties involved have been very easily saved if either had a rudimentary understanding of the laws of motion unfortunately yes with no gravity comes no momentum gently pulling on the Rope would have been enough to nudge Clooney back in the right direction instead of letting him continue to drift away into the abyss it's such a fundamental misunderstanding of physics than it even annoyed Neil deGrasse Tyson and when the grassman's on your case you know you done messed up nine the open house that is not how phones work the open house is another one of those Netflix original horror films that smile they have the potential to be great in principle are ultimately executed poorly troubled youth Logan still traumatized from witnessing the accident that killed his father is given the opportunity to house-sit for his aunts with his mother Naomi at her open house it's a remote decent sized place in the middle of the mountains so his mother thinks it's a great chance for a break to try and mend their rocky relationship however this is a home invasion thriller so things are set to go wrong pretty damn fast an unknown ultimately completely anonymous killer rocks up to mess about with the duo for a few days toying with them and then killing them however there are many times when the two could have just easily got away if they hadn't been so stupid for starters if weird stuff starts happening like the house getting broken into only for you to find the dining table fully set for dinner it's time to leave but most annoyingly of all when the proverbial starts hitting the fan our not really a hero grabs his phone only to find the faceless murderer has removed the SIM card curse that crafty devil if only it were possible to still phone emergency services even without an activated SIM card installed oh yeah it is this is more of a problem with horror films in general but just call the police oh my god I don't know whether this kid is just a or if the filmmakers genuinely don't know how mobile phones work eight the silenced use wood chipper it's super effective if you haven't seen the Netflix original The Silence I don't blame you it looks for all the world like a bad knockoff of the 2018 critically acclaimed horror a quiet place it all starts with drilling into unknown caves which release a bunch of weird bat like ancient creatures who quickly spread and cause havoc across the North American continent evolving in the dark means they're blind and can only detect prey with sounds obviously everything quickly descends into silence as the human race attempts to survive this plague of primitive bats now if these creatures were as smart as the creatures in a quiet place I'd understand the threat a little bit more but in the silence we see the start of the invasion everyone still has the internet new sites and social media continued to get updated but apparently nobody could mobilize in any way efficient defense and when I say these things are not as smart as the creatures of a quiet place I mean they're really dumb one scene shows them flying single-file into a wood chipper because they are literally attracted to any sound at all so let's break it down stupid bat things easy access to Twitter and I assume a fair number of wood chippers across the United States nobody thought to just tweet out turning on a wood chipper takes out thousands of the weird bat things at once even a blender would probably blitz a couple simple seven a quiet place you're just gonna leave those there you know what while we're at it let's have a moment for a quiet place as well it seems like in any situation with sonically dependent monsters taking over the earth a whole lot of common sense goes out the window our protagonists the Abbott family are definitely pretty smart but they're still dumb the opening of a quiet place truly shocked audiences with the immediate offering of bow the youngest son he finds a spaceship toy which his terrified father quickly confiscates removing the batteries and placing them both on a shelf and warning him it's too loud to keep his sister sneaks in the little rocket ship so he can play with it to his heart's content only he also picks up the batteries and once he's figured out how to replace them it immediately sets off lights and beeps yes the family were smart enough to recognize the potential threat of a noisy toy and it's true they weren't really to know that Bo would manage to get his hands on the toy and the batteries but wouldn't it make more sense just to take the batteries and give him the toy no batteries means no beeps and no beeps means no dead child you can have your little alive son with a nice new toy to play with as well which was definitely the obvious and better option six the Lord of the Rings if only there were giants Eagles in middle-earth none of the Rings is my favorite film series but we got a throw a nod to the number one stupid decision in modern film history why walk when you can fly there's not really a good reason other than the fact that we wouldn't have three of the best films ever made if they did just fly on the backs of the Eagles it hurts me to say it but it was the smarter option and no list like this would be complete without its inclusion now let's move on before I start talking about how amazing the charge of the row Hyrum is oops too late I already mentioned it's awesome five Jupiter ascending wife and child or telescope this act of stupidity is simple and sadly all too real at the beginning of the movie Jupiter Jones his father lives in Russia with his pregnant wife and likes to look at the Stars with a very fancy telescope now I'll give you it's a damn fine telescope one night burglars break into their home and steal valuables they tried to take his telescope he tries to stop them and he gets shot dead right in front of his pregnant wife for some reason this evidently very smart man decides that a telescope is worth risking his life over instead of protecting his family this smidge of plot is unlikely to change the wider events of the film since Jupiter is already going to be the reincarnation of a space Queen here the plot is very weird for this one but really may was protecting your telescope more important than maybe protecting your pregnant wife priorities now that I think about it I'm glad you got shot idiot for Avengers infinity war Peter quill is a damn this one might be the biggest fumbled victory in the history of the MCU yes I know Pete your girlfriend got killed but come on they had him they had the most they were getting the gone off and look I don't care what Doctor Strange says about there being one future timeline where they win if they get the gauntlet off Thanos he's not doing anything all Peter quill had to do was nothing just don't do anything just don't ruin it just sit in the corner and chill the rest of the really hunt this one on lockdown you did not have to ruin it come on bro come on three tangled you're the bad guy it's okay to lie it's not always the side we're rooting for who makes questionable decisions Mother Gothel for all her clever witchy ways makes a huge blunder in rapunzel immediately and it's one that almost single-handedly kicks into motion the events of the film she kidnaps the king in Queens daughter she does this because the child has been bestowed with the gifts of a magic flower Gothel had kept secluded to keep secret the reason of her immortality the girl grows up to be Rapunzel her adopted daughter who she keeps locked in the tower for her own safety but who is bemused by the lantern show she sees in the distance on her birthday each year it's this curiosity regarding the lights in the sky which compelled her at her earliest opportunity to escape the tower and go adventuring of course the lanterns are released by the king and queen in memory of their long-lost daughter so why didn't Gothel just give Rapunzel a different birthday she was presumably still a baby when the lantern ritual started and so unlikely to recognize that the date of her birthday had been changed and so see no significance to the lanterns in the distance it's simple stuff like this that holds back wannabe supervillains from true greatness how I could do it I can just make up birthdays easy 14th of March there I've done the hard part for you to the cabin in the woods just kill the dude the cabin in the woods is a horror film for horror film lovers it plays with the ideas of archetypal characters and formulaic horror plots to imagine a world where these films have a much more serious role to play they're essential to the preservation of the entire planets in the film it turns out that all our favorite horror themes the jock the stoner the blonde the virgin are all characters in this ritual who must be sacrificed to appease these creatures but you can't just give them a quick bonk on the head and be done with it instead the ritual must include torturing and terrifying the victims with some kind of classic horror body not completing the ritual will result in planet-wide destruction so after an ignored warning to stay away from the cabin some hanky-panky some terrorizing from a zombie family two of the teen groups selected as the sacrifices remain the Jester aka the stoner and the virgin whose death turns out to be optional thanks to some last-minute exposition from a cameo by Sigourney Weaver Ripley makes it crystal clear that they have eight minutes to kill the stoner guy or else the ancient ones will not be happy and will you know destroy everything they know and love they squabble kill Weaver's character with some help from a Wolfman and miss the literal deadline the movie ends with a massive hand reaching out from the Earth's core and starting its destruction way to go guys now this is a hard sell if you're the guy in question but one guy's life in exchange for the entire planet is a fair deal hell if I was that guy I wouldn't be thrilled about it but I don't understand just make it quick and painless Sigourney Weaver should have just shot him in the head the moment she set eyes on him one saw guess we saw that one coming huh these days it's easy to forget how low budgets or low concepts jigsaws original traps were since the first installment we've seen keys surgically implanted in eyes motorcycle blenders and shotgun collars yet saws bathroom chap was super basic just a couple of guys chained to the wall in a dingy bathroom somewhere there's only a bathtub some hack saws and guns and an already dead body their instructions are simple dr. Lawrence must kill his companion Adam or else his wife and daughter will be killed and Adam must escape I assume without being murdered in the process unfortunately with such limited tools at their disposal the opportunity for idiocy somehow increases the movie features an absolute mess of problem-solving from dr. Lawrence Gordon after he discovers a one-way mobile phone in the bathroom it's obvious that this the only potential contact they have with the outside world is absolutely invaluable I don't blame Gordon for being so desperate to answer it when it starts ringing especially since it turns out the phone call is from his distressed daughter heating the phone across the room when he hears the alarming commotion of gunshots and screaming however is not the one maybe the stress of the situation gets to him or maybe he's delirious from the kidnapping but the doctor's immediate reaction to the mobile falling out of reach is to hack his own foot off to escape the chains and reach the phone very icky one question remains though why didn't he just use the sword to reach the phone we've all done the lasso trick to reach a charging phone from bed without wanting to physically get up so I'm pretty sure he could have worked something similar out either with the saw or with the shirt he so heroically ripped off to serve as a bandage for his self amputation super gross super horrific and ultimately super stupid and there you have it folks a fun slightly whiny look at movie idiots whom a simple solutions look impossible feel free to drop this video like if you enjoyed it and drop me a follow on Twitter and you sly dog you I'm will for what culture thanks for hanging out and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 726,210
Rating: 4.6182203 out of 5
Id: 0i2TWIIxrZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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