10 Most Wanted Lost Objects In The World!

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the world is full of incredible objects many of which date back hundreds thousands and even millions of years some of these treasures are now missing leaving the next chapter of their fascinating stories unwritten from a sacred cup believed to have once held the blood of Jesus Christ - the most ostentatious Easter eggs of all time here are ten of the most wanted lost objects in the world before we begin make sure to hit that like button subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bell for more amazing videos every day that being said let's begin number 10 the lost Fabri J eggs if you're interested in lost treasures you're bound to have heard of the fabulous Faberge eggs manufactured by Imperial Russia's house of fabergé between 1885 and 1917 these stunning objects began life as extravagant ornamental Easter gifts passed between Russian monarchs Tsar Alexander the 3rd commissioned the very first Faberge egg to give to his wife Empress Maria Feodorovna for their 20th anniversary the Empress was so taken with it that Alexander appointed Faberge as the Imperial crowns official Goldsmith's these stunning works of art were crafted using precious metals and exquisite gemstones each one featured its own unique design and contained a surprise inside it's believed as many as 69 Faberge eggs could have been made although historians can only confirm the existence of 57 of them the lost Imperial eggs include two that were given to the Empress as Easter gifts in 1888 and 1889 called the cherub with chariot and necessary respectively these names are almost all we have to go on today precious little is known about the eggs their designs or the surprises that lay within and there are several others missing too another of the Lost eggs was made in 1897 three years after Alexander's death the empress received an egg called mauve from the couple's son nicholas ii where it is now nobody knows but the surprise three small heart-shaped photo frames that open out into the shape of a three leaf clover is in the possession of Russian billionaire and avid Faberge egg collector Viktor Vekselberg number nine the Holy Grail one of the most renowned Christian relics there has been a great deal of debate regarding exactly what the Holy Grail is or was the subject of several popular movies including Indiana Jones in the Last Crusade the most common depiction of the Holy Grail is a goblet fashioned out of gold and adorned with beautiful gemstones but rather than any material value the cup may or may not have the real reason why the Holy Grail is so sought after is that Jesus Christ himself is said to have drunk out of it at the Last Supper then a short while later as Christ was crucified it was used to collect his blood and act now symbolized by the ceremonial wine drinking we see at church services today treasure hunters are still searching for the Holy Grail but even if anyone were to find it they would have a hard time proving it in 2014 two spanish historians claimed to have found the goblet at a church in leon a study confirmed it was made within the right sort of time period but scientists have no way of confirming whether it was indeed the cup of legend there are said to be around 200 Grail cups in existence around the world and nowhere has it actually been confirmed that the Holy Grail was even a cup in fact some scholars have gone as far as to question whether the Holy Grail ever existed at all number 8 the max Berg Archaeopteryx the Archaeopteryx was a species of flying dinosaur that lived in the Late Jurassic era the study of Archaeopteryx fossils has established links between these airborne predators and the birds that inhabit our skies today unfortunately Archaeopteryx fossils are extremely rare with only 11 ever having been discovered in researchable condition one of those is the max Berg Archaeopteryx a lost treasure that hasn't been seen since the death of its owner in 1991 following the fossils discovery in a German quarry back in the mid 50's the quarries owner Edouard sent it away to be examined by a geologist who confirmed it was an Archaeopteryx fossil an extraordinary find considering only two others had been discovered up to that point unfortunately opposites was an eccentric loner with a short fuse though he agreed for the max Bergman mourn time to display the fossil for a time sale negotiations with the Munich State Museum fell through an APPA to all further requests to view or study it instead he took it home and hid it under his bed now almost three decades after his death the whereabouts of the max Berg Archaeopteryx are a total mystery some say he sold it to a private collector although experts are skeptical that anyone else would have acquired it and been able to keep it a secret all this time considering it's not been seen for such a long time the most believable theories are that Appa China hid his treasure or took it with him to his grave number seven the Amber Room we're only a few entries into this list but it's already clear to see Russia knew how to do opulence case in point the Amber Room originally a gift from the King of Prussia Friedrich Wilhelm the first to Russia's Peter the grape the Amber Room was just that a 180 square foot room with walls made of amber and gold leaf six tons of the stuff to be exact the room was so stunning it was nicknamed the eighth wonder of the world over 200 years later the Nazis invaded Russia and began looting the country of its most valuable treasures wondering at the wisdom of trying to shift six tons of fragile amber out under the Nazis noses the russians attempted to hide it instead by wallpapering over it sadly the Nazis sawed through this ingenious plan the Amber Room was dismantled and sent to a castle in königsberg Germany there it was reconstructed and displayed for a while but as the war headed into its final act the rooms valuable components were boxed up and hidden away never to be seen again some historians surmised that the amber room was destroyed by Allied bombers targeting the castle while others suggest the Nazis attempted to smuggle it out and may have lost it somewhere along the way several groups of treasure hunters profess to have found the amber room even as recently as June 2019 but so far the eighth wonder continues to elude us number six the Honjo Masamune Goro knew Udo Masamune is widely regarded as the greatest Japanese swordsmith who ever lived and the blades he crafted are among the most valuable and sought-after weapons in the world one such blade is the Honjo Masamune said to be one of the finest Japanese swords ever made and missing in action since the end of World War two the Honjo Masamune was originally the property of the Tokugawa Shogunate passed down from one Shogun to the next the story goes that no asougi clan general Hanzo shaggy Naga survived an attack by an assailant wielding the blade and took it for his own when chigan Agha ran out of money he was forced to sell the sword but it eventually wound up back in the hands of the Tokugawa clan it was last known to be in the possession of Prince Tokugawa a masseur who died in 1963 when the United States occupied Japan following the second world war they outlawed the production of such weapons and the Honjo Masamune was apparently one of over a dozen handed in at a police station in Majuro Tokyo it said that the police then handed the sorts to sergeant cold even more of the western Pacific Army forces foreign liquidations commission but this is where the trail goes cold the blade hasn't been seen since and to this day its whereabouts are unknown number five the Ark of the Covenant another biblical relic the Ark of the Covenant is a gold-plated wooden chest said to contain two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments a staff once carried by Moses's brother Aaron and a pot of mana an edible substance considered to be a gift from God referenced in various versions and books of the Bible the Ark is believed to have been constructed either by Moses or under his supervision the Israelites revered the Ark carrying it with them across the desert for forty years later the Ark was captured by the Philistines who went on to suffer a great deal of misfortune leading them to believe that it was cursed still that hasn't put treasure hunters off trying to find it there have been several reports from individuals claiming to have discovered the Ark's whereabouts with some even purporting to have possession of it possible locations include Mount Nebo and Jordan the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and the tomb of Tutankhamen number four the irish crown jewels the theft of Ireland's crown jewels is one of the country's most infamous unsolved mysteries the irish crown jewels were two pieces of elaborate jewelry regularly worn by the sovereign and grand master of the order of saint patrick the crown jewels were last worn by the seventh Earl of Aberdeen than the current Grand Master of the order they were then transferred back into a safe where they were last seen on June 11th 1907 at some point during the following month the jewels were stolen part of a larger Hall that also included several of the bejeweled collars worn by Knights of the order collectively the Irish crown jewels have an estimated present-day value of over 3.7 million dollars number 3 Caravaggio's nativity Michelangelo Merisi de Caravaggio was an italian baroque painter born in the late 1500s his painting titled Nativity with Saint Francis and st. Lawrence took pride of place above the altar at the oratorio de San Lorenzo in palermo sicily until it was stolen on october 18 1969 the perpetrators of the theft were never identified although it's widely believed that the Sicilian Mafia was responsible even more mysterious is what actually happened to the painting after it was stolen some say it was destroyed while others think it may have been lost in the 1980 or Pena earthquake whether it survived or not the painting is now valued at an extraordinary twenty million dollars and features on the FBI's top 10 list of art related crimes number 2 the Jules Rimet trophy you may not have heard of the Jules Rimet trophy but what if we were to tell you it was the original prize of the FIFA World Cup first held by the 1930 champions here way the cup was stolen not once but twice first in 1966 then again in 1983 and it hasn't been seen since we're not likely to find it either as investigations into the theft suggest all six kilograms of gold plated sterling silver were melted down and sold the new FIFA World Cup is even more extravagant made from solid 18 karat gold however winners don't get the actual Cup but rather a replica cast in gold plated bronze number one the Florentine diamond one of the most famous gemstones of all time the Florentine diamond has a fascinating story it was originally made for the Duke of Burgundy Charles the bold who was said to be wearing it when he was killed at the Battle of Marat in 1476 it was pilfered from Charles's corpse and thinking it was glass the thief sold it for a measly two francs it passed between several different owners over the next 400 years eventually ending up in the hands of Charles the first of Austria it's believed the 137 carat yellow diamond was stolen by someone close to the family and whisked away to South America sometime after the end of World War one along with other crown jewels what happened to it after that remains a mystery but it was valued at approximately 25 million dollars in 1922 that means it would be worth around 380 million dollars today so whatever happened to these incredible relics do you think we'll ever see any of them again also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
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Keywords: Lost Treasures, Hidden Treasure, Gold, Lost Treasure, Treasure, Most, Secret, Wanted, Most Wanted, Treasures, History, Buried Treasure, Found, Hidden, Buried Treasures, Origins Explained, In the World, Famous Lost Treasures, World Treasures, Discovery, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Map, Valuable Treasures, Most Wanted List, Lost, Buried, Myth, Ancient, Jewels, Golden Owl, Most Expensive, Items, Rarest Items, Rare Items, Lost Artifacts, Hidden Treasures, Hidden Artifacts, New, Viral
Id: vG6E5UpbsIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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