10 Most Terrifying Legendary Items in Dungeons and Dragons 5e

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are you looking for the most powerful legendary magic items in dungeons and dragons fizz edition uh well then this video isn't for you we get it legendary items can be very powerful but that's not what we're after today boys and girls we want the scariest most disturbing most terrifying legendary items the ones that stun you from the pure horror and havoc that they can reek today we're gonna have a little fun as we talk about these legendary d d items and hopefully you dungeon masters out there will be inspired to include them in your games and i'm not sure what would be more terrifying using them against your players or better yet giving them to your players to see what horrors they come up with on their own so here are the 10 most terrifying legendary items in dungeons and dragons 5e coming in at number 10 we have the only legendary item on this list that was included 100 for flavor with the nightfall pearl sure the nightfall pearl isn't going to suck a creature soul away or destroy an entire civilization single-handedly but it's terrifying if you don't know what is happening and it can be used in all sorts of little evil ways for dms out there basically the nightfall pearl covers a 10 mile stretch of land in nightfall for a full 24 hours let's face it there's some pretty insane stuff in the world like this real life gates of hell pit that has been on fire for over 50 years in the heart of turkmenistan which for those of you who join me over on twitch you know we're all familiar with now hashtag geographymasters but if you were walking down the street and it suddenly became night you would absolutely think the world was coming to an end it would be horrifying and as far as plot lines oh man how many movies have been made with this premise 30 days of night jumps to mind immediately blanket the area in darkness and send in the vampires this also works spectacularly for us as dms as we have access to literally every single creature in the underdark that might have made their way to the surface more than one drow raid has failed due to just how uncomfortable and painful the daylight is on their eyes well what happens if a matron mother gets her hands on a small six-inch pearl that can fit in her pocket and make it nighttime every 24 hours for 10 miles out or lean into the creepy darkness even more and give it to a necromancer with a slow traveling army moving like a plague across the land and using the pearl for whatever reason you can think of maybe just the pure terror i mean psychological warfare is a real thing moving up to number nine we're gonna go 180 degrees from a technically harmless item that has a large area effect to a single blade that leaps at your throat with the classic vorpal sword this is simply a terrifying item for your players to face any single natural 20 from the wielder instantly removes the pc's head do not pass go do not collect 200 have your head cut off level 14 your head is gone level 20 champion a favor who's defeated both the avatar of tmat and a trask head cut off this item is simply terrifying because including it in your games is scary even if you throw it at your players and then they survive guess what they now have a vorpal sword every single big badass evil guy that you'll ever come up with is an immediate danger of being one shot and for that reason the vorpal sword had to be included in this list in the game world it's scary in the real world being used at the table it's pretty scary number eight is one that uh it makes me laugh because i think it's telling on how sadistic i think in real life and that is simply sovereign glue i know i know i know how could glue be scary first off even super glue will mess your day up and if you don't believe me you've obviously never built miniatures before but sovereign glue takes this to an entirely new magical level i mean look at this picture even wizards of the coast have them paint a lock on it in the damn books this thing is terrifying if in the hands of someone who wants to do harm to you besides all the uses in torture or on someone's body like their eyelids or mouth or perhaps even more grotesque places this item is particularly scary if it is used by someone you know maybe a doppelganger has infiltrated the party and they slip a little at the bottom of your sword scabbard maybe they apply some to the pages of your spell book perhaps a villain lures you into a trap where they place this glue along the seals of a stone door or maybe you want to get creative as a dm and have someone try to slip some into a player's drink absolutely deserving of the title of terrifying but leave a comment down below if you have an idea or a story on how this might be implemented against the party i look forward to all of the devious implementations you guys come up with coming in at number seven we have the vastly underrated crystal ball of my reading look i get it on the surface this looks like it just helps you cast a level five spell big deal but this thing is so much more powerful than that and any single villain who has learned of the party attempting to stop their nefarious plans could turn this legendary item into basically an auto win in addition to being able to infinitely scry on the players you can also while scrying read their thoughts and yes i know that if a creature succeeds you cannot scry again for 24 hours but first off the save dc is a whopping 17. secondly that's before modifiers once you become familiar with them thirdly becoming familiar with them isn't hard if you're able to read their thoughts and finally if you manage to both become familiar and get a bit of like hair the dc in essence becomes a save of like 32. now imagine for a moment how terrifying this would be in the hands of someone clever enough to use it what if someone with ill intent could at any moment take a peek and listen into the president how scary dangerous would this be if a warlord bent on domination became familiar with an opposing general how scary could it be for your players if you as the dm used every bit of information they discuss in front of you as completely legit metagame knowledge against the players including their abilities in combat and spells available and as far as the detect thoughts from across the same plane of existence no less i know that it says the person knows you're reading their thoughts if you use that portion but it doesn't say anywhere in the spell that the person knows who is attempting to read their thoughts or where they're located i cannot imagine how terrifying that would be for a king in charge of a kingdom they'd probably go mad with suspicion after a week of this yet alone a month or a year or three years later i mean that right there could be an entire campaign the king has gone mad and started beheading people from his own court it's the pc's job to find out who is stalking the king after being hired by an npc of your choice with whatever motivations you like best i like the fey patron twist personally number six for our most terrifying legendary items is one that is simply horrifying in nature and that's the tome of the stilled tongue first off this thing is incredibly powerful by letting us use a bonus action to cast any spells in the book once per day so we have that going for us but what makes it so terrifying well because vecna himself as a side note my favorite deity of all time ever since dragon magazine 348 true story since wegner himself watches over anyone using this tome and can and will take the time to personally leave them cryptic messages to the holder oh and just to set the mood the messages only appear at midnight and fade away after they are read sure because having an evil book that writes messages to you and you alone from an immortal being has always gone over so well in fiction right oh and the tongues pinned to the cover of the book all just so happen to belong to spellcasters who have crossed vechna before so i'm sure holding onto this item will work out perfectly for the players or just give it to your villain and watch the players get really pissy about the big bad evil guy casting something crazy as a bonus action-like finger of death moving into the top five we have maybe my favorite item on the entire list the infamous sphere of annihilation honestly just the sphere's existence is so scary it probably should have been number one and really the only reason it isn't is because of how difficult it is to move the sphere of annihilation has to be easily one of the scariest items ever created in the history of dungeons and dragons it isn't a black hole it's not something that well you don't know what happens and maybe things pass through it and warp and twist and get shot out in some place that we can't even comprehend with our tiny brains it just simply quote obliterates all matter that passes through it obliterates all matter obliterates i mean it basically has the same powers as the anti-monitor and the fact that it can actually be controlled and moved through the material plane by a powerful enough wizard should foreshadow just how terrifying it is let me put it to you guys this way wherever the sphere of annihilation currently exists on any plane of existence it didn't get to that spot by accident someone or something went through a lot of effort to place it exactly where it is and that is something to think about coming in at number four is an item that when you read it you think this shouldn't exist and that's the bellashira's beholder crown when it comes to individual items you'll be hard pressed to find a more powerful item in all of d d including things like the dragon masks than the beholder crown it does exactly what you think it does it grants you powers akin to that of a full-on beholder allowing you to use actions to finger of death someone disintegrate someone charm or hold them and then turn them into stone oh and did i mention that it has a symbiotic nature like the symbiotes from marvel's universe that's right when you attune to the item quote you must wear it on your head for the entire attunement period during which the crown's hidden tendrils burrow into your scalp to bond with your skull and you can't remove the crown while you are attuned naturally without a remove curse but the raw terrifying power this thing has is horrifying a beholder might not be able to walk along a busy street unnoticed but anyone can slap on a cloak and move through a crowd it's like giving anyone in the world the power of a beholder or a world-renowned wizard after a short attunement period and that is scary moving into our top three we have an item that is simply put world changing and that is the scroll of tarask summoning yes this is a real item printed in a real wizards of the coast dungeons and dragons 5 ebook and for spoiler reasons i'll link to it in the description of this video if you're a player don't go look it up okay it is part of an adventure and if you're running any of the pre-written adventures right now don't spoil it for yourself to see which one this is in please i'm not even sure i have a lot to expand on this one i mean it's a legendary scroll that summons a taras within one mile that you can see and it takes a single action imagine for the briefest of moment what that might do to the largest city in your game world on a busy day at the market in the span of six seconds the trask poofed into existence no warning no time for griffin cavalry to go out and face the coming threat out there away from the city in time to try to save it it's right there right in the middle of town square the terrasque if you don't think that's terrifying i don't know what to tell you the sheer implied carnage would be in the tens of thousands easily now how could we possibly have two items scarier than that well coming in at number two we have the black razor death in the world of dungeons and dragons is scary of course it is but even things destroyed with the sphere of annihilation or by a gargantuan monster still go on to the afterlife it's what gives heroes that extra faith they need to face horrible odds in an attempt to fend off evil but what if evil takes that away too would the bravest adventure in the world really have no pause if facing not just death but the complete loss of their existence in total because facing an opponent wielding the black razor is exactly the position they'll find themselves in as the blade quite literally feasts on the souls of the people it slays i'm going to read an excerpt from the sword's description the sword's purpose is to consume souls it doesn't care whose souls it eats including the wielders the sword believes that all matter and energy sprang from a void of negative energy and will one day return to it black razor is meant to hurry that process along there is no doubt that the terrifying prospect of facing this sentient legendary item is exactly that and the reason that the sword comes all the way in at number two on our list and finally the moment you've all been waiting for the number one most terrifying legendary item in all of dungeons and dragons fifth edition is the scroll of the comet look i am an american and i know i have a global audience here so i don't make this comparison lightly okay this legendary item is the dungeons and dragons equivalent to dropping the atom bomb quote by using the action to read the scroll you cause a comet to fall from the sky and crash the ground at a point you can see up to one mile away from you you must be outdoors when you use the scroll or nothing happens and the scroll is wasted the comet creates a 50 foot deep 500 foot radius crater on impact any creature in that radius must make a dc 20 deck saving throw taking 30 d10 force damage on a failed saving throw or half as much on a successful one all structures in the creator are destroyed as are all non-magical items that aren't being worn or held the absolute carnage implied by this item is staggering and even with the limitation of a 500 foot radius that's to say a thousand feet across the devastation by dropping this comment on a large city is horrific in the 1600s if something like this was used on paris just based on its total size and population on average it would kill just under 10 000 people instantly but that's pretending like the city and its population are evenly spread out perfectly over the entire city that's not how cities work and that's not even taking into account what would happen during like an event imagine instead this was used during a carnival at a coliseum during the new king's commencement or perhaps when a large army is gathered near the gates a la helms deep the tarasque is deadly no doubt but being able to wipe out twenty thousand or thirty thousand people in a matter of seconds puts the scroll of the comment in a tier that simply cannot be topped it is without a doubt the scariest legendary item in the game and the fact that it can be used without warning in a single action is the most horrific part all right guys now i'm going to pass it over to you first off what did i miss there's a lot of really great terrifying legendary items out there i had to cut this list down quite a bit so i'd love to hear what you guys think if i got some of these a little too high if i got some of these a little bit too too low or if i just missed something completely let me know in the comments down below i want to give a massive thank you to all of the incredible patreon supporters over at welcomeadventures.com if you guys like what i do here you want to support more content like this and snag some rewards for yourself welcome adventures.com is a great uh great way to do that if this is your first time here and you love roleplaying games as much as i do i would love to have you subscribe i put out videos on gm tips player tips and more fun stuff just like this so if that sounds like something you might be interested in hit the subscribe button down below and come join us thank you guys so much for watching my name is cody and may your games be filled with awesome memories and even better friends i'll catch you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Taking20
Views: 115,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taking20, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, 5th Edition, 5e, Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, Dungeons and Dragons 5e, Dungeons and Dragons 5e Barbarian, D&D, D&D 5e, Dungeons and Dragons Best Class, Player Tips, Player Tips D&D, How to Play D&D, Best d&d magic items, Dungeons and Dragons magic items, 5th edition magic items, deck of many things, 5th edition best magic items, best magic items, tarrasque, vorpal sword, beholder crown, critical role, scroll of the comet
Id: fqV6T8jIPbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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