10 Most Powerful Sniper Rifles In The World

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from killing six insurgents with one bullet to the longest shot in the world I'm Bob from world five list and join me as I reveal ten of the most powerful and amazing sniper rifles ever produced number 10 the cheytac m200 intervention now I start out with a rather unique sniper rifle even by the standards of sniper rifles themselves the cheytac m200 intervention is known for having a massive firing range in fact it's the longest ranged sniper rifle in the world today which is really no small feat given their purpose the intervention even holds the world record for the tightest three bullet grouping on a target which just so happened to be from over 2,000 meters away cheytac USA's motto is make every shot count and given all of this you might be curious as to why the cheytac m200 intervention isn't higher on the list well that's because it's special and not really in a good way for starters only certain Special Ops groups use the intervention which is cool but not easily accessible even they note that while the gun is good for long-range strikes the range that it has isn't always necessary and there are other rifles that have shorter ranges but are easier to wield which is the next issue the intervention is really really large so if the soldier that's wielding it is expected to hit a target and then move to another location to set up another strike it can be problematic and also the m200 costs 11850 dollars to around thirteen thousand eight hundred dollars number nine the LWRC I saber the LWR CI sniper a Salter battle rifle is often used by NATO and as its name suggests it can be both an assaulter and then quickly switched to a sniper rifle in combat the ability to adapt is one of the greatest tools that a person can have and that goes double for your weaponry to that end the LWRC Sabre is without a doubt one of the more amazing and deadly sniper rifles out there but why well it's because this gun comes outfitted with the ability to switch out barrels depending on what skill of combat you're engaging in now if he do have a short-range situation the gun has a 12 inch barrel which is going to allow you to focus your shots on the nearby targets and then take them down or if you're in need of hitting a target from a much farther range a 20 inch barrel is there for you as well allowing you to be a true sniper and also making sure that they never see the flash from your gun and because it's a sniper rifle the gun has great accuracy no matter what state it's in add to that a scope and a sniper skill and this is one sniper rifle that's perfect for nearly anything that combat throws at its user number eight the accuracy international l eleven five a three a WM a more recent creation the L 11 five a three a WM is known for once having the world record for the longest sniper kill during a fight with the Taliban this gun took out two Gunners who were over 27 yards away back to back now in April of 2014 it would be reported that a British sniper in Afghanistan had used the rifle to kill six insurgents with one bullet from a distance of 850 meters this sniper rifle is revered for its accuracy as well as its reliability in intense situations and climates but ironically the awm in the name actually means Arctic warfare Magnum so they did actually build the thing to survive the elements and if you ask me I'd say they succeeded the rifle cost about thirty eight thousand two hundred fifty dollars and weighs about six point eight kilograms number seven stealth recon scout but first if you're new here welcome thanks for joining us be sure to subscribe do you know which sniper rifle holds the world record for the longest confirmed kill put your answer in the comments below and stay tuned because I'm gonna give you that answer soon now going back to sniper rifles that have a whole lot of uses the stealth recon scout is actually just a little bit better than the Sabre hence is why it's higher on my list first off like the Sabre this one has two barrels that it can use yet it goes one step further by allowing the gun to use two different kinds of ammunition for short range it employs 308 rounds and then for long range it goes over to 338 but that's just the beginning of what it can do you see sniper rifles can be hard to use because of their size but the stealth recon scout actually allows the user to shorten the size of the gun to their liking they do this by removing the mounts that the gun has built into it and allows the user to move the feeding mechanism back behind the trigger making it shorter and more manageable and of course the gun is super accurate no matter which barrel it has on it or what formation the user is wielding it in number 6 the l4 - in field now a classic rifle that has been improved upon for over a century we find the l4 - Enfield rifle proves that some things just get better with age the first versions of these legendary sniper rifles were produced in 1890 and were given to the Royal forces of Great Britain ever since then the gun has been upgraded modified and really whatever else it needed to still be of use in the 1970s the l4 - a1 was produced and it went on for two decades until being decommissioned fast forward to these days and there are still in fields that are being used different variations of course but all very reliable all very accurate and all beloved by the people who use them number five the as50 UK another beloved British sniper rifle the as50 UK would be designed to be light efficient and of course deadly accurate they wanted a sniper rifle that would have the firing ability that semi-automatic rifles had yet also have the ability to shoot as accurately as bolt-action rifles from that came the as50 UK another big perk about the weapon is that it's incredibly lightweight which in the field of combat can be a major plus add to that the gun doesn't really take much to maintain which makes it incredibly reliable however this is another one of those more recent sniper rifles you're going to find on my list having been produced in 2007 but it's clearly got its staying power not to mention it also has a range of sixteen hundred yards now I think that this is one rifle that'll be around for a long time number four the psg1 necessity is said to be the mother of invention and it was necessity that led the Germans to make the psg1 one of the best sniper rifles ever produced 1972 would be one of the worst years in German history as the Munich Olympics experienced a massacre on their soil one of the reasons the massacre happened was because German forces couldn't exactly take out the terrorists in the hotel before all of the hostages were killed not wanting to have that happen again the psg1 would be born this gun was built to be accurate from incredibly long distances as well as have a large magazine that could ensure that all targets would be taken out as quickly as possible the gun would be given to the Germans anti-terrorism unit gsg-9 as well as other law enforcement and serve them well number three the Dragunov now when it comes to advancement in technology newer is always better more times than not but when something is made so well that it outshines newer models you don't exactly get rid of that and that's why the Russian army has been employing the use of the Dragunov sniper rifle since 1963 now just think about that the sniper rifle has been in use for about 55 years long after better scopes better designs laser tracking and more came into the world of guns yet this one is still standing the test of time it's been used in wars all over the world and is still one of the most ordered sniper rifles in the world says a lot now what exactly makes it stand out though well aside from the accuracy its reliability it's also known for not jamming even in some of the most deadly of circumstances and because of that people will use it in forests deserts on the ocean and really everywhere and anywhere if done properly it can be easy to make a sniper rifle but to make one that lasts fifty five years and is still very well loved well that just takes skill and that's one of the reasons that the Draganov is still beloved and feared even to this day number two the Barrett 50 Cal American now one of the most iconic sniper rifles ever produced is the Barrett 50 Cal American and it's not only popular it's super incredibly effective it would be originally designed to take out enemy equipment but soon would be used to take out enemy personnel as well and it's good at doing both the gun has been used in movies video games like Call of Duty and so much more it was built in the 1980s and has stood the test of time oh and it's also something that you can actually buy one of the reasons that it's so effective is because of its recoil system built to absorb about 70% of the recoil when the gun fires now just realize that a 50 Cal round that's fired out of a gun that gives a heck of an impact so to get rid of 70% of that is pretty epic plus it's semi-automatic putting it above most sniper rifles that use bolt-action but if you're wanting one for yourself just be warned because it'll break your pocketbook at about eighty nine hundred dollars and now number one the McMillan TAC 50 you have to be pretty special to be called the most powerful amazing sniper rifle in the world and I think that the McMillan TAC 50 definitely qualifies first and foremost this is so much more than a regular old sniper rifle and yes on the surface it is a sniper rifle but it's also labeled as an anti material weapon but how so well between its design and ammunition it can used as a reliable weapon to destroy equipment in an enemy camp and yes a bullet of virtually any kind can damage equipment however this con was made to do it effectively and sometimes snipers aren't even tasked with such things they're required to take out human targets not the inanimate once however with the McMillan tact 50 you have both options plus it can actually detonate explosives which isn't always possible with just any ordinary bullet now if all of that isn't enough to convince you that the McMillan TAC 50 deserves to be number one on my list just think about this it holds the world record for the longest confirmed kill the previous record as noted by my number eight entry was twenty-seven hundred yards but then a Canadian sniper would go on to use the TAC 50 to hit a target at over 3,500 yards firmly cementing itself as the top weapon of choice for snipers around the world thanks for watching what did you think about these sniper rifles let me know in the comments below and be sure to subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: World List
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Keywords: world 5 list, sniper rifles, most powerful, in the world, most powerful sniper rifles, most powerful sniper rifles in the world, biggest sniper rifles, strongest sniper rifles, sniper weapons, best sniper rifles, most effective, longest distance, longest range, amazing rifles, biggest rifles, strongest rifles, longest sniper rifles, craziest sniper rifles, best snipers, worst snipers, most efficient snipers, top, top 10, top ten, top most, list, facts, world5list
Id: YdfRA3rxn98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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