10 Most POWERFUL And Magical Plants In The World!

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to look at an average garden plant you wouldn't think it was anything other than pretty to look at but would you believe that some plants are not only magical but powerful as well dive deep into any plant's history and discover all the secrets within from an insect killing trap to a psychiatric disorder inducing perennial here are 10 of the most powerful and magic plants in the world before we begin make sure to hit that like button subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell for more amazing videos every day that being said let's begin number 10 mandrake a mandrake is either a mediterranean or english plant route that most people associate with harry potter while you won't find any screaming mandrake monsters in real life you will find a whole host of powerful and potent features that'll make you think twice about using this plant in any way the mandrake has a thick root bell-shaped flowers and berries that can be orange or yellow the roots often look like little humans which is why this plant has often appeared in traditions and rituals throughout history some people have even said that they can look a bit like a person and indeed some mandrakes do have an odd human-like shape to them aside from its unique looks there is more to this plant than meets the eye it's hairy and has tropane alkaloids in the roots and leaves that have some strange effects it's hypnotic hallucinogenic and can even lead to asphyxiation due to it being anticholinergic imagine your cause of death being suffocating by houseplant if you ingest mandrake you can experience vomiting diarrhea blurred vision pupil dilation rapid heart rate dizziness headaches hyperactivity and more the mandrake is clearly a narcotic and with enough of it you can use it to knock someone unconscious our forefathers learned that early on and decided to use it as an anesthetic in surgical procedures even though it has some reasonably gnarly side effects if you ingest it it was also thought to have some superstitions attached to it in amulet form it could bring good fortune you could also use it to command people to hell for use in a witch's flying ointment or to have a friendly meeting with the devil number nine four-leaf clover anyone who spots a four-leaf clover immediately feels a little lucky some people pick them dry them and carry them around for luck but is there any merit in this is the four-leaf clover actually magical as most people know clovers usually have three leaves so it's pretty unique to find one with four clovers work similarly to humans where recessive traits can dictate what the likely offspring will have if your parents are both red-headed then there's a decent chance you would be too the same rule applies to clovers if both parent clovers have four leaves then the baby will too scientists believe that for every ten thousand clovers that grow you will find one that has four leaves dedicated groups have put that theory to the test and noted that it's more likely to be every 5 700 approximately you have around a 0.017 chance of picking up that lucky plan so why does picking up a piece of greenery with four leaves on it brings so much happiness four leaf clovers are thought to signify love luck hope and faith a more outlandish power according to legend is that this plant can help you see fairies number eight ginger ginger doesn't allow you to open the door between life or death or wish poor fortune upon someone you don't like but it does have medicinal powers which makes it one of the most powerful plants in the world this strange looking route features in many cuisines around the world including asian and indian it not only adds a bit of zing and spice to the dishes but it's packed full of healthy properties that will surely appeal to those who are feeling a little under the weather it's antibacterial antioxidant and even antiviral is there anything ginger can't do not likely this amazing plant aids in digestion nutrient absorption and even joint pain you can reap the rewards of its anti-nausea effect and how it clears your micro circulatory channels ginger might be a gnarly looking root that's a bit absurd to use but it's a mighty powerful plant that could put you in tip-top shape number 7. fran gapani the francopani is a beautiful flower from the dog bane family that supposedly represents life fertility and sexuality it's indigenous to the caribbean central america brazil florida and mexico but will flourish in almost any warm environment the frangapani is undeniably a beauty but once you know what it represents in cultures around the world you'll think twice about planning any on your property in singapore smelling the stunning scent of fran gapani doesn't necessarily mean there are any planted nearby instead apontiana could be lurking in a banana tree apontianic is supposedly a female vampire ghost also known as kunti that loiters around on earth after dying in childbirth their scent is apparently similar to that of fran gapani the cultural area of north america known as mesoamerica believes that fran gapani also known as plumerias has symbolic significance life fertility female sexuality and elite status are all thought to relate to this flower then in indonesia the philippines and malaysia you associate fran gapani with ghosts and cemeteries they are often planted on burial grounds as an offering whether you think they can bring about an evil vampire spirit or not there's plenty of reasons to just go ahead and plant roses instead number six truffles truffles are a strange plant or fungi they look like a clump of dirt live under the soil and take a specially trained dog or pig to sniff them out once they do and you prepare them for sale they're worth a premium with a black paragord truffle selling for as much as two thousand dollars per pound given the uniqueness of this fungi you may wonder how they came to be truffles started appearing around 3000 bc and were thought to be the result of thunderbolts from zeus hitting the earth making them both powerful and desirable in ancient greece people even used to believe it took thunder and lightning for them to grow whatever their origin and power however they sure are delicious truffles add much needed flavor to meat pasta and eggs as well as being used for truffle salt and honey number five lithops living stone lithops or living stones are powerful and magical plants for one reason alone their ability to survive when many others may not lithops are unique plants that look like stones to any passing insect they may as well be nothing tasty to eat here move along lithops are succulents which have the unique ability to blend in with rocks they feature two leaves a short stem and a deliciously sweet smelling flower that sprouts through the middle of the rock in the fall they're so good at hiding that it took researchers and scientists a long time to discover them botanist william burchell was exploring south africa when he came across a curiously shaped pebble in 1811 while no one can verify that it is in fact lithops it was given that name at the time over the years and even as recently as 2006 new species continue to be discovered there are now hundreds of varieties around the world and there's every possibility this sneaky little plant is still hiding a few more new ones somewhere in a rocky plain waiting for you to discover them number four venus fly trap sometimes power is measurable by spooky voodoo type rituals and spiritual charms but other times it's actual strength and that's why the venus fly trap is one of the most powerful and magical plants in the world this plant is not only astounding to look at and explore but how it functions is equally as enthralling if an insect's legs so much as brushes against the venus flytrap its sphere-shaped leaves with indented edges spring closed trapping the insect inside as the insect moves around in a panic trying to escape the plant's firm grasp the plant's inner lobes begin to close over the insect and start the digestion process within 10 days the venus fly trap devours the insect and reopens to lion weight for its next victim the venus fly trap is as unique as they come and was first written about in 1760 by a colonial governor from north carolina arthur dobbs arthur wrote to english botanist peter collinson to talk about his mysterious discovery he wrote that it was an unknown species and of a dwarf plant variety the leaves are narrow and operate as a spring purse cap and the indented edges function like an iron spring fox trap arthur also gave the venus flytrap a name of fly trap sensitive number three yarrow if you thought aloe vera was the only plant that could offer relief with injuries then you'd be wrong yarrow which you'll find growing in abundance along roads coasts meadows and even highways is tackling the natural healing market head on this beautiful white perennial has long been used throughout history for many ailments while it might not be useful for all it was used for it's still proving its worth in the modern world throughout history people have used yarrow to stop nosebleeds and bleeding wounds and even achilles was thought to use it in battle according to residents of the hebrides yarrow could give a person a second sight however that's more likely to be a myth than reality everyone from navajo and cherokee through to ojibwe and other north american groups use yarrow in dried fresh and poultice form for its magical healing properties navajos swear by it for toothache while other north american groups consider it the aspirin of nature being able to help with sleep headaches and fever it'll only be a matter of time before people are out on the roadsides in their droves hoping to pick up some of this magical and powerful plan for themselves number 2 dragonblood tree dragon blood tree is native to yemen near the arabian sea and produces a striking crimson red sap while many standard plants serve one or two purposes this one has been known to provide dozens of uses making it one of the most powerful plants in the world the evergreen dragon tree has a densely packed crown that offers an upturned appearance it has secondary growth leaves only on its youngest branches and branches that only grow once the buds on it have flowered or died but it's not so much its structure that gives it its power but what you can use its various parts for the root offers a gum-like resin that was traditionally used as a stimulant in toothpaste and gargle water the root itself was and still is popular for joint pain known as rheumatism even the leaves serve a purpose as they're known as carbonative or beneficial for preventing flatulence a tree that prevents gas who would have thought but then there's the crimson red resin which takes all the glory and rightly so known as dragon's blood it has been used as everything from a form of medicine to a dye it was often used for pottery repairs wool dyeing lipstick and breath freshener then later on it proved popular in alchemy and ceremonial magic as well even today dragon's blood is a common material for violin varnish and photo engraving if power comes from versatility then the dragonblood tree is leading the pack number one deadly nightshade if ever there was a plan to earn its name of deadly nightshade then this branching herbaceous perennial would be it don't be fooled by its beautiful bell-shaped flowers purple and green color scheme and shiny dark berries it's anything but beautiful on the inside any accidental or purposeful ingestion of deadly nightshade also known as belladonna could have deadly consequences it can cause pregnancy complications psychiatric disorders gastrointestinal problems and cardiovascular disease so potent are its toxins that it used to be a favorite poison in poison-tipped arrows and surgeons would use it as anesthetic even in folk tales the authors didn't mess around with words it is thought that witches would add it to their cauldrons to create flying ointment or help guide their brooms to their covens if you come across this plant anywhere in the world don't be in too much of a hurry to inspect it up close from dangerous and deadly to downright weird these powerful and magical plants from around the world shortly surprised you do you know of any others also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 687,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Powerful, Mythological, Mythical, Facts, Medicinal Plants, Plants, Origins, Explained, Legendary, Top, Top Most, Plant, Best Magic, Medicinal Herbs, Magical Powers, Natural History, Forest, Powerful Plants, Powerful Crystals, Crystal Healing, Spiritual Healing, Conspiracy, Found in Nature, Natural Medicine, Medicine in Nature, Natural Health, Most Powerful, Magical Plants, In the World, Plant’s History, Magical but Powerful, Discover, New, Viral, Tree, Found, Discovery, Strange, Unusual
Id: xoUsVu6T2SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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