10 Most Intelligent People of All Time

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10 most intelligent people of all time number 10 William James Sidis if you judge intelligence by IQ score alone William James Sidis was one of the smartest men to have ever lived in fact his astounding IQ score of 275 outshines most others on its list for reference the average IQ is between 90 and 110 and over 120 is considered superior so that's extremely impressive at age 11 he entered Harvard University as one of the youngest students in the school's history he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree [ __ ] Lord on June 18th 1914 at age 16 after graduation he had a brief stint as a maths professor before going into hiding to avoid public scrutiny in July 1944 sidess landlady found him unconscious in his small Boston apartment he had suffered a massive stroke and was pronounced dead at the age of 46 number 9 Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most celebrated artists of all time creating masterpieces such as the Last Supper the Vinci van man and the Mona Lisa however da Vinci was more than an artist he was a scientist mathematician inventor and a biologist after his death his journals from the late 15th century were discovered revealing a spirit of scientific inquiry and inventiveness that was centuries ahead of their time for instance many people believe that the modern day helicopter which wasn't built until the 1940s was actually depicted in his sketches and one of the earliest descriptions of the mesentery the newest organ to be discovered in the human body in the last couple of years was made by him all those years ago far from just a talented artist da Vinci is one of the most diversity talented individuals in the history of our species number 8 Isaac Newton Sir Isaac Newton's wide range of discoveries including his groundbreaking works and the laws of motion and gravity form the basis of modern physics but arguably his true genius comes from how he applied these theories to the universe at large explaining the motions of the Sun and the planets in a way that had never been done before his book principia mathematica still remains one of the most influential texts in recorded history in it newton breaks down the workings of the solar system explaining the nature of planetary orbits and the pull between heavenly bodies by describing why the moon orbits the earth and not vice-versa the book literally changed the way people saw the world number seven marilyn von cervan columnist and author Marilyn Vos savant made history in nineteen 86 when she was named the Guinness Book of World Records as the person with the highest IQ at the age of 10 she scored 228 on the stanford-binet test a cognitive ability and intelligence test used to diagnose intellectual prowess in young children in the wake of her newfound fame Parade magazine launched the popular ask Maryland column where she would solve puzzles and answer questions of various subjects which still runs today the most famous of them was the Monty Hall math problem which she answered correctly in 1990 and in 1989 New York magazine called her and her husband Robert Jarvik who designed the first successful artificial heart the smartest couple in New York number 6 Nikola Tesla inventor and engineer Nikola Tesla was acclaimed for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system that we still use today in the early 1980s Tesla worked under Thomas Edison for a short time before we struck out on his own to strengthen his electrical a/c discoveries in an effort to provide free energy for the entire world but after a series of unsuccessful attempts to go it alone and with Edison repeatedly stopping him in his tracks Tesla wound up pretty much penniless he died in 1943 but it wasn't until 1960 that his name came back into public knowledge thanks to the General Conference on weights and measures choosing to name the magnetic flux density unit the Tesla today we know the name thanks to Tesla Motors the car company which makes electric cars number 5 Kim annyeong with an IQ score of 210 South Korean civil engineer Kim annyeong was recorded by the Guinness Book of World Records as one of the most intelligent people of all time born in 1962 hoon Jung was only four months old when he started talking and by the age of three when most kids begin to understand one language he could speak Korean English Japanese and German by four years old he had penned two short books of essays a year later an article was published about his extraordinary intelligence in Look magazine and after reading it a teacher from Grant High School in Los Angeles wrote to onion in February 1967 his father applied five-year-old annyeong to be enrolled at the high school he went to the United States to study and later ended up working for NASA for the better part of a decade at age 18 he quit his job at NASA and moved back to South Korea he is currently a professor at Chungbuk National University number four Alan Turing during World War two and ensuring help to crack the Enigma machine which the German military using to send cryptic messages Winston Churchill considered his work to be crucial in winning the war he's not just known for defeating the Nazis with his code-breaking skills though his mathematical work is the basis of modern computing iPads Facebook mobile phones are all based on his ideas he also created the Turing test in 1950 as a means of gauging a computer's intelligence the test in which a computer attempts to fool a human into thinking it's talking to a real person is still a benchmark for artificial intelligence today but shirring didn't have an easy life in 1952 he was prosecuted for homosexual acts when being gay was still illegal in the UK he accepted chemical castration treatment as an alternative to prison two years later 16 days before his 42nd birthday cheering died from cyanide poisoning an inquest determined his death as suicide he was granted a posthumous pardon in 2013 number 3 mary curie mary Curie is probably best known for her groundbreaking research into radioactivity which was instrumental in the development of x-rays in surgery she's also the first woman to win a Nobel Prize the first person to win it twice in physics and then in chemistry and the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne in 1895 she married and together with her husband Pierre they toiled research in the new field of radioactivity when Pierre died she continued their work and took over his teaching post after the awarding of her Nobel prizes she became a famous face of science and used her influence to get funding for research into radioactivity when the first world war king Curie helped to equip ambulances with x-ray equipment which he drove herself to the frontlines however her long years of work with radioactive elements weakened her health and caused her death in 1934 number 2 Stephen Hawking many people argue that English physicist Stephen Hawking is the smartest man living today he is known for his contributions in the field of cosmology general relativity and quantum gravity especially in the context of black holes in the 1960s and 1970s he made the theoretical prediction that black holes should emit radiation which is known today as Hawking radiation his revolutionary book a brief history in time published in 1988 discussed his discoveries including his development of the Big Bang Theory written in language simplified enough for most of us to understand the book stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for a hundred and forty seven weeks and has now sold more than 10 million copies worldwide due to his inspiring battle with ALS and his undying love for physics Hawking is viewed as a symbol of knowledge and intelligence in pop culture and number one Albert Einstein today the very name Einstein is synonymous with genius the German born theoretical physicist is famous for his formula e equals MC squared in 1921 he received a Nobel Prize in Physics for his service to theoretical physics and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect this was a pivotal step in the evolution of quantum theory which explains the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level he also participated in developing nuclear fission an endeavor he later regarded with mixed feelings when it was weaponized as the atomic bomb and in 1955 at age 76 he died from an abdominal aortic aneurysm so that was 10 most intelligent people of all time is there anyone here that we've missed let us know in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video check out 10 science experiments that ended in disaster [Music]
Channel: Alltime10s
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Keywords: Alltime10s, 10s, facts, list, top 10, intelligent people, intelligence, most intelligent people, iq, highest iq, intelligence test, william james sidis, leonardo da vinci, isaac newton, Marilyn vos Savant, nikola tesla, kim ung yong, alan turing, marie curie, radioactivity, stephen hawking, albert einstein, nobel prize, quantum theory, brief history of time, edison, da vinci, most clever person in the world, most intelligent people in the world, most intelligent people of all time
Id: cNP8j1Xs3nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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