10 Most Insane Flying Cars That Will Come In 2025

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science fiction has teased the idea of flying cars for decades but in the real world they've been nothing more than a concept that's beginning to change as companies around the world begin to look at making personal air travel feasible so who's working on making science fiction a reality let's take a look boobers VTOL taxis of all the VTOL taxi projects ubers is the biggest so far the company targets 2023 as the year its services will first become commercially available but we could see the first uber air taxis as soon as next year Uber's had its eyes on air travel as early as 2016 and last year it committed to offering the first tests in Dallas Los Angeles and Dubai in 2020 the planned crafts look kind of like a modern miniaturized version of a turboprop plane but with a key difference they will take off and land from massive sky ports placed throughout the cities they serve each plane will be capable of a speed of 150 miles per hour and a range of about 60 miles on non reserved power with one pilot and four passengers on board and run completely on electric power using an automated system although the pilot can take control in case of an issue aero mobiles prototype Aero mobile based in Slovakia is determined to make a functioning flying car they are on their fourth prototype so you know they aren't joking all the prototypes are loosely known as the Aero mobile and the first of the cars should ship to private owners in 2020 the company has plenty of concept art to show helpeth harbour work in its final form it's one of the more notable hybrid models and we aren't talking about fuel unlike true beat halls hybrid flying cars are often designed to take off from learn ways to gain flying but also have the ability to refer a more car-like shape that allows them to drive on roads as you can tell this requires both retractable wheels and wings along with a very efficient fuel system aeromobil is hoping it can create a functional electronic model the company has partnered with notable organizations including starburst an aerospace accelerator to help get its car to market ASAP Airbus vahana project vahana from Airbus seeks to create an electric VTOL aircraft that is entirely self piloted there are a lot of advantages to the self piloting model it can save costs when it comes to hiring and training pilots who typically expect a higher salary than a taxi driver and software engineers already have plenty of experience creating autopilot system for larger planes that can be applied to these vetoes it's also an ideal way to run a taxi service since the cars can automatically return themselves to centers for maintenance or take a different route based on current orders in early 2018 the vahana prototype had its first successful full-scale flight test it wasn't much the 20 foot aircraft simply rose 16 feet into the air and stayed there for 53 seconds however it did this entirely with the autopilot technology Airbus has flown about 50 test flights since and says it's on track for a 2020 debut Kittyhawks flying prototype Kittyhawks CEO sebastian thron claims that flying its latest prototype is as easy to use as playing in Minecraft so we're already sold this also means there's currently no pilot's license required to drive it the latest prototype appropriately called Flyer is a 250 pound model created by the startup to show off its ultralight design Kitty Hawk started by Thurn and Google co-founder Larry Page plans on creating both a personal flying machine that's largely for off-road fund ultralight vehicles like this can't fly over urban areas by law and an air taxi for more urban environments the small drone personal flier holds a lot of promise for those who want a quick and dirty flying car experience but so far it's only available for test flights at a lakeside training center volocopter 2x the volocopter design is ambitious and it looks really cool the mini copter is designed for personal flight and features 18 rotors controlled via a single joystick and powered via electric batteries we'd say that the whole thing isn't very practical but then they went ahead and made a full-size test model and ran it across the stage at CES 2018 thanks to a little sponsorship by Intel the 2x can carry two passengers and has a flight time of 30 minutes and a range of 17 miles between shard centers entails work on the projects includes complex tech including four independent sensor units to control positioning nine different electric battery packs with built-in redundancies and even a parachute stowed on top of the vehicle in case something goes wrong it's no wonder of bollo copter is Dubai's latest pick for its upcoming air taxi fleet although Dubai has dumped other prototypes in the past so it's not a guaranteed deal work house sure fly the sure fly is a robust beetle that's aimed at commercial services and personal consumers looking for a durable self control flying experience and don't mind paying around two hundred thousand dollars per unit it's not just a concept model either interested buyers can already plunk down a $1,000 refundable deposit for the first commercially available models a release date is not known yet as the Federal Aviation Administration must certify the sure fly before it can be sold which may take up to two years the sure fly has eight propellers and a top speed of 75 miles per hour while unlike other vetoes it does operate on gasoline a battery pack will provide an extra 10 minutes of flying time if sir the initial version will be able to carry about 400 pounds of cargo although a more heavy duty version capable of carrying up to 650 pounds is currently in development another aim of workhorse is to make the shirt fly easy to pilot which is why most of the controls are automating just gene controls are in the aircraft a joystick to control direction and a throttle control on the pilots door opener black fly coming from Canadian designer opener the black fly is a highly distinctive detalle that combines personal piloting with a wealth of automatic features including Auto landing and automated return home functions thus and they believe flight without the need for formal licensing a popular trend as you may have noticed despite the design black fly flies via a familiar method eight drone like rotors are positioned across two wings taking off however is a bit more unique as the Vita is made to rock back and forth to literally pick up momentum to launch upward let's allow for a lengthy 40 mile range at 7.2 miles per hour although regulations limit those numbers substantially for those who want to fly their own aerial vehicles what's really special here is the promise of affordability and availability the company is aiming to release its first craft this year at roughly the same cost as an SUV we'll see if they're able to do it Terrafugia transition with retractable wings and wheels the transition is another hybrid model designed to convert between the road and the skies as needed but that's not the only way that the transition is a true hybrid model it also uses the combination of gas and electric engines to help power the model and a boost mode for an extra burst of speed when flying which sounds a little dangerous to us but what do we know in the past the transition was expected to eventually sell at 280 thousand dollars but these days the company is refraining from providing a list price he hang 180 for when the e hang 180 for first at CES a few years ago it seemed pretty impossible a personal quadcopter VTOL that was fully automated totally safe completely comfortable and powered via a basic touchscreen interface that anyone can use frankly it all seemed like so much vaporware with a bunch of claims that couldn't really be substantiated these days he hang is still making some pretty crazy claims for example it's hard to believe the company has tested its model more than a thousand times in all types of situations including gale force winds with 500 pounds of extra weight and so on as they claim the only test footage available is decidedly more pedestrian after all this sort of thing has happened before Joby Aviation's air taxi after working for years on personal aerial craft Joby aviation recently received a massive cash infusion from the likes of Toyota and Intel that provides 100 million dollars to create an electric air taxi this model is interesting because it's larger than many projects able to seat up to 5 and while it is called a VTOL the model appears to be based on a more traditional craft with multiple propellers which raises a lot of questions about how it'll work in practice hopefully we will be able to see a real prototype before too long [Music] you
Channel: Insane Reality
Views: 791,513
Rating: 4.6507516 out of 5
Keywords: flying cars, concept cars, amazing cars, future, 2020, 2019, cars, drone, technology, aeromobil, concept car, aeromobil 3.0, science fiction, self-driving car, smart car, dubai, flyi, Most Amazing Real Flying Cars, Amazing Real Flying Cars, cars 2020, future cars, cars 2030, futuristic cars 2020, Uber’s VTOL taxis, flying car 2020, 2020 technology, Airbus Vahana, Kitty Hawk’s flying prototype, Volocopter 2X, Opener BlackFly, Ehang 184, Joby Aviation’s, UBER, TAXI
Id: mt3bT6GN6Ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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