10 Most Eerie Cryptids

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cryptozoology is the study of creatures whose existence isn't yet proven some are supported by evidence while others were born from ancient legends many are surrounded by mysterious occurrences and there is eerie s they are curious [Music] Francoise Toulouse was a Swiss geologist in 1920 he went to Venezuela on an oil expedition it was a disaster from the start disease a native attacks pros for team of 20 people down to just four while camping beside a river said two strange monkey like creatures approached they were so big Deloitte sports very young bears at first but it was soon obvious they were primates the mysterious primates became aggressive and threw things at man causing them to shoes one this image was taken of that mysterious aim it was claimed as an unknown species and still today its identity is unclear 1952 was a strange year for West Virginia's flatwoods local children began reporting a flying creature with glowing red eyes pear-shaped with long fin arms witnesses encountered the creature deep within the woods when the creature spotted a human it was immediately rise into the air and drift towards them it was ten foot tall and as it got closer witnesses would begin to feel sick and filled with a sense of dread even after running to safety they would suffer convulsions and show symptoms of mustard gas exposure before long the encounters stopped being reported some say the flatwoods monster was an alien craft others say it was a demon in 1972 many people reported seeing a giant four foot tall frog and almost human size frog just walking around living its frog life it was usually reported beside a road in Loveland Ohio there isn't much to say about it really people just kept claiming to encounter a massive frog but those reporting these encounters were respected members of the community police officers and business people who probably weren't lying they might have been crazy though it's said the waters of iron a / have long been inhabited by a giant sea monster with a serpent-like body it has six snarling dog heads attached to long necks many have claims to see it over the years some trace it back to ancient Greek mythology which told of terrifying sea monsters in fermented Turanian like them it's said that almost anyone who encounters this monster will die almost instantly the government have actually set out to find the sea monster but that could just be a stunt to attract tourists also known as the great snake of the Orange River this beast is said to be as old as the earth itself according to legends grootslang is a giant serpent who lives deep within a South African cave the cave is filled with diamonds and gems used to lure humans huva beasts will consume grootslang is large enough to kill and eat elephants they say he was created by the gods at the same time as the planet but he was a mistake they gave him too much strength and too much intelligence even four gods were unable to destroy grootslang and so he's still out there preying on anyone who enters his cave Indonesia's Java has seen a lot of deforestation revealing new species of bird some hope fervently forestation will reveal via who'll age ID bat with large dark eyes and savage claws with its ten-foot wingspan it's like a cross between a monkey and an eagle first reported in 1925 by an explorer they are said to live deep in the forest and only emerge at night to hunt they hunt in groups of 20 enough to easily swarm a human and tear them to shreds not the best way to die this cryptid has a name so ridiculous it makes me mad but I'm going to try and pronounce it anyway Manon and yeah Gao manananggal manga Gao manananggal it's a vampire liked wings creature said to holds the Philippines hurts also is severed from her legs and floats through the air just like a vampire she sucks the blood of humans to survive her preferred victims are pregnant women upon finding a sleeping pregnant woman she was drinking the blood of both her and the unborn child and disappear before sunrise the only way to kill HEIs to sprinkle salt or garlic on her wound the Bunya is a large mythical beast said to lurk in swamps and rivers as it awaits its next prey sadly it preys on humans in the 19th century it was reported throughout Australia said to be nine different subspecies of bunyip descriptions varied wildly but each was just as deadly most accounts describe a large monstrous dog bigger than a hippopotamus native Australians also believed in the beast in fact of a name Bunyan means evil spirit in several native languages Chinese mythology describes mysterious creatures with a similar appearance to giraffes it's an omen of death who appears when a great and wise ruler dies it's seen as a good sign ensuring a new great leader will now emerge in the old ones place long ago the creature is said to have followed an explorer back to China from Africa and since then it has taken on the appearance of a giraffe but really it's a shape-shifting dragon I'm surprised this is classed as a cryptid it obviously doesn't exist I mean human sized frogs are one thing but shape-shifting dragons stop it I think the Yeti could exist I've seen stranger things by which I don't mean vanilluxe show just things that are quite bizarre I've seen a monkey punch a dwarf but anyway we can't know for how long people have believed in the Yeti it was every eighteen hundred's Europeans began reporting encounters with it described as a giant aid like beasts he was said to carry a large stone in one hand to bludgeon his victims he is a bipedal creature covered in dog white hair able to disappear into these snow storms with which he moved still today many within the pool believe Envy Yeti serve at the end of this video if you want to support this channel you can do so simply by leaving a like and if you want more content from me I have a second channel where I do different videos about different things [Music]
Channel: Eskify
Views: 116,210
Rating: 4.8482285 out of 5
Keywords: Cryptids, cryptozoology, cryptid
Id: mZj17EADK5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2017
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