10 Most ANNOYING "Unwritten Rules" in Sports

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[Music] what is goin on guys every sport has a number of unwritten rules even if something isn't mentioned in the rulebook athletes are expected to follow certain standards they don't face repercussions from the league for breaking these unwritten rules but they receive retaliation from the opposition along with plenty of media backlash but we think a handful of unwritten rules and sports are outdated and straight-up ridiculous it's time for teams to simply agree to scrap such rules and call it fair game I'm Jason Biondo and today we present the 10 most annoying unwritten rules in sports number 10 no shooting the puck after the whistle and hockey one of the most disrespectful acts is when a player shoots the puck at the goalie after a whistle you don't see this happen too often because well hockey players try to be polite and follow the unwritten rule even in EA Sports NHL games if a player shoots the puck at the goalie after the whistle the computer player will automatically try to start a fight from a goalie standpoint it simply tried to protect their own territory they hate it when a puck goes past them and into the net it's considered taunting when a player shoots the puck at the goal when there's a stoppage in play you see it happens the very odd time in the NHL and it of course leads to some scraps I mean like I guess players should be allowed to practice their shooting but it's still a taunt sometimes their instinct is to shoot even right after the whistle it's not like they're trying to injure the goalie or anything but I mean again they're taunting so it's wrong I guess is a good way to keep the netminder sharp number 9 don't go for it on fourth down and when you're winning big there will always be a debate about running up the score in sports and there will never be a clear-cut answer about whether it's right or wrong like we get it if you're in a kid's league if the team is winning big you should pump the brakes you don't want to traumatize children but in college and in the NFL teams should be allowed to pad their stats and run the score up as much as they want sometimes you want to score as many points as possible for tiebreaker purposes and of course players and teams are trying to cash in on incentives in their contracts and break records the 2007 Patriots wouldn't have been such a machine if they quit trying after giving up 20 points when a team is up big they tend to not go for it on fourth down a lot of their just punted or take a field goal is Bill Belichick the only NFL head coach who doesn't care about all these unwritten rules by trying to score as many points as possible teams shouldn't be sighs if they go for it on fourth down when they're winning big number eight always dribble out the clock in basketball when winning your basketball players were probably warned about this in high school or even in elementary when a basketball game is practically settled in the final seconds you simply dribble out the clock you don't try to pad your stats and add garbage time points maybe it's part of being a good sport as a youth basketball player but it's annoying that NBA players have to follow it as well think about November 2018 game between the Celtics and Nuggets led by a young Canadian star Jamal Murray the Nuggets defeated the Celtics 115 to 107 Murray had 48 points in the game but he took one last shot at the buzzer in an effort to reach 50 points that bothered Celtics point guard Kyrie Irving who took the ball and threw it into the crowd Irving would come down after the game and congratulate Murray and a postgame interview however he also called it a BS move on Murray's end and said the ball deserves to go in the crowd come on now NBA players other guys try to pad their sets like Aunt Marie have funny try to hit 50 and come on some of us play fantasy basketball here coming I don't but you know number seven no base stealing when you're crushing the opponent the MLB has a ton of unwritten rules and one of their most notable one is this if a team is leading by a wide margin then they shouldn't be stealing bases it's considered a case of being disrespectful and an attempt to run up the score one of the more infamous incidents regarding the unwritten rule took place in a 1998 game between the San Francisco Giants and the Philadelphia Phillies the Giants were leading by seven runs at one point and Slugger Barry Bonds stole a base in the fifth inning that drew the ire of Phillies pitcher Ricky Batali Co next time Bonds went up to bed Batali Co hit him with the pitch and the San Fran all-star then charged the mound and attacked the pitcher whoops led to a heated brawl between the two teams Baz defended his actions by pointing out that it was the fifth inning and the game was simply not over but Phillies pitcher Curt Schilling said there was no excuse for bunts to do something like that sorry people Laban's has a point we've seen baseball teams erased had nothing deficits before a seven run lead isn't the most secure in baseball it's good but it's not secure it's not perfect it's not a guaranteed win it's never a guaranteed win actually especially during the fifth inning stealing bases is part of the game don't like it when you're losing too bad try to throw the guy out and stop whining about it the player should be allowed to steal bases until the final out of the game number six NHL don't the conference championship trophies every year the NHL Eastern Conference champion receives the Prince of Wales trophy while the Western Conference winner receives the Clarence s Campbell bowl the trophy is initially presented to the winning teams captain and he always follows his unwritten rule of not touching the trophy it's believed that if they touch the Prince of Wales trophy or Campbell Bowl the team is bound to lose in the Stanley Cup final that most years neither team touches the trophy but guess what there's a loser every year simply not touching it doesn't mean you're going to win it but folks the 2001 Colorado Avalanche 2002 Detroit Red Wings 2003 New Jersey Devils 2009 pitcher Penguins and 2018 Washington Capitals touched the conference championship trophy and they all went on to win the Stanley Cup in contrast the 2008 Penguins didn't touch the trophy and they lost in the Stanley Cup listen many of these players will only reach the Stanley Cup Finals once in their lives they could simply grab the trophy hold it up and have fun with it me personally I wouldn't touch it more often than not touching the trophy leads to losing the final but there are some teams that have been able to break the trend so just celebrate some big deal and if you lose then they bad luck for you number 5 don't talk to a pitcher during a no-hitter perfect game you just don't see many no-hitters or perfect games in baseball it's the achievement of a lifetime for any pitcher you'll notice that any time a pitcher is in the midst of a no-hitter or perfect game his teammates leave him alone he hangs out by himself in the dugout it's pure silence nobody's talking to him you ever wonder why it's quite obvious there's a superstition that if they talk to the pitcher no hitter or perfect game will be destroyed and secondly they don't want to distract the pitcher and make him lose his focus really it's just common sense but we ask this what's the problem with the coach or player trying to offer encouragement or advice at any rate it's a rule that practically every baseball player must know even if it's not in the rulebook again personally I wouldn't talk to the pitcher let him do his thing number four soccer don't celebrate goals against your former team there's a common trend in soccer where teams refused to celebrate if they score a goal against their old team a famous instance came in 1974 when Denis Law scored a big goal for Manchester City against his old menu squad at Old Trafford Cristiano Ronaldo even refused to celebrate a goal he scored for Real Madrid against Manchester United for Bertie Alma Coley said he couldn't do it because it's like hurting an old friend now that is pure sportsmanship just being a good all-around person that is that is class right there ladies and gentlemen that's class now listen we understand the whole being respectful stuff that's awesome but again they could celebrate not the biggest deal I mean they shouldn't feel guilty for scoring on their old team their old team unless like your old team screwed them over and like you really have to feel that bad it's not feeling bad about it's going against your old team celebrate unless you want to continue to have awesome class it's also a good thing if you do that too so you know choose what you want to do I don't really have a full opinion on this one but yeah just telegram if you want if you don't good for you number three don't play hard defense on victory formations when an offensive team lines up in victory formation in football the defensive players usually play nice they back off and they accept defeat well the very odd time some teams get so desperate and hope the other team will screw up no bull rush through the o-line in hopes it caused a fumble or something such a thing happened during in Los Angeles Rams Detroit Lions game in 2016 and in another instance the type of a Buccaneers tried doing it in a 2012 game against the Dallas Cowboys I mean it shouldn't be condemned there are odd cases of quarterbacks fumbling routine snaps and the defense is desperate they say never quit well this unwritten rule forces teams to quit this is just us or is there something wrong with that number two NHL general managers don't sign off sheets NHL GM's always try to maintain strong working relationships if they start to burn bridges with their peers well life gets a lot more difficult and for GM's one of the biggest cardinal sins is signing an opposing player to an offer sheet they say general managers don't do them because they don't want bad blood they fear that by signing an offer sheet it will destroy their working relationship with other GM's so they often refuse to do it in 2007 Edmonton Oilers GM Kevin lo targeted the cap strapped Anaheim Ducks and signed forward Dustin Penner to a five-year contract worth twenty one point two five million dollars the Ducks couldn't afford to match it so they let Penner go and accept the draft pick compensation however Ducks GM Brian Burke lashed out at Lowe and it created plenty of rift among the two after that there were only five NHL offer sheets between 2008 and 2018 and every single one of them was matched in 2019 the Montreal Canadiens signed Carolina Hurricanes star Sebastian a to an offer sheet worth 42 million dollars over five years one was matched quickly but the canes weren't the least bit happy about Montreal stunt we've seen so many star RFA's go unsigned which ruins the fun of hockey Steven Stamkos Drew Doughty and William Neil endure are among some of the top NHL stars that were eligible for offer sheets but the GM's would invite the bullet because of this dumb unwritten rule just sign the guide to an offer sheet and if his team can't afford to match too bad it's on a young star and get him while he can't I guess it's good business so I can't really knock on that but you know I don't think is a big deal number one no bunting to break up a no-hitter there are many MLB greats who never threw a no-hitter it's truly a special accomplishment any time a pitcher manages to complete the task well just think about how many no-hitters and perfect games would have been broken up if teams decided to bunt well there's an unwritten rule in baseball where a team shall not try to break up a no-hitter by taking the easy bunt single there have been some memorable cases where a no-hitter was broken up on a bunt single and the 2017 game between the Tigers and Seattle Mariners Justin Verlander lost a perfect game in the bottom of the sixth when Jarrod Dyson bunted his way aboard Curt Schilling had a perfect game going in a 2001 game he was just five outs away but Ben Davis placed the perfect bunt to break up shillings flawless performance in June 2019 MLB riders asked multiple players at bunting on a no-no is fair game 14 voted yes and 16 said it's against the code Felix Hernandez argued that it's disrespectful Elvis Andrus of the Texas Rangers said only if before the fifth inning Billy Hamilton said you can win if you don't score you can't score if you don't get on base I do it well the last time we checked bunting is a smart and easy way to reach base and the point of baseball is to try and score runs to win games not to give the pitcher an easier chance at recording a no-no so really why is this still an unwritten rule why is there a debate about it the MLB rulebook says nothing about bunting being illegal in a no-no situation are there any other unwritten rules we missed join me in the comments section below make sure to follow myself and TPS and social media we post great content all the time subscribe to me on tick-tock I might take talks all the time and they're really good also we're all over Twitter Instagram TPS myself wherever we're gonna find us YouTube everywhere subscribe the TPS on YouTube we post videos every single day like this video too because if you learned a thing or two and you know give it a like of course thank you so much for watching I'm Jason Biondo I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: TPS
Views: 756,670
Rating: 4.5237207 out of 5
Keywords: Most ANNOYING Unwritten Rules, in, Sports, Unwritten Rules in sports, Unwritten Rules in the nfl, Unwritten Rules in mlb, Unwritten Rules in nba, Unwritten Rules in nhl, rules in the nfl we dont know about, what rules in sports fans don know, crazy rules in sports, sports rules for dummies, weird sports rules, crazy sports rules, stupid sports rules, obscure sports rules, No Shooting The Puck After The Whistle, Don’t Go For It On Fourth Down When You’re Winning Big, nfl, nba, mlb
Id: UfK5t90FY58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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