TEN BEST BALANCE EXERCISES, from Physical Therapist

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welcome one of the most requested videos I'm giving is one for balance and as a physical therapist I am all for this and I am so happy to share with y'all ten of my favorite exercises to help increase your balance the first one is to help strengthen the lower legs when we fall we tend to come up on our tiptoes or pull our toes up right so if we can strengthen the lower legs that will help us recover from a loss of balance so you're going to need a chair for this and you're going to stand behind your chair and you're going to lift up on your toes and we're going to do this three sets of ten up and down up and down if you feel you can do this without holding on then you're going to try without holding on and maybe you need something in between so maybe a fingertip and ten good job the next exercise is lifting the toes up so you can't release new beginning okay so now we're going to be pulling the toes up not quite as easy and don't worry if they're not gumming up too much but what we're doing is helping strengthen right near their shins and we're also going to do this ten times this is seven eight nine ten great job y'all we're going to repeat that two more sets so now we go right back to the human races ready up and down up and down seven eight nine and ten and now we go right into the toe braces coming back on the heels not so much that you're pulling the chair it should just come up a little bit we're going to ten with these pulling the toes up seven eight nine ten great last set up on your tiptoes ten this is your last set we're doing three sets of ten eight nine and ten good and now let's let the toes up if you haven't already noticed I am not wearing shoes I think it's helpful to do these barefoot if you can it just helps strengthen some different parts of their feet that if they were confinement a big tennis shoe may not get to you have two more one more and ten good job the next one is called stand-up in turn you're going to need a chair for this preferably a sturdy one but whatever you have is going to work you're gonna sit on the edge we're going to stand up turn in a circle and sit down without using your hands if possible so follow with me stand up you're gonna walk in a circle and now try to sit down without holding on good let's try it again stand up walk in a circle and sit down we're gonna do this five times up circle and sit good again if you're feeling dizzy just take your time with it or take a break I think this is v right v and sit good job so just take a little bit of a rest right just to get your bearings straight and when you're ready we're going to stand up and do five in the other direction okay ready let's go stand Circle other direction and sit good again up Circle and sit again [Music] you have two more up and last one you got this stand up and sit the next one is to change how we are standing we're going to make ourselves less stable so that we can challenge yourself to work on our balance you're going to need to turn your chair like this and you're going to put your right foot in front of your left foot so your heel is right in front of your toes as if you're standing on the line now I'm going to give you three different levels the first level is to try and challenge yourself by letting go to the chair now your goal is to hold this position for about 10 seconds you might find yourself wobbling and that's okay if you lose your balance this is what the chairs for good if you've mastered that I'm taking you to level two we're going to be swinging our arms why because we don't usually lose our balance by standing still do we it's usually during an activity or a quick motion that's very good keep swinging and your goal is not to come out of that line and relax I'm taking you to level three if you choose now we're going to take out some of our vision by turning your head to the right and left and right and left now you may be losing your balance a little bit and if so you could put your hand on the chair maybe a fingertip because as we age certain things affect our balance one is strength one is our vision sometimes it can be an inner ear issue give me two more good job and another thing is reaction time meaning as we age our reaction time gets shorter gets smaller meaning when we lose our balance it's sometimes too late our reaction time is later than when you were younger now you're switching feet okay now we're going to put the left foot right in front of the right handle stance and when you're ready if you're ready for level one we let go of the chair so this is quarantine you are not allowed to look at my roots or my toenails my own polished air difference but we're all right we're all in this together this is a level 1 or level 2 would be swinging the arms though this said it's back and forth let's swing them side to side so if the kids like I'm giving you exercises to lose your balance it's correct I am I'm training your body to recover from losing their balance so that when we really lose our balance we can stop ourselves before we have that fall side-to-side you can get your hips into it if you want you can rotate your hips or just the arms and relaxed level 3 would be taking some of the vision out of it this time I want you to look to the ceiling and look to the ground and ceiling and ground and maybe you feel this feet and those lower legs working really hard right now and no or you remember your chairs right here if you're really falling off balance and let's try two more good job okay here's our next exercise you're going to need to stand behind your chair and we're simply standing on one leg you can't really see what I'm doing because this chair it's all I got though maybe with it so all I'm doing is standing on one leg and I don't want you to lean on your chairs purely here for balance to help you so that you don't fall okay I'm going to challenge you a little bit I would like to see if you could take your hands off the chair and we're going for 10 seconds if it's difficult for you you might want to try folding your arms out and relax good so let's try the other leg you're standing on your other leg this is called a single leg stance and if you're ready to take it up a notch we're going to let go of the chair and I'm counting you down for ten seconds and just take a mental note of how much you're wobbling or maybe none at all and the next time you do it you want to just to try and improve and ten good now we're going to repeat that I want you to stand back on that first leg for me it was my left and when you feel comfortable or letting go again ten seconds good and then switch other leg feel Center don't let your hip fall to one side nice and centered abdominals in and hands off ten seconds great job last time I'm going to give you an extra level a little bit of a box if you want it if not you're going to repeat it in the exact same way back on my left foot but this time I'm going to try and hold it in a tip - this is pretty advanced I'm sure I'm going to be all over the place with it so here we go when you're ready you're going to try and take your hands off and we're going to count to ten we are now standing on one tiptoe I knew it and come down good and then we'll try the other leg so we want to get into that stance first if you want to try it up on your tiptoe you're gonna go for it and you're gonna let go ten seconds and great job y'all okay our fifth exercise is walking like you're on a tight grip whatever group you have to do it in the house go for it if you have a long haul go for it I have just a little speck so I'm just going to do a few steps what you want to do is pretend you're autumn align and walk heel to your goal is to stay on that line maybe once your arms out maybe not good I'm getting closer and then when you get to a spot you want to reverse so now I'm walking toe heel back on that line what I like about this is you can practice it anywhere anytime it's to say that you're getting up to use the bathroom you could try walking like this heel toe we're all home right now right so we have to come to try and do these different types of walking essentially what we're doing is just decreasing our base of support right so I'm not telling you to walk like this normally outside it's strictly an exercise to help maintain our balance the better bouts we have with these weird kind of walking the better we have just normal walking right and we'll try it one more time so in this video we're doing three three forts and three backs in whatever room you have and back Tokyo and you can call this tandem walking or tightrope walking nice work okay run number six this is it's like a March but we're gonna use a little bit of coordination here you're going to be using your arms and your legs I'm gonna take the chair a little bit out of the way basically when we march for bringing one knee up at a time okay for some of you this is all you might want to do right now for others that can do a little bit more with the coordination I want you to lift an opposite arm with an opposite leg so it looks like this and up good up and that's it I think the slower you go the better I want you to control it I've lost count but we're gonna do about 10 on each side I have no idea so we're gonna make this maybe seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 and 10 and 10 good a little bit of rest maybe you want to sit down maybe need some water but we're gonna get through one more stuff scuse me another set like this so ready and lift that's what I'll count 1 2 3 four five six seven eight nine ten really nice okay on our third set let's just change it up for fun we're gonna do three and hold it briefly for about three seconds okay try with me so we're gonna get one two and hold three two one let's try that again one two hold hold three two one let's go one two hold it three two one again three two hold it three two one again hold it three two one let's do bought three more yo one two hold it three two one again up up hold it three two one last set yup one two hold it three two one nice work okay we're on number seven I took the chair out of the way we need a little bit of space we're gonna lunge to the side and step in okay let me show you what I mean I want you to step to the left and now push so that your feet are together so that was the right way this is the wrong way I don't want you to try and get in like that and I don't want little teeny steps I wanna Lodge and pick up okay trying to hold your balance right here we got it let's go one two three and four we're going to get to that magic number of 10 today five six seven eight 910 hope you did well with those we're going to try the other side you're going to be stepping to the right lunge together lunge I'm aware of that sunspot right in my face three four five six seven eight nine ten really good work y'all alright we're on number eight it is called rock the bag these are actually really fun to me so we want our legs about hips shoulder width apart and you're just going to rock side to side to begin with up on your tiptoe now maybe this is enough for you and this is where you're going to stay if you'd like to little level up you're gonna lift the leg up and shift and shift good so I know you're going and we haven't started counting yet but we're gonna start right now so one two three shifting our weight side to side it's not really a leg lift do you feel the difference shifting our weight one more and good maybe you want to relax those legs a little bit and we're going to get for a second set of 10 okay remember I'm not lifting my legs up okay we are shifting working our hips okay here we go shift and lift shift and lift oh that's a good name for this alright I just named it haha okay four five six seven eight nine and ten we have one more set to do you can repeat those like this but for this I would like a little bit of umph we're going to do like we did these one two three and hold but it's going to be with the rocking of the bed okay ready so let's shift to the left first so we go one two and then three hold so one two three hold good so 1 2 3 hold 1 2 3 hold y'all wrong number five year I'm most done 3 hold 1 2 3 hold so it's just a little bit of a hold 1 2 3 hold they have 3 more you got this come on hold to mark 1 2 3 hold yes and last one hold it hold it hold it hold it 3 2 1 good job ok ix 1 we are going to be stepping back and stepping forward seems simple but the steps are really big so it's not a lunge take your right foot step really far back and then bring it straight back okay make it one big motion but so big it should maybe even take you off balance a little okay back I'm going to get out of the Sun here we go back and up let's try here here we go back big huge huge steps back five six good seven eight nine and ten okay so now we do the other leg I'm just gonna turn so you can see how far I'm stepping back okay make sure that okay so let's step back back together really far back together really far back together okay keep going yes maybe you want your arms out for balance or maybe you're rock star and you want to add some arm movements how many more this is when I rely on my class to yellow two more but I don't always trust them good ok the last one you need a little bit of space to go sideways it's called braiding it kind of looks like a grapevine I hope you can see what I'm doing here so we take your leg and we go over and then we take it and we go under and over I have no space in here so we go over and under over and under keep going over under over I'm trying to stay in a line over and under and you're just going back and forth and maybe you have a really good hallway to do this and maybe you need your arms out all right we'll do it one more time over under over under and I'm going to do one last time going this way and find a spot you are done you did it congratulations like I said as a physical therapist these would be the top ten balance exercises I would give somebody and just keep practicing because the more you practice some of the better we get with everything so thank you all so much for tuning in take care
Channel: Jenny McClendon
Views: 1,151,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: balance, stability, easy exercise, easy to follow, elderly, decrease falls, senior exercise, fitness, beginner exercise, best balance exercisees, no equipment
Id: E3j7nJyqLys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 53sec (1673 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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