10 Mind-Blowing Magic Tricks Finally Revealed

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[Music] step right up ladies and gentlemen and prepare to be amazed here are ten magic tricks revealed when you want someone perform magic tricks the only thing you can think about is how on earth do they do that a really good illusionist can do tricks that look like they defy all logic and even the laws of nature but you know what these performers didn't graduate from Hogwarts every single trick has a perfectly rational and in most cases simple explanation in this video you'll learn about ten cool tricks that turn out to be not so magic after all what's even better you can perform most of these tricks on your own for a crowd of friends or family expecto patronum but before you begin your wizard training go ahead and click that magic red button this will subscribe you to the bright side of life where there are tons of cool and helpful videos coming out every single day wave your magic wand cursor to turn on the notification bell so that you don't miss any of those updates alrighty then let's turn our focus on the hocus pocus counting down from number 10 turning coffee into coins this trick was made famous by David Blaine a well-known American street magician the illusionist handed a cup of steaming hot coffee to a man living on the street the latter was all too happy to get a hot drink Blaine waited until the man took a sip and made sure the coffee was real then the magician took the cup away and held it in his hands as he started slightly shaking the cup all the nearby witnesses saw that coffee disappear and turn into coins there's no need to say that the homeless man was not only shocked by the trick but also thankful for the generosity now if you want to try this one you're gonna need two disposable coffee cups a sponge some scissors and a handful of coins start by cutting one of the coffee cups in half and set it aside cut a small hole in the bottom of the larger cup the hole should be just big enough for your finger to fit through put the sponge on the bottom of the larger cup so that it covers the hole now fill the smaller cup with coins and put it into the larger one finally fill it up to the top with coffee so that the coins are well hidden when you're performing this trick pretend to be supporting the cup from below so that you can slip your finger into the hole start to slowly push the smaller cup up this will force the copy to seep into the gap between the two cups and the sponge at the bottom of the larger cup will absorb it voila your coffee has turned into coins Wow if you did that using a latte with chocolate that would be hocus-pocus with mochas number 9 swallowing a balloon you can probably tell by the name but this trick creates an illusion that a magician swallows an entire balloon although it's pretty simple to perform if you've spent enough time practicing the audience gets shocked into silence the main secret the illusionist hides is that there are several tiny holes at one end of a long balloon as soon as the performer puts the other end in their mouth they press it with their tongue to make the balloon deflate the only tricky thing here is to be fast enough so that the balloon doesn't deflate too soon that would be pretty embarrassing for the magician right yes that would be a tough one to swallow I'm sorry I just can't help myself number 8 water in midair in this awesome trick the performer takes a glass and fills it with water after that they cover the glass with a piece of ordinary cardboard and turn it upside down while some of the water spills out of it the cardboard does an overall good job at keeping the water from escaping thanks to the vacuum created inside but then the magician takes the cardboard away and that's where the magic part comes in the water stays inside the glass and that's because the glass the illusionist uses has been let's say altered this glass has a tiny hole drilled in its side just near the bottom a casual onlooker wouldn't even notice this hall the second secret is a transparent plastic lid that stuck to the cardboard when the magician puts the cardboard in place he simultaneously covers the glass with this invisible lid it stays this way as long as the magician keeps his finger over the hole but as soon as he releases his hole the water comes rushing down blew the lid off of that now didn't--we number-7 levitating Cup if you master this trick your audience will be thoroughly impressed after all it's not everyday they see a foam cup floating in the air right before their eyes all you need is a foam Cup with a hole in one of its sides when you show the cup to your audience make sure they don't notice the hole then move a few steps away from the onlookers and discreetly push your thumb into the hole start moving your fingers all around abracadabra like right away this way you'll distract people's attention from your thumb that's disappeared who knows where besides this will add some showmanship to your performance Wingardium Leviosa number 6 levitating yourself if the person performing this trick has rehearsed it well you'll be 100% convinced that they're levitating and with a little practice you can fly just as easily as they do now the main secret to this trick is assuming the correct position stand in the furthest corner of the room so that your diagonal to the audience they should mostly see your back and your heel that's closest to them lift your heels slowly and unsteadily pretend to be wavering as if you're floating then just as gradually lift the foot closest to the onlookers off the floor you really do have to practice this one a lot to make it believable your foot that's in the air needs to completely block the toes of your other foot since you'll be standing on them make sure you have excellent balance to number 5 transparent body imagine you're walking down the street and you notice someone whose torso is literally transparent basically you can look right through them and see what's happening behind their back how on earth is that possible again no magic involved here just some preparation to prepare this trick you'll need to involve some gadgets the fact is that this trick can surprise only those who are face to face with a magician as for the people behind him they'll understand right away that he's got a camera on his back this camera transmits real-time footage to the thin screen that's securely fixed on the illusionist chest sure is pretty obvious what's going on but it still looks really cool number 4 bending a straw here's a fun little trick you can do next time you're at a restaurant with your friend if your companion gets up and goes to the bathroom and immediately start preparing take a straw that's still in the wrapper and thoroughly rub it up and down to create some static after that lay the straw across the opening of your drink so that it's parallel with a table when your friend returns show them your telekinetic powers when you bring your hands close to the straw and start making mysterious movements the straw will rotate from side to side bending at your will number three turning water into ice now some tricks work simply thanks to the element of surprise and turning water into ice is one of them put a sponge on the bottom of a plastic cup and add several ice cubes there you're now ready to perform take a pitcher full of water and pour some into the cup an ounce in your best magician voice that you'll now turn the water into ice now since the sponge needs time to absorb the water buy yourself some time by waving your hands and working your magic then turn the cup over the ice cubes will fall out and your audience's jaws will drop number two black magic this trick is great for entertaining guests at a party choose someone in the room and announce to everyone that you'll read this person's mind ask them to mentally pick one thing in the room after that you need to leave the room and the person you picked has to tell everyone else which object they've chosen when you return you select another audience member and tell them to walk around the room and touch random objects when they touch the right one you stop them and announce that this was the original item chosen unfortunately this one's based on the oldest trick in the book a lie which of course would make it you guessed it bogus hocus pocus the thing is that the audience member you pick when you come back into the room is in fact your Maul before the trick you agree that just before coming up to the correct object they'll touch something black that will be your clue and that's why it's called black magic number one nail through the finger this one is not for the squeamish or perhaps it is now picture this you've got a long construction nail piercing completely through your finger and there's blood all around the wound if your friends are panicking and about to call the ambulance congratulations you've performed this trick perfectly yes you nailed it so here's how you do it take a long thick nail and cut it in half glue one half to one side of your finger and the other half to the other side this will give the illusion that it's punctured your finger all the way through add some red paint or fake blood and you've got yourself an extremely lifelike and terrifying sight the rest of course depends on your acting skills hmm might also be a good way of getting out of taking that test at school huh so do you know any other cool magic tricks which one is your favorite tell us in the comments below and give us a thumbs up if you plan on trying some of the illusions from this video on your france see you next time on the bright side of life you
Views: 422,805
Rating: 4.7621503 out of 5
Keywords: magic tricks, illusion, optical illusion, levitation, magic tricks revealed, easy magic tricks, turning coffee into coins, swallowing a balloon, water in midair, levitating cup, levitating yourself, transparent body, bending a straw, turning water into ice, nail through finger, Brightside
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 27 2018
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