10 Messed Up Origin Stories Of Disney Princesses

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Disney movies were most of our first experiences with fairytales and when it comes to their princess stories we know they can sometimes be formulaic which isn't a bad thing who doesn't love a happily ever after right we love rooting for the princesses to escape their evil stepmothers and be happy but what if we told you the original stories from which Disney was inspired were actually not so happy we've got a list of some pretty messed up origin stories before we dive in be sure to hit that subscribe button stay up to date with all the latest Screen Rant videos and can you guess what feature film these emojis are showing find out at the end of the video do you even hear yourself why would you ask such a ridiculous question it was you Rapunzel you probably associated Rapunzel's story with Disney's Tangled which tells the story of a beautiful princess with long blond hair that has magical qualities and lives locked in a tower courtesy of Mother Gothel who kidnapped her as a baby she meets a bandit who she escapes with they have some adventures fall in love and end up living happily ever after but the original story is a lot different Rapunzel's parents were farmers who basically stole Goethals plant for a salad when they were caught her father agreed that an exchange that would give up his child when his wife gave birth she was named Rapunzel after the plant and when she was 12 Gothel locked her in a tower and the only way to get to her was by climbing her long hair a prince strolls by and hears her singing he sneaks up one day after a brief introduction and a proposal she decides to marry him but Rapunzel is caught gets her hair chopped off and is banished to the desert when the prince returns for he finds Gothel instead she throws him out the window and he ends up with thorns and his eyes and blind him he roams around and eventually finds Rapunzel who now has twins her tears give him back his sight and they return to his kingdom Wow must have been a really good salad to the Little Mermaid in Disney's version of The Little Mermaid we meet the spunky redhead Ariel who dreams of being part of the surface world she falls in love with a human Prince Erik and does everything in her 16 year old power to be with him because love she seeks out the sea witch Ursula and exchanges her voice for some legs so that she can go use her charms and Dingle hoppers to make Erik fall for her Ursula ends up playing some shady games but don't worry true love conquered all and they defeated her with a boat right in the gut poor unfortunate soul Prince Erik and Ariel lived happily ever after complete with a sweet wedding and awesome rainbow ah but in the original Hans Christian Andersen version the outcome isn't so solid part of the agreement is that her legs will feel as if she were walking on broken glass sad right well Erik ends up marrying someone else and Ariel throws herself in the ocean and becomes seafoam are you upset because we can't even right now Ariel's trying face is sad enough can you imagine her turning into a sad seafoam Cinderella the classic rags to riches story about a young girl force into servitude by her evil stepmother is one that Disney turned into a wonderful classic Cinderella sings about dreams love and maintains a positive attitude through most of the abuse her only friends are cute birds inventive mice and an adorable dog it doesn't seem all that bad with her little bird friends helping her get dressed in the morning and after she meets her fairy godmother things get better as she attends the ball with some fabulous yet impractical shoes we're not here to judge anyway we all know how it ends she loses the shoe Prince goes on a search finds her marries her and they live happily ever after but the Brothers Grimm did not tell the story as adorably in this version one of her stepsisters ends up with her toes cut off and the other saws off her heels so that she can fit into the tiny glass slipper little doves alert the prince that there is blood on the shoe and discovers that Cinderella is the true owner once they realize Cinderella is to be queen they try to win her favor and attend her wedding only to have their eyes doubt by Birds pretty gruesome don't you think of course you said so yourself once upon a dream Sleeping Beauty Disney's Sleeping Beauty is one of the most beautifully animated films it also has one of the sweetest ballets ever once upon a dream will forever be associated with romantic waltzing in the florists the swoon worthy Prince Phillip Can Dance is dedicated determined and willing to go up against a massive dragon just to prove his love and be with Briar Rose aka Princess Aurora again we have adorable woodland creatures magic and happily ever afters and of course the duel between pink and blue but the original tale of Sleeping Beauty is much more horrifying a king wanders by Sleeping Beauty's castle and when no one answers his knocks he climbs through the window here he finds a beautiful and unconscious princess so naturally the creep decides to violate her and leaves she only wakes up after giving birth to twins she makes her way to the palace and they fall in love that wasn't cringy enough he is married to someone else already she tries to have one of the twins killed and burned the princess at the stake luckily she fails the king and princess get married and live happily ever after and to that we say no thank you people use their imagination well it's about time you got your head out of those books and paid attention to more important things Beauty and the Beast Disney's Beauty and the Beast resonated with audiences not just because it's a tale as old as time but because it's a beautiful love story that transcends appearances and prejudice we love how Belle loves to read and stays true to herself even when her town makes fun of her for being weird and who doesn't love the character arc the Beast goes through so endearing right Belle and beast both grow as people and learn from one another but most importantly it gave us major envy of that gifted library that Belle gets and let's not forget the beautiful animation in the film the original story by Gabrielle Suzanne by Bois de Villeneuve is followed pretty accurately by Disney except with a few changes Belle actually has two evil sisters as per usual when it comes to these things speaks actually allows bill to travel home and visit her family as long as she promises to only be gone for a week but when she shows up with some pretty nice threads her sisters become jealous and convince her to stay longer with the hopes that it will drive the Beast mad and he will devour Belle don't worry Belle makes it out safe and sound [Music] if snow-white Disney's first animated feature film is the 1937 film snow white snow white was known for being the fairest in the land so much so in fact that her evil stepmother wanted her dead families are pretty dark in these stories aren't they even when they're Disney fine but what if we told you that the original Brothers Grimm tale wasn't full of cute furry animals that helped you clean or adorable dwarves we know it's hard to imagine any other version but in the original story the Queen is even more twisted she asks the Huntsman to kill her and bring her back her lungs and liver but instead he brings back a boars bullets she eats them thinking they're Snow White's gross much when snow is placed in a glass coffin after being poisoned a handsome prince passed by and fell in love so of course he asked to take her away and give her a proper funeral which is pretty odd if you ask us but thanks to this gesture the people carrying her coffin trip causing the Apple to dislodge from snows throat she then marries the Prince and lives happily ever after the Evil Queen is invited to the wedding where she is forced to wear burning hot iron shoes and dance until she dies there's so much we can teach you we've improved the lives of savages all over the world savages Pocahontas one of the great Disney films of the 90s is Pocahontas like any good Disney cartoon there is a beautiful young lady who falls in love with a handsome stranger Pocahontas is the Chiefs daughter who was in touch with the beauty of nature her best friend is a raccoon and she gets guidance from a tree her love for the Englishman John Smith almost starts a war between two peoples but if you look once more around the Riverbend you'll realize that this film is historically inaccurate Pocahontas was actually a nickname meaning playful one her real name was Mata Wacha when the English arrived in Jamestown Pocahontas was about 11 years old John Smith was captured by a poet ins brother and according to Smith his head was about to be smashed when Pocahontas rushed in and saved him a couple years later she was captured and held for ransom she was violated and consequently impregnated she was forced to convert to Christianity and was married off to John Rolfe to legitimize her pregnancy she was a captive who wanted to help and protect her people she lived a very short life and died at the age of 21 the details of how it all went down I'm not fully certain but it was definitely not a happy ending for her new lawn Disney's Mulan was a story of a young woman who took her father's place in war her selfless act and bravery led them to win the war and save all of China now we know Mulan technically isn't a princess but come on she saved China and was totally selfless that's pretty much royalty in our book she was also friends with the talk immunity dragon the story of Mulan came about because China was suffering an invasion during the fourth and fifth centuries warriors needed a source of hope and Mulan became that inspiration her story is described in a poem the ballot of Hua Mulan there's no proof that she was a real person but heroic actions inspired many the legend of Mulan has been written with many variations but the plot remains the same she heard the army was recruiting and in order to save her ailing father she disguised herself into his plates she fought for 12 years gained high merit but refused any reward she only wished to return home many variations state that when she returned home she discovered her father had passed away and was haunted by experiences in the battlefield so she decided to take her own life we enjoyed the liberties that Disney took by making it a little more joyous The Princess and the Frog perhaps disney's last 2d animated film is the awesome story of The Princess and the Frog it follows the story of a hard-working an ambitious young lady named tiana who dreams of one day opening the finest restaurant in New Orleans it also follows an arrogant prince named Naveen who gets turned into a frog by evil dr. Vasily a Tiana's dreams get put on hold when her path crossed with Frog Prince Naveen he mistakes her for a princess and plants a kiss on Tiana except it doesn't work in either of their favors because she also gets turned into a frog the two set off on an adventure to try and repair things along with a trumpet playing alligator named Louise Firefly named ray Buddha woman named Mama Odie and their love for each other they were able to return to their human cells this whole movie is based very loosely on the Brothers Grimm story the Frog Prince the original version had the Frog Prince being thrown against the wall to break the spell and even more violent version says that she has to cut the Frog head off he'll definitely go with the smoochy instead frozen is a heartwarming story about true love and self-acceptance it follows sister Zhanna and Elsa as they rediscover their sisterly love for one another and that they are two independent princesses who don't need no man just an adorable snowman but despite all the goodness there's little resemblance to the original fairy tale The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen in that story there's a troll with the mirror that reflects the worst in a person who looks into it it ends up shattering splinters and spreading out everywhere one day friends kai and Goethe are out playing and Kai ends up with a shard in his heart which changes him for the worst he ends up being lured away by The Snow Queen while on his sled and grete sets out on a quest to rescue him and thaw his frozen heart sound a bit familiar Gerda finds out that the key to saving Kai is her sweet and innocent child heart much like Anna and frozen she arrives at the palace and finds Kai assembling shards of ice to form the word eternity if he succeeds the Snow Queen will release him Gerda kisses him and breaks the spell as they dance around the shards bounce around and spell eternity they return home safe and sound wow those are some messed-up origin stories what did you think are there any that we might have missed are there any that shocked you let us know in the comments below and if you haven't already make sure you subscribe to Screen Rant for more videos just like this one but before we go here is the answer to the emoji quiz did you get it let us know thanks for watching you
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,016,576
Rating: 4.8130841 out of 5
Keywords: Disney, fairy tales, pixar, princess, magic, castles, marvel, prince, king, queen, snow white, rapunzel, tangled, evil queen, the princess and the frog, tiana, naveen, the little mermaid, ariel, prince eric, cinderella, sleeping beauty
Id: __kNvHonFTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2018
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