10 Maps!….But They’re All Construct | Garry's Mod

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[Music] a good old construct this is the map that i'm sure most of us have had the most time in i mean for a lot of people this might even be the first map you ever played on maybe you wanted to download this game maybe you cracked it when you didn't have any money to buy it regardless whichever way you did you've somehow found your way either in big city or on construct or maybe even flat grass and with this being a very amazing and popular map we have very amazing alterations to it welcome to construct but it's 10 different maps i've found 10 different construct maps let's take a look at the first one now guys there's nothing like waking up super early with the golden sun shining right upon you and that's exactly what this map has to offer we have construct at dawn and you'll see that the sun is a little bit lower than it usually is giving this beautiful golden glow throughout the entire map now we'll say there's not really anything else different to the map besides that this is really the only change however it's a nice change if you want to play on construct with a little bit of a tweak to the lighting just to give you that nice morning 7am vibe although if you're like most people you probably hate waking up in the morning in that case you might hate this map but i digress great map i myself will be playing on this quite a few times next up we have oh hello tree hello a lot of trees this is forest construct now if i say flat grass instead of construct please forgive me guys i keep getting those two confused for some reason but this is a map covered in trees so much so that even the skybox has trees there's trees as far as the eye can see so if you want to have a more woodsy vibe maybe you're from oregon or something and you and you really want to check out that beautiful nature enriched styling in your construct this is really the map for you there's even trees in the water for some reason for all you forced peeps that think that construct is just way too urban this is the map that will change that vibe for you and it will kind of make it impossible to build anything unless you like to build tree houses or something next up we have and this is a lot like the flat grass one which by the way if you want to check that out link in the top right corner welcome to neon construct just like with flat grass we have everything bathed in this beautiful blue and purple aesthetic that is overused and anyone who uses it is lame and you should unsub from their channel totally kidding we have a beautiful map here guys um obviously i'm a bit biased because i love this styling and the purple the blue hues or i guess pink you could say um we have lights we have street lights just to really fit the vibe we have these kind of like spotlights that shine at the wall we have buildings in the background all the buildings have this beautiful neon blue strip on the edges of them we also have this beautiful blue sky that fades into this cascading purple blue twilight it looks absolutely phenomenal this is the vibe right here and a lot of maps don't change the secret room this one does going into it you'll see this really cool little scent wave kind of setup it reminds me a lot of the one on flat grass and there is a button you can press however i have no clue what it does but i digress amazing map looks beautiful check it out down below next up we have oh okay something looks awry here everything is completely messed up buildings are destroyed broken into pieces elements of the map are separated even the skybox is jacked up this is construct chungus and i have no clue why it was made but the map creator decided to go into the assets of the map and thought hey you know what i'm gonna all this up and that's exactly what he did because looking at everything from the buildings to even the water the water is even messed up in fact you can go swimming in air also the map is tilted at a pretty severe degree so i had to use the camera setting and then tilt it just to make the map look normal this is such a cool idea i have to say they really took the construct map and made it their own by their own i mean completely destroying everything and making it look like some kind of a weird ripped mess but it looks sick in some weird case and i really enjoyed playing on this map it was such a surprise and now we take it back to 2012 in the good old days when all there was was minecraft playthroughs on youtube this is minecraft construct and well it's construct in a minecraft form everything from the buildings all the way to the doors and even the sun are all in the style of minecraft i will say the skybox or the background is a little disappointing it's kind of boring just plain fields but there's a lot of cool things to explore here going into the mirror room you'll even see that there is even light blocks on the ceiling instead of the standard lights everything has pretty much been retouched in the minecraft texture and also style there's even the music playing in the background of course and going into the secret room you'll find even the furniture in here is in the minecraft style so really went all out amazing work man definitely check this map out if you guys like minecraft all right and next up we have oh just construct so i mean i don't really have to talk too much about normal constructs um it appears to be emptier than i remember and you might even think wow i'm getting a very liminal vibe right now and it might even seem like someone's watching you and that is because well you're not alone on this map welcome to construct haunted this is a basic simple principle we have construct with a ghoulish character walking around on the map you may see him you may not see him or you may just see him a little bit the bottom line is you're not alone anymore and if you ever felt that liminal feeling link in the top right corner by the way in gary's mod well now you're gonna really feel it because you're going to be watched and you're going to run into this shade eventually and it's going to really creep you out if you're alone doing a mod showcase like i am so if you've ever felt that construct wasn't alone and creepy enough now you can really get that vibe with construct haunted sticking with the haunted theme we have halloween construct this is going to be a much lighter tone than the haunted one we got neon signs on the wall so many textures have been changed we have tombstones we have mist scattered across the entire map as well we got pumpkins we have ghosts on the walls there's so much to this map that changed they really really did change almost everything there's even a giant pumpkin on top of one of the buildings and if you go into one of the buildings you'll be sent into this cool little ride that launches you straight upwards and then you get to see the beautiful map in all of its entirety really an amazing rendition of construct this is probably my favorite map out of all the maps i've seen in this video but keep watching because we still have more interesting and weird ones so definitely check this out down below there's a lot of things that have been changed the lightroom is different the dark room i think has a light in it now which makes no sense but really cool map nonetheless and now we go into an even stranger dimension we have void construct so this is going to be construct almost like the chungus one because it's all messed up and i thought what's with the missing textures am i missing something i go onto the mod page and the developer almost seems to have intentionally broken the map it seems he doesn't give any insight on how to fix it or anything but a lot of people in the comments were a bit worried that there's something that they need to download and then end up finding out maybe this is how the map is supposed to be maybe it's even better off this way no skybox weird creepy purple textures and of course avoid if you fall in this map you will fall you will fall fall a little bit more and fall even more that's right it's pretty much never ending in fact i found by sitting here for about three minutes i never touched the ground i never hit the bottom it really is a void which is why i think it has the name really strange quirky map with like wireframe meshes and all this definitely check it out down below if you're into this and now we go into an even stranger one yes it's we're just escalating here now we have cursed constructs we could see right off the bat a very long ground pillar shooting directly up onto the ceiling of the map we can see the water is now nasty and corrosive with what the hell is that we have a face texture with face tattoos i have no clue who this is it looks like a texture from half-life but i couldn't tell you who the dark room is now a light room but the lightroom hasn't changed one of the buildings is really small when it usually is really tall and another building is extremely extremely tall when it shouldn't be going into the secret room we can see even more await us with g-man looking at a monitor overall just a creepy map there's just these little minute things that have been changed that really set it off and give you this strange cursed feeling so if you like that definitely check it out down below but now we go into our last map and it's a little bit of a depressing one welcome to post apocalypse construct this is construct well after some horrific event happened maybe a war maybe a nuclear bomb has been dropped the bottom line is it's dismantled and everything's ruined we could see some kind of an arid air floating through the map all the buildings in the background have been destroyed many of the buildings are even missing and there's even holes everywhere the water has pooled into a different location the landscape has been completely changed overall kind of a depressing map when you think about it like what happened to cause this beautiful construct to be so depressing i imagine this is really good for like a zombie mod or something definitely fits the theme for that but that's gonna be it guys that was 10 different maps in the construct style let me know down below your favorites let me know down below if there was any i missed that you wanted to see and let me know any suggestions that you do have of course as always like and subscribe to see more videos like this i'll see you guys in the next one thanks for watching and farewell [Music] you
Channel: NecrosVideos
Views: 9,111
Rating: 4.9735537 out of 5
Keywords: Garry's, Mod, gmod, lets, play, gaming, awesome, hd, 1080p, 60, fps, necrosvideos, commentary, mod, showcase, modding, mods, valve, source, guns, addon, funny, tf2, hl2, drugs, strange, wacky, will, it, survive?, living, science, testing, overpowered, snpcs, npcs, nextbot, scary, horror, sweps, top 10, ten, maps, except, flatgrass, construct, gm, halloween, cursed, haunted, creepy, odd, weird, forest, neon
Id: ZRgumkPITIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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