10 Life Hacks with PVC #6

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volume is specific love this is the sixth edition of 10 lifehacks with PVC wow I can't believe you've gotten this far if y'all keep liking it I'm going to keep trying to make them let's begin giving out pregnant Oh get leaves or whatever else you want to stuff in these your bags they're just a pain to use sometimes well I got a great fix for you this bag I've used nice PVC frame and get your leave whatever else you're going to use and shut down in there it fills it up real quick and easy and it's frame is extremely easy to make I got some corner pieces here I have measured out so that it fits to the dimensions of the bag you'll have to do that to get it exactly right I also got the length so that it fits down nice and snug into the bag and that way you know fill your bag up you don't to worry about things falling out or bag falling over and just being a pain you like to go fishing I know you have a bunch of fishing poles and fishing equipment well you know your fishing poles you don't want them to get broken special if you lean them up with a corner something stone up against it or blame on a ground some steps on it Oh a viewer mine named Richard Enderlin helped me out with this idea it's a great way to store your fishing poles up and out of the way right here is just a half-inch PVC and fitting now I am using a t connector here up a top with a length of PVC you have to determine this length if you wish and I got a couple arms that reach out there connect to another T and on the end I have some 90 degree elbow to keep stuff from sliding off to hold all this in place I have these are little pipe holders it says their sides at three-quarter IPS and they fit nicely right over the t's just like so and you get one for each side you screw that that way you can have a nice secure mount now as you see here on ours I've doubled this up I've actually used a four-way and added a second tier so that you can add even more stuff and this is a great way to store your fishing equipment and any other light materials up and out of your way make sure that you use PVC cement and all of your joints so that this everything stays nice and secure you thought otherwise stuff could possibly fall and hurt somebody hurt something underneath it if it fell if you're anything like myself spin you have a bunt to hat and if you have a bunch of hats as you can see here they can take up a ton around especially in the closet where you're limpid space it's like a great way to minimize it I got this idea from a viewer named Cody Atkins he showed me that you can take some half-inch PVC pipe and fittings so I'm using some tees and this is short two-inch another tee with a 6-inch pipe coming out this is roughly eight inches across another tee connected to a sec of T on this end also and I just I made three levels he had quite a few on his and on he said that you can either attach this you draw a hole through your pipe and attach this right in your studies in system standard screws or in my case I happen to have some hooks already in my closet and I jerked it on there that works great let's see how this works well here's what they look like now how I was able to get all the hats that we're currently all across here are now in one small section right here great thing about these two is I noticed when I was putting these lower hats on the pipe was a little bit offset so I just bent it to the shape I needed it and I was able to then slide these on so that's a great way to use PVC your hat if you have one of those outside ponds particularly like for the I think they're called koi or a little they look like small goldfish or if you have those chances are you can have predators looking at them and trying to get them I have a great way to help protect those this is just a piece of a four inch PVC and you can have some holes cut in it if you want or not or you can just lay this down into the pond you can paint it whether a green or black and it's a great way for the fish if they sense danger they can swim in and stay in there and they're nice and protected you've ever tried to carry any kind of heavy wood you're like this is a head rest for a bed or just in large plywood it's kind of hard you stretch your arms around it and it's not real easy to always get a good grip on it well I have a great way to help you lift that uses this is for any kind of plywood or any kind of just heavy lifting wood for work now this is all half-inch PVC in fittings and now I've got a couple corner connectors here at the bottom to create like a box shape I have them connected some 90 degree elbows then some more 90s to create a like a lip fort you can see here also have run these up to some t-connectors which I have a little support bar across to give it added strength then I have some 45-degree angles in to 90 degree angles and a nice grip right here you can always wrap some fabric around this if you'd like to keep it a little nicer on your hand you want to make sure that you use PVC cement every single one of these joints or they can break apart and hurt you and trust me it will break apart at some point if you don't use the cement now you take this support you slide underneath your wood and it'll help you get a better grip on your wood and that way you can carry it as you're walking along that way you can go upstairs and go a long distance just walking and you don't have to worry about break a lot of stress on different angles of holding the wood it's you're actually ripped quite simple depending on where you live in the country you may have a bunch of snow well if that's the case I got a great little way to use some PVC to make some snowshoes this is just a some basic half-inch PVC and fitting and I measured this about a foot long and about four or five inches long here and connected it with a tee and then I'm using some 45-degree angles as you see here it kind of lifts it up this will be the front so it's easier it slides easier cross the snow don't get caught up on anything I have a nice support bar across here and then I just took some basic spring some rope flat hat you can use paracord or just plain rope and tie it around there real good and surprisingly this came out a lot stiffer than I thought it was going to be and that way as you you take your shoe and you can wrap it tie it somewhere around the front here and as you look up because of the offset here of Center the back will go down the front will go up and you can take your step and that was less likely to hang up you can use it get her on the snow I'm sitting here in my son's room and have a great idea for money wait a minute money and PVC how does that go together let me show you unfortunately in today's time when you have friends come over particularly to small kids I don't know if the morals are not there just have not been taught right yet but sometimes stealing habit especially if it's money so if your child has a simple little jar like this that well can be easily accessed or the old standard piggy banks don't they're easy to see and obvious what they are so I have a great way if you have some spare PVC hanging around this is three inch this is two inch if you go to the store pick up some basic end caps you can easily make your holy knees didn't you take these and you can stick them in a drawer or stick them on the shelf and well they're not very obvious at their piggy banks plus they hold in this case they're good for the change and that's why you're shouting down a bunch of money when you probably filled it up you ever get a new flag and you want to put it up in your yard but you just don't want to put one of those huge flag posts that are not only expensive but just cut easy to get in the ground I got a great way to help you here this is very simplistic flag stand made out of PVC now the main rod that goes through the flag is a four foot section of 3/4 inch which is then I connect to a tee which then I have another foot long piece of 3/4 inch I have an end cap here and also have an end cap topper where the flag is so if it keeps the water out I have another 1 foot section and then I got some adapters here that connect to a 1 inch piece of PVC which then has a metal rod stuck into the ground by doing that it fairly well balances out the flag so it doesn't tip back or forth get it jammed in there nicely and then you can just let it flap in to win I just like hat comes from one of my viewers mr. Mike Brown who said that he takes his Christmas wrapping paper and puts it in a nice piece of PVC well this is a great idea because it's good to protect it and unlike some people who will throw this in a corner or possibly put in a closet and you're just gonna have to stuff piled on top of it anyway it's going to get all bent on just to pain for next year you can take any slide this down and your PVC here this happens to be a 4 inch pipe the great thing about if you could get your PVC just a little bit longer than what your paper is then you can stick some ribbon possibly your little bows and stick it down in there and then what you do is you can get some of these this is just a test cap you can get a regular cat but these are a little bit cheaper pop those on there and there you go you can store this a nice safe area even in your closet you don't have to worry about anything getting messed up till next Christmas if you have deer that come into your yard and you love watching them I have a great way that you can feed them and watch them at the same time this next idea came from one of my viewers named John rain bolt this is four inch PVC pipe and we want to get a connector for this it it looks like a why it has a 45-degree angle coming off of it you also need another smaller shorter section of 4-inch pipe it doesn't even matter if this has holes in it it's just going to be your base you will need also to test gaps real simple you take first test cap you put it in your base pipe you take your connector slide it over and then you take your final pipe and you stick it in place here your last test cap is going to go on the top of your top pipe here now to keep water and stuff out now you can use corn or some deer feed it'll slide down your Piper Leslie the deer can reach your head in this large hole and get out the food now to keep this stable strongly suggest putting it maybe two I'd pole or a tree like a tree here you can strap it in place that way you could watch your deer anytime you want if you enjoyed these projects make sure you click that like button and tell us what you think about it in the comments if you have another use for PVC make sure you let me know and you just might be mentioned in a future video
Channel: Specific Love Creations
Views: 836,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Life Hacks, PVC Life Hacks, life hacks for real life, life hacks for home, 10 life hacks, life hacks everyone should know, 10 life hacks with, life hacks with pvc, pvc, pvc ideas, #lifehacks, best life hacks, hacks, everyday hacks, pvc projects, how to simplify your life, lifehacks, make life easier, lifehacker, life hacking, how to make, PVC pipe, hack, do it yourself
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2016
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