10 Lies TYPE 2 DIABETICs Believe (Harmful Diabetes Myths)

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- Type two diabetics are told so many outlandish myths and just straight up lies, that for some type two diabetics, it's gotta be almost impossible to even know what the truth is and definitely to even care what the truth is. Because after you've been told 10 different stories, at some point, you're just like, screw it, I don't know. I'm just gonna eat what I want, take my medication when I think of it, and that's it. That's what I'm gonna do. The problem with this strategy, and the problem with all these lies being out there that type two diabetics believe, is that it can have disastrous health consequences. It can truncate your life and definitely your health span in such a way that it makes it miserable to even be alive. If you know all 10 of these lies and the truth behind them, you can actually hope and dream of having a normal hemoglobin A1C, not being on a handful of medications, and not losing a leg, or losing a toe, or losing your vision, or losing your kidney function or other functions. I'm Dr. Ken Berry, a family physician, and I've been taking care of diabetics for over 20 years. Let's talk about the 10 lies that type two diabetics believe. The first lie that most type two diabetics believe is very harmful. And that is that type two diabetes is progressive and incurable, that no matter what you do, what you eat, what you avoid, what you take, you might be able to manage it, you might be able to improve it a little bit, but you can never reverse it, and you're always gonna have it. This is absolutely untrue. With the right lifestyle and dietary choices, you can completely reverse your type two diabetes and have a normal A1C. Now, there is one caveat here. Many people are misdiagnosed with type two diabetes, when what they actually have is type 1 diabetes or LADA. In that case, you're not gonna be able to have a normal A1C without injecting some insulin. But if you are truly a type two diabetic, it is a self-imposed, also self-limiting condition that you can absolute reverse without exception 100%. Lie number two is that the cause of type two diabetes is genetic or that it's somehow unknown, that it's essential. In other words, that means, doctors, we don't know what the hell causes it. We just know you gotta take a handful of pills and come see me every three months for a checkup. Again, completely and totally untrue. Genetics does play a role in type two diabetic. You are genetically predispositioned to have hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, but you're in no way damned or doomed by your genetics. This is 100% untrue. In the same respect, many doctors and dieticians will pretend, we don't really know what caused your type two diabetes. Type two diabetes is chronic carbohydrate toxicity syndrome. Once you understand that key fact, everything else just falls into place. Lie number three about type two diabetes is that it's just all about your high blood sugar. There's nothing else going on. We just need to try to control your high blood sugar or hyperglycemia with pills and injections, and then you just keep doing everything else you normally do, and you'll get more and more medication as the years go by. Again, completely untrue. High blood sugar is one of the important principles of type two diabetes. But perhaps the more important principle is that you are suffering from hyperinsulinemia as well. And I think that a lot of healthcare providers don't really like to talk about this. Because when you bring not only hyperglycemia to the table, but also hyperinsulinemia, that turns this huge spotlight onto your diet. Because if we're just talking about high blood sugar, then we can get away with a lot of dietary foolishness and advice, but when you start talking about hyperinsulinemia, what raised your blood sugar? What raised your insulin? When you start asking both of those questions at the same time, it becomes very readily apparent that your diet is behind your type two diabetes. Lie number four about type two diabetes is that your metabolism or your body is somehow broken, just doesn't work correctly anymore. Again, 100% untrue. Now, your metabolism may be currently mangled. It may be very, very sick. It may be disordered, but it is not permanently broken. It is not broken beyond repair. You can absolutely repair the metabolic damage that led to your type two diabetes. You can absolutely reverse this condition. You can heal the damage, you can calm down the inflammation, and you can reverse this. You are not permanently broken. Lie number five about T2D is that you absolutely have to have medications to control your blood sugar and your hemoglobin A1C. Again, this is a complete and utter lie. You can control your blood sugar, your insulin levels, and your hemoglobin A1C with diet alone. Now, a lot of healthcare providers out there will say with diet and exercise, but the truth of the matter is, is if your diet is proper enough, exercise is also optional. Now, I'm not telling you not to exercise. Exercise is great for you, but it is not necessary. So if any of you guys watching this video, if you're a paraplegic or quadriplegic, if you are in any way just unable to exercise, you can still have a normal A1C and reverse your type two diabetes. Lie number six that type two diabetics are told is that you deserve to be able to eat whatever you want. I'm really, have a suspicion that the big food manufacturers are behind this lie, and they help dieticians and healthcare providers come to this conclusion. Diabetics are only human. They deserve to eat birthday cake too. So when you're faced with this lie, you're like, well, yeah, I mean, I'm a deserving human, but what I really deserve is to be able to keep all my toes, and to be able to keep my retina intact, and to be able to keep my kidney function and other functions there. I'd like for all my body parts to keep functioning. So really what this comes down to is, would you rather have the birthday cake, or would you rather have all 10 of your toes? And I think most rational type two diabetics, when you put this to them in that manner, they're like, yeah, eff the birthday cake. I wanna keep my body parts working properly. Lie number seven type two diabetics believe is that you should never fast. You should eat something every two hours, either a meal or a snack. Now there is a caveat. If you are on a medication that raises your serum insulin levels, so if you're injecting insulin, or if you're taking a medication like glyburide, glipizide, glimepiride, then currently, yes, you don't want to not eat for too many hours, or you will have a low blood sugar. But once you have lowered the carbohydrate intake of your diet enough to be able to stop the injectable insulin, which every single type two diabetic out there can do without exception, and then also improved your blood sugar and your A1C enough that you can get off the glyburide, the glipizide, the glimepiride. They work by raising your insulin. Once you're off these medications, and you're only taking something like Glucophage or Metformin, you're never gonna have a dangerous, low blood sugar again. And you can start to fast for longer and longer periods of time, which is going to help your blood sugar and your insulin levels come under better control, return back to normal. Imagine that, having a normal A1C and a normal blood sugar. Yeah, that's possible for you as a type two diabetic, but fasting is gonna be a big part of that once you're off the medications that work by causing hyperinsulinemia. Lie number eight that type two diabetics are told and believe is that they really would do best if they were eating a plant-based diet full of whole grains, lots of fruits, and avoiding saturated fat, red meat, egg yolks. This is one of the most dangerous and devastating lies that type two diabetics believe. This will never give you a normal A1C. Now, if you're currently eating just a junk filled standard American diet, teenager diet, full of chips, and candy bars, and drinking Coke and Pepsi all day every day, then converting to a plant-based diet or even a vegan diet is probably going to improve your levels of inflammation, and your A1C, and your blood sugar levels. Yes, it probably will. But I have yet to see someone on a predominantly plant-based diet who's avoiding red meat and eggs, have a normal A1C. I just don't think it's possible to do that. You can't improve your A1C, but you're never gonna have a normal A1C unless you're eating a proper human diet that includes fatty seafood, fatty red meat, and fatty egg yolks. It is mandatory for you to have an A1C that is normal. Lie number nine that many type two diabetics believe, and this includes you undiagnosed type two diabetics as well 'cause they're out there, millions of them, is that you have to be overweight, or obese, or morbidly obese in order to even be a type two diabetic. And this is absolutely untrue, absolutely untrue. You can be a skinny type two diabetic or a normal weight type two diabetic. In many cases, this is the most dangerous type to be because you run around with your undiagnosed type two diabetes for decades before you break an ankle and wind up in the ER, and they just happened to check your blood sugar, and it's 400, and you've been doing damage to every organ, every little blood vessel in your body for decades before you find out. And that's why I encourage everyone over the age of 35 or 40 to get your A1C checked. Even if you have no family history of type two diabetes, even if you have no symptoms of type two diabetes, at least once a year, get your hemoglobin A1C checked so that if you are becoming pre-diabetic or type two diabetic, which can be completely silent. You can have no indication that your hemoglobin A1C is seven or eight. The only way you can know is to check the A1C. Please do that because you can be a regular size type two diabetic or even a skinny, boney type two diabetic. Lie number 10 that type two diabetics believe, and they believe this because they're told this by their doctor, or by the American Diabetes Association, or other medical governing bodies, is that as long as your hemoglobin A1C is under seven, it's perfect. You're doing great. You're at no risk of complications. You're gonna live to be 110, and all your body parts keep working. This is a dastardly lie because it's not true. It's a big fat lie. And guess who's gonna suffer because of this lie? Not the ADA, not your doctor. You my friend. You're the one who's gonna suffer when you think, well, my A1C is 6.9. That's under seven. My doctor said that was perfect. I don't have to worry about anything. Keep eating what I want and take these pills every day, or maybe this injection, and I'm good to go. I'll live to be 100. No, no, sir. No, ma'am you won't. You will die anywhere from 20 to 30 years prematurely, and it won't be a nice peaceful death where you go in your sleep. You'll go without body parts. You'll go on dialysis. You'll go blind. It's not gonna be pretty. A normal hemoglobin A1C is 5.6 or lower. And on the screen, I'll put up the European conversion for that because I can never remember it. But if your A1C is even 1/10 of a point above 5.6, it is not perfect, my friend. It is not even good. It is bad, okay? Now the higher your A1C, the worse it is. There's no doubt about that. But even a A1C 1/10 of a point high is increasing your risk of all of the disastrous complications that come from type two diabetes. So please, please, please, I implore you, do not believe this lie. Question your healthcare provider. Question your dietician and say, you know actually, I'd like to have a normal A1C because I feel like that's healthier, and I also feel like I deserve to have a normal A1C. And finally, lie number 11, the bonus lie, is that the reason you're a type two diabetic is because your pancreas has burned out, and it's just not making enough insulin anymore. Again, this is a dastardly lie because many type two diabetics think, well, I'm screwed. There's nothing I can ever do to reverse this. I'll have to keep taking my insulin injection and these three pills that my doctor gave me, when the truth of the matter is, with just two tests, if you're not injecting insulin, ask your doctor for a fasting insulin test. If you are injecting insulin, ask your doctor for a C-peptide test. These tests will tell you immediately, not only if your pancreas is still making insulin, but if it's making too much insulin, AKA hyperinsulinemia. And if you are truly a type two diabetic, guess what you're gonna also have? Hyperinsulinemia, which is just as dangerous as having high blood sugar. And this is gonna, again, turn your cart in a 180 degree direction and focus all of your energy, all of your attention, all of your motivation, and all of your money on your diet, because that's how you're gonna reverse your type two diabetes. And if you see, oh, I've got hyperinsulinemia, there's only one way you're ever gonna get that back to normal, my friend, and that's with a very low carbohydrate, proper human diet. So many type two diabetics believe one or more of these myths or lies. I like to call them lies because their ultimate effect is to devastate and destroy someone's health and life. So to me, that's a lie. Don't you think? You can help me and help your friends and family members who are type two diabetics, whether they're diagnosed or not, by sharing this video with them. Because I guarantee you, if you have a friend or a loved one who has type two diabetes, they believe at least two or three of these lies. And as long as they believe these lies, their eyes are closed to the solution of what's going to reverse their type two diabetes and give them a normal A1C. When you share this video with them, you will literally open their eyes, tear away the blinders, and help them to see the truth that it's their diet that is causing their type two diabetes. Their type two diabetes is actually carbohydrate toxicity syndrome. They're just eating too many carbohydrates. And once they understand that the key fact that too many carbs equals a blood sugar that's too high, that equals our insulin level that's too high, then they're off to the races. They can no longer be fooled or lied to. They know that everything is about their blood sugar level and their insulin level, and that all points back towards their diet. I hope this video helped you. You can help me and help others by sharing this video with someone who needs it. This is Dr. Barry. I'll see you next time.
Channel: KenDBerryMD
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Keywords: diabetes reversal, cure for diabetes, diabetes cure, reverse type 2 diabetes, diabetes myths, how to control diabetes, type 2 diabetes, myths about type 2 diabetes, myths about diabetes, all about diabetes myths and facts, facts about diabetes, interesting facts about diabetes, diabetes truth, diabetes misconceptions, lies about diabetes, can you reverse diabetes, reverse t2d, cure t2d, reverse diabetes type 2, dr berry diabetes
Id: C_6rdsBEBZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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