A-Z Race Winners Challenge! | Grill The Grid 2023

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one second [Music] why is it so hard I have no idea race winner don't tell me who is past [Laughter] for you but I don't know why I'm stressing out in front of those cameras we're gonna go through the alphabet and I want you to give me an F1 race winner whose surname begins with every letter of the alphabetes race winners yeah oh Jesus I got a good feeling about this one I'm gonna smash this one my mind is like empty now I lost everyone's surname now it's terrible I normally call them Carlos Luis you know it's very difficult with surnames it doesn't come to my mind okay are you are you ready nope let's go not really yeah I'm ready hit me okay your two minutes start now please name a race running driver beginning with a stuck at a already yes exactly yeah and ready yes a lazy a lacy you see one yes hi Lizzy a lazy uh someone on the grid now because we're a now Alonso that's Curry skip now I'm not gonna skip passenger yeah I skipped B uh brundle not Brando I imagine no not Brandel he didn't win Barack yellow uh yeah b um next escape a b button yes [Music] skip C this is so difficult okay cool yes [Laughter] Charles but it's not the surname Charles no that's gotta be a lesson right yeah shiron no no he didn't win no I thought he won um you can pass keep see cool Todd yes the cool turd cool tour yeah yes Clark yeah I don't know it's a tough on this one d uh [Laughter] my mind is like empty now oh my God I don't know um Davidson [Music] Davidson you can pass again skip skip there's no e f Farina yes F50 poly yep fizzy killer yep pass I don't know Skip G g k g g I think current on the grid G is a surname current uh I'm planking now can't remember any uh uh you know grow your milk Jordan didn't win gee [Music] pass a pass God yeah come back here which team is he I can't tell you that gasly gasoline yeah get Gastly as race winner is not world champion okay okay okay um Escape are you sure a gasly yes h uh I don't know anyone you don't know anyone no yes uh Lewis Hamilton Hamilton Lewis Hamilton man seems so obvious for you but I don't know why I'm stressing out in front of those cameras and I have no answers coming to my mind Hamilton oh my God Hamilton [Applause] yes my God I would have had that one I I skip I no pass why is it so hard I skipped this one pass pass Irvine Irvine Eddie Irvine yes Eggs yeah ever fine yeah you're fine yes yeah Vine yes Jay um skip I don't know um no no idea I don't know okay look over there they can't help you now uh I don't know keep thinking first names JJ [Music] pass I guess all right I'll skip that I don't know um yes Alan Jones yes okay um okay can we oh no okay okay no that's r um okay okay race winners no did kovalina never win yes Kawaii Carolina clean Christian clean oh it win sorry Okay Kevin no pass uh okay okay no pass I don't know I don't even know people who won races the handle is picking with the end your grid mates I don't even know people's surnames louder louder yes yes surname I'm terrible look look oh yeah sure the clock yes yes I'm so selfish I was just waiting for the L um pass I don't know m Magnuson no mustache Mansell come on M Claren huh Montoya yeah yeah very good I lost everyone's surname now it's terrible it happened pass and um [Music] God this is hot my brain doesn't work with this stuff Norris Norris not yet no Lando you haven't won yet mate nothing yes recent recent how recent oh God [Music] couldn't one I'm blinking no I don't know he's on the grid oh yeah on the grid might have been a teammate is French passed don't tell me Alonso one in Hungary French oh con yeah okay yeah teammate uh [Applause] I don't know oh come yes oh come on yes no he won yes ah yeah I'll skip anyway okay p p Frost PK yes Patrick Harris yeah Perez p ussy okay ah God there must be so many with that Kimmy Rodriguez Ricardo Ricardo okay s Schumacher Cena Schumacher Sena Sena Stewart signs yes signs signs he drew for your team the size but I normally call them Carlos Luis you know it's very difficult with surnames it doesn't come to my mind is he really is science all right tea tea I don't know it's so difficult this game I don't know okay the most recent tea was Yano truly so it was quite a long time ago truly anyway Tempe tamby yes V that's all V villner villain villain I don't know me you know me rest stop them yes first happened what's happened oh my God w w w no idea Australian Australian w William Weber Weber whoever [Music] yeah Weber Watson all right it's gonna be Weber ah yes I didn't even mouthing it hello time Mark wiper yeah it's really hard I know [Music] thank you who could have done l oh um you could have had louder the clerk oh geez you have had George Russell you could have had Kimi raikener Nico rosberg yeah yeah I see all your faces looking at me like say words McLaren Bruce McLaren ESS for M you could have had Mansel oh my God G you could have had Pierre Garza you always go too far back in time God that's so hard knock on yeah I just want to say his name foreign
Channel: FORMULA 1
Views: 2,703,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F1, Formula One, Formula 1, Sports, Sport, Action, GP, Grand Prix, Auto Racing, Motor Racing
Id: fE8i247HO8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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