10 Kitchen Gadgets put to the Test - Part 18

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what's up everybody welcome back to more about toy safety is number one priority and today we're going to put to the test ten more kitchen gadgets let's see what I got today so we gotta keep it here you have entire TV yes we have a knife right here and then we're going to cut it Oh donate my stain I'm going to cut it like this boom and then we're going to stick this part into the TV and turned boom nice that's beautiful and then we can just dump it out in here same thing like this put it in and John I think it's only works with a very light TV and it's really easy to actually use wow the knife goes into here and then when you need it you take it out it's just a plastic knife and then cut it keep it like this check this out gamma and then put it in and turn there you go and one more put it in and turn boom Wow look how well it peels it awesome young tight well guys this gadget works pretty good what do you think Emma you like it so the next gadget we got your stove a slice of Awesome mushroom slicer we'll see how it works we got here knives on this side and adhere the copper just cover for you we're going to put it like this and slice it in boom and just keep slicing wow that's a good idea just keep going in and then once you're done slicing them put this Cour in and close it down now you can take out all your slash stop stop buddy so same thing what we're going to do is put a whole mushroom tool like this and you see it doesn't go all the way just hold it like that and put another one in and then another one this one was a little bit too big but it's okay and then put a cobble back in boom and now all your mushrooms comes off and you got yourself sliced up mushrooms I honestly had pretty big doubts about this slicer but in Annecy works amazing and I can just put it to the dishwasher and it says it to get used again what do you think Emma you like this gadget or you like a piece of paper better I got your egg makeup but it's a really really unique one look at that picture let's see what it's all about so first thing what we're going to do is preheat it we're going to plug it in at first you see that light is turned ahead and once it's preheated the light will turn green then we're going to put some cooking spray in there so that way it's going not going to stick and then we're going to put two eggs inside there one and two and then we wait to 6 to 8 minutes and let's see what happens you probably can hear it sizzling and it looks like it's cooking on the inside whoa what's happening look at all it gets and then it falls down to the side I'm gonna unplug it now whoa it keeps going oh my gosh hopefully it doesn't fall this is crazy okay stop that's enough that's enough going now let's take it out and see what this all about go and put it on a stick and flip it upside down wow look at that I never ate an egg like this before you know what this is definitely a weird way to eat the next is just a callable oh and if you want a runny egg all you have to do is cook it for five minutes but this gadget this is a great flip oh maker first we're going to get drip lip and stick it like this then we're going to get grape leaf stuffing and put it in here and then all we have to do is go like this whoa it spits out over here no way look at that and we made a grape leaf stuffing this is so satisfying let's stir this again okay we got a grape leaf put it in here get our stuffing honestly most satisfying thing I ever done and then we're just going to roll it like this boom and the grape leaf spits out that here stuffed already amazing stylish again this is so awesome I cannot believe how easy that is once again put a grape leaf right here get your stuff in whatever you like whatever you want to stuff it with go like that boom and a grape leaf comes out right here ready to eat and for this one I'm super excited because it's a corndog makers hopefully it works well we got here take hot dogs and then we're going to cut them in half just like that and this gadget comes with the bamboo sticks like this you can also purchase those really easily and then we're going to just stick this hotdogs into here like that then we're going to put these corn dogs into here and then I'm gonna point the door on it then all we have to do is just close it all right and let's see what happens to these things whoa this one turned out the best the most though that I put you see that's beautiful so I just need to put a little bit extra door and that will turn out to be amazing never thought in my life I will be able to cook up a little bit on my field but it's fine okay let's try this one more time and see what happens okay let's open it up boom this one's looks much better but I think I used the wrong kind of flour but look this one looks good as well this side looks perfect - awesome I can just put them this way - you won't even see that they are lil a bit on one side that's a beautiful corn dogs don't you think and for the next gadget this is ketchup dispenser but it seems like a gun whoa it's a lot bigger than I thought go down latch this part and then you can take it out whoa this is cool this is ketchup and mustard yeah Wow very easy to fill it up and looks like the way it works you see this spot squishes okay load the Emma in close it right here is a cup we're going to open it got my corn dog and let's put some whoa this is awesome so you just keep pressing it like every time you wanna personally keep pushing on it beautiful now taste test this corn dog delicious with this gadget we're going to cook pancakes Casper a little bit of oil on it as you can see it has to lay flat otherwise it's going to go from the sides so we got make it a little the flood before I can pull it to this ones I don't like thick pancakes I like skinny pancakes and then this one right here maybe I put a bit too much dough actually then we're going to go out like that and flip it over what actually turned out to be pretty good this part comes off easily I only thought all of them have filled a lot but it's not a big deal you see it's actually made right here for spillage okay then we're going to take it out and boom put it in a plate as you can see how thick this pancakes definitely user error you know what let me try this again but with a lot less door looks like a morning out of door and then we can just flip it over wow this one says so much better okay I'm pretty sure it's done and as you can see turn out to be pretty good pancakes so like a lot for this gadget this is a dishwashing machine gadget it's a little clip set here that you can put it like this this way and the last one like that then I'm going to flip it over like this and then we're going to click the wineglasses oh no each click so that way when they've been washed they're not going to keep each other and break and then we're going to stick this part into the dishwashing Iraq then we can stick it like this boom so that way when they being washed and moved around they not being heated in each other and they going to stay safe but the cool gadget I say it's pretty useful and for the next gadget it's pretty unique I don't think everybody needs one because you can just use tongs or whatever nevertheless they still have fun there's the pictures that you had to use it this is for your oven so let's say when you need to pull one out and it's still hot you can just go out there like that and pull it out and if you need to push it back in you can just push it like this without burning yourself or if you have this oven cooking tray and you want to pull it out you can pull it out like this and push it up pretty cool or if you need to pull out one of this cooking tastes you can do it like this and push it back in you can do a pretty cool gadget but I like my oven mints instead
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 4,782,021
Rating: 4.8413029 out of 5
Keywords: Kitchen Gadgets, review, gadgets test, unboxing, cool gadgets, 7 Weird Alarm Clocks put to the Test, 10 Kitchen Gadgets, testing kitchen gadgets, 5 Sushi Gadgets put to the Test, Test
Id: PKdKzs0xS9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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