10 Industries Facing Massive Disruption

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[Music] we are living in very interesting times and let me tell you why because in the next five 10 15 years a lot of jobs today industries and businesses today are going to be extinct and this is so scary for the bigger companies up there but it's so exciting for the smaller nimble companies and entrepreneurs that are coming up why here's why because we're about five 10 15 years away from somebody coming out with an idea after a major disruption where someone's going to be called a trillionaire not a billionaire in the next 5 10 15 years so I'm gonna give you a lot of different industries that are about to go extinct and I'll put the given out the ones that everybody knows about I'm not covering the ones that you heard many different times such as you know publishers newspapers magazines cashiers travel agents manufacturing workers bank tellers taxi drivers radio GPS I'm not covering those I'm assuming you already know those are gonna be extinct here very soon I want to give some new ones here that we haven't talked about before in the past so let me get right into it first business I think restaurant the game of restaurants gonna change dramatically now let me explain what I'm not talking about I'm not talking high-end restaurants why am I not talking about high-end restaurants because for as long as long as husband and wives have kids they're gonna want to step away from their kids and go to a private place away from everybody that knows the madness and sometimes the best way to do it to do it it's just let's go to a nice dinner let's go to a nice restaurant I'm talking about a whole different thing let me explain to what I think we're headed towards I think this is what's coming next imagine you and your wife you and your girlfriend you and your husband you and your boyfriend our city and you're gonna say babe I'm tired today I don't want to cook really baby you want to go to a restaurant I just don't want I just want to stay at the house I just don't want to go out okay so what do you want you want to order some takeout no I kind of want some real food some really good food babe I don't know what do you want to do why don't we hire a chef so hiring the chef used to be for the rich right like you remember how the rich people had drivers you know who has drivers today everybody has the drivers called an uber driver you don't need to be a millionaire to have a driver in the 90s one you said my driver will be picking me up oh my gosh that's a rich man right there not today today chefs I have my own chef no one's gonna care if you got your own ship in the next couple years because you're gonna get on an app what do you feel like eating baby I feel like sushi okay great there's this chef here that's a four and a half star 328 reviews and I checked this availability it's available tonight between 6:00 and 8:00 should we book him what's his rate $25 an hour booking baby boom boom boom great and there's a tip he goes he buys the food he comes to your house cooks everything fresh for you in your house and this app is gonna do a background check on the person who's a chef just like an uber driver is gonna do background check they're gonna do a background check they will cook for you you'll sit there you'll eat a good fresh meal cooked by a chef and you're gonna stay home and watch your movie and not go anywhere someone's gonna serve it to you and then you're gonna say oh my gosh this was great what do you want to do next weekend babe same thing do you want to go to a restaurant no I believe a model like that some of you are watching this in oh my gosh has anybody come out with it possibly in small pockets but there's obviously not a big one nationwide that everybody's using when someone comes out with this they will disrupt restaurant business in ways that fast food all these guys are gonna feel it immediately you know why because what's the negative reputation of fast food restaurants have it's the fact that it's not healthy you mean to tell me I can have a chef come to my house and he's cooking healthy food and I don't need to go anywhere yes bring the chef babe everyone's gonna have a chef I think that's the direction we're going with restaurants number two is movie theaters movie theaters are about to get their tails handed to them here's why I'll just give me some data before I make my prediction back in 2009 just go do the research here back in 2009 in America 1 point 4 1 billion tickets were sold to the movies in a year 1 point 4 1 billion tickets were sold which means 300 million there's some kids involved give or take we go to five movies per year on average as Americans 1.4 billion tickets were sold you know how many tickets were sold in 2017 last year 1.2 billion I'll have the exact data here on the screen for you to see it one point two three billion tickets were sold last so we dropped 200 million tickets in only eight years and it's gonna get worse because all these buildings these standalone theaters that are empty theaters empty theaters all over the place that you're going to they're gonna get crushed we like to sit home and watch movies nowadays we have and we have stuff that we can watch on well we don't have to go anywhere to see it it's getting more expensive people are trying to charge it higher again the high-end ones will do okay just like high-end restaurants because it'll become an experience but we're going a completely different direction with movie theaters and if they don't figure out a way to pivot and adjust they're gonna take a massive hit here coming soon next one telecommunication this one some of you guys will be confused but listen we no longer have house phones yes we no longer have car phones you agree soon we will not be having any more smartphones now you may say Pat you are out of your mind if you think we're now gonna have a smartphone can I ask you why you're paying $100 a month for your phone number why can somebody Skype you for free yes do you need a phone number for someone to Skype you know do you need a phone number for somebody to Facebook you from all over well my friend call me from Brussels today for free on Facebook right do you need a phone number for somebody to call you on snapchat no what is my point why are we paying these telecommunication companies $100 a month for what if you want to call me call me on my facebook line if you got five hundred names on your phone don't your five hundred people on Facebook have your name aren't friends with you anyways so if they need to call you they can easily call you we don't need that anymore see here's what I happen that I want to be going away because you will need this device to log on a social media Facebook all this other stuff yeah you'll pay 40 bucks a month for this you pay twenty bucks a month for data why are we paying $150 a month for phones there are about to get hit in a major way in the next five 10 15 years once somebody figures this things out and remember what I said this June 2018 once someone figures that everyone's gonna say why do I have a phone number go ask after I explain it to you right now you're watching us ask your friends today all day why don't we have a phone number just ask him and tell him exactly what I told you see your friends reaction what they're gonna say you know what I never thought about it why are we paying $100 why we paid $80 why would pay $90 this is another disruptions that's about to take place next one cars Morgan Stanley just came out today Morgan Stanley just came out and this is what they said they said General Motors should stop making cars in North America because there currently were negative four billion dollars why look you know people say everything is getting more expensive believe it or not a lot of things are getting cheaper and cheaper and cheaper telephones gonna be cheaper okay a lot of things are getting cheaper if you really if you really think about it a lot of things are becoming free you kind of have to give things away for free there used to be time we have to pay a lot of money for softwares how many software's today are free based on just Google and all these other things that we have access to cars about are about to take a big hit because one this whole transportation deal will was taking place again high-end cars will be around because rich people want to be able to show with status and look at my one million dollar car that I have here enzo or one million dollar two million dollar Bugatti I have your look in my Pagani look at all these cars that's okay but the regular day-to-day cars we're not gonna need it anymore someone's gonna pick you up you'll be transported somewhere but the whole thing about having two three four cars and a family like we used to that is going to be changing completely soon in the next five 10 15 years I'm telling you that is the direction we're going I may be wrong but that's what I believe that's the direction we're going with that next one I'll keep giving you simple on wallets we used to have photo albums we no longer have photo albums we just go on Instagram and Facebook this wallet that is $300 by Gucci Gucci guess what you got to stop making wallets because these things are going out of business we no longer need wallets I know people are making phone cases louisvil tongs got phone cases all this other stuff wallets gone retailers next one I really feel bad for Walmart let me tell you why I like Walmart the reason why I have affinity to Walmart because when I was living in Kentucky in this city that had no nightclubs and I'm 18 years old on Friday nights you know what we would go to meet girls we'd go to Walmart to meet girls our night club was called Walmart so I have some kind of an affinity to Walmart but Walmart there's a business out there okay that's called Amazon that's the closest thing to a monopoly today and the president knows it's a monopoly he's trying to push it for monopoly a lot of people are trying to push it for monopoly and if you think Bayes being worth 120 billion dollars is a lot of money wait till over the next couple of years all of a sudden he's worth 300 billion in no time because Amazon is not Sloane then Amazon is one of the most dangerous companies in the world to competitors competitors go to sleep when they watch a movie with the Amazon River they shimmer and have nightmares all night long because all they know is this company's about to take their market place away from them these retailers are becoming showrooms what do we need a showroom for there's simply help in Amazon you're going to Walmart you're taking a picture then you go into Amazon you're paying something 20% cheaper Amazon is helping one Walmart is helping Amazon Walmart has become Amazon's showroom how pathetic is that how many times have you gone to a store you looked at something you took a picture you want online a bottle from Amazon how many times have you done it we do it all the time what is the point the point is these showroom businesses that ran out all this massive space it's gonna be going away because first of all you're not gonna be doing shopping anyways it's gonna be a what do you call a warehouse type of deal someone's gonna go shop for you they're gonna be everything's gonna be someone's gonna do to income these are jobs sure someone's gonna go and do it for them bring you to I'm on this stuff I'm gonna go buy it and bring it to you this is the kind of direction we're going out so this showroom type of stuff you're only helping out of business like Amazon oh next one this is the one industry that I am a part of it let me tell you what industry this is this is the insurance industry listen up insurance industry whether you're a P&C Property and Casualty life or whatever it is look underwriters if you're an underwriter and you're watching this hurry up and figure out a way to become an analyst not an underwriter let me explain to why if I am hiring you and I want an analyst and I see that you've been an underwriter your last job was an underwriter it's already too late for you I would be hurrying up and becoming an analyst very quickly and this is why look underwriters get paid a couple hundred thousand dollars a year underwriters go to very good schools they're great with math actuaries they have they study statistics are phenomenal with numbers but they have positioned themselves in the wrong place because if I'm running an insurance company as a carrier not the one that's selling it as the carrier I am investing currently today to the best kids coming out of Wharton Business School who were ridiculous in math who were ridiculous in analytics who were ridiculous in data I'm hiring every one of these young cats and I'm bringing them and I'm telling them figure out a way for me to make the cost of insurance be different on this figure out a way for me to be able to maximize this without needing any underwriters because I'm eliminating another cost to me as a company and that's exactly another direction will be going underwriters will be gone and underwriters mind will be replaced by a machine you're very very soon next next is journalists traditional journalists are going away listen this whole thing about the amount of credibility journalists have today social media has hurt journalists all these WordPress the blogs all these websites where you can go out and share your opinion they're hurting journalists now some people are saying well it doesn't yet heard you her journal is because the best ones are coming up let me give you an example of what I mean by the best one micro micro post something on his website it gets hundreds of thousands of shares he doesn't need to work for somebody his website brings so much traffic that a business would be willing to advertise on his website for $50,000 $100,000 a month the guy's making a million dollars here just on endorsements that he's getting why do I need to go be a journalist and tie my name to New York Times or LA Times or any of that stuff the only reason these magazines and newspapers are gonna be around is because a billionaire is gonna come and buy Washington Post also known as Amazon's owner which is who Jeff Bezos he owns Washington Post because I need to make sure I also control media a little bit another billionaire today just bought LA Times just today LA Times was just bought for only 500 million dollars he thinks for business purely for influence you may buy because you want to control media but you're not buying it because you're trying to make money off of it it's gonna be completed from purpose for buying media not when you and I are thinking about so journalism is gonna be changing tremendously next college sports which one is a business college or sports okay so check this out college sports which is a business college or sports you may say both okay great they're both businesses which one relies on the other one again which relies on the other one what do you mean Pat without which one is there not the other one I don't know well sports relies on what colleges stay with me here this is gonna get a little crazy which one makes them a lot of money a lot of attention sports brings them billions of dollars to these schools so they have to make sure the college stays in business because if colleges don't stay in business they don't have all this free money that's coming in to them because they're not paying these athletes right here's what I think is gonna take place this one's gonna be a strange one and I'm gonna give a compliment to a very weird person Lavar ball Lavar ball right now is going around the nation and he's asking and tweeting out an Instagram any great ballers in Chicago Agis this to this come on down are we gonna do with this listen he may be crazy but if there's somebody that's watching this right now saying where's an opportunity for a league like a UFC I'm gonna tell you something here right now if somebody can create a national league a national league for kids between ages of 14 to 18 and a national league that competes with major league sports 18 to 20 I am even though right now a lot of young kids go play for base go play for a basketball they go early and you see some of them have to be a little bit longer for them to go in I think there's a big opportunity right now for sports that doesn't have to do with colleges it's just sports a level below the NBA a level below the NFL a level below that that young cats are coming up and I'm not even talking about d-league or any of this stuff I'm talking about a real league where money is being made if someone can figure out a way to do that without colleges being needed because colleges are going away kids are not gonna be going to college the way we've been going to college it's getting smaller and smaller and smaller and becoming a bigger and bigger business and people are starting to realize and read between the BS that a four-year degree doesn't give me anything because things are changing so rapidly I wrote a book on this called dropout and get school and I got a ton of hate on it how can you write a book called dropout and get to school but here's the thing I'm a dropout I didn't graduate college I don't have a four-year or two-year degree well pay you don't have the right to write a book like that I don't write about myself I wrote it with a guy named Thomas L sward who got a four-year degree and has got a masters and was a professor at UCLA and by and pepper then we both wrote it together and gave different views on why it's time to drop out and get school and why I believe 80% of college students shouldn't go to college this thing's gonna change but this doesn't mean that there is not an opportunity for some other to go figure out a way to do things with sports next one is gonna be gas stations obviously gas stations are gonna be gone very quickly this whole gas business in the 80s and 90s I'm Middle Eastern one of the things about Middle Easterners we own a lot of gas stations it's easy you bring them on your bike at stations it's like an annuity pays you on a monthly basis and it's pretty good amounts depending on how to market that so we don't mind that we like gas stations but it's gonna change investing in gas stations today is a bad idea let me give you the last point here politics this may not have to do with money but it does let me explain to what I mean by politics this is the thing about politics first of all I don't agree with our current voting system that we have and the reason why I don't believe with the current voting system that we have is the following reason let me explain something to you say I'm a 14 year old kid okay say I blow up because I'm sexy as hell okay hypothetically I look so good and and and you know I'm disruptive I'm crazy and I'm interesting and all of a sudden I have a hundred and forty five million people following me okay and I grow up and I have some opinions I have some thoughts and I'm very persuasive and I'm very good with communication and putting words together because I'm an artist or whatever I am and I start talking about some correcting and injustice we are very soon going to be seen at 35 36 your president in the United States of America very very soon we will be having at 35 36 your president and if it's only based on who has the biggest followership and I try to figure out a way to minimize the debates debates as much as possible because if I'm good at what I do I'll minimize the debates to the least amount that I have to be a part of to participate as a person that's registered to run for president and if I can do my videos well and I say I don't come to debates you want to debate me I do it Facebook live that's the only way I do it I don't come to physical debates somebody is gonna see this and they're gonna say wait a minute but you have to come to the debate no I don't it never said I have to do this or cry tears well you have to come to these I'll come to those but if you want to vote for me vote for me and then all of a sudden we have a president that not knowingly may not be the best thing for us but we just voted for somebody politics is about to change in a major way I'm right now you're gonna see political if you think this last political campaign was crazy with Twitter you really think this was crazy that was done by 69 year old man wait til it's done by 36 year old person that knows everything about social media everything about all these BOTS and everything we're facing and by the way I'm not talking about just manipulation I'm not talking I'm talking about a marketer that's kind of come and disrupt the entire political game very and bother what's gonna happen at the lower levels very easy Congress mayor all that stuff senator nope I'm talking at the highest level which means the president so there's a big opportunity there but there's also attention to be paid to the political side and not just be too naive just because somebody's got a lot of following to go out and pull that off because very soon you will see candidate in America a 35/36 or that's gonna say I want to be the president United States now that's how to set up is I don't want a lot of my American patriots that come and say you know you stop trying to change this I'm not trying to change all that stuff I'm just telling you Bo where were you where you got to adapt you've got a pivot you gotta just because if you don't you're gonna be the one that's gonna suffer the consequences I'm simply making you aware and by the way I am very comfortable being wrong with every single one of the predictions that I made but I don't think I'm wrong with every one of them having said that again questions thoughts comment below if you haven't subscribed to the channel click right here to subscribe to the channel as well and by the way we have a PDF on this as well below they can download click on the link below for you to download the PDF that Mario's prepared for you take everybody
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 462,347
Rating: 4.6634812 out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, 10 Industries Facing Massive Disruption, business future, the future of business, jobs disappearing
Id: HuymeBMFe5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
Reddit Comments

Lost me at hiring a chef. Dude is way out of touch with reality. Newer generations HATE social interaction. Having ANYONE over for ANY reason is always going to be a big NOPE. That whole industry is going to stay a delivery service just as it is. What MIGHT change is less sit down higher end food places and more delivery dedicated home cooked meal type places.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Pronage 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2018 🗫︎ replies
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