Top 12 Fastest Growing Industries In The World

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It's time to wake up. In the next few minutes, I'm gonna be sharing with you the top 10 industries that are dying and the top 12 industries that are booming. And by you going through this information, you're gonna be getting this mind map. If you stay till the end of this video, I'm gonna give you a free copy of this mind map with some of the best information over here. So what are we gonna cover today? I'm gonna be sharing with you the hard-hitting facts on the world that we are in today. Two, is I'm gonna share with you the top 10 dying industries. The third part is I'm gonna be covering the top 12 growing industries which you can actually you know, bank on over the next five to 10 years, and what is your next step, what do you really need to have in place, okay. So hi there, my name is Siddharth Rajsekar, and I am really in the digital space for the last six to seven years. I'm a musician turned social media geek. I never thought I would be in this space with the pure intention, vision to keep growing with changing times. So even though I come from a music industry, I'm right now in the social media industry and I know I could possibly be in a totally different industry five to six years down the line with this mindset. And one of the reasons I did this research is so that I can give you the information without any fluff, okay. Straight off the bat, hard-hitting information that can potentially change the course of your life, okay. And change the course of your destiny for whatever it may be. So the first thing I wanna tell you is that no matter what you have studied in the past, maybe whatever industry background that you're coming from, I would like you to understand that if you have a fluid mindset, if you have a fluid way of thinking that, "You know what? "If my industry is not good I'm ready for a change." And if you start you know, acquiring the skills in that, there's a high chance that five years, 10 years, 15 years down the line, you're gonna be more valuable in the market place and you are gonna be creating a better income for yourself and you'll be afloat with the fast changing times. So let's first understand some hard-hitting facts here. Let's get into this. There are three hard-hitting facts that you need to know. Number one, 75% according to Forbes, 75% of companies are gonna disappear in the next five years out of which 50% of them are not yet born. Interesting right? 75% of companies are gonna disappear in the next five years. The second hard-hitting fact is over two billion jobs are gonna disappear by the year 2030 with all the changes that are happening. Especially industries like the power industry, coal industry, transportation industry, line repairment, all of that is gonna get obsolete. So two billion, I'm talking with a B here, jobs are gonna disappear by 2030. And number three is 85% of jobs that will exist in the year 2030 haven't been invented yet. That means the school and education system, they have not yet started to create that kind of curriculum to soothe the job for 2030. And this was you know, mentioned by Dell here okay, the founder of Dell, Michael Dell. So these are some of the most important points or hard-hitting facts. There are many more facts over there, there are many more facts but I'm not listed that here because I just wanna bring out the top three here. So let's go straight into the top 10 dying industries. Let's start from the top here. The first dying industry is the video tape and disc rental industry. If you're somebody, if you know somebody who has a video rental shop library where you go you know, get CDs and discs and stuff, this is gonna go. Okay, this is already dead for most that we know, like with Netflix and stuff that's coming on. It's a goner industry. Second one, is libraries and archives you know, actual libraries going there. That's dying, people have everything in their Kindle, and in their palm, so government libraries aren't going to be used as much as how it use to be used. You know, that's the sad truth of the world. Number three is directories and mailing list publishers also is a dying industry right now. But you go to somebody and they you know, people have directories and they would send mails to a particular list. All that is gone , I'm talking about offline here. Number four is the photofinishing industry is also a dying industry because today you have everything you know, in your palm right now. You can actually do all the editing, photofinishing, you have high resolution cameras in your finger tips now. So this is one industry that's going down. Newspaper publishers are going down. In fact New York Times also is, their subscription base has been dropping drastically which is why now they coming up with a app-based model, a subscription-based model where at least they get $1 per day, $1 per month kind of a thing for getting some kind of revenue through newspaper. And how much of money is going to printing and all of that. That industry is goner, five years down the line it's gonna go down in a much, much more drastic way. Telephone apparatus manufacturing. One of the days of the old telephone days. Even now if you look at it, it's all mobile manufacturing which is moving up not the old telephone you know, apparatus which is still around but it's like nearly dead right now. Now I come from the music industry. I studied sound engineering and this industry is going down. Sound recording studios, okay. A friend of mine is also a top musician. He was saying he knows just in the last 30 days, he knows four music studios, reputable studios that have shut down. So this is another industry that's going down and going down really fast. Number eight, book stores and news dealers. This is also going down because everything is digitized. Number nine, is stationery product manufacturing companies. Okay, this is again worldwide statistics, worldwide data. I have a few friends also own stationery product manufacturing companies and this is in for trouble over the next few years. And number ten, we're looking at textile and fabric finishing mills, okay. So mills also are going through its churn and many of these top industry like power industries, coal industries, transportation industries. They're all getting you know, powered with artificial intelligence and many other ways like 3D printing. A few other industries that are coming up in the bigger which will be really replacing the traditional way of doing things. So now let's look at the top 12 growing industries. Top 12 growing industries, number one is, the top growing industry is VR and AR, virtual reality, augmented reality and its applications across multiple industries. So if you are somebody who has an aptitude for building applications around VR and AR and customizing them for different industries, you got a huge opportunity. You're gonna be in business for a long time. Two is green energy, anything to do with green, eco-friendly energy, environment-friendly energy. We're talking about solar, wind, many other alternate sources. There's a huge opportunity out there. Number three is e-commerce. People are already use to buying stuff online and Amazon is like the biggest, online detail market place. Having said that, there are so many other you know, e-commerce players out there. So if you have a niche product or a niche category or topic and unique products that can really serve a market, you've got a huge opportunity waiting out there for you. Number four is consulting. Okay, there are a lot of experts and consultants who are doing really well right now and it's a booming industry. But you got to really know what you're doing , okay. You cannot just become a consultant today just with some, little bit of an experience. You've got to really go deep, dig your well and consult, and you have a great opportunity out there where you as an individual, you can consult and create a good revenue for yourself. Number five is content marketing. A part of what I'm doing right now is part of content marketing and this is a huge industry. The way that people are gonna market in the future, even right now and heading into the future, is by first educating, engaging and then getting customers. It's not just like a direct sale anymore because there are too many options in the market, there's too much of noise in the market and if you have to stand out from the crowd you got to deliver the goods first. You got to deliver the right content. So content marketing is gonna be around for a long time. Beauty technology is another industry which is on the rise. I've not done my research in this in depth yet, but from a little bit of stuff that I was looking at, people want to look beautiful and there are so many different products and technologies that are being built around that, okay. Number seven is influencers. You can see Instagram influencers are on the rise now. YouTube influencers are on the rise now. Twitter influencers are on the rise now and you know, brands want to contact these influencers and pay them to really shout out their message and influencers make a lot of money right now with this trend that's moving up. So this is gonna grow even further. Number eight is gaming industry. Gaming is gonna be a huge, huge industry. It's already a multi-billion dollar industry at this point and we're gonna look at gaming in all kinds of scenarios, especially with VR coming in, you know. Especially now let's say big movies, block buster movies coming in where they launch even the games along with that. It's huge, like look at Lego what they've done. Lego along with their actual Lego products, they've also now branched into Lego games now. If you go and check out all the Lego Batman games, Lega Harry Potter, you got all the, Lego have, even their movies coming out, Lego movies. So gaming with movies and all the other apparel that comes with it, it's a huge industry, okay. Number nine, biotech. Biotechnology and different kinds of medical drugs and products that can really solve people specific problems. We're talking about general medicare and there are so many other new technologies that's evolving in this space. Big industry to be in. Number 10, elder care. Okay, we don't realize this but a lot of people are getting old and they've been getting old but now if you see, there's a whole segment that's been created where elder care is a big industry on its own. Okay, number 11 is cyber security. Another growing industry with so many hacks and tricks which are there. If you are somebody who's an ethical hacker and who has the ability to really crack and do it for a good reason, then you will be in demand, okay. So cyber security is a big industry. And finally number 12 is financial technology. The way that we use money, the way that we actually transact. We've already seen the first wave of blockchain that's created a huge you know, wave if you look at it. Cryptocurrencies it had it rise and fall. Crypto, the specific currencies may rise and fall but if you look at the concept of blockchain and financial technology as a whole and how governments will start to adopt this in the future. That's a huge opportunity there, okay. So considering this, these are the top 12 growing industries and I hope you found this useful because by you being aware that these are the things coming up and these are the things going down, you can start to make some shifts in your careers. Okay, you can start to make some shifts in your positioning because if you position yourself in the right place, you know it's all about this, it's all about positioning. If you're positioning yourself in the right place, you will have an opportunity to really earn cash on it and you can ride the wave, other than see the wave go by. Okay, and you don't want to be doing that. Now when I go onto social media seven years back, it wasn't as big as what it is right now and now we're kinda riding the wave. But having said that, I cannot say that this wave is gonna be the same five years from now. So what I'm doing right now is positioning myself for the future and looking at what kind of skills I need to acquire right now to be ready for three years from now, four years from now. So having said that, I've put together a few next steps. Okay and these are very important for you if you really want to master this game. Let's get to the steps now. Step number one, is you gotta position yourself for the future. What I mean by this, is you need to start riding the wave by thinking about what are the industries that you wanna start going after and zeroing down on that and start to dig a well, okay. One of my mentors, he told me that there are three kind of personalities. You have the first kind of personality who's more like the ocean. The ocean, there's so much of water around there but you can't drink that water, you can't use that water for any tangible purpose. You have a lot of people in today's day and age where they're like the ocean. They are highly qualified, they have like a tail of degrees after their name. They have like the PhDs and the PPHDs and so many multiple you know, doctorate personalities but their knowledge really cannot be tangibly used anywhere. Okay, they just overly qualified. That's the first kind of personality. The second kind of personality is somebody like the marshy lake where they're a person who knows a little bit of everything. Okay, now you cannot drink that water from a marshy lake. It's really dirty there so there is no depth in that water, there's no depth there. So there are some people who know a little of everything but they don't have the depth in that knowledge. So you cannot really use that knowledge also. And you have the third kind of personality is somebody who builds a well. Who really builds a well deep and their knowledge is deep and they're able to pull out water and drink that water whenever they feel like. Okay, so the well kind of personality is somebody who picks any one of these growing categories and goes deep into it, knowing that there's a potential area over there. There's a potential growth area for them. So having said that, this is what I mean by positioning yourself for the future, is by digging a well of your own. Okay, the second action step is you need to start growing your influence irrespective of whichever industry that you're in, you gotta start growing your influence because gone are the days where people are hiding behind their logos and stuff, okay. You need to be more open outside. You need to be more on videos and that's one of the reasons even I'm doing these videos because I want people to understand who I am and to connect with me on a more deeper level by watching my videos, okay. So if you really wanna learn how to build your influence, I've got this down to a science and you can hop onto my Monday night webinars. I'm also writing a book on this. There's a link to this, I'm gonna give you this mind map like I said. I'm gonna give you this mind map. You can go to It's a replay of my webinar, you can go and check it out and learn the components on how to build your influence. And I have a 21 day challenge if you wanna grow your influence within 21 days, okay. A lot of success stories of people going through it. Number three is you need to start acquiring new skills for the digital age and if you look at the most essential skills to have irrespective of the industry that you wanna get into, is the ability to sell or the ability to really master the game of traffic and conversions. What I realize is that by me mastering this well of traffic and conversions, I can sell anything tomorrow. Okay, I can sell anything. If I wanna sell cyber security services, if I wanna sell biotech products, if I wanna sell gaming products, if I wanna sell content marketing products. You know, I just need to know how to drive traffic and how to convert that into customers. So this is a very essential skill. If you wanna learn about this, hop onto my upcoming webinar. Go to and hop onto one of my upcoming webinars where I will talk to you specifically about top world traffic sources and how you can really monetize in multiple ways, okay. And number four is the extension of whatever I'm saying, start to build multiple streams of income. Don't just depend on one stream of income anymore. Gone are the days where you know, gonna be in one company for like 40 years and you're gonna get a pension and you're gonna live happily ever after. No, that's never gonna work anymore. So in today's day and age people need to start thinking about MSI, multiple streams of income. Okay, so in my case I have my agency which is one of my income streams. I've got my blog and in blog I have MSI, multiple income streams through my blog. And I also do some high level consulting work, so this is the way that I have positioned myself and how I need to master traffic and conversions. So if you wanna really learn about MSI, if you wanna create MSI for yourself, you wanna get multiple streams of income for yourself, then I would like you to go to or get onto my Facebook Messenger. Okay and you can just type the word MSI there. If you type MSI, you're gonna see my chat bot in action and I'll be coming to you in the form of short, short videos. Giving you the concepts on how to really do that. Okay, so some of you want this mind map yeah. If you're watching this video on YouTube you have to just type in the comment box what do you think about this. I would like you to type this in the comment box, okay. And if you want this mind map, I would like you to go to again, and type in the word, "Wakeup". And I'll, you gonna be getting this mind map for free. Take a download of it, print out of it, look at it. Decide which are the areas you wanna focus in and join me in one of my live webinars where I'll be going deeper and giving you more available information, okay. Cheers, God bless, have an awesome day. Share this video right now because when you share this, somebody else can benefit from this information and possibly change their destiny. Okay, so pay it forward, share this video. Wish you all the best, bye bye.
Channel: Siddharth Rajsekar
Views: 233,422
Rating: 4.7523646 out of 5
Keywords: dying industries, dying industries fastest growing industries, struggling companies, what industries are growing, top growing industries, fastest growing industries to start a business, fastest growing industries in the world, famous companies that no longer exist, dead and dying retail, dying industries 2018, 10 Industries Facing Massive Disruption, jobs disappearing, the future of business, most profitable business, most profitable businesses, most profitable business in india
Id: fvYLZpRJl_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
Reddit Comments

Great overview, thanks for posting!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jimm_Kirkk 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2019 🗫︎ replies
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