The Neighbors Laughed At This House Until They Went Inside

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[Music] welcome back to top five best for another dose of inspirational houses I mean we can't really go on in life without looking at how creative people can get when it comes to building and designing their living spaces the video I have for you today is about houses with surprising interiors I'll be looking at houses out there that might seem simple old and even ugly sometimes but once you go inside you're gonna be absolutely shocked the interiors of these places are nothing like the way they look on the inside at least housing those lives made a lot of neighbors laugh and raise their eyebrows but that all changed once people got a glimpse of what's inside and get ready for the houses I have at the top you're not even gonna imagine what secrets they hold inside with all that said and done let's begin shall we number 10 the Texas barn there is no Texas without the barns ain't that right and I'm sure a lot of people over there have made cool living spaces for humans and these buildings that are meant to keep animals inside but I doubt any of those barn houses can top the one I'm going to show to you today it's a barn house in San Antonio sure we could judge it by its looks you'd think there are a lot of horses inside this barn waiting for their food or for someone to take them out for a ride but once you walk inside you realize this is actually a very luxurious and comfortable living space just look at the living room we'll show you that the house is anything but simple it has a fancy leather sofa and a projector to watch movies I mean what else do you need there's also a dining room and an extravagant bar with high ceilings and there's also a second floor which is where you could find all the bedrooms and bathrooms for a little bit of privacy in this huge space that can perfectly fit a big texan family and still have room for lots of our guests number nine the abandoned house in New Orleans New Orleans is one of the oldest cities in the United States there's a ton of great food for key shops and of course a lot of historical sites I reflect on the past of the nation and that includes a lot of old houses like this one now there is a big difference between old and abandoned and when you look at this one it's easy to put it under the abandoned category just look at those fading balls and the doors what Dad anyone lives there but once you step inside you'll realizes is more like a luxurious mansion and of course it's anything but abandoned it has a very wide living room with fancy furniture and right next to a minimalist yet elegant dining room and walls with a lot of art and books and then if you walk into the kitchen you'll find a very modern space that is easily more fancy than the kitchen I have in my own place there's also a loft style bedroom and even a backyard for an afternoon sea with a couple of friends I wouldn't picture this if I were to imagine the interior based on what I see outside number eight neat Taranto Jim the exterior of the next house on this list is not necessarily old ugly or anything like that it's just well normal it looks like any other house on the block however I am 100% sure that no other house in the neighborhood looks like this one does on the inside as soon as you walk into this home you'll travel back to the 60s because you see this house has remained unchanged as that decade and has been well preserved a it's 97 year old owner some of its walls are painted with a variety of pastel colors and others have been covered with very unique law papers there's also a bar on the basement covered with wood panels and I'm sure all the furniture in this house is worth a fortune they have been well preserved for a ton of time it is if a museum and imagine were blended together to make what this house is today the house was put in the market for a modest amount of six hundred and ninety nine thousand dollars which i think is actually quite low considering everything that the house has to offer number seven the narrow polish house and now we're gonna revisit a home that we've seen in previous videos but it is worth mentioning this is of course the carrot house which can easily be considered the narrowest house in the world the widest point of this house is barely a hundred and twenty two centimetres long and yet it allows someone to live comfortably inside of it this home was built by Polish architects jokubas any who says he even had to customize every piece of furniture so it can all fit perfectly inside of the house I mean even the smallest houses in the world can fit regular sized furniture so this house must be really narrow for Jacob to even have to go through all that extra work this house is perfect for someone who likes to work from home even more specifically for writers who love their personal space I mean it's really easy to isolate yourself in this house because there's not even enough space to hold a proper gathering for people this home is meant for one person the only main rooms are a bedroom in a study room and they are separated by a simple ladder the carrot house was intended to stay up for only two years but it's now become an icon of Warsaw and it's also now part of everyone's list of things they want to see in this city numbers 6 the airplane house you seen people living in RVs and other sorts of minivans and even making a home inside of their cars but would you consider living inside of an airplane just right asleep during a 12-hour flight you'll realize it's not the most comfortable space to make a permanent living space however this airplane in Costa Rica is probably one of the best homes you can find in the middle of the rainforest with two bedrooms and breathtaking views you can simply forget you're inside a Boeing once you find your way through this home this project was made by Bruce Campbell who sue considers this legit home to be a work in progress he also says that jet liners can and should be transformed into wonderful homes he's so obsessed with transforming plans into homes that he's now considering doing a similar project in Japan which is where he spends his time if he's not lounging at his Costa Rican exotic home number five the UK burble house the next house on this list is in the UK the exterior is actually quite impressive I mean I'm sure a lot of houses over there look like this one and I would be happy to walk inside if I'm given the chance to do so it looks big and it has nice walls and it even has a backyard so what is it about this place that makes it so interesting well of course that being its interior whoever lives inside this place is obsessed with the color purple so Matt your favourite colour you might fall in love with his own right away or you might get sick of purple and choose a new favourite colour the walls the tiles the rugs pretty much everything is purple there's only a few pieces of furniture that are black and white just a contrasted it with the excessive amount of purple all around and well it seems like someone out they really love the idea of a purple home because the place was sold at 400,000 British pounds which is the equivalent to a bit more than half a million u.s. dollars number for the Clocktower house when you walk around Brooklyn you'll probably spot the clock tower sure it's impressive but would you ever consider checking out what it looks like from the inside well as I mentioned in previous videos this building is more than just another clock tower inside it you're gonna find one of the most impressive penthouses in the city it's a 650 square metre space from which you can have one of the best views of New York City the previous owners originally tried to sell it at 25 million u.s. dollars back over in 2010 but they realized that no one was that crazy for a clock tower penthouse so they had to slowly lower down the prices until finally someone bought it at the modest amount of fifteen million dollars apparently this home is a perfect spot to get a view of Manhattan Brooklyn and Queens number three the backyard secret and now there this house in the UK that looks pretty ordinary from outside you might think a whole magical world will pop out in front of your eyes once you open the door but surprisingly that's not the case I mean the house is nice it has a regular living room a normal bedroom a kitchen that is big but still nothing extraordinary so then what's just so unique about this space how did I put it on this list well a visit to the backyard is all you need to get the answers to those questions as soon as you step outside you'll realize there is a small building inside the property something that looks like a tiny house as you approach it you'll realize it is a pub actually this house has its own private pub in the backyard it will equipped with lots of space to bring friends and family over there's a bar and plenty of chairs to relax it online after long days at work this place was sold for about three hundred and twenty thousand US dollars and I'm sure the new owners now have one of the most popular hangout spots within their group of friends now it's time for the day's best ping this video has shown us that you can never go to a house by its looks and just one bill into the interior can change the way we see things but some houses hold so many secrecy you might have to go through some sort of secret passage before you see what surprises the space can hold the picture I have today shows a hidden door underneath the bed and today I want to show you a house that will take you through a lot of doors and secret passages before you see one of its biggest secrets number two the underground house in upstate New York as look at this as an upstate New York the place looks decent even as a small airplane parked outside and when you look inside you realize the place is actually pretty big with enough space for people to work both eat and enjoy some quality time with their loved ones but things get interesting once you go through a door and start going down stairs you will then find a gate that looks something right out of a videogame and it definitely looks like the kind of gate I would use if there was something I wanted to hide from the outside world and sure enough there actually is a quite big secret there it's an underground home everything you just saw prior to that gate is just a misleading facade this home has massive bedrooms in a living room perfect for people who love their private space and need an escape from their social life there's also even a silo which made me realize the people who owned this place are absolutely ready in the case of an apocalypse maybe that's what the owners had in mind when they built it I guess they want to be ready at the world ends anytime soon I don't know their intentions but I definitely know I wouldn't mind living in a space like this one I saved the best for last but first I have a quick challenge that takes 45 seconds 53 if you can leave a like and subscribe within the next five seconds you'll get 10 years of amazing luck just try it it really worked number one the slow vac billboard houses in a world in which social media has taken over a billboards and not as popular as they were before yet Simas low back designers have found a great way to use them they in fact made eighteen square meter houses out of them that's right they made billboard homes for the homeless outside you only see a billboards but inside they are proper living spaces these homes are powered by the same electricity of the lights of the billboards and have enough space for a bed storage in a bathroom the interior is covered in wood and nice touches of white which evoked the creativity of the people who designed them I honestly think that's a great initiative to help homeless people and give great use of those billboards along the road good Anya Slovakia what do you think of these houses would you like to live in any of them let us know in the comments section down below with all that said and done that's our video for today folks and I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you all next time later everybody [Music]
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 3,553,553
Rating: 4.7659616 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, houses, underground house, underground houses, mysterious, hidden homes, hidden rooms, people, laughing, at his house, his house, house, until they, went inside, home, apartment, mansion, unusual, unusual houses, family friendly, Until They Went Inside..., insane house, house in forest, interior, house interior, interior design, exterior design house, buildings, home decor, interesting facts, interesting, facts, top 10, top 5, best, list, in the world, real estate
Id: lMnjir8DcNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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