10 DUMBEST Things Billionaires Own

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there's only so many zeroes in your bank account before you start buying incredibly dumb stuff that costs insane amounts of money how does a $213,000 shirt sound yeah rich people buy a lot of dumb stuff so today I'm gonna remind myself I'm incredibly poor and I'm a huge loser by counting down the 10 most expensive dumb things bought by rich people please leave a like so we all feel better let's jump into number 10 cell phones have become a necessity in today's world be it through surfing the web or using them to call friends and family basically everyone and their dog has one Justin billionaire fashion of course you got to take that over the top too and what better way to do that then to create a fifteen million dollar iPhone this random businessman from Hong Kong's iPhone 5 is absolutely covered in gold and diamonds not just any diamonds but an extremely rare 26 karat black diamond as well I'm not joking he literally used that as his home button going even further than that he uses rare white diamonds to line the outer casing in the Apple logo is it insanely good-looking yeah is it overly expensive considering how often iPhones get new releases also yes I'm still low-key kind of jealous that this dude has all the spare cash lying around to spend fifteen million dollars on a pimped-out case for his iPhone 5 but hey on the bright side I bet that screen still cracks if you drop it number 9 you could have all the fame and fortune in the world but if you can't share it with someone like a dog is it really worth it ok yeah I'll be specific but let's be real dogs are man's best friend for a reason and what better way to spoil them then a 3.2 million dollar collar yeah with 1,600 hand placed diamonds this collar is sure to make your dog in absolute icon where it isn't covered in diamonds it's blinged out with 18 karat white gold and the strap is made from literal crocodile leather the senior editor of Forbes even called it the Bugatti of dog collars and it's easy to see why this is Ava she's wearing the first pick a 3.2 million dollar diamond dog collar known by its maker as a more and more this collar is just over the top and it's also the most expensive dog collar on the market I love my dog but even if I had that much spare cash lying around I don't think I would get him this or what I think they want it like the irony is I feel like the dog would probably choose a piece of pepperoni over this caller number eight supercars are a pretty average thing for billionaire stone I mean who wouldn't want to buy a new Lambo or Ferrari if you had infinite money this entry is taking that whole idea and pretty much cranking it to an entirely different level owned by the saudi prince a mirror this particular vehicle is a Mercedes SL 600 worth an estimated 4.8 million dollars since the prince was reported by Forbes as one of the top ten richest people in the world are we really surprised four point eight million dollars is probably what he uses his toilet paper when you're that rich this sick Mercedes is encrusted with three hundred thousand diamonds and is easily the most expensive car of its make in the world it's well definitely one of the dummer spots on this list but when you keep watching you'll find out that this rabbit hole goes even deeper number seven we've seen a few items on this list be coated in gold or diamonds already so let's get a little crazier and talk about this solid gold bathroom located in Manhattan's Soho neighborhood this is the master bath in a twelve million dollar bond the price tag on the entire apartment is enormous but quite a large amount of that money is being made up by just the bathroom and more specifically the golden bathtub I can't even imagine spending this much cash on a bathroom I mean does it really make your showers or more importantly poops that much better I mean well maybe the more I think about it but seriously how extra do you have to be to bathe in a golden tub like really how do you even get to that point well I guess we could always ask Mike Tyson as he also picked up a solid gold tub estimated around 2.2 million dollars number six I love my dog I do a lot for my dog but spending millions of dollars recreating a mansion just for my dog is definitely not something that would come to my mind here we have a purchase made by Paris Hilton similar to that diamond dog collar from earlier she is yet another rich person treating her puppies right in fact Paris an entire separate mini mansion replica of her own mansion made just for all of her dogs the chillin it's pretty much a pimped-out doghouse it's even got furniture and dressers with little dog clothes in it these dogs have it good they even have a working air conditioner and heating inside the place what more could a dog even one number five we've been over a good number of questionable golden purchases so far but this one is even more odd than the bath tub and I know it's saying that out loud sounds crazy in what world would you ever need a solid gold toilet and matching gold toilet paper jokes aside I have zero idea what would possess anyone to buy a gold toilet like how are you even using that to flex on people it's like the icing on the cake you've already shown everyone in your massive house and when they need to go to the bathroom boom golden toilet considering Kanye West actually has these in every bathroom in his and Kim's mansion he must have some incredible poops okay time to stop talking about poops not me come on I could maybe see the toilet being fine after thinking about it a little but why spend over a million dollars on rolls of gold toilet paper like doesn't that hurt your butt number four everybody's written their name in the sand at least once in their lives it's funny and cool living the life of a billionaire of course you got to take that idea to the extreme this purchase was made by Hamad a member of the ruling families of Abu Dhabi honestly unlike other entries on this list he's left his mark on the world with this one literally located on the island of Alpha tazie Hamad decided to have his name carved directly into the island this massive carving is an insane 2 miles long and 1,100 yards tall it's a lasting impression for sure one of the things that helps it last is that rather than just being washed away with the tides it was actually intentionally made with waterways to absorb the oncoming waves out of all the things on this list I kind of respect this one not that I would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just to have my name on a beach but it's definitely a cool and unique way to try to make yourself be seen by the world and be remembered for years to come I mean imagine the Google Maps Lexx number three when you find the right barber or hairdresser that really gives you that haircut you're looking for it's like finding a diamond in a haystack this is one lesson for me too you treat them well the Sultan of Brunei though might be a little too generous with his considering that his barber gets a pretty great payday every month with him being paid roughly $24,000 per trip to Brunei haircuts cannot be that expensive not only that but he's got his housing flight and everything else completely covered by the Sultan as well after having his hair cut by the same barber for sixteen years I can't blame the guy for wanting to have him out each month for a fresh new trim being paid that much money every month must be nice but imagine the stress each time like you ought to cut this man's hair and you accidentally mess up a tiny patch or go a little too short and again with a painting like that to look forward to it's no surprise he finds himself coming back each time on the real though if this guy ends up calling a quits with the barbering gig I can imagine the line of hairdressers waiting to be chosen number two art is a really odd thing some things sell for hundreds of dollars that are beautiful then some works are considered abstract like that banana taped to a wall which sold for $120,000 unfortunately that's not our number two entry but it's comparable to what this spot actually goes to this piece was made by artist Damien Hirst and is literally a stuffed tiger shark encased in formaldehyde which is some kind of liquid the shark itself was caught and sold to hearse for about eight thousand US dollars but the labor required also cost him an additional sixty five thousand dollars here's the kicker compared to how much his piece of art sold for the price he paid was chump change sold to Professor Steven Cohen for an estimated eight million dollars this ended up being one expensive sea creature if I had something like this in my house I'd probably go out to the kitchen late at night only to see it in low-key freak out even still I've definitely got to say it must be a pretty good talking piece if you ever have a company like oh yeah this is my shark and our honorable mention goes to Lady gaga Lady Gaga has always been a mysterious figure ever since her debut back in 2005 but even knowing that I'm still scratching my head when you tell me she bought this probably inspired by the show ghost hunters Gaga made a pretty unique purchase back in 2010 when she picked up a literal ghost detector better known as an EMF or electrical field meter devices like these are intended to let us detect any spirits in the room through the electrical currents in the air I have no idea why a massive star like her would even want to purchase something like this let alone with the price tag of $50,000 she says the purchase is made after she felt like she might have a stalker she just couldn't shake she even named the stalker Ryan and kept saying you as a spirit that she insisted was stalking her as she was touring the world at the start of the 2010s well paranoia can make you do some crazy things paying fifty thousand dollars for a ghost detector is definitely taking things a bit too far also I know this is technically cheating because she isn't a billionaire but once I saw it I knew had to be the honorable mention honorable mention number two I totally understand loving gold but this guy takes it to a whole other level with this 22 karat gold button-up shirt I love the bling but man imagine how bad it must feel to ever get dirt on it not to mention the shirt weighs nearly 9 pounds which is nearly the weight of 30 regular t-shirts I enjoy flashy clothes as much as the next guy but the 213 thousand dollar price tag on this shirt is a little out of my budget for a night out on the town number one for our number one spot today we've got the world's most expensive pen you'll never use made by jeweler Mont Blanc the fountain pen is encrusted with an insane 4810 diamonds it's a limited edition item only produced at a rate of 8 per year and sold at $160,000 per pen here in the world it is set with 4810 diamonds and adorned with a Mont Blanc diamond on the snow cap to put that in perspective he could buy roughly 1 point 9 million big ball point pens for the price of this I just hope it writes well for the price like it looks great but realistically only billionaires with stupid amounts of extra cash lying around would even bother buying something like this considering that they only produce eight of these a year I assume they have to sell at least that many which is still pretty insane especially considering most people don't even handwrite things nowadays in hindsight though it would be kind of cool to sign a check for loads of cash with one of these and now that I think about it but hey check out this video on-screen now you don't want to miss it this has been Tommy keep it here on top 5 central
Channel: Top5Central
Views: 7,299,701
Rating: 4.9095883 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, 10 dubest things billionaires own, dumb billionaires, billionaires, money, rich people, things rich people own, things billionaires own, billionaire, rich, billions, stupid billionaires, top 10 billionaires, top 10 richest people, richest people, therichest, top10, new, video
Id: h-1_kxKDdaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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