10 in 1 welder/cutter worth the hype? - Full review - SSimder SD 4050 Pro - MIG TIG MMA FCAW Plasma

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within this box is supposedly a 10 in one welder but we'll see so hopefully you guys can benefit from my 10 plus years of experience in Welding and Fabrication I'm Joshua DeLisle The Designer maker let me see if I can make your life just that little bit better now I warned Cinder this review I'm not going to hold back any punches and already there are some things that I'm not happy about so for a start it's American so get rid of that and we'll give it the British standard 32 amp plug this however worried me greatly because you're obviously going from a much higher amperage down to a smaller one so this must be fitted with the correct breaker system I'm not quite sure what that would be in American terms but it would be a 32 amp plug on a 32 amp breaker with a 10 mil cable if I drop this down to like a normal 13 amp plug well for a start you poor Americans don't have fuses in your sockets so if this overheats you're going to cause a fire Vanessa or trip switches are up to standard this is dual voltage by the way so it'll do 110 volt for my American friends and also 240 volt for the British guys and that includes the Dual frequencies now the first thing I saw was this door which was extremely bent when I had it I actually bent it back it must have been a shipping issue if anything it's not the end of the world you know you can see I've fixed it within quality of the video but it's not a great indicator is it this protective cover here I can tell you now is going to break within five minutes I can tell you that simply because of the sharp angles in the molding and the fact that it's perspex which is brittle anyway and that it's quite stiff put a heavy-handed welder like me on this it's going to break in fact I'm tempted to just yank the thing off already we'll see how long it lasts though so this can do Mig TIG and stick but it will also do flux core and you can plasma cut with this as well so in my mind this is just a five in one welder so the marketing scheme of 10 in one is due to the extra five features that they have so they're raving about pulse Mig we'll see if it's actually pulse Meg or whether that's a confusion with a stitch welding setting there is current protection in there so they've got some inbuilt features apparently that makes it safer and anyway let's see if we can discover what these other features are shall we let's go through the paraphernalia that comes with this now all of these will probably get you started but for all of this equipment you see here here I recommend changing it to laser date let's start with the plasma cutter these are my least favorite of all the plasma cutter heads now this is a type that has to have contact with the steel in order to work now my favorite type is the pilot Arc and that way you can use it to build a CNC machine like we did before this is the TIG torch that came with it and as normal they give you the tiniest shroud which it in my opinion is only good if you're doing really tiny fine welds in very small Corners however it is a wp-17 which is a standard torch head so we can use a lot of professional consumables on this this particular one is very lightweight and quite comfortable to be honest however I'll be using my superflex CK torch and I've got a gas lens on mine so here's the Mig torch which I'll assume we'll use for a flux core also however for most things I prefer the old industrial type lastly we actually get some decent lengths of cable with this one standard Earth clamp and the stick welding torch is actually my preference feels quite robust and this is suitable I don't think I'd change this I think it's absolutely fine so before we set this up as standard we're going to take it apart and have a look at the gobbins inside so what am I looking at when I open things up like this well in my experience if I've had a cheap Chinese product that's been rushed free manufactured there may or may not be something inside that warrants just a little looking at if you see a loose wire or something that could be slightly dangerous now is the time to do it before you turn it on you can notice even if you've got no experience at all if something's off periodically you should open up your machine regardless of what machine you have and dust it out so get an air compressor and take out any dust because that will stop things from short circuiting and causing a problem in the future typically I do this once a year with all my machines things like checking the power inputs and seeing how well seated they are that one doesn't look very well seated to me and there is an earth cable here but it looks to be a lot of paint on that yeah so how is that meant to Earth so this is a grand connection so there must be good connectivity there so that's not the worst I've seen I'm just going to crimp those in a bit well I'm happy with that so I'll put it back together all right let's get that plug on shall we it's different colors than what I'm used to but if you're an electrician I'm not one you tell me if I've done that correctly and if it blows up we'll soon see so before we begin let me show you the monstrosity that I've created here so in the kit you get given this regulator that you have to construct yourself and this hose with a ball nose connection so it didn't come with any PTFE tape to um screw all this together but I do recommend getting some Loctite 55. now I'm not saying that this is what you should do but in this Workshop I use six millimeter pneumatic lines the reason is it's very cheap but also that I can use push fit connectors so all I need to do is push that in there and it's connected and if I want to switch the gas over I can take it out and put it into this side instead and for me that's been working fine so now I've got compressed air for the plasma disconnect that I can then quickly attach my Argan gas shield for TIG welding I can disconnect that switch the valve over on the bottles which is also a quick connect and then go for my mixed gas for for mag welding now ideally these connections here aren't the correct ones what I should do is have push in fittings to a Barb and then the Barb goes there but I've tested all this and sprayed all the connections with some soapy water like heavily concentrated soapy water and so if there is a leak basically that bubbles from that point so you can see exactly where those leaks are and obviously you need your valve with a dryer here now if you get any moisture particles in that whatsoever you need to get an extra dryer because any moisture in your airline will degrade the consumables of the plasma really really quickly so you want to make sure it's as dry as possible so the first thing we're going to use is the plasma so I've got the torch plugged into this side the switch from the torch plugged in here and we've got the Earth clamp here let's turn it on for the first time and see the settings so I'm going to press this button here until it says cut that one there so it looks like if we move this dial we get between 40 and 20 amps so I'm going to put mine on 40. if I press it there seems to be some programmable settings not sure what those are yet I've also adjusted the regulator at the back so it's 0.6 MPA I've got a few pieces of Steel but I'd like to try some aluminum it's one thing I do like about this torch is it does have a safety feature so you have to pull this out to then start the types more off let's see how this Cuts then well it's not bad I think I can go a bit quicker than that all right so this piece of Steel here is three millimeters thick I've got some 10 mil here if I lay that across there the good thing about these types of nozzles is that you can actually Nest them against the side so you can get a really nice straight cut there you go that was actually really nice right now let's go up a notch and cut 10 mil thick well I think I need to go a bit more slower than that that's not having it I don't think 10 mil too thick for it all right this is eight millimeter steel let's see how well this copes no not at all I'll try one more time in there all right let's try lastly some quarter inch or otherwise six millimeters still not liking it try again [Music] so that was better I actually cut through this time I had to go really really slow though slow enough for me to think a grinder would have been quicker say 40 amps which is its maximum setting that should go through quite nicely but I think it's these torches these torches I don't think are any good try one more time I mean it certainly cuts and if we're doing three mil it's not a problem at all now let's just have a look at the uh wear on the parts so we've just a few Cuts you've got quite the depression on that electrode and because we're contacting the surface that nozzle is getting worn away as well so I'm going to detach the plasma cutter and I'm going to install the Mig torch here and the Earth clamp is plugged into the negative side and what I'm actually going to do is plug my mix gas into this line here there we go I'm now going to compare this directly to the MIG welder that I already have so I don't have a five kilo spool of the 0.8 millimeter wire that I would normally use only the 15 kilos so what I'm going to do is just take it straight off this Mig so just feed it in through there close that down make sure it's got enough but not too much tension and that should feed in nicely so for the next test I've cut out some 50 by 10 mil thick steel I've also sanded the surface so it gives it a better chance and also because someone will definitely shout at me if I leave the mill scale on it but what I'm going to do is a series of weld tests that you should expect when either being employed to a company or to do your qualification in welding so what's known as a standard T fillet so for this function I've selected the Mig setting I've selected mixed gas 0.8 millimeter wire I've got the wire feed on full that's this dial here and I've got the voltage on maximum two which is 27.5 volts so I'm going to tack it together first I'm just going to arrange it like this now you can use magnets I guess or you can just use a heavy piece of Steel and just rest it on top that's good enough for most things and make sure you've got a good ground connection before we start foreign so for your viewing pleasure I've also got one of these uh lens filters so let's stick that on and start welding well that's not bad at all I don't think my angle was a bit funny because I was conscious I was getting in the way of the camera but you can see it's wetting in there really nicely I reckon when we cut through that we'll see some good penetration so let's say your power supply is quite limited well one option is to do a vertical uphill welding we can get really good penetration with approximately half the settings and we put the lens cap on and zoom in and you can see how I'm doing it so there we are I'm pleased with those results now as a much more even profile so on the reverse that was my first attempt you can see it's much more bulbous these edges aren't wetting in very well so I redid it changed the settings and now we have that which is 16.5 volts and 7.5 meters per minute so again we'll cut through this and have a look at the penetration so before we cut them open let's try another setting let's try synchronous Mig so here we control amps and that automatically changes the voltage and I believe the wire speed all right so this dial here does between three and minus three now I believe that's inductance but I'm not too sure we'll keep it on plus free at the moment at 200 amps if we press it no inductance is here so inductance we've got to zero burn back we've got two millimeters I've put that in so that's inductance burn back I've kept it as two I'm not sure we'll have to just play with that so I'm going to keep it on three at the moment which says 26 volts at 200 amps wow and as you can see that is a really nice World a lot of spatter though the pulse setting should stop spatter coming through but what synchronia's welding means so you set the dial to the right amperage and it automatically sets the wire speed to match it rather than kind of guessing the two so excellent if you're a beginner welder right so let's immediately turn this one around and now we'll use the pole setting and see what that comes out like but as expected what should happen with pulse Meg is hardly any spatter look at that hardly any compared to the other type so that there was the hottest setting on synchronous welding that there's the pulsed and that's the Mig it doesn't look like a lot of difference but I'm pretty sure the pulsed welding went a lot faster I'm going to try Ali minion MIG welding now and I think what I should be doing is replacing the liner in the Mig torch and have its own dedicated roller so there's no cross contamination and specifically this is 4043 aluminum usually you would use something called a spool gun for aluminum otherwise it might be prone to bird nesting as they call it where basically all the wire bunches up within the rolls here we'll see how we get on and for this I'm using pure Argan gas right so I've been playing with the settings some more and this is what I've come up with all right so would you look at that aluminum MIG welding so to achieve that we've got pulse Meg we've got LSI which I think is aluminum silicon so I'm going to call this button the power factor and at the moment I've set it on to minus two that for some reason produced quite a good setting and I've also put on here 150 amps so we're only on three millimeter thick aluminum you could easily Crank that right up if you're going any thicker than that but wow very pleased with that all right now I was going to say let's try some gasless flux core welding this ball wouldn't fit on this machine unfortunately let's see if this comes off and if I can just mount it directly onto the rod there well that's good to know you can put the little spools on there you just have to take the main one off so the first thing I'll change is the rolls so I'm not sure if you can see the difference there but these are the rolls I was just using these are the ones for gasless Meg so you can see they've got kind of teeth on them for grabbing the flux core welding wire so I'll install that and then we'll switch that buzz bar over I've also switched the Earth cable from negative to positive so I've had a serious play around with the settings I'm really hopeful this time it'll actually do something worthwhile yeah well I thought I had it [Music] yeah I've decided I don't like Vlog score but I think that this is a poor quality role that may be a proper branded one would have been better so Cinder also claims that the synergic technology-ness is good for welding thin stuff also so I have here some 0.9 millimeter thick stainless steel and for those that know stainless steel this thin is quite difficult to weld so I did blow through a little bit just there but that definitely proved the point I mean look how thin that is so that's a 0.6316 stainless steel spool and that was on synergic Mig CO2 setting 90 amps and a power factor of minus 1.5 so while we're still in the mood for stainless steel I'm going to install my superflex TIG torch now these adapters you can purchase from Rapid welding supplies so if you're interested in getting one um head over to their website so that goes there my thumb trigger will go here and normally I would say that the earth goes into the plus side so for this I'm using 1.6 filler Rod that is 316 stainless steel foreign [Music] let me show you the settings so you can see our set to tick and I chose 160 amps for this but the other settings we have if we press this button is pre and post flow so I've got post flows five seconds and pre-flow is half a second I'd say the most important one is post flow that will allow your tungsten to cool down in an oxygen and free environment if it gets exposed to the air too quickly it will degrade when it's hot so lastly let's try my favorite welding process stick rolling and for that we just need to plug the Earth clamp into the negative and the stick weld into the positive that may change depending on what electrode you use and for this I'm using what's known as the 7018 electrode I find that these penetrate really well and are suitable for most steals so I have to do a bit of a stop start in there because I ran out of Rod I've only got the 2.5S at the moment I should get some 3.2s I just love stick welding for its Simplicity there's some decent settings on this though so we've got it on MMA that's the stick welding function we can change the amps here so for a 3.2 on that thickness of Steel I used 130 amps but if we press it we get these settings here HS stands for hot start so basically what that means is it doubles the amps at the very beginning so it's really getting in there which stops you from sticking if you start off really hot you get good penetration from the get-go and then one says heat into the world it will then cools down back to its normal settings that you set it at so 10 I would say it doubles but you can actually change that to nothing which is actually really helpful I'm going to test using this up a battery now the problem using a battery is it hates using a hot start so so the fact that I can turn that off is really good and the other setting is Arc force and that's basically the ferocity of the arc I'm not sure exactly how Arc Force works but I had mine about halfway on number five all right let's cut these open and have a look then foreign s and now I'm going to apply some hydrochloric acid if I wash that off then we should get a good indication on the penetration so for example this is synchronous and pulse welding synchronous on the left pulse on the right so we can see on the synchronous side there's a lack of root penetration there but on the pole side that's really good having that little bulge there means that we're getting good root penetration so this is straight up Mig and you can see there's a good profile there also this one was stick welding of again a very good profile this one is vertical uphill welding could have done with a bit more root penetration but the fusion on the outside looks adequate and flux core was just terrible you know it's like swiss cheese so this is what I'm trying to show you when doing the etch test I believe 10 millimeter thick steel is the absolute maximum that you can do on a single phase power supply I think much thicker than that you really want to be using a three-phase welder now somehow even though this is claiming to be just 200 amps this is definitely penetrating better than my other welder now there'll be lots of people out there who claim that they can weld really well with a MIG welder but from my experience you'll never really know until you've done an acid etching test to actually see the depth of that penetration it's very easy with a MIG welder and a TIG welder especially to make a very pretty looking weld but that really lacks root penetration and adequate fusion and I can honestly say this machine is definitely delivering on that right so my conclusion on performance quality and price on its day of promotion this was retailed at 500 reduced from 700 I'm not quite sure what that is in British terms I've not seen the price but around about 500 quid I'd say and if you're interested about similar to give me some discounts especially for you guys and you'll find that in the description below so I would say for that price the bow for the performance and the build quality is absolutely on point those power connections were a big concern and if you're going to use just a domestic plug then you obviously can't use the full range of the machine without causing a risk now something I didn't cover was vrd that's mainly on the State welding function which stands for voltage reduced device and essentially that reduces the open circuit voltage so it's safer to use I've been shocked a few times while stick welding mainly whilst it was raining but the open circuit voltage is around about 20 volts which isn't very dangerous let's go over pros and cons I've always been disinclined to get a multi-functional welder mainly because if one thing went wrong in this machine all of my welding processes have stopped in a workshop environment having some backup welders is always a good idea because if one breaks down you've got another one to fall back on however in small workshops such as this having a multi-functional welder is brilliant so reducing clutter in a minimalistic workshop is a really good idea the synergic Mig technology that that's excellent if you're a newbie welder it takes a lot of the guessing work out of it but if I'm honest I'm probably going to use pulse make for nearly everything it's worth noting not one of those processes is better than the other so TIG stick and Mig they all have their place in Industry there's a massive selection of stick welding electrodes to choose from for various different applications TIG is especially suited to fine work and stainless Steels a MIG is excellent for lots of production when you need to lay a lot of metal down but again if you're not sure what process is suitable for you this has it all so you don't need to worry so very soon I'm going to be reviewing the ecoflow Delta power pack so this is a battery which has an inbuilt inverter and solar charging technology it also has inbuilt current protection and lots of things like that so technically I could run the welder off this but my ultimate goal is to build an off-grid power station that's steam powered so it's essentially going to be a log burner that's going to be able to charge up this device to explore its capabilities we'll also test the welder with it so if that's something you're interested in seeing then please do subscribe if this video is how truthful then do let me know in the comments or if you're someone with 100 years more experience than me and you want everyone to know how much I suck then also leave a comment because I greatly believe in freedom of speech and also it helps the algorithm get this video noticed until next time why don't you check out this video here or alternatively why don't you guys get out there in the real world and Forge for yourselves a life worth living see you in the next episode goodbye
Channel: Joshua De Lisle
Views: 119,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joshua De Lisle, review, unboxing, welder, machine, mig, mma, stick, gasless, duel shield, test, weld, cheap, amazon, 200amp, 250amp, rohr, miller, kempi, esab, linkoln electric, simder, sd 4050, 10 in 1, 5 in 1, tig, flux core, fabricator, industrial, amazing, wow, metalwork, metalworking, how to weld, pulsed, synergic, syncronious, 7018, route, stainless, aluminium, deal, the best, data, tested, how to, why, fix, ssimder, fcaw, mag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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