New S1 proves Nicola Tesla *WAS RIGHT* I built it with a super safe CNC 40w laser - Extreme review

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when I started filming this video I thought it was going to be a simple review of the xtool S1 what I ended up doing is using it to create revolutionary technology so revolutionary in fact it's been shrouded in conspiracy firstly let me show you this machine then I'll reveal the technology to point out the obvious it's a fully enclosed system this machine came with the 40 W laser diode it's a 450 NM wavelength and has a motorized Zed height control this system also cut comes with a probe the probe is used to measure different heights and what it will do is automatically change the Zed height to match the material working with for example laser engraving inside a bowl so we'll test this feature soon inside the machine is well lit up with these led bars there's also several of these fire sensors throughout the machine on the module we also have a laser Crosshair as you've seen in previous episodes this is excellent for manual positioning however if we want to control this via the software it can only be done when the lid is closed fortunately we can still see the Crosshair through the cover that's because the red laser is on a different wavelength this laser also has built- an extraction so the IGS exhausted out the back here got our power supply here just below that is a USB typc that's for the computer below that we've got this this is a USB key so the machine only works if this is inserted so if you want to lock it off all you have to do is take this out over here we have connections for other devices there are several other fancy accessories that we can get for this model so just down here we have a pushing connector for fire safety and finally we have our air assist connection this again is a 6 mm pushin connector and this feeds straight from my compressor my system comes straight from a regulator then it goes to an onoff switch and then to a needle valve so I can control the flow and lastly an emergency stop located on the side once triggered just turn it to release so before we we start testing I need to set it up in lightburn this is in my opinion the best software to use but apparently to use all the features of the S1 we have to use the X tool designated software so the first settings we need to include are enable pointer offset we also need to enable the Z AIS and the available cutting area is 510 mm by 320 so to compare all the machines we've been testing this 9mm hardwood ply by dividing the cut speed by the value of the machine we've been able to assess the cut value however that doesn't account for all the other accessories so let's get this laser dialed in we'll see how well it performs so we're all set let's begin the [Music] test looks promising let's have a look see so you can see I've actually done a few tests to try and dial in these settings this is the one you just watched though let's have a look on the back so each of these columns go 6080 and 100% power 300 400 and 500 mm per minute as you can see we've got another Square coming out here that's it 400 MM per minute and as expected 500 is just holding on that makes it consistent with the other 40 W lasers that we've tested so let's now do an interesting project and figure out the limitations and capabilities of this machine pre previously we used the latest 3D resin technology to print turbines one of the most requested turbines however is the Tesla turbine and the perfect material to build one of those is stainless steel but before we get started I want to highlight a couple of things firstly there's a competition to win this machine for just £5 you can check that in the description as well as any discounts but the second most important point was something highlighted by one of you subscribers and it's a very good reason why active extraction is very important and that the danger of enging rving stainless steel let me explain so the chromium contained in this steel forms a passive layer a chromium oxide so as soon as there is a scratched the chromium reacts with the oxygen in the air forms the oxide before the ion oxide forms ion oxide meaning rust so the issue is as soon as we start heating this material and vaporizing the chromium you create chromium gases called hexavalent chromium or trivalent chromium those gases are a serious Hazard to health they've proven to cause all kinds of Cancers and can seriously irritate your skin and eyes I've obviously been engraving stainless steel in the past not really realizing the risks so now I'm not going to do anymore without extraction hence why this machine is a good option this is the design I created purely on lightburn this design will be available on my thingiverse page but it's been highly requested a tutorial on how to use lightburn so I've now set up a patreon page therefore for my members will have tutorials on 3D and 2D design so it's apparent this machine can cut up to 0.15 5 mm in other words shim steel now personally I've not been interested in doing this in the past cuz you can simply cut this stuff with a pair of scissors however I've discovered a number of different products which we'll try in the future which makes this material and the Precision of this machine ideal let me show you a quick test first of I'm going to coil this up a little bit tighter I'll reel out a sliver of what I need about there then I'll tape this down the next tool came up with these little magnetic hold Downs which are really clever there we are that's now out the way to on light burn I've also created this box design so to get this in the right area I'm going to use a little trick there's a little icon here called laser position it kind of looks like a little GPRS symbol if we click that and place it somewhere now wherever I place the icon the Machine Head will move exactly towards it so looking at my piece of stainless I want my part to be just up here so I'm going to trace boundary Now by clicking clicking the icon doesn't look like I'm going to hit anything so let's go for [Music] it let's see the results so the tabs worked exactly as they should so not only have we cut it out but I've also put score lines the score lines are there so we can get Precision bending so yes it's thin but that is really cool I'm thinking of a whole load of compliant me mechanisms or small robots that we could build out of this stuff including my old sculptures that I designed but for now I've only got enough stainless to make this Tesla turbine so let's cut those parts out I'll tell you something really interesting about this that I've just discovered see how the laser is directly on top of that magnet there so I move the laser to an open area and that's where I've placed my magnet but the best part is is I can manually just push this out the way but that doesn't matter it's still zeroed watch straight back exactly where it's meant to be I thought that was an awesome [Music] feature all right so it also appears that you can weld with this thing that may be interesting for a future project but it isn't what I wanted to happen right here yeah it's kind of ruining the edge of the part so I think we need to put down like an Andy minum or copper sheet which unfortunately isn't something I have lying around yes this is also razor sharp by the way so if it's sharp why aren't you using gloves then because I'm an idiot that's why so all the discs are cut now here's all the spaces there's 42 Parts which equals to just above 6 mm and to hold everything together I've got some wooden parts to cut and for that I got some 3mm Birch [Music] [Music] ply [Music] there we are done that was it 2,000 mm per minute and with just three passes took 1 minute and 25 seconds so we'll test the parts by fitting them onto this motor now just got to remove the old turbine so the discs as you can see have a natural curve to them that's actually going to be a problem when they're stacked together that the spaces on the ends won't be equal so believe it or not there are quite a few people on the internet making these this isn't my IDE idea and the tip is to use a center punch to create little dimples those little dimples will help keep a space between the layers let's try a couple and see if it works right I need to do it a lot lighter than that it seems so I've put the wooden disc on so then I'll put a spacer on and then the first disc now believe it or not I've made quite a big mistake there's meant to be little holes going through all of this so I can put screws through that way they would clamp together and stop each individual piece from moving about I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do now but I'm sure I'll think of something all right so it's a bit rough so far so I've got to figure out a way of clamping that together so as you can see I've gotten it together so to help squeeze it tight I've put two bolts through the air outlet that's obviously not ideal but watch [Music] this you can see it works and it went up to a high speed however when it hit a certain frequency it starts to Rattle that's cuz it's unbalanced so I'm wondering if we can spin it and attack it with a grinder and see if we can get some some of that balance back so don't try this at [Music] home [Music] well that's amazing that worked way better than I thought it would if you're new to Tesla turbines and you don't quite know how they work let me briefly explain it as air or steam passes over a surface there's a tiny amount of friction so by having lots of plates like this you create a lot of surface area that creates a lot of air friction So in theory we created a bladeless turbine and doesn't have some of the inefficiencies conventional turbines have which at least in theory means that these reach much higher RPMs what's also quite interesting is even though these plates are buckled there's a lot of inconsistency as I turn that around when this is up to high speed the central Fugal forces you know that's like the G Force if you like actually forces everything to be straight wonder if you can see it if I just blow it on it again you should be able to see those plates like self line there we are so as you may have seen in the design there's meant to be a housing that goes over this and that's going to improve the efficiency even more what I want to do though is build a much bigger one and build it a bit nicer have a bit more finesse to it and I'll include that with a whole whole load of other turbines that I've been working on but I am going to show you the outputs that this one can produce and then we're going to discuss the good and the bad unfortunately regarding the S1 all right so I have my volmeter here that's all connected there to the back of the motor put that there for you to see got my RPM tester I'll hold that about there you can see I've painted it black and white that helps the RPM reader my compressed air says about 120 PSI when I pull the trigger goes down to roughly 90 so then let's begin [Music] [Applause] that was obviously a no load speed we'll try it charging a battery Bank in the next video so pleasantries aside what's wrong with it then my faithful long-term subscribers know that I'll always find things wrong with these and because of the raffle competitions and patreon now you guys can support me make honest reviews so at the risk of losing any affiliate commission here are the things that I don't like about it we'll start with the minor issues I make it no secret that I actually like the open Gantry systems that's because I can lay down a full-size sheet of board and lay that laser on top that way I don't have to cut or have pre-cut boards to fit inside an enclosed laser so although this has a large build area I still find it quite limiting however xtor has compensated for this in an upgrade package there is a bed extension which enables Auto feeding meaning you can have in limited length panels going in and out of this machine however you can expect it to come at a cost the other issue that I have with this particular model is the height the total height is only 185 mm or 7 and 1/4 in now to summon an office space that might sound like a really good thing it's clean it's elegant and it hides away well however that means limited laser cutting height on the other models we were putting really big things in but on this one we're limited to just 18 mm that brings another issue there's no place to put a lightburn camera and personally I've grown to really appreciate a lightburn camera to be able to see what's on the work bed in the design software is really handy and for such an advanced machine it's a real shame we can't do that I will point out however that the bottom can be unscrewed and taken off that's to accommodate a heist extension which is an aftermarket sale another thing is the honeycomb has very helpful markings however these markings are useless if they don't match up with the machine perfectly and as you can see this moves all over the place now the instruction do say to just butt it up into the corner but in my opinion that leaves too much room for discrepancies and lastly the biggest problem I have is the software remember I showed you the little probe that it has well this would have been excellent if I could access it through lightburn xtool have made it so you can only use those special features through their own software and I don't know if you can see that on my screen but I'm not getting very good connectivity so at first it didn't connect at all now it's telling me there's some sort of other communication problem so yes xtol creative space is free and they're also continually upgrading it and improving it however I've personally found it very frustrating and having this machine advertised as lightburn compatible you would expect all the features to be compatible too so my conclusions then it looks great and it's well made extraction good completely enclosed very good the laser module very good safety features very good however I would prefer the emergency stop was somewhere near the front that is a bit awkward I like the fact that the laser knows where it is even I've pushed it out the way however not being able to manually position it makes the process a lot more difficult and possibly being too harsh about xtool software but I much prefer lightburn however with safety as a concern this is a very good option especially if you're employing people or you have other people around the premises you need to make sure they're safe also but is it really that hard to create an enclosure and extraction on an open system you let me know in the comments also let me know if any other questions that you might have regarding this machine and anything else that you'd like to see in the future but until next time how about I encourage you to stop being a watcher and instead become a doer and get out there in the real world and Forge for yourself a life worth living and I'll see you in the next episode bye-bye
Channel: Joshua De Lisle
Views: 44,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joshua De Lisle, laser, laser engraving, CNC, laser engraving machine, laser engraver, DIY, stainless steel engraving, metal engraving, metalwork, 3D printer, stainless, 10w, 20w, plasma, amazing, industrial, manufacture, wow, how to, set up, machine, how do you, tutorial, design, designer, cad, cam, 5w, 30w, 33w, cut, wood, metal, desktop, cheap, affordable, best, top, 40w, 50w, co2, etching, home, diy, homemade, workshop, make, craft, AI, business, xtool, S1, D1, P2, enclosed, safe, extraction, fume, nicola tesla, tesla turbine
Id: eOQM7Y89Fgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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