a WARNING to all beginner tig welders.

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I run one of the most in-depth TIG welding programs online and after teaching hundreds of students in the program I've learned a lot about how to get people going when they're first learning how to TIG weld what people are on my website first checking what my program is all about I still get emails from people like this all the time hey Dusty I just bought a TIG welder for myself and I need help turns out it's way harder than it looks thanks totally understandable it's all good let's go over some things to be aware of right now as you are first getting going with TIG welding essentially the main thing that people need to be aware of honestly is how difficult this process is to learn what we are after is a refined and specific control of all the variables that we are learning so for example we want perfect cleanliness this is honestly a detail that is surprisingly difficult when somebody first gets going with TIG welding learning how to prepare our material our filler material as well as keeping a clean and functioning torch this is something that surprises a lot of people shiny passes that look like a stack of Dimes this takes a lot of practice before you're going to get results like this when we're running passes we want to controlled and consistent shape to everything we're doing working on flat stuff for exercises is difficult enough we're trying to practice and work on a difficult joint and try to keep a consistent profile from start to finish once again this is pretty difficult to learn consistency to your overall stepping distance when people get this detail down that's when things start to look really awesome and look like a robot did it but once again this takes time getting consistency to all the variables that I've just mentioned here is absolutely something that's best learned from the bottom up without a proper understanding of the basic fundamentals this is going to make for a really long learning curve let's go over a few common Hang-Ups that get people stuck when they first give this a try and obviously how we can work around them to keep you excited and motivated to learn and seriously be sure to stick around for the last one that's one detail that more people need to talk about all right first up here we talked about this one briefly at the beginning but this is super super important and that issue is cleanliness when people first get set up to start running lines and their stuff looks like this oh my gosh don't freak out we'll get you sorted out a lot of the time I have seen people go through extensive processes of cleaning the material they're working on as well as cleaning the filler material they're working with scrubbing away at everything thinking that might be the problem and honestly a lot of the time all it is is a torch that is not put together properly or has a contaminated tungsten electrode when we're putting our torch together we have multiple pieces that need to fit together perfectly all these pieces need to form an airtight seal this has to deliver a clean and consistent gas flow to your welding area any one of these tiny little fittings isn't done up properly or has been put together in the wrong order or one tiny little fitting hasn't seated correctly unfortunately you're gonna get stuff that looks like this some of the first things in my online TIG welding program teaches somebody no matter what torch they have at home it's going to teach them how it works it's going to teach them how to assemble it correctly how to maintain it so they can get clean stuff and most importantly how to troubleshoot this first thing when we're first getting off the ground with the most fundamental exercises what does your tongue stone look like tongue Stone damn autocorrect got me tungsten what does your tungsten look like is it mashed up and dirty has your balance been set incorrectly so after a few welding passes the end of your tungsten looks like this you need to swap it out immediately learn how to clean a Tungsten properly and how to set your machine up to get better results with keeping the shape of the tungsten the way you want it once again my students they start out simple figuring out what type of preparation they prefer and how to set things up properly and then maintain it if one of these tiny factors is not put together correctly no matter how much acetone you use how much you wire brush your stuff these weld passes are gonna look like a flaming dumpster do not start practicing until you have learned and confirmed this step do not waste all of your hard work and time spent practicing when it's something so simple we could have taken care of right at the beginning all right next one number two this one is so important I love seeing people getting excited and wanting to try take welding but when you start out trying to learn on joints like this buckle up things are going to get really frustrating starting out on stuff like this can also lead to a lot of discouraging experiences when somebody first gets going with TIG welding trying to learn Advanced joints or plate configurations when you are first learning how to TIG weld this is essentially like buying your first pair of boxing gloves and then going to fight Mike Tyson right away you're gonna have a bad time to get to the level where we can then work on Advanced shapes and controlling passes as they go around different profiles or plate configurations that are a little bit more challenging this takes a lot of work to confidently get up to this point when students are working through the lessons and exercises in my online TIG welding program they honestly don't start welding any kind of joint until like the fifth or sixth welding lesson and that's just a welding lesson we have like seven lessons of other stuff that comes before that so working our way through a bunch of basic stuff first are you starting to see a theme here when I am teaching somebody I'm building them up from an absolutely basic understanding of what we want how to have the best attempts at trying some of this stuff and most importantly what we can do to learn best from the work that we see as we practice you're honestly probably not going to get lucky and throw down perfect passes every time some people do get good results when they first start but there's no context to realize why certain things are working what happens when they get off track trying to try it on different stuff I've been doing TIG welding for like two decades now and honestly I still cannot get things perfect all the time just read my comment section we can for sure get really close sometimes most people have to stop and take a good look at what they're doing and identify things to correct and Chase down further for when they practice next time I always try and teach people the most simple stuff first because by the time they get to the more challenging stuff later down the road they're able to troubleshoot their own work and break down their stuff much quicker and when they do so they're going to have a much better understanding of how to navigate and work through some of these challenges like I said the issue of cleanliness and any kind of torch or gas problem is essentially going to be non-existent by this point again working from earlier exercises when they sit down to practice they should be head down working away on specific techniques of what we're working on at this point there shouldn't be any challenges or surprises as they work their way into more challenging stuff I always say when somebody jumps ahead to the next lesson in the program when they're working on a new joint it should not be difficult it should only be different taking things that we learned earlier on in a more simple scenario and then applying it to the next step makes way more sense all right this next one honestly is something that doesn't get talked about a lot in my opinion it's really something that people need to be aware of when they're first getting going with TIG welding and especially when they're first looking for equipment to purchase you do not need to buy fancy gear there we go I said it today we are fortunate to be at a current moment in the industry anybody can get hooked up with an absolutely killer machine and delivered straight to your door high quality inverter type machines capable of AC and DC tape welding and even some of these setups you can get set up right out of a standard wall socket always do your research on that before you buy anything huge disclaimer here when it comes to Aerospace stuff rad helmets with Crystal Clear Vision we got gloves and other kinds of PPE that other professionals use you can get high quality gas Delivery Systems for your torch they also look cool as hell as well it's way too tempting for me to bust out the credit card these days and get all kinds of sick looking stuff for the setup that I have here but listen there are some things that you need to get good looking stuff as you are learning and I'm going to save you some money ahead of time here and tell you that those things actually isn't really that much part of my program that each student goes through is show them how to use whatever setup they have access to whether at a shop whether they work at or something like that after hours or something that they've scored for their shop at home no matter what somebody's set up with they're going to learn how to set it up properly and begin using it from basic exercises I have some students working with giant Transformer type machines huge bulky uncomfortable torches air-cooled setups that get super hot in your hand and accessories that are essentially just meant to get the job done again it's all good everybody has different setups even though some of them are pretty basic it's all good but you know what even people with the most crazy setups in the world end up doing awesome you do not need to spend money on expensive and flashy gear when you're first getting going getting a good quality machine is a hundred percent pretty important but again you do not need to go and buy a big name brand I mean honestly those brands are sweet those machines are a ton of fun to use everybody here has watched me on my YouTube channel for years use pretty much simple basic machines but I just know how to set up really well add a few accessories here and there to make things a lot easier for myself even when I first bought the machines and gear for this studio when I first started my YouTube channel I was tempted to go and buy a Miller or something really nice like that but instead I just wanted something I could set up properly and get going from there buying a really expensive machine or something like that it's kind of like buying fancy golf clubs and gear I have a ton of friends who buy the nicest Golf Stuff the most expensive shoes and all the accessories and clubs that cost more than a paycheck that I would earn and you know what even with the nicest is stuff that they can buy in the store they still golf like shout out to you Roger it's awesome to have nice stuff but if you were learning the fundamentals of welding from the bottom up and understanding the processes of where to start and how to strategically work your way to the next step you do not need fancy stuff I used to work in a shop where I used a enormous Transformer machine this thing had virtually no advanced settings on it most of the other guys in the shop had Millers fancy Dynasty machines and you know what if I took my time working my way through a project setting it up properly and working my way through it strategically not bragging or nothing but I usually had some pretty awesome looking stuff at least in my opinion I did but an old clunky machine out doing some of the most up-to-date technology it's honestly just a thorough understanding of the process at this point and how to strategically work your way into anything that you're doing I see people using the nicest machines and like I said when I see them looking at the tungsten that they're using or a cup that's supplying the gas it usually looks like this this essentially this is like having a Ferrari or something like that and only driving it with like two tires on the rims no matter how nice the gear you have if this one important thing in your torch is not set up correctly you are going to get stuck and get frustrated and unfortunately you're not even going to know what the cause of this problem is this episode goes over not only how I teach people to deal with this stuff but how I deal with it because even still to this day I still smash my tungsten and have all kinds of problems I have to sort out sometimes happens to the best of us so check that episode out next it's super super important do a random act of kindness for a stranger today specific Arctic welding my name is Dusty Phil and chill we will talk soon peace
Channel: Pacific Arc Tig Welding
Views: 207,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tig welding, tig welding aluminum, tig weld aluminum, Tig, welding, tig weld, tig welds, welding tips and tricks, tig welding tips, tig welding basics, tig welding for beginners, tig welding stainless steel, tig welding settings, how to tig weld stainless steel, tig welding how to, Welding for beginners, how to tig weld for beginners, how to tig weld, how to weld, how to weld aluminum, welding tricks, tig welding tricks, welding tips, Welding settings, How to tig
Id: VYdNGZgwq3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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