10 Hospitality Trends to Watch in 2023

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[Music] in a hotel it's no longer just about providing guests with a good bed and a warm shower it's about well-being it's about the complete experience in which all senses are stimulated the guests want to feel the texture of the walls and the fabric of the bed sheets they want to hear music be surprised by unique scents taste exciting new flavors and be surrounded by Splendor in uncertain Times Like These hotels become a safe haven for guests to retreat to places where people can escape reality for a day or two where they can be surprised by creativity or where they can simply ease their minds and relax guests like to be surrounded by Nature this green aspiration can also be seen in the demand for food and beverages hotels offer restaurant Johnson bars where plant-based items Define the menu and where guests can taste special flavors and products in a sustainable and responsible way keeping Health the top priority design is also becoming an increasingly important element in hotel Interiors more often hotels opt to implement their own unique style as regularly replacing Trend sensitive Interiors is anything but sustainable creating and implementing a unique design gives the hotel its own identity and will last for eternity however it is also possible to return to the past and reuse centuries-old buildings by giving them a sustainable coat to preserve their Rich Heritage for future Generations we also recognize a trend in recycling furniture and old materials overall the emergence of circular hotels is in full swing sustainability is no longer a hype but a standard moreover art has become more predominant in hotels people like to escape reality and gain inspiration through ART hotels are becoming the new galleries and museums and will turn into important platforms for local artists as they are able to Showcase their artworks in the rooms and common areas of the hotel in general hotels are becoming an important partner to support the currently struggling cultural sector Hotel shops are turning into hubs for unique products instead of souvenirs top design and artworks are exclusively sold at the shops turning hotels into hubs for Unique Products hotels are given a different purpose and are turning into meeting places for like-minded people a place where people work live recreate play sports study and eat hotels are turning into venues where digital Nomads live venues where we discover that no matter where from people are all the same people see hotels as a way to escape this uncertain reality filled with climate problems walls and faltering economies people are spending their money more consciously but desire to surround themselves with luxury quality and local because when people travel they want to connect connect with locals the local Cuisine the local culture and the local crafts they do not want their plates to be filled with conventional food new forms of luxury are emerging luxury that's sustainable accessible and affordable conclusively personalization is becoming more and more critical each guest is unique and should be treated differently the more personal the better while technology is constantly developing to improve processes like check-in and payments the star focuses on improving its service to its guests thank you [Music]
Channel: Independent Hotel Show
Views: 4,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #IHA23, Hospitality Trends, Hospitality, Trends, Hotel Trends, 2023 Trends, Exhibition, Events, Amsterdam, Benelux
Id: lfe9OnpQWXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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