How To Set Goals (Do This By 20 and 30)

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so let this video be an inspiring start to your 2020 we're gonna set some goals and we're gonna achieve them except instead of crushing our goals like everybody says we're gonna do the opposite we're gonna uncrushed our goals we're gonna start from scratch and start this decade fresh impossible you say nah not at all check this out we're gonna start from scratch [Music] watch seal [Music] alright here's to us to our roaring 20s nothing's ever impossible on this channel ooh that gave me chills it's a great intro let go change shirts let's begin hey my name is andre dick weird name I know I've never heard my name before and you probably haven't either but you know what I'm sick of chasing my dreams so today I'm just gonna ask them where they're going and then meet up with them later Mitch Hedberg but on a serious note I'd like to put this video out there in the universe so that a few years from now I can look back at it compare and laugh at how miserably I probably failed at these goals for our entertainment pleasure now I used to be a struggling youtuber I still AM but I used to be as well and I just love watching my old videos looking back and just how anxious and stressed out I was about life thinking to myself at that moment man I'm kind of a loser I'm 30 years old and Here I am wanting to be a youtuber talking about personal finance no one's gonna watch me I'm not a millionaire I've got no experience in banking I'm not a certified public accountant I've got no empire to brag about no courses to sell the people and yet here we are still don't know the answer to those questions so I don't know why you're watching my channel but two years after quitting and sustaining myself on nothing but watching inspiring videos of young 20 year olds making six figures per month and driving Lamborghinis which made me feel way worse about myself so I quit social media for like two years straight because hi-5 if you are petty like me I was however able to save up and invest my way into a six-figure dividend growth stock portfolio which is what allowed me to quit my job in the first place and that's what I want for you and no YouTube money was not what allowed me to quit my job I quit waited two years wallow in my sorrows and then I started to do YouTube but I realized by internet stand this is not a huge accomplishment where you know everyone is a twelve-year-old with a million dollars who's driving Lambos but I'm pretty proud of it considering that I did it on a pretty modest salary of about $50,000 per year which is the average household income in America and I did it with no help from my parents I did it as an immigrant with no college education so if I can do it then you can do it too but have you ever had this thought where it's like when you turn 20 you're like I must figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life if you don't know that's okay when you're 20 you've got the rest of your life to figure it out blissful youth and it's the power of being young but then when you turn 30 this is what happens I'm turning 30 and I still don't know what I want to do with my life it's not so cute anymore if you don't have that feeling just yet don't worry you will whole life finds a way but let me be a reminder that that type of thinking is nonsense I don't care what anyone says doesn't matter what your age is your path in life to success is not determined by your age you can be 40 years old and still have no idea what you want to do with the rest of your life that's okay life doesn't work this way closing doors what does that even mean and if they do open the back up again their doors you know why JK Rowling was almost broke when she was writing the first Harry Potter books she would sit in a small little coffee shop where she even got rejected and by the time the first book was published she was 36 years old she became a billionaire just 10 years later hashtag Slytherin for life Slytherin yo dm's when I get that blue verification checkmark never still haven't gotten mine firstworldproblems Stanley the comic book creator that all the Marvel movies are based on didn't get his first break until he was almost 40 years old when he published Fantastic Four samuel l.jackson didn't get his acting break in spotlight until pulp fiction when he was 45 years old and Susan Boyle didn't get her AGT audition where she killed everybody with her beautiful voice made everyone cry until she was almost 50 years old so you see it never too late to set some goals and achieve them which is why today we're gonna set some epic goals and achieve them for 2020 and beyond in this next decade but I do want to remind you that my journey right now is out in public for thousands of people to look at to make fun of and this is my way of committing to my journey and I think it's the coolest thing in the world to see somebody set some public goals and then look back at this video in years from now just to see how far they've progressed or regressed win or lose it's such a cool thing and I think it's the human element of the journey itself to see just how far we can push ourselves that has fascinated me to make these goals and to reach for higher standards and I encourage you to do the same or risk public ridicule in my case but before we set some goals we have to make sure that they're smart but what does that mean Andrzej glad you asked they're the opposite of me dumb so S stands for specific and my specific goal for 2020 is to reach 1 million subscribers here on YouTube my 2019 goal was 1,000 and I ended 2019 with 311 thousand which is insane now I'm not saying that everybody should be a youtuber but what I am saying is consider this as somebody who's a stock market investor tries to see where the trends are going in what's happening in this world of economics I can confidently say that in the next 10 or 20 or even 30 years as machine learning starts to ramp up as automation starts to replace in displace much of the skilled labor economy I will say that the value of economics is going to tremendously shift from manual labor or even skilled labor to more of intellectual property and creativity and so if you're somebody who can teach or entertain or reach thousands or millions of people you're gonna be disproportionately compensated for that reach and it's crazy we're seeing that shift already because you have these influencers who are earning millions of dollars per year and it's insane but 5 years from now we're gonna look back on YouTube we're gonna look at it as this crazy platform we're gonna say to ourselves oh my god five years ago in 2020 I wanted to YouTube but I thought it was just oversaturated because there's so many people posting online videos but in 2025 we're gonna look back and think holy crap it's ten times bigger why didn't I do this earlier and that's why it's so important so I'm not saying you need to have the answer to this right now or today but just wanted to plant this idea as an inception just to get you to think about the fact that you should start having some sort of an online presence or awareness in this social media space you don't be a guru or an expert on some field of economics or anything like that but just start to document your journey throughout life it's gonna teach you invaluable skills about how to manage the social media aspect and also how to shoot videos and how to talk on camera and how do you a personality but how to be whatever a more refined person if you will it sounds very pompous of me to say as somebody who does YouTube for a living I don't think I'm any better than people but just you get extra skills that I think are gonna be extremely valued in the future economies well those are rands and a half I'm really sorry about that hold and I think I'm sitting on an on a soapbox here let me put that away but my financial goals for 2020 is to have a net worth of half a million dollars which is exactly two hundred thousand dollars more than I have today and that'll of course depend on the stock market conditions if the stock market crashes I'm probably not going to get there but it will help if I meet my next goal which is to have a three hundred thousand dollar income in 2020 doesn't sound real but between my ad revenue between sponsorships and affiliates and course sales if I have any at that point and everything in between I think it's a possibility which is really exciting I also want to invest two thousand dollars every single month in Robin Hood to buy more dividend growth stocks to grow the best form of passive income that allowed me to quit my job in the first place which is my dividend income and I want to buy at least $2,000 worth of stocks and of course I'm gonna update you and make those videos every time I do every time I buy or I sell just as I always have here on YouTube it's gonna be an exciting journey I want to track all of my expenses everything I buy little or large I want to just take a picture of my receipt and track it where I will eventually plug it into my spreadsheet and then it's just gonna be so cool to see this overall picture of my health of my money situation and then if it's not too embarrassing I would love to share it with you and for philanthropy which I think everybody should have some kind of a goal of giving something back I want to donate a couple thousand dollars or maybe some percent of my sponsorship money if I have any sponsorship money in 2022 you for watching this maybe I'll fund your Roth IRAs or give you a starting portfolio full of index funds something like that maybe a couple thousand dollars I'd be so happy with that I didn't make anything my first five months and I hope this year is gonna be more consistent and I'll make a lot more if that happens I will be glad to be the first to do that and in order to fund my philanthropy of giving away money because I'm a finance nerd and I think about money and numbers I made a real algebraic formula that mathematically represents the growth of YouTube about how you can re-engineer everything and it's similar to Einstein's theory of special relativity e equals MC squared except it's for YouTube success and the formula is success equals parenthesis T times V and parentheses ^ C it's a real formula that I had checked by a mathematician and it seems to work out if it doesn't make sense don't worry about it I'll make a video about this explaining everything in the future if there are any requests for it but each and every variable is another sub set of equations that basically represents something you can control in order to re-engineer YouTube success and basically make money from YouTube it's how I visualize my journey and again it's not actual real numbers you're plugging into it it's just a way of conceptually understanding how the formula works how the algorithm works and how to basically consistently grow on YouTube I just realize it sounds so crazy explaining this but that's how my brain works and yeah that's way in the future if people request it the point I was trying to illustrate is that your goals have to be specific like my algebraic formula it can't just be something like I want to be a billionaire so for that's a dream and a vision and those are not attainable in the short term a goal is if you have the right strategy and you can execute on it so I want to make more money is not specific enough next up is M and it stands for measurable so your goals have to be something you could literally measure don't even know if you want to get closer with your family perhaps go on three vacations this year if you want to pay down debt pay off at least one credit card and build yourself an emergency fund of at least $1,000 and if you want an excellent credit score make it a goal to get to 750 and beyond those are all admirable yet measurable goals that I've had in the past that I've conquered so maybe you can adopt them and make them your own believe it or not the average American will save only 8 point 8 percent of their annual income this year but I want you to be way better than the average American by aiming for at least 30 percent and we can calculate it by keeping track of all of our expenses I'm gonna be taking pictures of all of my receipts adding that up and then subtracting it from my annual income either before or after taxes depending on how I want to feel about myself but when I was earning 50k per year I was saving 50% of my annual income before taxes felt really good about myself but I've heard of people saving 50% on as little as $40,000 per year so I know it's possible you just have to stay away from Starbucks Whole Foods and Chipotle and in-game app purchases because they're the devil one of my personal 2020 goals is to pay off my parents house I love my parents they would tell me stories about how when we were in the Soviet Union I was two years old we would wait in line the entire day for the basics like bread and milk and cheese and by the end of the day we would come home empty-handed because even if you had money back then you couldn't buy this stuff because communism wasn't a viable form of economics it just wouldn't work and I don't know how I remember this but I actually have memories of this stuff when I was 2 years old which maybe explains why I'm obsessed about helping people with money and personal finance but capitalism for all of its flaws and all of its shortcomings is an incredible tool for building wealth so don't waste your 30s or 40s learn about the stock market learn about dividends learn about real estate investing in wedge deals learn it all and subscribe to my channel +1 it's measurable a stands for attainable your goals have to be something you can attain 10 years ago when I was twenty I never thought I would have ten grand sitting in my bank account that's crazy and then have a hundred thousand dollars saved and invested by age 25 no way but these are all attainable goals that I wouldn't be here today if I didn't set them ten years ago and also if your goal is to make six figures working as a sales associate at Abercrombie & Fitch that probably won't work move on or maybe you think you can negotiate six figures at your job that you've been at for almost 10 years you probably can't move on all of these unfortunate examples may or may not have been me at some point or another R stands for relevant make sure that if you pick a career or a job or a brand that you want to build make sure that it's relevant to you and to the world like right now tech jobs in the tech sector in general is very economically relevant and beneficial but if you want to build a blockchain brand then you have a very small window of time to be relevant in my case as a personal finance guy the relevancy of my channel kind of goes in and out depending on the booms and busts of the economic cycle right it's very cyclical but if you're a teacher who wants to be a nurse let's say that's not a very relevant goal unless you take some really drastic measures to change your life around right so basically what I'm saying is don't do what I did a cardistry magician filemaker turned personal finance youtuber or do amazing things can still happen and T stands for time bound or timely if your goals don't have a deadline you will never happen and this is just as true for business as it is for personal relationships - hey what's up Joey yeah man I'd love to Hank yeah let's go see Star Wars next week all right man yeah well Hank for sure France yeah and we never did cuz that was a dramatic reenactment of real-life events that never come true because nobody picks a day and nobody picks a time and to increase your chances for success of all of these goals the most important thing of all is to have your why why do you want to travel more is it to keep up with that Instagram model or the Jones why do you want to be more fit is it because you want to be healthy and feel better about yourself or because you want to attract somebody why do you want more money is it because you want to buy that Lambo that's not gonna make you happy why do you want to get married and buy a house is it because you want society to accept you as an adult what's your reason why do I want a million subscribers here on YouTube tell you why my friend and I have a race first to a million and I want to win it's simple really you know but it's also one of the only ways I'll ever call myself a millionaire in my 30s that's why so ultimately don't let your dreams be dreams yesterday you said tomorrow just do it and make your dreams come true so I realize if you didn't get that reference I sounded like a nutjob but love you guys and I'm so excited for what the next decade the roaring 20s will bring for all of us I think it's gonna be an incredible year and an incredible decade love you all and I'll see you soon bye bye
Channel: Andrei Jikh
Views: 93,109
Rating: 4.9585938 out of 5
Keywords: financial independence, how to set goals, financial goals, personal finance, money goals, how to save money, retire, early retirement, 401k, roth ira, investing for beginners, dividends, stock market, how to, robinhood, robinhood app, m1 finance, andrei jikh, how to invest money, how to retire early, passive income
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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