10 Hidden Details The Secret Service Doesn't Want You To Know

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[Music] if you've ever seen a presidential motorcade or a live shot of the White House grounds then odds are you've seen more than a few men and women in black suits walking around there's also a good chance you missed a few hidden in the crowds or in the background these serious looking individuals belong to the US Secret Service among many tasks their best-known priority involves protecting the President of the United States yet there's a few facts that aren't so widely known and we have them here for you naturally all these secrets about the Secret Service come at a price and that price is our quiz which will be asked during the video answer it correctly and you can be sure no men in black will be visiting your door tonight before we start be sure to have your security clearance and click that red subscribe button also be sure to activate those notifications so you never miss out on our latest and greatest videos original purpose in a bit of an ironic twist The Secret Service was created on April 14th 1865 it's the very same day President Lincoln decided it was a good time to head over into Ford's Theater to take in a show we all know what happened next however even if the ill-fated Lincoln had created the Secret Service days or months earlier it's highly unlikely it would have changed anything as far as he was concerned why well it turns out the agency wasn't created with the protection of the president in mind you see in the 1800s the United States had a serious problem with counterfeiting it is estimated that at the time Lincoln signed the Secret Service into existence one-third of US money was fake at the urging of the Treasury Department the Secret Service of the Department of Treasury was created for the next 35 years these agents tracked down counterfeiters and invested financial crimes all while presidents dropped like flies finally after the assassination of William McKinley in 1901 it was decided that the Secret Service should start looking after the president beginning with Theodore Roosevelt by the way the service is still responsible for investigating financial crimes committed in United States not just the president over the years you've likely come to associate the Secret Service with the President of the United States after all in any photos of live coverage of the president you can almost always pick out a bunch of black suited sunglass wearing agents calmly walking and scanning the nearby area if the president is in the crowd there is always a group of serious and intimidating looking agents standing around driving down the road in a parade expect to see a group of agents right alongside the limo however while the president is the priority in any protection the Secret Service also provides its services to protect others of course the first family is given protection as our former presidents unless they decline the service presidential candidates are also afforded full Secret Service protection for up to 120 days before any major election but you likely all knew this what you may not have known is that the service will also protect the children of former presidents up until the age of sixteen visiting foreign heads of state and their families are placed under the protection of the men in black as well finally anyone the president names in an executive order is eligible for full protection Mount weather once a year the president goes before the assembled members of Congress the Supreme Court in the cabinet to give the State of the Union address this is usually a pretty uninteresting speech filled with all the cliche and self congratulatory remarks you'd expect a politician to come up with however put all the pomp and ceremony aside and there's likely a question some have had about the entire event what would happen if a terrorist attack somehow occurred right when all those VIPs were collected in one area the entire US government will be wiped out in an instant or wouldd the Secret Service has you covered there you see one member of the cabinet is always absent from the State of the Union address for just this reason hidden away at Mount weather in Virginia the Secret Service protects this single individual because there is always the slight chance they could be the last remaining member of the government Mount weather itself isn't a secret but post 9/11 renovations reportedly added new facilities no doubt in this protective layer the Secret Service keeps close guard of the single officials selected to sit out the grand gathering in washington d.c h-street if you've ever driven around washington d.c then you know there are a lot of really interesting buildings to take in you've got everything from the White House and Capitol building to the Smithsonian and Supreme Court and don't even get us started on all of the monuments however don't forget to see a sign marking the Secret Service building they don't want to attract attention to themselves in fact if you've ever driven through the city on H Street you probably drove past it without even realizing it that's because the Secret Service headquarters is a rather plain looking nine story building with no signage around it in fact if you really pay attention you'll notice that unlike its neighbors this unmarked building is surrounded by concrete barriers meant to stop any vehicles from driving into it furthermore there are no garbage cans outside it is believed that this is so there are no hiding spots for anyone to place a bomb so what's inside we can imagine hundreds of armed agents a lot of secrets we aren't allowed to know and a cafeteria accessible only by Secret Service members medical readiness while there are thousands of Secret Service personnel the most high-profile group belong to the presidential protection division or PPD this group of agents are not only charged with protecting the life of the president and the first family but being totally ready for a medical emergency should it arise experts have dubbed this ten-minute medicine because the president is always within ten minutes of hospital or trauma centers which could treat them in times of emergency in the event of an assassination attempt the Secret Service would be responsible for assessing the president determining his or hoove wounds and doing everything possible to help them until they arrived at a medical facility for this agents have bags of the president's blood which they can administer if a transfusion is needed at the nearby hospital there is always an agent who is pre-positioned and knows the emergency room staff this system was shown to work when agents took charge after the attend assassination of Ronald Reagan at the time Reagan only complained of a slight pain in his ribs an observant agent noticed blood in the president's mouth and redirected the limousine to the nearest hospital where the president underwent life-saving surgery all right time for our Secret Service quiz can you tell us how many secret service members have lost their lives while protecting the president think about it while we show you five more secrets about this organization four legged agents when you picture a Secret Service agent what do you imagine it's likely a man or woman in a black suit wearing sunglasses and striking a rather serious-looking pose well that's correct but it misses out on a whole group of Secret Service members that often don't get noticed they are furry have four legs can run really fast and also have incredible senses of smell and hearing yes we're talking about dogs these agents came about in 1975 when dogs were integrated into the Secret Service those animals that gets elected undergoes 17 weeks of training and lots of additional on-the-job training to ensure that they can meet any challenge whether you're walking through the White House or just strolling by on the sidewalks outside odds are one of these k9 agents is monitoring you that friendly looking pooch being walked outside the White House perimeter is likely sniffing for bombs or even gunpowder residue then there are the unseen dogs that can and have tackled and bitten intruders who are foolish enough to try and jump the fence and enter the White House illegally always there if you're the President of the United States then you can expect the Secret Service to always be right with you sometimes quite literally now we often see the president out in public so we know agents are never more than a step or two away at any given time on the lawn of the White House or walking beside the presidential limousine on inauguration day The Secret Service stays close but what about when the president is out of the public eye well you might think they can let their guard down just a little bit in more private environments the Secret Service agents are 100% on all the time this means that inside the White House out visiting friends or going about daily business we take for granted the president always has an agent close by in fact even using the bathroom means an agent is right there doctor-patient confidentiality please when the president has a doctor's appointment there is always an agent right there with them no matter what the case if you don't believe us then just ask the agents who stood by in the room while Ronald Reagan underwent annual rectal exams and colonoscopies we can do not food experts the White House has its own large kitchen complete with several chefs who are trained to meet the personal needs of the president as well as the requirements of something as large as a state dinner obviously any kitchen staff allowed to work in the White House are carefully screened because of both their physical proximity to the first family and their control over the food supply however even with all the security checkpoints and pre-screening that occurs the kitchen and its staff remain under very close watch by the Secret Service how close reportedly agents are present in the kitchen to keep an eye on food preparation it's not that they don't trust the chef's but they just can't trust anyone to be honest they are there to make sure no one slips poisons or anything dangerous into the first families meals but what if the president wants to order a pizza from a local restaurant that's not a problem agents will order the pizza to be completely separate address so no one knows it's for the president from there the pie will make its way to the White House we're just not sure if the president tips the agents that deliver it forensic experts in the era where everything is online Edward Snowden showed us that the government can actually see a lot more than we know this includes anyone who doesn't like the president invoices their opinion whether chat rooms forums or emailed the Secret Service tracks any threats or statements which could be suspicious when it comes to the safety of the president so if you've had a rant online and just happen to mention that you wish the president ill there's a very good chance the agency as you on record oh and don't think going old school will help you either a handwritten note filled with threats written to the White House is taken as a very serious threat just because it's not electronic doesn't mean the Secret Service won't back you down eventually you see in addition to analyzing fingerprints and handwriting agents will also run the ink through their ink database we aren't joking they have access to around nine thousand five hundred ink samples and can narrow it down to know what brand of ink you used and the general area where it was purchased more than meets the eye Secret Service agents may look like they're wearing standard gear but there's a lot more than you might know sure they carry handguns and have the ability to pretty much take down any regular troublemaker for cases that might require more however they have it covered for instance some members are said to our special bullet and stab resistant suits and even underwear in addition to standard sidearms agents are also known to be packing respirators and night-vision goggles and submachine guns allegedly when the president is outside of the White House there is always one agent nearby with a special mask in the event of a suspected chemical or biological incident this agent is tasked with getting the mask onto the President's head although we're not sure what happens to the agent after while all the Secret Service are known for wearing sunglasses it has also been revealed that some of those shades are equipped with cameras which beam the images back to headquarters there other agents can examine the footage and likely run it through facial recognition software to identify any potential threats so do you know how many secret service members have lost their lives protecting the president throughout history the answer won in 1952 Puerto Rican nationalists tried to storm the house President Harry Truman was staying in while the White House was renovated mortally wounded the agent managed to shoot one attacker and foiled the assassination plot that's the end of our video for today folks as always if you're interested in seeing more we definitely have a lot of other videos related to the White House and the President of the United States we just asked that you first register with homeland security we mean the richest by hitting that red subscribe button and activating those notifications we hope you have a great day bye bye for now
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 10,580,547
Rating: 4.174634 out of 5
Keywords: Secret, Service, Hidden, Lincoln, Mount Weather, Reagan, Trump, Roosevelt, Oval, office, White House, protection
Id: ZvXgHiS9-zQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2017
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