10 European Countries with the Highest Salaries

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how we were thought of moving to Europe to improve your life quality while also maybe getting a job here once you're in the continent then keep watching because in this video I'll be revealing which 10 countries have the highest paid salaries [Music] hi guys this is Mariano welcome to my channel alright so to make this ranking I'm basically looking at the cross salaries and net salaries of each country and then based on the net salary after tax I'm making this ranking that's why you will see some countries may have a higher gross income but still rank lower because of having a lower net income also keep in mind that because these numbers are just an average you could still find much lower or higher salaries on each country depending on your professional qualification and field I have to tell you it was quite short when I made this rank it because some countries that I was expecting to get in the ranking were out versus other countries that I didn't expect maybe to the list starting on the number 10 we get the country of tulips canals and bicycles I'm talking about the Netherlands this country offers an average cross salary of around 69 000 Euros which gets you a net salary after tax of 45 000 Euros around 3000 800 Euros per month moving on to the number nine we get to the PowerHouse of the European economy I'm talking about Germany speak Nation offers a gross average salary of 70 000 Euros and left after tax salary of 46 000 Euros which gets you around 3 842 Euros per month getting on the number eight we get to one of the most idealized and beloved countries in Europe I'm talking about France this picturesque Nation offers a gross salary of around 65 000 Euro which gets you a net after tax salary of 48 000 Euros roughly 4 000 Euros per month on to the number seven we get to one of the most iconic island nations talking about the United Kingdom the British Monarchy offers an average gross salary of around 59 000 pounds equivalent to 69 000 Euros and the net salary of around 42 000 pounds or 48 000 Euros yet the new amount income of around 4074 us moving on to the number six we get to the one of the most inspired countries to live in Scandinavia I'm talking about Denmark his kingdom offers a crossover salary equivalent to 83 000 Euros giving you a net after tax salary equivalent to 50 000 Euros roughly 4 200 Euros per month in its equivalent from Danish grounds remaining on Scandinavia we get to the land of fjords and beautiful landscapes I'm talking about the nation of Norway country offers an average gross salary of around 80 000 Euros but gets you an average net after tax salary of 53 000 Euros getting you roughly 4 400 euros per month in its equivalent from Norway France moving on to the number four we get to a country known for its many banks and be in the headquarters of many big International companies the great duchy of Luxembourg is fairytale Nation offers an average gross salary of around 77 000 Euros in India net after tax salary of around 55 000 Euros roughly 4 600 euros per month onto the top three we get to one of my favorite places in the world and also one of the tiniest Nations the principality of Monaco this monarchy on the goddessor offers an average gross salary of around 77 000 Euros but gets you an average net salary of around 62 000 Euros around 5 200 Euros per month bear in mind that until Monica doesn't have any income tax you do have to pay social security contribution that's why you will see a difference between gross and its salaries on the number two spot we get to another small country riding the Alps between Switzerland and Austria I'm talking about the country of lichenstein his album principality offers you an average gross salary of around 87 000 Swiss Francs equivalent to 90 000 Euros having an average after tax salary of around 78 000 Swiss Francs or 70 000 Euros providing you a monthly income of 5 800 Euros per month on the number one spot as you may be guessing we get to one of the most idyllic and developed nations in the world Switzerland the Swiss Federation offers an average gross salary of 116 000 Swiss Francs equivalent to a hundred and nineteen thousand Euros providing a net after tax salary of around 89 000 Swiss Francs or ninety one thousand Euros this means a disposable income of 7600 Euros per month so there you have it guys those were the 10 highest paying countries in Europe if you like this video make sure to like subscribe and make a comment let me know results thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Mariano Poggi Parcellier | Real Estate Agent
Views: 578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9QnMf57iv1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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