8 Shocking Things About Portugal (Discovered After Moving Here!)

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whether you're visiting Portugal for the first time or either if you're moving to the country there are a couple things in this nation that may actually shock you let's get into them [Music] hi guys this is Mariano welcome to my channel so basically before moving to the Lisbon area I made some research so I could expect some things that I would find when moving to the country but have to say that after moving here there were a couple things that I didn't expect and surprised me both in a positive and a negative way these are the ones that I encounter so the first thing I have to say is the food people know that in Portugal they're famous for the 200 ways they have for cooking bakalao or the fabulous but something surprising especially the variety they had of fruits vegetables and they referred especially for example on The Daily side they have cheese from the Asters and there are many wines and different selections of things that are very impressive also coming from Argentina the country of meat especially beef I have to say that Portuguese meat quality is pretty good even surprisingly good I say another thing to know is that people here love using garlic the portrait please use garlic mainly on every dish so this could be a totally Hit or Miss depending on your liking to be honest I didn't like garlic that much before moving to Portugal and now kind of got used to it but I still avoid the dishes with too much garlic it's fun because if you walk around your neighborhood around 8pm I assure you you would send the smell of garlic so the second thing I would say is the graffiti this one is definitely a negative one and it's found everywhere basically in lisman and Porto of course if you go to the Min touristy areas and the main Avenues are square they're mostly clean of graffitis but if you walk just a couple blocks inside you'll probably find some graffitis and I would say this is something that really upsets me and I know many tourists also think the same too especially because cities like Lisbon and Porto are truly beautiful so the graffiti is kind of ruin the facades of the building you have to know that this graffiti is not something like a street art that you will find like a little mural or a beautiful thing but instead it's more like a tagging or some obscenes drawing so that it doesn't have any purpose I really hope the Mayors Lisbon and Porto stop working on this because come on you cannot be that hard to solve like the third thing I would want to say is the weather people know Portugal has amazing weather that's totally true I love it here but you have to know that both the sun and the wind here are much stronger they're probably what you expect especially mixed cities like Lisbon that has an abundance of pastel color buildings and the famous Casada portuguesa which is basically a white stone the sun gets reflected there and creates a brightness exposure called the Lucius Lisboa that's locals call it here and basically that intensifies the brightness of the Sun so it's better for you to wear some sunnies to avoid on light in your face now on the Wind side Portugal gets a lot of wind from the Atlantic and that can be felt not only in the coastal areas but also inline so it's another good reason to bring some sunglasses here now a fourth thing that actually shocked me here in Portugal unfortunately on a negative way is actually the lack of accessibility in places like Lisbon Metro or some train station I was pretty shocked to find out that some stations didn't have an elevator or an escalator I mean I get it it's totally healthier to go through the stairs and that's fine for healthy people but if you're someone elderly or with a mobility issue this is something this simply may not be an option for you now I have to clarify before moving on that many stations do have escalators and elevator I would even bet it's the majority but it's still a matter of luck some stations that you may be getting out doesn't have one now the fifth thing that I will mention is the cars this may not be applicable to you especially if you're going for a very affluent area or a wealthy City around the world but in my case I was coming from Buenos Aires Argentina so when I moved to Lisbon I was actually pretty shocked to find out how many amazing cars are everywhere here and I'm talking about the typical European brands that you find in most cities like BMW Mercedes or Audi I'm talking about more luxurious and higher end cars like Porsche Range Rover or even Teslas I remember having family members visiting me here in Lisbon and they were joking around saying hey is there an offer here are there discounts for two for one because there were just so many out here also I remember going to see this like Barcelona or Madrid and thinking hey the Carson Lisbon are actually much nicer than here I was also surprised to see how many charging stations are available to give you an example in my neighborhood in just a 10 luck radius you have two charging stations one to the sixth place I have to say another thing that struck me here is the safety and the peace of mind you get in Portugal If you probably read this country is one of the safest in Europe's and although there is prime there's very little the kind of sense of security you get and the peace of mind and the Tranquility you can see it's very familiar and people here live very quietly it's something that totally surprised me especially for a capital city like Lisbon this kinda goes in line with the label culture of pretty Portugal but still the sense of security on a such high level it's something that I didn't found neither nearer in Spain or places like France or the UK shock number seven the real estate you probably know how crazy the market has been especially olympic cities like Lisbon or Porto or even in regions like the Algarve but still it's surprising to see how much prices have climbed from one year to another for example a two-bit apartment in central Lisbon and in 2023 was going to rent for 1200 Euros now in 2023 wood average over 2 000 Euros per month to buy Here according to the side of the list that the average square meter price in Lisbon it's 5 301 Euros that means that to buy a hundred meter apartment you will need to pay over 530 000 Euros this is much more than other cities like Madrid that have an average square meter price of 3979 Euros that basically means that 100 million per minute rate is around 379 000 Euros that's almost 140 000 Euros more to buy in Lisbon than in Madrid now the last shock is definitely a positive one is the growth that you will find here in Portugal like people move to Portugal assuming that they will find a poor country especially when compared to Western Europe standards but they don't realize the vast amount of private Investments entrepreneurs shops restaurants and places opening on a daily basis even according to eurostats Portugal was the third largest economy in the EU area to be growing in early 2023 only after Poland and Luxembourg and you can sense that when you're walking around Lisbon there's business incubators there's people coming in investing opening places and it's really exciting because you can see that the country is actually growing so there you have it guys those were eight culture shops that I found when moving to Portugal If you like this video make sure to like subscribe and make a comment let me know your thoughts thank you for watching and see you in the next video
Channel: Mariano Poggi Parcellier
Views: 5,420
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Id: 0r_9JMYgROY
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Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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