10 English Expressions with HAVE - phrasal verbs, idioms and slang sayings

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hello everyone and welcome back to english with lucy today I have got a video for you as you can tell by the title of 10 expressions that use the verb the verb the weblab expressions using the verb to have and I know that to have is a verb well it's an auxiliary verb it's a verb that can be really really confusing for you guys because it has so many different meanings and it's used so frequently it's kind of difficult in the moment when you hear it to work out exactly what it means but I have 10 phrases 10 expressions they're idiomatic they're ones that we would use in more informal situations you'd hear them a lot in the United Kingdom I think most of them would be used in the US and in other english-speaking countries as well so they're pretty universal but they're seriously seriously useful so let's get started with the lesson quickly before we get started not kidding not today let's get started with the lesson number one my first expression using have is to have a laugh to have a laugh now to have a laugh means to kid around or to have to be joking or even to have a joke can be said as well so if I say to you are you having a laugh I'm essentially saying are you joking oh sorry I was just having a laugh sorry I was just joking I wasn't being serious number two is to have somebody on to have somebody on so it's a separable and this one is always separable phrasal verb in this context in this context it must always be separated it is a separable one for this meaning it sort of means to persuade somebody that something is true when in reality it isn't so if I don't believe something that somebody is saying to me I'll say are you having me on are you trying to persuade me that something's true when actually isn't in reality see it's much much easier just to say are you having me on rather than you trying to persuade me something's true when it actually isn't in reality do you know I've only had one coffee today and it's like 5:00 p.m. also for those of you who don't know I spend a lot of my time on a farm and I'm filming in a barn right now and I think something's going on with some sort of animal poo outside and there are flies everywhere so if you see any it's not me it's the farm now the next one we're still talking about laughing and joking and this one is a lovely one this one is to have the last laugh and this is such a satisfying feeling to have the last laugh to have the last laugh means to finally be more successful than somebody else who was unpleasant to you so it means to finally be more successful than somebody else who was unpleasant to you I'll give you an example of this Anna I've got English like a native on the brain Anna was bullied for being a nerd at school but she had the last laugh when she got the highest grades in the year obviously these other people were nasty to Anna this isn't true by the way I've made it up the other people were nasty to Anna but she had the last laugh because she got the highest grade in the school she was more successful than those other people who were unpleasant to her totally fake I'm sure she was very successful at school she's a very intelligent woman but I've just I've made it up number four to have a sweet tooth now I'd really like to know if this one translates into your language at all because I can't remember if it is in Spanish I don't know if it translates let me know obviously which a language you speak and if it's the same in your language or if there's a slight variation but in English to have a sweet tooth means to be a big big fan of sweet foods so the person with the biggest sweet tooth no is my grandma my mum's mum she loves sweet foods and anything sugary you can see it in her face when she sees them she's really really excited about it so yes my lovely grandma has a sweet tooth yeah comment down below let me know I love hearing about similarities between languages one of my previous videos which I'll put up there in the card to hit two birds with one stone so many of you came back and you told me so many different things and and it turns out that it's a phrase that is quite common in many different languages but with slight variations so thank you everyone who got involved in that now number five this is a phrase that my mum used to say to me when I was a child and I always knew that I had done something wrong and this is to have a bone to pick with someone so to have a bone to pick with someone my mom always used to say Lucy I have a bone to pick with you I know if she's watching now she'll be laughing because she knows exactly how she says it Lucy I have a bone to pick with you and basically when somebody has a bone to pick with someone it means that they have a problem or issue that they want to discuss with that person so it would normally be because I hadn't kept my bedroom tidy and organized this was a problem for my mum and she wanted to talk to me about it Lucy I have a bone to pick with you it's quite a nice diplomatic way in my opinion to confront an issue with someone instead of saying I want to talk to you about a problem I have a bone to pick with you I think it's a bit nicer a bit softer now number six it's is it number six yes number six number six is something that I actually had myself in 2015 late 2015 it is to have a change of heart and if you have a change of heart it means that you change your attitude or your opinion about something normally a long-standing opinion or attitude about something and usually it's a change from a negative point to a positive one but it's all relative and my change of heart was that I thought that I wanted to work in marketing I my dream was actually to work in L'Oreal I really really really really wanted to work in the marketing department of L'Oreal for some reason I had it in my head but suddenly I had a change of heart I realized that I wanted to continue teaching and more than that I wanted to start teaching on YouTube I didn't think it was going to be a career but I definitely knew that this connection I had with teaching and the connection with the English language was more important to me than a typical marketing career so I had this big change of heart I had worked for four years to achieve my degree all I thought about was marketing and suddenly my attitude changed I had a change of heart number seven is to have a crack at something to have a crack at something to have a crack at something distracted by the beautiful sounds of English and to have a crack at something is to try something or to try to do something or to have a turn at doing something so for example maybe there's a really hot I always struggle with this you know like a jar of pasta sauce or gherkins I love gherkins pickles in America especially the ones from the Polish section in the supermarket they are better than the English gherkins anyway I digress the jar the lid is really really tight and you I always go and asks a man in the house to open it and they're trying and they're trying and then I think ah let me have a crack at it let me attempt it's my turn and I'd do it and sometimes sometimes I manage it that's to have a crack at something is to try and do something or to have a turn at trying to do something so you could use it in a situation like you know would you mind taking my picture it's a common tourist situation and you could say I'll have a crack at it I'll give it a go I'll try so yes that's the lovely phrase for you guys to use now number eight number eight is a romantic one this is to have a crush on someone to have a crush on someone so if you have a crush on someone it means you fancy them you really quite like them in a romantic sort of way so I for a very very long time had a crush on Chris Pratt I'm not sure if you know who he is he's a very very funny American actor and when I saw him in Jurassic Park I had I developed this huge huge crush and to this day I have a crush on Chris Pratt now crush is normally meaningless they're just that initial kind of oh I like him or I like her or I like them kind of thing so yes I'm sure we all have crushes on people now number nine is one that's very relevant to you guys actually it is to have a good command of something to have a good command of something and this means to know something well or to be good at something so we really really really frequently use it with languages so if I say I have a good command of Spanish it means I know Spanish well I am good at speaking Spanish I'm more than capable of conversing so if you guys are applying for a job or you want to update your CV you don't want to say I'm fluent in English but you know you want to say that you are good at it you can say I have a good command of the English language I have a good command of English really nice one to use now number ten is slightly more old-fashioned but you can use it in quite formal situations this is to have a good mind to do something to have a good mind to do something it's ever so slightly threatening and it means to be tempted to do something but so for example if I heard that somebody was gossiping behind my back I might say I have a good mind to confront them as in I am tempted to confront them it doesn't mean that I'm going to do it but it means that the temptation is there so you might receive a piece of work from your teacher or your university lecturer or your boss and they've returned it to you with a bad mark or a bad review and you might say to your colleague classmate I have a good mind to go and speak to them about it like I am tempted to it's kind of like I know I shouldn't but I kind of want to write guys those are my 10 have expressions that are loads more I really really enjoyed making this video I don't know if you can see how much I'm enjoying filming today but I really really am loving it but for some reason I really enjoyed making this video I think it's because I got to relate a lot of the expressions back to me in my life I always like to do that so if you enjoyed it please comment down below definitely say if there's a similarity with sweet tooth I am just obsessed with hearing about similarities between languages on opposite sides of the world and yeah subscribe to my channel don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media I've got my Facebook I've got my Instagram and I've got my Twitter and I will see you soon for another lesson [Music] [Music] you
Channel: English with Lucy
Views: 194,269
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Keywords: have expressions, to have, have verb, to have expressions, have idioms, expressions with have, expressions using have, idioms, idiomatic phrases, idioms with have, idioms using have, english with lucy, learn english with lucy, learn english, english vocabulary lesson, have a laugh, have somebody on, have phrasal verbs
Id: Q_eq0PPXDvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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