Resin Tutorial, Pet Memorials Using Ashes & Fur 6 Methods

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hello welcome to steve mcdonald's arts and crafts and i've been asked by a friend of mine to make some commemorative pieces of their dog and cat and what i've got here is i've got some fur and i've got some ash as well it isn't difficult to make commemorative pieces with ash and fur but you do need to follow i think some clear guidelines and methods of doing so to enable you to get the best results and what i'm going to do is i'm going to make six different little keepsakes so pendants and keyrings and things for this person using a combination of either the ash or the fur or a mixture of both so without too much further ado let's get on so the molds that i'm going to be using today are these ones i'm going to make something in this little glass bottle here and make a pendant out of that i'm also going to make a pendant out of this little pendant mold now i'm going to make cats pour and a dog's paw a heart and with this larger mould it's a shame that their sort of dog isn't in here because if not i could have made a really nice quite chunky keyring but they don't have their dog in this one i'm gonna make this bone because their dog love bones before i start anything what i always do is i prepare my ashes and i prepare my fur what i do with the fur is i decide what i want to put it in so for instance so with this one i'm going to put some fur into the heart to allow me to do that i want to prevent as many bubbles or problems coming as i possibly can so what i do is i choose where i want the fur i'm going to want it in there like so i'm going to spread it out a little bit and push it down so it's nice and neat but you can still see it there and then what i'll do is i will cover that in a little bit of uv resin and then i will push that uv resin into that fur so it's all how i want it and that way you don't get any loose strands coming off and you also don't get any air bubbles coming through and then i'll just cure that up in the mold where i want it then pop it out of the mold and then cure the back of it because there's no doubt it will have got a bit messy not got cured because of the thickness of the hair okay and then what i'll do is i will take a pair of scissors and any loose hairs like this i will just go around and i will trim them up so that they're a nice shape there we go and that way that you know this is now going to fit into that mold and if you want a bit more hair in it now this is the time to pop a bit more hair into the mold and then follow through again with some uv resin and as long as you don't go out the edge of what you've just done then you know you're not going to have a problem i will link everything that i use today including the uv resin and this really brilliant curing torch in the description below so don't worry about that and check out my new channel as well on arts and crafts the link to all that is in the description below and how i prep for the ash is really the same sort of way now it's easy if you've got a mould because you can put this in the mold i only want the back paw to be the ash so i'm going to make the back pour with ash and then pop some uv resin on it always wear a mask as well when you're dealing with anything like this ash or especially with resin but with ash and things like that and then i just give that a little bit of a mix row so it's all nicely mixed up and if i need to add a little bit more of the uv resin in i will which i think i probably do there and this way you're not wasting any of the ash and you're not using it because it's treasured by somebody you know i mean and it would i'd be devastated if it was me and someone was wasting my love beloved pet sash and so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna cure this up and then again i'll turn it over and carry it up on the other side and that way you're not going to get any bubbles or anything come up and you know that it's definitely going to fit into this mould but i will show you in a second how you can put ash because i'm going to put ash and fur into this glass bottle so i need to get a little bit that's gonna fit into this bottle so i've mixed up a tiny little bit here with uv resin of the ash i'm going to mold that into a shape on my silicon mat that i know will fit into that little bottle and this i will use in my last project so that i don't waste it and then all i'll do is i'll cure that up and then that'll fit into the actual bottle little glass bottle itself i shall take a little bit of the hair like this give it a twist so it stays more together put a bit of uv resin on where i'm going to have it so that's the bit i'm going to have i'll twist that in there as well and then i'll cure that that should be cured and then i'll trim that down to the size that i want of the hair there we go so you've got two bits in there you've got the piece of the hair and you've got the piece of the ash as well and the last one i'm going to do is this pendant now they've asked me to make one that's a little bit sparkly so they can wear it and still know that the animal and the loved animals ashes are in there and they've asked me to put some glitter in which i'm really happy to do because i love doing glitter anyway i've got bit there and then what i'm going to do is i'm just going to pour in a good bit of glitter and then give it a mix up to see how it comes out have a look at that and i think that is quite a nice glittery mix although to me i think that still shows too much of the actual ash itself so what i'm also going to pour in there or just put a little bit in of is a little bit of gold mica powder and mix that around i think that'll really help it and then i will add my uv resin and then what i'm going to do is transfer this mixture over to this little pendant mold now you could make this whole thing out of uv resin but i don't tend to do that because i feel you don't get a full cure because you've got a solid color going all the way through so i would much rather do this and then add a little bit of epoxy either side of it just to ensure that it's it's going to last quite a nice long time so i'm going to push that down quite firm there we go so that's pushed down there quite firm and it's quite glittery and gold and then i'm going to cure that up and then once that's cured up i will then start mixing up my resin and doing the rest of the bits which i'll show you in a minute i just want to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all my members of this channel without people like yourself i wouldn't be able to continue making these and i hope you're enjoying all the additional perks you get for being a member it's a great little community and if you'd like to buy me a coffee just to say thank you for any of the videos that i do and help me towards these expenses because it is my only form of income now then the link to that is in the description thank you i've got all my resin mixed up now and i'm ready to put it in so under the ash that i'm going to put in the pore i'm just going to pop a little bit of resin and squeeze the ash back in and that'll just give it a nice finish and secure it in there really easily now the ones with the hair i want the hair to suspend in the actual resin so what i'll do is i'll fill the heart shape up and then i'll let that cure for about four or five hours and then i'll place the heart over the top of that and then let it cure up again and then fill it up with resin i'm filling up the little glass jar using a prepare now i'm not putting the cork in now because i want any air bubbles that are in there to come up and release the glitter and the ash one i'm doing the same as i did with the pores and i'm just doing the whole pour of the resin now and that should be done and the bone again i'm putting a little bit in so that i can suspend that hair in there or the fur in there and then do the final bit now with the pore i really like having a different color little bow prints on it so i'm using a gold mic out of here filling up those gold and i'll leave that to cure for about 24 hours well these should have cured up enough now for me to be able to pop in the pieces that i made earlier and they are i just need to pop them into there what i'll do is i'll let them cure up completely before i finish those off and i'll come back and i'll show you how i finish all those bits off these bits of curd now with the hair and the ash in so all i need to do now is do another pour on the top of these which i will do these i will do with clear resin and this one i'm going to use a black mica powder behind it to give the pause a little effect and this one i'm going to slightly dome because before it was cured i don't know if you can see i stuck my finger in it so there's a great big fingerprint in it so i'm going to dome that one just finish that off these have all cured up now which is a great so we just need to demold them and take them and put them into either pendants or keyrings or whatever you want to use for your memory for your commemorative pieces that's got a piece of hair in it and it's also got some ashes in it but at the moment this cork is detachable and also it's very porous and it will crumble and break up how i seal my corks is i always seal them with some super glue and i use the thin super glue and i pop it on and i seal the cork like that and i let that super glue soak into the cork and then i'll pop a bit of super glue in there so there's a bit in the top there and then i pop the cork in and i let that cure up and while that's curing up i'll get on with the rest so the little bone that should be all finished now and that has come out really nicely there and there's the hair in that now you can dome this back if you want to i don't tend to but i quite like it as it is now the little heart that's come out really nicely it wasn't a little air bubble in that though which is a shame but i can foam that over that wouldn't be a problem so that's the little heart and then we've got the little paw i love the way the little paw comes out i think the paws come out really lovely and the tiny little paw also comes out really lovely there's nothing to stop you putting the ash as well into the little toe bits i prefer it there as opposed to being all the way around and i quite like the contrast between the three different colors of the ash which is nice and glossy and shiny the toes and the black background and the little pendant which has got the glitter in as well and that's come out really really nice so all we need to do is either turn these into pendants or turn them into key rings now i use different ways of doing this and i do have a full video which i'll link at the end of this one on how to make up jewelry in different bits and pieces so what i will do for this one is i will turn this one into a keyring and i'll use more of a heavy duty screw eye as opposed to these little tiny delicate ones because it's a key ring and you want it to last quite well and what i'll use is i'll just use one of these tags on it and how i'll put that in is i will drill a little hole and you can do this with a little tiny hand drill i mean i use my dremel all the time i have it on quite slow speed i want to go with fairly central there and then i will screw this in before i screw it in what i will do is because it's a key ring i will just dip the end of this screw into some super glue and that just gives it a little bit more sticking power then just screw that in and then i will let that dry and then i'll attach a more heavy duty jump ring to it rather than a little flimsy one and there we go you've got a nice little commemorative key ring there with some mashes in it that are nice and glossy that are set off against the actual pore itself and you've turned it into a key ring now and i will do the same with the bone with the hair in i would turn that into a key ring and i would also turn this one into a keyring using exactly the same method i've put all these together now and they're all finished and as you can see they've come out really really well so we've got the little pendant here that has come out really well with the hair and the ash in the pendant with the glitter in the ash i think has come out lovely too and people wouldn't know that you've got the ash that would be quite a personal one and they used a pinch bail for that one we've got the heart which i did dome and it really has made that quite magnified and the hairs really really come out well in that one the tiny little paw i still cooled a tiny little ball i put into a necklace the larger paw which is always my favorite the poor ones and then the bone and i think that one's come out really well too so i hope you've enjoyed this video and it's given you some good tips and tricks on how to make creme how to make commemorative pieces and also how to handle it and use it for the best effects don't forget to hit that subscribe button and the notification bell so you don't miss out on any of my future videos i've left affiliate links to everything that i've used today in the description below so you should be able to find that if you want to check out my other channel i'll also put the link to that in there that's steve mcdonald crafting it's where i try out lots of different crafts quite a good fun channel and i'll also link the video on how to make up all your jewelry and different bits and pieces in the description and as an end card so you'll see it just click it at the end of this video and you'll go straight there and i look forward to seeing you in that one take care enjoy your resin bye
Channel: Steve McDonald Arts and Crafts
Views: 30,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epoxy resin, resin for beginners, steve mcdonald, How to use epoxy resin for beginners, resin art for beginners step by step, resin for beginners tutorial, epoxy resin tutorial for beginners, Resin Tutorial, Pet Memorials Using Ashes & Fur 6 Methods, pet memorial, resin and ashes, resin a hair, resin and fur, pet ashes in resin, pet ashes jewelry, resin jewelry for beginners, resin jewelry tutorial, resin jewelry making, resin jewelry ideas, resin jewellery making, resin
Id: WNUHigeh0CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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