The Sister That Outsmarted Everyone

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once upon a time there were three sisters divita Petra and Simona the girls lived at home with their mother but as they grew from young girls to young ladies their childhood home became too small for them my dear girls the time has come for you to make your way in the world I am gifting you all one bag of gold coins each you may spend the money whichever way you like but if you are wise like your dear father was you will use it to build a new home for yourselves the girls kissed their mother goodbye and with their money in their pockets they set out to find a new place to call home before long the sisters came across a clearing in a forest where there was room enough for three houses to be built divita who was the oldest girl looked around her excitedly look at all this wood she ran from tree to tree imagining our house would look made from these fine branches but devata replied Simona the youngest sister a house made from branches won't be very strong you will have to repair it every time there's a storm developed yes but it will cost me nothing but my time as I can take all the wood from the forest that will leave me money to buy some fine clothes and the best horse I can find oh how popular I will be so do Vetta set about gathering sticks and twigs from the forest with which to build her home even though her sisters thought it was a bad idea they helped her because that's what sisters do and before too long de Vecchi had her own eyes it's stood in the clearing and even Simona had to agree that it was a fine looking house having finished to Betty's house Petra started looking around for materials with which to build her home devatta had taken much of the woot so Petra decided that she would make hers using the strong grass which covered the forest floor when devatta saw her younger sisters on their hands and knees collecting grass she laughed at them grass isn't going to be strong enough for a house mine is made of wood so it will be sturdy and strong one puff of wind and the whole thing will come crashing down Petra looked up at her sister but my house will be lovely and warm as the grass will fill all of the gaps your house made of wood will let the cold and rain in she looked about her noticing that the Sun was going down are you going to help us build my house de Vecchi shook her head no I am going to the market to buy the most magnificent horse I can find and some beautiful clothes to wear build your own house and with that she took her bag of money that her mother had given to her and set off in the direction of the town Simona sighed it was getting dark and she hadn't even started on her own house she and Petra worked hard to complete the house made of grass and hay and finally in the light of the moon Petra's house was complete I will have to sleep in your house tonight Petra said Simona it is dark now and I need to buy materials from my own house so we will get a good night's sleep and we can go together in the morning to buy some bricks but Petra shook her head there's no room in my house for you I bought a nice small house so that there is only room for me that way nobody can come into my house and eat my food and drink my water Simona was amazed she had spent all day collecting wood for devatas house and grass and straw for Petra's house another she needed somewhere to sleep her sister wouldn't let her in the house that she had helped to build but then I shall wait for devata to return but when de Vecchi returned many hours later she wasn't alone writing a beautiful white course de Vecchi was accompanied by two other people and all three of them were wearing very fine clothes indeed these are my friends Simona I met them in the town don't they look smart and the clothes I bought for them now it's time to sleep see you in the morning and with that de Vecchi closed her front door with her new friends in sight and left Simona standing all alone outside Simona looked all around her but there was no weed left to build a shelter and no grass or straw with which to make a bed so Simona lay down on the hard ground and despite her being cold and uncomfortable fell into a deep sleep because she had worked so hard helping her sisters still tomorrow would be a good day she would take her sisters with her to the market to buy the bricks she needed to build her own house the next morning Simona will curly just as the Sun was rising she called out to Petra and Iveta hoping to get an early start when there was no answer at Petra's house Simona went to devatas house and knocked on the door her sister answered and told Simona that Petra had already left for the market to buy herself some fancy new furniture and to see if she too could find some friends Simona was annoyed with her sister she needed her help and now it would just be herself and a Vetala to buy the things she needed to build her house but divita had other plans my good friend here and she gestured to one of the people she had brought back with her the night before needs some money to buy a cow so that she can sell milk at the market so I am going with her to help after all I chose the best horse so I will also choose the best cow behind the Vetta Simona could see the two new friends laughing as they weighed up to vetas money bed divita you need to hold on to some of your money so that you can buy food to keep you through the winter but to Vettel laughed at her younger sister my new friends will share their wealth with me when they sell their milk besides if I don't give them the money they will go and choose a new friend and I will be alone can I at least borrow your horse so that I can make the journey there and back a little easier but again de Vecchi shook her head and simona set off alone towards the market simona worked hard all day and had to make many journeys to the market luckily a local farmer took pity on the girl and lent her his horse and cart to carry the bricks but she still needed to go back and forth many times when finally she had all of her bricks in the forest Simona asked her sisters to help her build it but jevetta was busy having fun with her new friends Simona turned to Petra no I can't possibly help you I will ruin my new clothes Simona looked at her sister why can't you wear the clothes that mother made for you Petra left those old rags I threw those away Simona felt sad as she worked all by herself building her house her mother had made their clothes with love and yet both devata and Petra had swapped them for fancy new clothes without a thought for home it took Simona many days to build her house every time she asked her sisters for help they refused you should have made your house out of wood from the forest like me then you would be finished by now said de vente maybe if you'd use grass and straw like me you would have money to buy a bed in some chairs instead of sleeping on the ground sneered Petra as she relaxed on the wooden chair she had bought with her money but Simona took no notice and day after day she worked hard and as the walls of her brick house grew higher and higher the weather turned colder and colder until one day her house was finished Simona stood inside her new home and felt satisfied she had no furniture but she intended to grow vegetables outside that she could sell at the market which would give her the money to buy nice new things for her house but for now it didn't matter she had a strong roof over her head the rest could come in time a few days later Simona heard a commotion and poked her head out of the window the cow that devatta had bought for her friend had broken loose from the rope that tied her to a tree and had stumbled into the wooden house sending it crashing to the ground not one twig was left standing and before de Vetta could say uh-oh no her new friends had taken off with the clothes and the cow she had bought for them of course Simona let her older sisters stay with her because that's what sisters do a week passed and the weather grew even colder until one night it started to rain Simona awoke to a knocking on her door Petra was standing outside soaked to the skin as she explained that the rain had washed her house away and with it all her fancy furniture so Simona opened her door wider and let her in because that's what sisters do as the winter turned to spring Simona's crops began to grow and before long she had a field full of veg Bulls with more than enough to sell a devata and Petra refused to help harvest the crops because they had grown accustomed to living the good life with their fine clothes and furniture and they left all the work to their little sister one day as the spring turned to summer divita and Petra came home from the town to find their clothes in a pile where their houses had once stood have you lost your mind Simona demanded to Vetta our clothes could have been stolen now stop being silly and let us in but Simona refused I told you to make the most of the money that mother gave to us I told you to build a worthy house but you wanted to spend it all on false friends and fancy things neither of you would help me to build my house or pick my vegetables and I had to take them all to market myself but you still wanted to share in my home and food I let you stay with me during the winter because that's what sisters do but now that the weather has changed for the better it is time for you to make your own homes once more I have done well selling my crops and have saved enough to match the money that mother gave to you once again you have the choice use the money to build a brick house or build a free house that won't last the winter but let me tell you this dear sisters hard work and patience will always pay off spend your money wisely for you will not get any more help from me of course they grumbled and complained but neither of them wanted to be without a house again so they use their money to buy bricks and they spend the summer building beautiful solid houses do you think Simona helped them of course she did because that's what sisters do
Views: 2,076,626
Rating: 4.6122355 out of 5
Keywords: story, stories in english, bedtime story, bedtime stories, english stories, cartoon, princess, Tales, The Arrogant Princess, The thief and the magician, The Magical ball, The secret Princess, Three Princesses, sleeping beauty, little mermaid, Lio and the mouse, snow queen, sun and the moon, Thumbelina, little red ridding hood, little match girl, The Flying Princess
Id: NvDHfsMh-JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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