10 EASY 3 Ingredient Dinner Ideas

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so it's that time of day again i'm lucky i'm hungry it's dinner time and i don't know about your house but my house is a little chaotic after school so as i'm trying to run kids to all their activities and make them do their homework i still have to get dinner on the table that's why i love sharing with you these three ingredient dinners so dinner can be a lot easier the first recipe i'm making is instant pot french dip sandwiches so you're gonna take your instant pot put in either a pork roast or a beef roast it works either way then you're gonna add two cups of your favorite beef broth or if you can find beef consummate that's the best then you're gonna put your lid on make sure that little knob is turned to ceiling not venting push the pressure cook button and you're gonna cook it for an hour now i like to let this sit for a few hours before i open the lid then it will make your meat nice and tender to shred apart next you're going to add your shredded meat onto like a hoagie bun i even used hot dog buns you can have provolone cheese i like to melt it or broil it in the oven for a few minutes then when you're all the way done i like to dip it back into the juice it's my favorite next up is baked bacon wrapped chicken tenders that's kind of a mouthful okay we're gonna add two cups of water into a big giant bowl you're gonna add a little bit of salt and then you're gonna go ahead and add one to two pounds of chicken depends on how many people you're feeding then you're gonna put it in the fridge and let it sit there for about an hour so when you're done go ahead and pull it out we need to dry off this chicken so i laid it out onto a cutting board and then you can use a paper towel to dry it all off next we're going to add some cheddar cheese so i have just little squares of cheddar cheese i'll put on each chicken and then you're going to wrap each one in a piece of bacon trust me it's gonna be good then you're gonna bake it at 450 degrees for about 13 to 16 minutes make sure you watch it so your bacon doesn't burn when your bacon is done you can also check the temperature of your chicken make sure it's cooked all the way through and then you can serve it my kids love this they also love dipping it in ketchup next up is pigs in a blanket now we have this growing up but i have a few tricks to help you out a little bit to make it easier i have a puff pastry sheet that i spread out and cut into six pieces then i'm adding on six pieces of cheese add a whole hot dog you've heard that right a whole hot dog onto it then go ahead and roll up each individual hot dog now these look ginormous yes my husband would probably eat this but we're making them small by cutting them in half but it's a lot less work to roll them all at the same time instead of doing little mini ones so now we're gonna cut the hot dogs into thirds now this is what i remember growing up and we used to make them with biscuits you can do that too but i love the taste of the puff pastry so when you're ready you can go ahead line your cookie sheet you can use whatever lining you want i sometimes use foil too and go ahead and put on your little hot dogs or excuse me pigs in a blanket now you want to make sure your oven is preheated to 425 degrees and you're gonna cook these for about 15 minutes now you want to keep an eye on them because every temperature is a little bit different you don't want them to burn i love dipping mine in a ketchup mustard mix it's so good our next three ingredient recipe is ham and cheese crescents now we're going to start with the refrigerated crescent dough it comes in triangles which i love then we're going to put one piece of ham down and one piece of cheese go ahead and roll this up now some people might not like that the ham and cheese are bigger you can cut it to fit your triangle if you want but it doesn't really matter to me and my kids because it makes it kind of fun a fun little shape go ahead and put them on your cookie sheet we're going to cook it at 350 degrees for about nine minutes you want to watch it make sure it is cooked all the way through if not you can keep it in there a little bit longer this is an easy recipe the next recipe is ravioli bake this is kind of like lasagna but with ravioli so you're going to take a jar of spaghetti sauce you're going to put about a half a cup down onto the bottom of a 9 by 13 pan next you're gonna add frozen raviolis you can find this in almost every grocery store in the frozen section you're gonna do a line of raviolis then you're gonna add a little bit more sauce on top spread that around a little bit and then we're going to add another layer of raviolis finish putting the rest of your spaghetti sauce on top and then we're going to top it off with your favorite cheese i like to use mozzarella cheese on this recipe you can use about a cup to two cups whatever you like now you're gonna go ahead and put it in the oven preheat your oven to 350 degrees cook it for about 30 minutes or just until the cheese is melted and that ravioli is cooked all the way through this recipe is so easy that even on busy nights i can get my 13 or 11 year old to help make it bake it and then serve next up is our healthy sheet pan chicken marinara first you're going to line your pan with chicken tenders you can use as much or as little as you want then you're going to stick that in the oven at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes and go ahead and pull it out and preheat your oven again to 450 while you're doing that you're going to put just a little bit of your favorite marinara on every chicken tender now sprinkle a little bit of mozzarella on top of the sauce now when you're done with that it's time to bake again so i preheat my oven to 450 degrees you're gonna put it in for just a few minutes until the cheese is melted and a little bit crispy now i like to serve this with a little bit of lemon and more marinara sauce up next is our three ingredient barbecue baked salmon this is my favorite way to cook it so i take a foil lined cookie sheet and put my salmon on it now you can use all kinds of salmon sizes on here i'm gonna sprinkle a little bit of salt and a little bit of pepper on top then you're gonna add your favorite barbecue sauce i like to sweet baby rays on this one because it's not as liquidy and i just feel like it tastes so much better then you're gonna put it in the oven at 400 degrees for about 20 minutes i like to keep checking my salmon to make sure that it's cooked all the way through but usually 20 minutes will even get the thick areas i like to serve mine over rice with a little bit of barbecue sauce on the side the next recipe is three ingredient teriyaki chicken so first you're going to take about two to three pounds of chicken cut up into your skillet you're gonna cook it on medium-high heat until it starts to brown you want to get it pretty much all the way cooked through now it's time to add one cup of your favorite soy sauce and then half a cup of brown sugar then go ahead and mix that up until it starts to thicken now i keep it at medium high heat until it starts to boil and then i just lower the temperature just a little bit keep it there it will thicken up and dissolve and it will taste amazing i like to serve this over rice you can add a little sesame seeds on top and it's one of my kids favorites next up is our three ingredient macaroni and cheese now don't knock it until you dry it so i need five cups of your favorite milk here i like to use about two percent then you're going to add one pound of your elbow macaroni into the pot you're going to want to stir constantly until your noodles are the texture that you want them so it'll take about 10 minutes all right when it starts to kind of look like this you're gonna go ahead and turn off your stove top and then you're gonna add two cups of your favorite cheddar cheese and then just mix that all together now please don't forget you can add salt and pepper to taste when it's all done you can serve it with a little bit more cheese on top and i'm telling you you will love it next up is three ingredient sloppy joes i love this recipe if i don't have any sloppy gel mix sitting around so you're going to add one pound of ground beef to your skillet go ahead and brown that up now once it is all browned and cooked through you're going to add 1 8 cup of brown sugar 1 8 cup of yellow mustard and then one half cup of ketchup and you're gonna go ahead and mix it all together once everything is mixed then it is time to put on your bun i love to serve this with the side salad with chips whatever you want next up is one pen egg and turkey skillet i like this for breakfast and for dinner so make sure that you spray your pan with non-stick cooking spray then you're going to go ahead and put one pound of ground turkey into it now you want to make sure you break that up as you cook it you're going to brown it all the way through on top of that you're going to add one cup of your favorite salsa i like using her dez salsa that's my favorite right now then on top of that you're going to add six eggs now i try to place them kind of separate from each other just so they can be spread out i'm going to go ahead and put my lid on and then cook them until however you like your eggs cooked if you like your eggs a little bit softer don't cook as long if you want your egg yolks cooked go ahead and break them before you cook them now if you want to see our three ingredient desserts you can find it right up there all right guys i'll see you later bye
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 114,078
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Keywords: 3 Ingredient Dinner Ideas, Six sisters stuff 3 ingredients, 3 ingredient meals, simple 3-ingredient recipes, 3 ingredient recipes, 10 quick dishes with just 3 ingredients, whats for dinner, 3-ingredient recipes for dinner, Six Sisters Stuff, Six Sisters, easy dinner ideas
Id: 9vLMoftPDZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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