10 Creatures That Prove Superpowers Actually Exist

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[Music] ten creatures that proved superpowers actually exist in real life superheroes we dressed like them for Halloween oh you do that every day sorry we used to put their posters all over our rooms we want to be like them but we know they're not real they're only found in comic books and movies right not exactly some incredible superpowers already exist in the world super powers like living forever surviving without oxygen and imitating any sound like me oh that wasn't me bright side found some creatures with abilities that are even more surprising funny weird and sometimes disgusting than any superhero make sure to watch this video till the end you don't want to miss the proof zombie apocalypse could be something very real do you counting down from number 10 immortal jellyfish yeah you got it right immortal not bad for a superpower to start with right jellyfish might have no hearts or brains but they are super efficient swimmers saving energy while traveling for miles and they can live forever the immortal jellyfish begins its life as a tiny free swimming blob called a plan Tila which grows into a colony of polyps and then develops into a jellyfish if its attack is exposed to environmental stress or simply become sick or old it can revert to the polyp stage forming a new polyp colony which makes it immortal imagine a chicken that could go back into the egg phase hey I've been known to go back into my shell mhm this is a whole new version of the circle of life isn't it number nine naked mole-rat the skin of these rodents doesn't have any substance P responsible for mammals for sending pain signals to the central nervous system as a result naked mole-rats feel no pain this rat is also known for its extremely high resistance to cancer thanks to Jean P 16 naked mole rats can live ten times as long as a mouse are you impressed already well that's not all recent studies prove they can survive without oxygen mole rats like a good company and appreciate family time so they live in colonies in East Africa like any other moles they live under the ground imagine 200 moles in a crowded space with little oxygen Xie I think I went to that party anyways they had no other choice but to find a different way to create energy an experiment has shown that they can survive up to 18 minutes with no oxygen whatsoever and once it was back they recovered as if nothing had happened number 8 tardigrade have you ever seen a red Alice in Wonderland if so this tardigrade must look like a certain someone to you the caterpillar that's right it was quite amazing as well because it could smoke hookah but this one is way more powerful these little near microscopic animals are considered nature's toughest creatures as it is almost impossible to kill them with eight legs and hands with claws they can live basically anywhere sucking algae juice lichens and moss and they can survive anything they can handle super extreme conditions temperatures from minus 458 to 300 degrees Fahrenheit pressure of up to 40,000 kPa enormous lehigh radiation the vacuum of open space they can go without food or water for more than 30 years scientists from Harvard and Oxford University suppose even if asteroids hit the earth or a supernova blast will ruin it tardigrades will still survive in a world with no humans at all which brings us to number seven Harry Potter I mean Harry frog if you think the key superpower of the hairy frog is to freak you out you're wrong try to ignore its hair hard we know and pay attention to its cat-like claws in fact they are nothing like cats this frog can break its bones to grow claws which are technically not true claws because they're made of bone not keratin normally each claw is resting inside the fingers but if the Frog is distressed or under attack it can force knife like sharp claws through the skin breaking the bones just like Wolverine hey you've seen the movie right some people in Cameroon are brave enough to hunt roast and eat those but even the African hunters tend to avoid their sharp claws weapon and use machetes and long Spears to avoid any close physical contact with this amphibian number six mantis shrimp seafood anyone you might want to try it but this one can fight you back this shrimp has a very serious weapon powerful hammer like claws which are not only extremely sharp but can also accelerate with a speed of 53 miles per hour or 23 meters per second from a standing start scientists have to keep them in thick plastic cages because some larger species are capable of smashing through a glass aquarium just like in dozens of Hollywood movies where aliens or some weird creatures are kept in a separate super protected room for research and then BOOM they literally break free run Forrest run oops wrong movie number five mimic octopus what do you know about octopus they have a Clegg's that's right is it the first thing that came to your mind like this video if we guessed it right they are yummy when eaten true also they have an awesome talent for blending in with their environment to protect themselves from all evil the mimic octopus however is even than that he's not exactly the largest of them all just two feet overall in his adult phase but he went above and beyond with his imitation talents and can impersonate other local species they are capable not only of changing their skin color and texture but also copy the typical behavior and shape of various objects and animals if they had stand up comedy shows in the underwater world the mimic octopus must be the king of them number 4 platypus this unusual duck-billed beaver-tailed otter footed animal is the only mammal that lays eggs instead of giving birth to live cubs platypuses yes that's the plural have a sixth sense electrolocation which allows them to sense electrical signals they're able to detect and locate different levels and movements of an electrical field and avoid its source such as a shark then it simply swims away before being spotted wouldn't it be cool to be more like the platypus and feel your boss coming so you can disappear before he or she is there magically dreams number three cRIO Suren a leaf beetle do you also think this is the scariest looking creature on the list it might seem he has just consumed a little human brain but it does not eat humans don't worry this insects larvae has found the grossest way to defend themselves they cover themselves with their own excrement to avoid being eaten yes they use a fecal shield for protection can't you just see the next superhero movie oh that asteroid is going to hit the earth time to deploy my fecal shield Oh pooper man you've saved this again number two fleet have you ever met anyone who would say I love fleas me neither gross and annoying are the words mostly used to describe them however it doesn't mean they're totally talentless or there's nothing cool about them fleas have been around for a hundred million years they live for two to three months and there are more than 2,000 types and kinds of them not enough for a superpower okay there is one more thing their legs are perfect for jumping a flea can jump up to seven inches or 18th centimeters in height and up to 13 inches or 33 centimeters in length which makes the flea the Olympian jumper of all known animals relative to its body size yeah but they're still icky and number one Lyrebird the queen or king of our list it doesn't look scary at all unlike many other creatures we mentioned but its superpower is beautifully terrifying some birds are known for being able to imitate various sounds but this one can copy almost any sound chainsaws fire alarms camera shutters or even trains they make effective use of their fun voice in their courtship rituals in fact the ritual itself would be amazing even with no voice whatsoever the male liar bird uses scratched earth to make a display mount 35 inches wide and 5 inches high they can make 10 to 15 of those and move from one to another to show themselves in their full glory to the opposite sex they spread their tail and sing for 20 minutes to impress the ladies so romantic isn't it a liar bird is a cool replacement for a talking parrot or a live soundtrack for any movie these birds actually sometimes live right next to humans so next time you hear a train in your garden that could be a liar bird or it could be the Polar Express here's our bonus cordyceps the zombie making fungus time for the mind-blowing bonus we promise to share the zombie making fungus this mushroom has the most unusual ability to grow inside other insects bodies boom its spores attack an insect caterpillar a spider or an ant replace the host tissue with its own and then it shoots stems that grow outside of the body by this time the insects tissue is completely overwhelmed by the fungus in other words it's not an ant anymore but an ant shaped cordyceps like an alien apocalypse sweet dreams remember never underestimate mother nature it's hard to believe what these creatures are capable of their powers would make any sci-fi superheroes jealous so would you want to have any of the superpowers these creatures can boast of share your opinion in the comment section if you learn something new like this video and let us know subscribe to our channel to join us on the bright side of life [Music] you
Views: 972,189
Rating: 4.7651153 out of 5
Keywords: unusual things, interesting facts, facts about animals, facts about Earth, unique animals, strange animals, strange animals caught on tape, strange animals that really exist, wild animals, wildness, animal planet, true facts, Immortal jellyfish, Naked mole-rat, Tardigrade, Hairy Frog, Mantis shrimp, Flea, Mimic Octopus, Lyrebird, Platypus, Criocerinae leaf beetle
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2017
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