7 Rare Animals You Probably Didn't Know Exist

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[Music] seven rare animals you won't believe are real if you're an animal lover you'll love this video these are some of the rarest animals you can imagine they look like something out of a science-fiction show but they are completely real cross our hearts keep watching to be thrilled as you learn about an octopus that seems to have elephant ears a squid that's said to come from hell a spider that looks like a bunny and many other strange creatures prepare yourself and don't forget to click the subscribe button and turn on notifications to join us on the right side of life number seven barreleye fish if you've ever wanted to have Superman's x-ray vision looking at the barreleye fish will make you feel like you gained the power at some point in your life without even realizing it the barreleye has a transparent head so you can see how their eyes and brain look inside this magnificent creature lives in the deep sea this is the lowest level of the ocean where strange creatures roam in near freezing temperatures and constant darkness they're exposed to water pressure that's almost 1,000 times that of surface water if the idea of the deep ocean sends a shiver down your spine stay tuned to learn about another of its creatures later on the barreleye fish can be found in the Atlantic Pacific and Indian Oceans you might be wondering why would a fish have a see-through head and that would be a fair question since the species was discovered in 1939 it was believed that the fish's eyes were set to see straight ahead and couldn't move so it was assumed that they had tunnel vision scientist Bruce Robeson and Kim rice and bike ler from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute recently discovered that the fish can move its eyes vertically to see through the top of its translucent head thus noticing if there are predators or Ranier by the transparent head also allows more light to enter so they can detect prey better it's believed that barreleye fish eats jellyfish and small fish species number six elephants shrew these mammals are almost too cute to handle so hold on to your seats folks the elephant shrew is native to Africa where it roams the continent wide and large even though they are spread over a large area of land it is very rare to see them they are usually found in forests and prefer to live in places with a lot of leaf coverage on the ground and they feast there on insects spiders and earthworms when they venture into the African desert they're hard to see because their gray fur camouflages well with the rocky area they are called elephant shrews because their pointy nose has a great amount of mobility just like an elephant's trunk though they are called shrews they are technically part of the shrew family but a species of their own these cute little animals also eat seeds and fruits and they live for two to four years number five vampire squid its species name is Vampyroteuthis infernalis which translates to vampire squid from hell oh yes this vampire squid means to terrify everyone with its name it's dark red color it spikes at the bottom and the scary fact that it can basically turn itself inside out the vampire squid loves putting on a good show but it's as harmless as a kitten esteem ins it's as if Dracula scared the pants off of you but he didn't have blood sucking fangs the vampire squid feeds on food particles from plants and animal matter floating near the ocean's surface since they're not predators they need good defensive strategies and their vampiric look is designed to ward off large creatures who want to eat them turning themselves inside out is a defensive mechanism since the spikey areas in the inner skin are more intimidating they also shoot out a substance that does not have color but is packed with bioluminescent particles to distract predators number four Venezuelan poodle moth disclaimer if you look at this animal for too long your brain could implode it's almost too much for the human brain to comprehend what this animal is trying to be thankfully some brave people tried to make it easy for the rest of the population they named it a poodle moth so that everyone could begin to put the pieces together this moth was brought to everyone's attention when it was first photographed by zoologist Arthur anchor while he was visiting the Grand savannah region in Venezuela this moth is so rare that very little is known about it what is generally agreed upon is that the moth is probably part of the Lupino Teran genus artists the rest remains a mystery number three blue dragon this little creature looks like something out of a kid's fantasy movie it's called the blue glosses casually referred to as a blue dragon or Blue Angel it can be found in many places the Atlantic Pacific and Indian Oceans it's a kind of mollusk and it only grows to be about an inch long what you think is the back is actually the mollusk bright underbelly it regularly floats on its back so that its blue colors help to camouflage it with the waters waves the blue dragon isn't just pretty it's also smart it usually feasts on Portuguese MANOWAR's and it stores their stinging cells for later use in essence stealing their defensive mechanisms when the blue dragon is threatened it releases those stinging cells it's stored directing them at an enemy to sting them with more power than a Portuguese Man O'War would have been capable of as they can store a huge amount of stinging cells they can be a threat to humans so if you find one don't pick it up it's best to admire them from a distance number two bunny harvest man it sounds cute but don't be fooled if spiders scare you close your eyes or just keep one eye open no terrifying this is a very interesting creature put a Bunny's head on the body of a spider and this is what you get the bunny harvest man has been found in the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador technically it isn't a spider it's considered to be part of the opilio 'no species making it a daddy longlegs you'd think that the two bright yellow spots near its ears would be the eyes but not so the eyes are located on what seems to be the nose what you think are the eyes are just spots and what you think is a nose are the eyes it's impossible to tell what the bunny harvest man is and where its body parts are at first glance but maybe that's how it likes it it's odd shape and black color of its bunny dog head could serve to keep predators at bay though the name harvest man sounds ominous this creature isn't a threat to humans since it doesn't carry venom number one Dumbo octopus this adorable creature or creepy creature or however you want to see it is officially called grim Poe two--this more casually it is referred to as the Dumbo octopus named after the Disney character though Dumbo the elephant not the octopus was teased for his big ears it's highly unlikely that this adorable octopus gets teased by its water neighbors they are the deepest living octopuses living in the deep sea and you know how scary that place is they are only about eight inches tall and spend their days hovering just above the sea floor eating snails worms and other foods they find in the current or near ocean vents there are nearly 17 species of Dumbo octopus and they all have differences in height color and body parts if you can't get enough of strange animals you'll be glad to learn that the deep-sea has barely been explored by humans so keep an eye out there are bound to be more fascinating animals discovered in the deep sea in the future so tell us bright Siders which of these animals would you like to see up close tell us in the comments section don't forget to give this video a like share it with your friends and click subscribe to stay on the bright side [Music]
Views: 349,643
Rating: 4.850534 out of 5
Keywords: barreleye fish, elephant shrew, vampire squid, venezuelan poodle moth, blue dragon, bunny harvestman, dumbo octopus, rare animals, strange animals, weird animals, unique animals, fact about animals, animal facts, facts about nature, animal facts you didn’t know
Id: aSTS1T3EbCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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