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here are the 10 craziest animal fights caught on camera number 10 giraffe versus giraffe everyone has seen giraffes fighting like those wind dancing air puppets this video however shows just how dangerous it can get one of the animals successfully hits the other right in the base of the skull giving it a concussion the losing giraffe gets knocked out and falls to the ground like a tree the fall to the ground looks equally painful however the giraffe soon recovers and lives to fight another day number nine rhino versus water buffalo these two animals have an old rivalry in the african savanna and often clash for territory this fight goes to show how intense and devastating these fights can be as both the animals are very evenly matched in this fight the rhino was able to get an early advantage which allows it to attack again and again with its huge horn completely destroying the buffalo in the process number eight caiman vs electric eel this particular video shows a fight between an electric eel and a caiman that ends with disastrous consequences the caiman snaps its jaws right around the throat of the eel but it proves to be a really bad decision when the eel shocks the cayman with intensely high voltage for a really long duration the caiman is not able to survive the shocks and dies in agonizing death number 7. hippo vs crocodile this crocodile made a very poor choice when it decided to invade a group of over 30 hippos including babies the hippos immediately go into attack mode and swarm the crocodile in a sea of huge teeth and giant bodies the crocodile seems to escape into the water but resurfaces and is eventually chased away by the watchful hippos number six wolf pack vs bear this video shows just how threatening a wolf pack can be a bear seems to be foraging when it is confronted by a pack of wolves the wolves gang up on the bear and start attacking it the bear is a formidable opponent itself but it starts retreating however that's not enough for the wolves they push their attack and some of the wolves get swiped by the bear's paw in retaliation number five lion vs herd of water buffaloes in this video the table seemed to have turned as a lion fends for its life against a herd of buffaloes the buffaloes use their numbers to corner the lion on top of a rocky formation after some confrontation the lion makes it off the rock and tries to take shelter on a tree the buffaloes however are determined and attack the lion with their horns killing it brutally number 4 leopard vs porcupine this video shows the lengths to which animals will go in their quest for survival a leopard is attacking a porcupine the porcupine acts defensively and presents its spine covered back to the leopard for attack the leopard however keeps attacking and in turn gets pierced by its long spines repeatedly in the end the porcupine succumbs to the attacks but the leopard tube leads to its death from its injuries number 3 zebra's kick this video shows the full force of a zebra's kick although on a baby warthog a group of zebras warthogs and wildebeests have gathered near a feeding ground along with many young ones as such tensions are high one baby warthog agitates a mother zebra too much and ends up getting kicked in the head the sound of the kick can be heard from afar and the warthog is immediately knocked down however the warthog soon gets up and shakes itself awake number two rabbit vs snake this video shows that even the most seemingly peaceful animals turn dangerous under the right circumstances a snake has made its way into a rabbit's burrow it seems to be trying to eat the baby rabbits when the mother rabbit arrives she starts fighting the snake grabbing it in its mouth and thrashing around the snake tries to bite back but the rabbit is too quick for it sanctuary are being fed fishes however in their frenzy to feed one of the crocodiles mistakenly bites another crocodile's arm and rips it off it then proceeds to swallow the armhole much to the shock of the people watching the crocodile who lost its arm however seems surprisingly calm thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to get similar content we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Hyperloop
Views: 10,422,473
Rating: 4.2621841 out of 5
Keywords: animals, animal fights, animal fighst caught on camera, caught on camera, top 10, top 5, caught on tape, animals compilation, snake, lion, monkey, snake vs lion, monkey vs snake, superpowers, animals with, real life, facts
Id: Facf7PWPC_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2017
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