10 NEW Countries That Could Exist In Ten Years

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ten new countries that could exist in ten years ten unified Korea forcing South Korea and North Korea to share one country may sound like some weird geopolitical version of The Odd Couple after all ones a reasonably successful capitalist democracy and the others are batshit insane communist dictatorship led by a chubby little psychopath with a bad quiff but unification would have benefits for both North and South Koreans the South would suddenly have access to the north ten trillion dollars worth of mineral wealth and the North Koreans would stop starving to death and being executed for listening to Western music so it's win-win the biggest problem for unification is of course Kim jong-un having everyone believe that you're a demigod who could drive from the age of three and has a mind more powerful than nuclear weapons is probably pretty great as is living in luxury when most of your people suffer from severe malnutrition however with North Korea's government getting crueler and it's people getting more desperate a revolution and opening of the North's borders is far from impossible nine new Kurdistan Isis sure makes some strange bedfellows before the terrorist group started jihad in around Syria Assad and his regime were happy to keep the Kurds in Syria's North suppressed ever since Syria was declared a nation in 1946 the Kurds have desired independence from the rest of the state these desires were compounded when in 1962 a Syrian government censors failed to serve a 20% of the Kurdish population as a result around 120,000 Kurds were stripped of their citizenship and many had their land taken from them and given to our up settlers however the threat of Isis has forced a sad and the Kurdish to play nicely with each other although a sad briefly used his war on Isis as an excuse to bomb the Kurds into the ground the two sides are increasingly working together against their common enemy Putin has even stepped in and promised the ethnic Kurds autonomy if they agree to work alongside the Russia Assad coalition because whether you're a dictator or a separatist militant everyone can agree that Isis are dicks eight independent Texas it's called the Lone Star State for a reason Texas has always wanted to do its own thing and when you're bigger than Germany and all armed to the teeth no one's really going to try and stop you Texan secession has been touted ever since they joined the Union at the end of the Civil War but recently it's re-entered the popular imagination as a real possibility in 2009 Texas Governor Rick Perry suggested that he thought Texas may leave the US if the national government kept meddling in state affairs back then only 18 percent of Texans supported secession but data from public policy polling shows that now as many as 40 percent want the state to go it alone in 2015 secessionist fires were found when conspiracy theories started spreading the idea that the u.s. was planning to use military training exercises to invade and take over Texas you know despite the u.s. already owning Texas and so with fears of big government pervading and the example of brexit to follow an increasing number of Texans are now hoping for their very own Texas 7 Flanders and Wallonia just be an innocent Simpsons quote but there are parts of Europe where saying stupid Flanders would get you beaten up for those of you not expertly versed indulge in history let me explain when Belgium was first formed it was created out of two distinct regions Flanders and Wallonia these regions had two distinct peoples the flemish and the excellently named Walloons Flanders and Wallonia have completely different cultures histories and even languages though they mainly coexist peacefully tensions have remained high enough throughout the years for both sides to continually push for independence in the 2010 belgian national elections pro flemish parties want all the seats in the Flanders region and pro Walloon parties want all the seats in Wallonia with almost equal seats neither party could agree on anything and Belgium was without a government for over 500 days with the two sides more polarized than ever and another election coming up in 2019 the Flemish and the Walloons may find it easier to live in two separate nations six Serb Republic when policy experts polling and the director of the CIA all suggest that your country's going to split up your country is probably going to split up the nation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was created in 1995 drawn up after the brutal Bosnian war Freeling and represented in the new state the Serbian people decided to set up their own country the serb republic within bosnia and herzegovina although the serb republic has its own government and is more or less allowed to do its own thing Gallup polling from 2010 still suggests that as many as 88% of Serbs wanted their own country to be independent the Serbian Republic planned a referendum on independence in 2011 but the EU stepped in to prevent it the Serbs listened to the European Union last time thought with anti EU sentiment at an all-time high an unemployment rate of 40 percent frustrating citizens and another referendum being promised by the Republic's leader Miller a Dalek is a sovereign sir Republic that unlikely former CIA director and balkans expert Steven Mayer doesn't seem to think so in 2013 and in 2014 he repeatedly argued that the country would become independent in a matter of years five East Turkestan here's a country that most of us can agree we definitely don't want the Islamic state of East Turkistan since 1998 a terrorist group known as the East Turkistan Islamic party has been fighting the Chinese government for independence based in the northwest of China the group aims to establish an independent country under their rule much like the Isis Caliphate in the Middle East in this nation the women non-muslims and homosexuals would all be stripped of their rights the East Turkistan Islamic party has been committed to forming its own nation for decades performing 200 acts of terrorism against China between 1990 and 2001 those terrorist attacks caused at least 162 deaths and injured around 440 people more recently they are believed to have orchestrated the 2015 bombing of Bangkok which killed 20 people in 2016 they even managed to set up a recruitment center in Isis own Syria the good news is that the East Turkistan Islamic party doesn't have the result of Isis let alone China but with more supporters pouring in from the Islamic state east turkestan could become enough of a headache to force the Chinese government out of the area for South Ossetia depending on who you ask South Ossetia is either an independent nation or a region of Georgia in 1991 a set iya declared itself independent from Georgia leading to a war between the two over a thousand people died and the result was completely unsatisfying South Ossetia was allowed to run its own affairs but had to remain technically part of Georgia since then the Ossetians have made several attempts to leave Georgia in 1992 an independence referendum was held and 99.9% of Ossetians voted in favor of it a second referendum was held in 2006 which found that the support for independence had dropped certain 99.8% both referendums were ignored and experts believed that the one held in April 2017 will be as well however South Ossetia has one very powerful friend Russia the Russians fought Georgia on behalf of the Ossetians in 2008 and as we've all seen in Ukraine they are still willing to involve themselves militarily in Europe being friends with Putin may not be how most of us would want to spend our Saturday nights but for South Ossetia it could hold the key to their independence three Somaliland when you think of Somalia you probably think of pirates and no not called drunk Johnny Depp pirates actual modern-day pirates who raid cruise ships kidnap tourists and hardly ever fight magical cursed skeletons wealth Somaliland is fighting hard to defeat the chaotic reputation it may sound like a theme park but Somaliland is actually an autonomous region of Somalia one that basically acts as its own nation despite being in the middle of a pirate hellscape Somaliland has run itself with admirable success since it declared itself independent from the rest of the country in 1991 it has its own government army and currency as well as a justice system that stands in stark contrast to the general lawlessness of Somalia Somaliland has been trying for decades to gain international recognition which would allow it to take on the international loans need to build up its infrastructure roads and an electricity grid out of a loyalty to Somalia's government no other nations have yet recognized Somaliland but in 2014 the City Council's of Sheffield and Cardiff both voted to throw their admittedly pretty meaningless support behind Somaliland in 2015 the United Kingdom Independence Party of all people became the first Western political party to support Samar Leland's international recognition to Catalonia Spain seems like a perfectly nice country good food midday naps a weird desire to be chased around by Bulls all that good stuff yet there are huge numbers of people desperate to leave the nation Catalonia has been vying to split with Spain for so long that it has practically become the poster child for regional independence ever since losing a war against the Spanish royal family in the 1600s the people of Catalonia have wanted to leave Spain and after hundreds of years it looks like they may finally get their wish between 2009 and 2011 552 towns across Catalonia held symbolic independence referendums with all of them voting in favour of Catalonia leaving Spain in 2014 a region-wide referendum was held across Catalonia and 88 percent of voters backed independence the Spanish government has so far ignored all of these results pointing out that they almost all had low turnouts and that the referendums were never officially sanctioned in the first place but Karla's pushed him on the leader of catalonia's independence movement vows that he will force the Spanish government to hold a binding referendum on Catalonia sovereignty in 2017 and with the current government only winning 28% of the national vote in the last election supporting Catalonia's independence would be an easy way for an opportunistic party to pick up some extra support one cow exit we've already talked about Texas but an increasing number of Californians are discussing what they call calyx it okay so it doesn't have a catchy name liked exit but if anything an independent California is more viable than a sovereign Texas California has the sixth largest economy in the world and a population larger than Poland the state already has enough money to spend 537 billion dollars in 2017 and also has well-established systems of education welfare and infrastructure at present most Californians don't want to leave the US but the number who do is growing and fast in January of 2017 only 18 percent of the state's residents wanted an independent California by March that number was 32 percent of course there are problems California still receives about 35 percent of its funding from the US government money it would have to find elsewhere on top of this California has a huge border with America and securing it would cost billions but with a planned ballot initiative in 2018 and hopes of a statewide vote in 2019 a cal exit is not as far-fetched as it might sound although it really does need a better name so that was 10 new countries that could exist within 10 years which new nation would you most like to see pop up which one do you really not want to become independent let us know in the comments below and if you want more geography bending facts be sure to check out ten countries you didn't know existed playing on screen right now
Channel: Alltime10s
Views: 5,716,858
Rating: 4.1676502 out of 5
Keywords: Alltime10s, 10s, facts, video, list, top 10, North Korea, South Korea, urdistan, Texas, California, Texit, Calexit, Belgium, Flanders, Wallonia, Flemish, Walloons, Serb Republic, Turkestan, South Ossetia, Somaliland, Somalia, Spain, Catalonia, USA, countries, nations, new, future, geography, unification, independence, sovereign, Brexit, China, Russia, international, recognition, election, referundum, vote, secession, Putin, im Jong-Un, Rick Perry, pirates
Id: Ngouqihxu-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2017
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