10 Cosas que no Sabías de la Pistola Walther P38
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Channel: La Armería
Views: 636,740
Rating: 4.904038 out of 5
Keywords: walther p38, walther p38 español, walther p38 co2, walther p38 desarme, walther p38 vs luger p08, walther ppk, walther 9mm, pistola walther p38, pistola walther p38 9mm, pistola walther 9mm, pistola walther ppk, pistola walther, walther p38 disparando, pistola luger, luger, luger 9mm, luger p08, pistola luger p08, pistola luger 9mm, pistola mas potente del mundo, cosas que no sabias de la pistola walther, datos curiosos de la pistola walther, armas de fuego, la armeria
Id: wSK4d8dsDXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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