10 BRUTAL Deaths in Gundam

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[Music] in my last video I talked about five Gundams beaten by grunts and while I got some great suggestions for a follow-up to that video some people also suggested a video about the most brutal detsen Gundam I wonder where that came from but let's start off the actual list on a high note with a very brutal but oh so satisfying death yoke sama incompetent overzealous and unethical I don't think many people watching iron blooded orphans had any sympathy for this man whatsoever and given that his motto was to crush the enemy with all of his might it seems almost fitting that he was crushed by a giant pair of scissors exterior you go to Harlem under iron blooded orphans had a lot of brutal and emotional scenes but because of how badly everyone want that there's this grace of a pile of dead this one just had to be the one that I picked it's cathartic unfortunately that will not be the case for the other people on this list despite being a pretty good machine the rig is II had a really bad track record and the brutal death of one of its pilots definitely didn't do it any good either after getting roughed up for the first time all removed on to the new Gundam and the rig is II was handed to another law no bail ace que era su unfortunately the riggers II continued its unlucky streak of running into better machines and this time also a better pilot [Music] Gundam wannabe you've lost all your weapons I'll grab the Gundam look-alike [Music] I'll use this one as bait not only was Kara defeated she was humiliated after taking her out the enemies II on a SCAP shirred her and used her in an attempt to blackmail Amuro into surrendering and giving up his new gundam Amuro wanted to comply with the demands but his fin funnels were tuned to sensitively and responded to his instinctual will to survive [Music] you're resisting honor Oh you're to blame for this he chose to ignore my warning at the very least AMRO was able to recover her body and bring her back to her beloved Astana she couldn't say get her out of here yes sir throughout gun and double oh we got glimpses of the sadistic and twisted split personality of one of the Gundam Meister's Alleluia happed ism dub hallelujah he got the second personality after the human reform leagues experiments to turn him into a super soldier and understandably Alleluia didn't want Hallelujah to take over control but during battle he would often do so and when hallelujah got pissed just killing the enemy wasn't good enough how does it feel to have your life slowly crushed by overwhelming force with no hope of fighting back what I call begging for your life you think up your mother Oh your lover you're probably seeing memories of your childhood now is a flash before your eyes the truly sad thing is that despite hallelujah being absolutely merciless and Alleluia hating him for that it was also thanks to him that they were still alive when the human reform League wanted to get rid of him along with the other failed subjects it was hallelujah that stepped in just as he stepped in numerous times during battle and before we go on let's take another more lighthearted break with the next one Norris Packard was an amazing pilot and combined with his close combat goof custom he was savage AF he somehow managed to stab this gun tank in such a way that oil flew out in the same way blood would making this a very brutal looking death he's gone right for the crew I've got him now Karen Zeta Gundam is known for being a very dark series that was made during Tom Noize first oppression so it shouldn't surprise anyone that some of the deaths in Zeta Gundam were extremely brutal and the one that I remember the best is Camille versus Scirocco after her new type mind battle Camille had somehow managed to Rameau belies her ACOs machine but he didn't stop there with all of his hatred he transformed the Zeta Gundam into its Waverider mode and Ram it into do crushing Scirocco with the Zeta Gundam shield that was now acting as the nose the controls are dead what's wrong [Music] no dialogue I'm gonna take your soul with me when I go but Scirocco was a trooper he didn't immediately die and use his last moments and his last new type powers to crush Camille's mind and this very dark series was then followed up by double Zeta Gundam a series that is now mostly remembered for two things and was suddenly extremely light-hearted and most people who watched it will tell you that it gets much better in the second half and this is also when the dark Zeta Gundam atmosphere returns brutal deaths included and the one death that really stood out to me was Masha Marcelo's death he had the vote at his live - Haman and her goals he even willingly turned himself into a cyber-newtype for her despite knowing the consequences but in his mind it would all be worth it in the end it wasn't captured by enemy Dovan Wolf's they wanted to electrocute him to death but he wouldn't let them instead choosing the self-detonate forhim on [Music] tomorrow on 11 equal vigor oscillatory remedy to tackle enough soup now while that maybe wasn't as brutal as some of the previous scenes what made his death the most brutal to me was the reaction afterwards after everything he had done for her mom she couldn't care less about his death and unlike other characters who chase people that were obviously not interested in them ahman happily went along and milked ma Schumer's devotion for all it was worth loyal to the end poor MA Schumer deserved better Gundam Seed has been described as a Gundam series that focuses more on the teen drama between its main characters rather than the war that's going on but despite that it still had some pretty gruesome and brutal scenes I still can't believe how deus trade trio was killed off and we also got a very graphic and brutal death scene when totally just his shield to his face but the one scene had always unsettled me too most was when the Cyclops system in Joshua Alaska went off seeing all those people popping like balloons really stuck with me [Music] and just imagine what happened did a few people who were further away from the blast zone and didn't immediately get killed by this but not every death has to have blood and gore to be brutal this death in f91 has nothing flashy just a heavy shell falling on an innocent mother's head instantly killing her and another brutally real death happened in the original Gundam series in an attempt to destroy wide base Sharan his team engaged it and a Gundam ride before they entered the atmosphere as a result timing was everything and they had to make sure to return before Earth's gravity would pull them down for shard this was no problem but crown one of his men got too caught up in fighting to Gundam and would find out the hard way that the Zaku - was not made for atmospheric reentry but at the same time it was sturdy enough not to immediately blow up this meant that the unfortunate pilot slowly cooked to death in his own cockpit [Music] without you doing idle and it would all be for nothing as unlike the Zaku the Gundam was able to do atmospheric re-entry unassisted and finally we have victory Gundam I tried to narrow down every entry to one death per series but with victory Gundam it's near impossible the percentage of main characters ein is comparable to Game of Thrones and so is a variety in which they die if Zeta Gundam wasn't made Tommy no killem all Tommy no victory Gundam was what confirmed this nickname again making it very difficult to pick just one brutal death but at the same time some of them walk a very fine line between tragic and comedic these women thought it was a good idea to fight against a Mobile Suit in bikinis because they thought it would distract the enemy pilot instead they were wiped from existence with a single swing of a beam saber the one I remember best is eun-young while his death at the guillotine alone would have been enough to put him on this list his torture beforehand really made this one stake out Oh India Mexico eugenic aquezio stated Akeno Akash Europa Nietzsche rubato rocoto ginger hanami no you basu de Bono's des a very high beaucoup Scott Walker Tamara want [Music] and that was all for this very brutal video let me know in the comments down below which one stuck with you the most whether it's on this list or not there is a lot of death and Gundam so I'm very well aware that I skipped over a lot of them but still if you enjoyed this video be sure to leave a like down below and subscribe for more similar content as always a big thank you to the patreon supporters I hope all of you watching have a great day and I'll see you all next time [Music] you
Channel: Kakarot197
Views: 1,369,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobile, suit, gundam, kakarot197, muddie, holcroft, blu, duel, ibo, iron blooded orphans, iok, kujan, iok sama, akihiko, re-gz, kayra, su, amuro, nu gundam, V gundam, londo bell, astonage, cca, char's counterattack, Gundam 00, allelujah, Hallelujah, haptism, kyrios, 08th ms team, norris, packard, gouf custom, guntank, zeta Gundam, paptimus, scirocco, kamille, bidan, zz gundam, mashymre, cello, haman, karn, ガンダム, 機動戦士, F91, G-cannon, victory gundam, zaku, zaku II, rx-78-2, char
Id: LSgBa2E7i64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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