5 Badasses in Gundam Who Did NOT Need a Mobile Suit to Kick Ass (AU Version)

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[Music] Gundam might be all about the mobile suits for a lot of people but throughout the many Gundam series there have also been a lot of characters even Mobile Suit pilots that can be badass without a mobile suit today we're having a look at five of these ass-kicking characters from alternate universes making a good first impression can be quite important in life and Garrett managed to make one hell of an impressive one in Gundam X when he realized that the town he was staying and couldn't defend itself I guess they banded with a Mobile Suit he jumped into action with style donning his sunglasses and with a smile on his face he simply ran up to the Mobile Suit and threw a flashbang at the main camera [Music] the poor bastard never knew what hit him and what did Garret do with the mobile suit he sold it because he felt safer without one and with his amazing street smarts it's almost hard to blame him he's managed to survive all by himself in the post-apocalyptic Gundam Ex world without a mobile suit and later on in the series when it's trying to sell his Gundam he again shows us that least not to be messed with he knew that selling a Gundam would make him a prime assassination target so he set time explosives on the Gundam that only he could deactivate to prevent that and when Anil L later tried to convince him to give her to Gundam he convinced her otherwise [Music] Vidia honto Nuits one does not simply mess with Garrett also shout-out to dr. farzam bag one of the most underrated characters and Gundam next up we have another Mobile Suit pilot who was a bad as before ever setting foot in one Mulla flog at the beginning of the first bloody valentine war the Alliance only had mobile armors that were considered vastly inferior disaster mobile suits even the Mobius zero the Alliance's most elite and difficult to pilot mobile suit was only capable of roughly rivaling them still despite his disadvantage moolah Florida would use this machine to great effect throughout the war during the fighting on Endymion crater he managed to make the impossible possible for the first time and single-handedly took out five gins this feat earned him the nickname Hawk of Endymion after this a series of unfortunate events would see him assigned to the brand new Archangel assault carrier a stint in which he would routinely pushes Mobius zero beyond what was thought possible for a mere mobile armor even though 2:0 lacked any weapons to punch through two captured Gundams phase-shift armor mu provided valuable covering fire for kuranes strike amongst other feats [Music] we'll be honest she's through she can say they could see each other no busy [Music] and once the Archangel arrived on earth you would get some true firepower in the form of the humble sky grasper a support fighter whose main goal was to ferry striker packs to the strike for mid combat striker pack changes but in the hands of mullah flogger this delivery vehicle became a true air superiority fighter he even managed to take out the Buster Gundam with it and shortly after that badass la flaca would get his own mobile suit to kick even more ass but that's no longer what this video is about so let's move on to the third entry of this list tres cush Ranade I'm sure that for many folks who were introduced to gun him during the 90s tres is one of their favorite villains as soon as he appeared on screen you just knew that there was something about this man maybe it was his calm and collected demeanor maybe it was his calculated actions or maybe even his way with words you wasted three bubble suits just to bring a minor rebellion under control and as a result we were able to prevent the rebellion from developing into anything using the Alliance military combat resources valuable combat resources are you talking about our soldiers or are you talking about mobile suits it was quite clear from the beginning that tres would play a large role in Gundam Wing and that he would be a badass in a dashing outfit while doing so with his own secret organization at his disposal it wouldn't be long before it as aristocrat became one of the most powerful men in gun des Moines and as an expert tactician and a master of the seat it would have been understandable if he'd kept himself away from the frontline but he did the exact opposite when his fleet came under attack by two Gundams rather than letting his subordinates do all the fighting for him he challenged one of them to a sword fight [Music] the duel is mine it takes some serious balls to just stare down a Gundam without even twitching but so far we've only had people who eventually became a Mobile Suit pilot on this list so here's someone who was a badass without ever even touching a mobile suit or got it scoff from iron blooded orphans and saying that he was born as a badass probably wouldn't be an overstatement orphaned as a kid orga joined CGS and was forced to undergo the extremely dangerous and painful alaya vijnana operation without anesthesia and all throughout he never cried unfortunately the rest of his time at CGS would be equally depressing but still he managed to become the leader of their 3rd army division the division made up entirely of disposable child soldiers fed up with their constant mistreatment he managed to make use of a Gjallarhorn attack to stage a coup d'etat and transformed CGS into the now iconic techadon Oh Cory got thick-cut on the mug not gonna go either Mika cureo ordered are their mama taking that and along with his best friend mikazuki he would become the driving force behind it orga provided the brain which he actually hated doing and Mika provided the Brawn and it was thanks to orgas tactical abilities that techadon survives on the battlefield what she sometimes joined and thanks to his charisma that the organization was able to grow and while doing all of that he achieved his goal of turning techadon into a big family in the end trading his own future for that of his men while his life didn't last this legacy did both in and out of universe and before we move on to the number 1 of this list here is an honorable mention for EDD monkey claw from stargazer during the first bloody valentine war he was a tank commander and earned himself the nickname demon director after the war he retired but when the brigde world incident happened he found himself on the front line once again a rogue jinn attacked to rescue facility that he happened to be at and the already battered and exhausted earth forces struggled to put him in effective resistance but luckily for Eadie he came across an old subordinate of his and he was able to coordinate an attack on the jinn but with the Jin's thick armor there was only one effective strategy getting up close and personal [Music] dick you look it's just you and I can also boil it while the attack cost him his life in his last moments he was able to see that it had all been worth it and then finally on number one we have the undefeated of the east and former King of Hearts Yugi kudos better known as Master Asia standing an impressive 1 metre 93 this 50 year old beast of a man was a master of G Gundams main character Domo incacha when the Gundam fight was being dominated by mobile suits with guns he showed them the might of martial arts and became the champion of the 12 Gundam fight with his Kowloon Gundam the reasons for his badassery are as numerous as his victories but for the sake of this list we only need to have a look at his introduction into the series over here I wish I could take out mobile suits with a scarf or fly kick a skyscraper out of the way even though I'm already severely wounded oh no not another wall don't wanna you can help me out here I no longer have the strength to cast yet another Secchia tank Jochen [Applause] [Music] he was probably just using that Gundam of his to hide his true power and actually give his opponents a fighting chance and that is all for this list on 5 badasses from ultimate the universe's let me know in the comments down below who your favorite one is after master Asia of course as always a big thank you to pay Chon supporters I hope all of you watching have a great day and I'll see you all next time [Music] you
Channel: Kakarot197
Views: 72,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobile, suit, gundam, kakarot197, gunpla, review, plastic, model, Gundam X, garrod, garod, ran, msgx, after war, AW, doctor Farzenberg, farzenberg, doc, enil el, enill, enil, mu la flaga, mu, mwu, gundam seed, gs, gsd, destiny, seed, moebius zero, moebius, möbius, mobius, strike gundam, skygrasper, treize, kushranada, kushrenada, gundam wing, cosmic era, after colony, gw, orga, itsuka, iron blooded orphans, tekkadan, ibo, Mikazuki, augus, edmont, du clos, stargazer, master asia, g gundam, kowloon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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