10 Books To Get While You Can

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hey YouTube this is city prepping I've done videos in the past about books you should consider for your prepping library from the past videos I've gotten a lot of feedback and for their recommendations I also have recently had a number of requests to do another video for those who have newly come to the prepping community because of the corona virus pandemic with the events unfolding this year I think more and more people are becoming aware that having some semblance of being able to take care of yourself if services or our infrastructure are compromised food shortages lack of medical care and a lack of personal safety once considered unimaginable are now possibilities in this uncertain world we are now living in apart from having items in your inventory like food water medical supplies knowledge is critical so with that in mind here's 10 books you should heavily consider having in your library that have important information if at any time you want to pick up any of these books will be just discussing I'll post links in the description section and in the comment section below so let's go ahead and jump in book 1 the survival medicine handbook with hospitals fully dedicated to the fight against co19 and a full stop to elective surgeries we see how vulnerable the health care system in the United States really is while I don't recommend at all that you do surgery on yourself or your family members in a worst case scenario where no medical professionals or facilities are available this almost 700 page book can walk you through the life-saving medical procedures you need to know from tracheotomies to tourniquets from bullet wounds to high blood pressure this book assumes you have little to no medical knowledge and it walks you through the procedures you need to know when there's no help on the way hopefully you'll never have to use anything in this book but studying up on medical procedures now is a key skill to have should a medical crisis happen you don't want to be unprepared and having a book like this could literally mean the difference between life and death book 2 atlases and maps obviously get a copy of a map of your local area even though the internet was design so research institutes could communicate after disaster or a nuclear attack any technology is acceptable to failing during a natural disaster after even the smallest of earthquakes here in California often all the phone lines are busy as people call their friends and family to ask did you fill it in a much larger earthquake or other natural disasters it's not unreasonable to assume that these critical technology connections could fill having a hardcopy printed atlases and maps could be a lifesaver if you're forced to evacuate your area need to find your way back home or need to find sources of water in a grid down situation I recommend having these materials both in your library and in the trunk of your vehicle book three foraging the foragers harvests nature's garden edible wild plants the pandemic revealed just how unreliable our food supply really is and how dependent and narrow our diets have become when things initially hit you saw how people rush the stores which caused him to get emptied out our heavy reliance upon the harvests of the three big grains soy wheat and corn and the animals that we eat are also fed with these grains as well this leads us dependent on a narrow food chain our ancestors they were foragers they knew the edible plants in their environment and they harvested them and incorporated them into their diets dandelions stinging nettles goose berries nuts mushrooms and cactuses have many edible varieties a good book on forging that focuses heavily on your area or climate zone could be a lifesaver you don't want to wait until crisis hits to make a decision on whether a mushroom is the edible kind so you should definitely read up on foraging and begin to identify safe plants to eat in your area so you'll know where they are you should you ever need to eat them you'll also find that you've probably been walking by a cornucopia of edible plants you'll start to notice the abundance of food and parks and on nature walks you never know you may become curious enough to try your own hand at making dead dandelion wine or prickly pear syrup or some other seemingly exotic food at the very least put a good book on foraging in your preping library book for urban emergency survival plan readiness strategies for the city and suburbs now for this one I couldn't find a hard copy but you can purchase it and download it if you're new to prepping you'll find that there are quite a few good books specific to surviving in the wilderness that's great and I would recommend you have at least one of those books in your library but on this channel I like to focus on urban survival because 50% of Americans live in cities and in urban environments this book urban emergency survival plan is a good starter for the person who wants to be prepared for the future but may not have an acre of land to grow food on there's some practical advice in this book for the person who needs to shelter in place at home or who needs a bug out in a hurry to a safer environment book 5 all new square foot gardening and also consider the backyard homestead if you don't happen to own an acre of land as many don't including myself you should still be aware of basic gardening techniques and maximizing what little space you do have now if you do have enough space outdoors for some basic Gardens and you know yarn beds the all new square foot gardening or the backyard homestead or books you want to add your library and read them before you need them as opposed to having to search through this book for the first time while surrounded by a crisis which is never really a good idea now we personally been starting new garden beds at our home that we just moved to and trust me when I say it's something that takes time to learn start now while you can so let's go ahead and jump into book six book six is the Preppers blueprint now if you want an exhaustive sort of prepping for dummies preppers blueprint is an excellent starting point there's a lot of really good information here for anyone looking to get their head around preparedness and surviving disasters this book even has a section on how to get ready for disasters that turn out to be much more long longer lasting such as an economic collapse long-term power outages and yes even pandemics to name a few if you're now looking for a thorough overview of prepping this is a good book to read and you'll want it around as a reference guide should the current situation that we're in right now worsen or be compounded by other disasters or social instability as you discover you want to know more about preparedness I would further encourage you to explore any of the other books in the process self-reliance series it's a good little series with books ranging from canning to urban homesteading to what to do when there's no doctor to sustainable foods there's a lot of opportunity for deeper exploration of many of the topics covered in the Preppers blueprint so book number seven the Preppers pocket guide in the same vein as the Preppers blueprint but simpler to read and digest as this book the Preppers pocket guide I've been recommending this book for years to anyone who wants to begin lightly preparing it has 101 easy things you can do to ready your home for disaster some of it might seem simple to anyone who has been prepping for a while but for anyone relatively new to prepping it will provide some good insight on practical things you can begin to do now to prepare yourself to survive an uncertain future this book starts with the basics and it works its way up book 8 Mills in a jar quick and easy just add water homemade recipes when you are social distancing and quarantined to your house you may have stared at your pantry or kitchen cabinets and wondered if you could mix ketchup water to make tomato soup if you weren't used to preparing your own meals prior to the pandemic you definitely need to know how to cook it's a skill that's essential to survival and the cornerstone of self-sufficiency I like to print recipes from the internet and keep them in a file near my cookbooks but you'll also want to make you have a book like this one Nils in a jar quick and easy just add water homemade recipes learning how to cook during a high-stress crisis situation is not really a good ideal so let's discuss book number 9 the Preppers home defense security strategies to protect your family by any means necessary prepping is about knowing what you need to know before you need to know it well I hope you're never in a violent situation where you have to defend yourself or your home it's a good idea to have some knowledge of how to defend yourself now this book is a thorough look at defending yourself in your home it's very much written from the perspective that civilization has fallen and looters are coming so you may find some of it a bit on the extreme side however I think having an awareness of the practical knowledge in this book would definitely help you if you ever find yourself in a truly bad situation so book 10 any fiction book if you found yourself going stir-crazy while on lockdown you recognize a need to be able to escape and a good book you can't always rely on television or the Internet to be your sole sources of entertainment in deeper crisis these sources may or may not be available to you I suggest you at least have one or good two books of fiction and your library for those times when you're forced to wade out of crisis like during this pandemic or you're forced to shelter in place you'll thank yourself for the ability to escape a bit should you have to keep stable in a crisis while things are raging outside and around you or another important option to consider is having self-improvement books personally I'm taking the time during this pandemic to educate myself on investing I've been reading a lot of Robert Kiyosaki's books and have been changing a lot of my views on finances with everything happening right now with many people laid off or furloughed I hope people take advantage of this time to come out a better more educated individual by the way this is probably one of my favourite books that start off with Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad if you want to get starting point to get your head wrapped around really how the wealthy think and I think this is a good book to kind of shift your mindset I know for me personally was its totally got me thinking in a from way on finances and I'll probably talk about that in another video so that's the 10 major books I would suggest minimally that you get in your prep or library and like I said there are links below for you to check them out further if you're interested in picking up any of these books now if you're new to prepping because of the current pandemic welcome and hopefully these books will get you started in the right direction for the current crisis and any future crisis if you've been prepping for a while or if you've been a subscriber to this channel for a while one of these books may be new to you or you may want to lend your copy to one of these books to a concerned friend or family member who is now who is now glad that you took prepping seriously now I've done other videos on prepping books for your library so you might want to take a look at those for an even more in-depth look but I want to make this kind of a lighter tin book video for anyone dipping their toes in the water for the first time I hope you enjoyed this if you found this information useful please feel free to like and share it with your friends family and community if you have any feedback or any other books that you would recommend please post those in the comments section below I always learn so much from the community getting your insight and again if you're interested in checking out any of these books I'll be posting the links below as always stay safe out there
Channel: City Prepping
Views: 120,858
Rating: 4.953413 out of 5
Keywords: prepper, preppers, doomsday apocalypse, doomsday preppers
Id: 71EUVeUv564
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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