10 Biggest Dragons Species from HTTYD (How To Train Your Dragon)

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Dragons have been a part of many myths and folklore all around the world whether they were a part of our ancestors vivid imagination or ingrained in our brains the fear reptilian creatures along our timeline of evolution is up to debate some of the Dragons like smoke and dragged on from live-action movies and shows are shown to be frightening and terribly magnificent but what about the dragons from animated flicks in this video we shall be showcasing to you the dragons from the TV animated series and movies of the franchise of How to Train Your Dragon and this list will be all about the 10 biggest dragons from that franchise and included with the lists are the size abilities and appearances so here we go number 10 the fireworm Queen this queen dragon of the race of stoker-class fireworm dragons was first seen in Dragons riders of Berk fireworm queens of princesses looks similar in appearance to the average fireworm but have some differences that make them stand out from the rest for instance while the common fireworm can fit in the palm of a hand the queen is many times bigger when not heated up or near an S the fireworm Queen snarls skin color is a pale gold with tan colored horn spots and underbelly she also doesn't glow at the state all fire ones can heat up their skin to a temperature expressed to be hotter than the Sun hot enough to be able to burn almost anything fireworm Queen Tsar very powerful bright napalm type fire breaths that emits small firework like particles these Queens are 89 feet long which is 27 meters and weigh more than two point seven tons number nine the whispering death at the next spot comes to weirdly shaped dragons called the whispering death these are a glass of bola type dragons that are first mentioned in the first HD t yd movie they are very destructive and aggressive in nature attacking anything in their way and are generally feared by everyone they usually live in underground tunnels where they bury themselves using a burrowing attack against enemy or prey they have big heads with small wings and rows of spines everywhere and also have a very long tail that swirls in a circular motion aside from their super strong teeth and jaw muscles they can also shoot out their spines as an offensive move they can breathe hot circular rings of fire and are very agile durable and intelligent these dragons heads are over seven feet tall but their length is 95 feet long or 29 meters and weigh close to one tonne number eight the scauldron the Scout runs are mostly considered as non fire breathers but they seemingly possess sources of heat other than the body temperatures that are most likely remind us of their terrestrial or ancestral abilities first referred to by Fishlegs in the first movie as having the ability to spew out hot scalding water these dragons made their debut in the riders of Berk this dragon species is an aquatic title class dragon this dragon is gigantic growing up to a size nearly the same as many giant cetaceans they have the ability to heat the water they suck in its tail is like that of a fish helping it to swim when filled with water the scauldron stomach protrudes out and becomes very round its neck is very long and thin and its head it's usually fairly slender with the bottom jaw having some sort of a pouch that hangs from its chin they weigh in more than 1.3 tons and are 102 feet long or 31 meters number seven the typhoomerang this is a stoker-class dragons at first appeared in the writers of birth they are very large dragons and they come in a variety of colors including blue yellow red and orange they have two very large horns and orange eyes the legs are exactly like that of a monstrous nightmare they look like a mixed breed of a monstrous nightmare and a timber jack the typhoomerang is fiery breaths resembles a giant tornado that who can burn anything in his path except for those that remain right in the middle of it they are capable of spewing large ropes of fire reaching several dozen meters in length typhoomerang possess immense strength which combined with their large size and weight make them one of the strongest non alpha dragons known to Vikings these dragons can grow to a length of 128 feet or 39 metres long and have a wingspan of over 200 feet wide from tip to tip number six the SUP Mareeba the next one on the list is a gigantic deep-sea dragon that creates whirlpools and tidal waves to bring prey down to its waiting jaws the submarine is a large tidal class dragon and also track a class dragon their first appear in dragons raised to the edge the summer if ur can be recognized by distinctive foul-smelling bubbles that appear when it draws near it reacts to vibrations in the water above it and will follow them in the hopes of encountering food the submarine has proven to be an extremely strong dragon because it was able to take on a titan wing shell fire by using a full body tackle on the large dragon the summer Ripper can be best described as being similar in appearance to an eel with legs it is close to 150 feet of 45 metres long even though some websites tape it to be only 50 feet long which are wrong number five shell fire a large tidal class dragon that first appeared in dragons raised to the edge the shell fire is an enormous deep sea dweller with a crustacean appearance the shell fire glides to the ocean had incredible speeds and toes the dragon hunter battleship bolted to its back the shell fire is a gigantic titan wing deep-sea dragon with a flat hot back shell for protection the shell fire can launched huge flaming boulders that explode like giant cannonballs it has two long slightly curved horns on the sides of its head shell fires are capable of shooting a series of large plasma shot boulders these projectiles can be fired in rapid succession like a mortar and hit like bomb shells the shell fires armored carapace is so durable and resistant that it enables it to endure almost anything even numerous blows from its natural enemy the Submariner showing no signs of injury only slight irritation these dragons are over 160 feet are almost 49 metres long number 4 the screaming death this scary boulder class dragon is a gigantic heavy mutated whispering death according to Fishlegs it is not documented in the book of dragons as it is born every 100 years or so the screaming death has all the strengths of its subordinate cousin their whispering depth with none of its weaknesses as it can fly in the day without being hurt by the light it is the most powerful Dragon Berk has ever faced since the Red Death like the whispering death the screaming depth likes to tunnel consuming sea stacks and decimating entire islands it is white in color has large red eyes a longer and more massive body and a large tail despite the screaming death sighs its wings are only the size of a skull runs some websites under estimated size at only 50 feet long but they are clearly wrong as we estimated them to be between 200 and 300 feet long or between 60 and 90 meters number three the Red Death this enormous species is the main antagonist of the first How to Train Your Dragon film the Red Death is a gigantic dragon her head is heavily armed with a nasal horn a coral shaped frill with jaws that are lined up with huge salt like teeth the Red Death possesses three pairs of eyes that gives it little to no blind spots her coloration is mainly blue with orange unassigned and his enormous body sports coral like spines as well as red spikes and a Club jail the rare deaths meeting bass flame Jets are enormous and are powerful enough to take down an entire fleet of Viking ships in just one breath her entire body is heavily armored with dense scales horns and coral like frills and evening the Titanic Beast to perforate Pierce and demolish enormous rock cliffs of the volcano and smaller mountains on the sides according to legend she lives for 2,000 years and could grow up to four feet in length and also has subspecies like the green and a violent death at number two the forever wing this is a gigantic mystery class dragon that first appeared in dragons the rise of Berk the forever wing is a colossal dragon it has a woody brown color and what seems to be like branches at the back of its head and below its chin these branch like objects resemble hair and a beard with small kind eyes and an agent appearance this dragon looks rather old and wise the forever wing has thick foliage such as trees and vegetation on its back the forever wing produces copious amounts of lava which is powerful enough to destroy entire villages in addition to lava the forever wing is able to shoot small glass of green acid as revealed in dragon's Titan uprising these blasts require less energy than lava but are much more weaker than it it also looks similar to a turtle this dragon is truly gigantic in science but since its size was never stated we can only estimate it to be a little bit bigger or at the same size with a red depth at over 400 feet long over 122 meters and number one the B wildebeest and the apex of a dragon's hives chain-of-command rules an exceedingly large and rare alpha dragon to which all others bow to this is the B wildebeest it is a gigantic title class dragon that first appeared in how to train a dragon part 2 we will the bees are incredibly massive spiky dragons with a pair of massive tusks like horns protruding from its sights of the head and huge multiple wings the front side of their bodies are covered with burrs shaped like spikes along with two lines of spikes along the eyelets giving an impression of eyebrows and we will the beasts most notable and feared ability is to burst streams of ice turning water on contact it does this by sucking up and ingesting masses of water from the sea and stirring it in the goiters down its neck although it is the king of all dragons and alpha species it cannot fly but can swim and stay underwater for extended periods of time this Leviathan is the biggest dragon species and measures 520 feet long or 150 8.5 meters B wildebeests are also quite impressive architects fashioning near impenetrable nests for their flocks or hive and with that we come to the end of the list do you like share and subscribe for more related content on monstrous kaiju screeches dragons and more
Channel: MindQ
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Keywords: 10 Biggest Dragons species from HTTYD (How To Train Your Dragon), biggest dragon from how to train your dragon, dragons size chart, dragons size comparison, red death dragon size, bewilderbeast size, bewilderbeast fight scene, how to train your dragons size chart, HTTYD size comparison, how to train your dragon 2, how to train your dragon wiki, all dragons in how to train your dragon, bewilderbeast dragon, how to train your dragon 12 book set, how to train your dragon 2 review
Id: 3xpeeiZvgRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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