10 Best Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns In The World

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hello everyone you are watching the channel incredible facts anti-aircraft guns an incredibly important piece of military equipment intended for firing and air targets of formations objects weapons and equipment play a crucial role in military conflicts today we will show you the 10 best self-propelled anti-aircraft guns in the world pgz 95 the pgz 95 also referred to as the type 95 is a Chinese self-propelled anti-aircraft gun development of this system began in the mid-1980s the type 95 entered service with the Chinese army during the late 1990s the pgz is armed with a mix of gun and missile armaments the vehicle is armed with four gas operated 25 millimeter guns its combined rate of fire is up to 3,200 rpm guns are reloaded via and automatic loading mechanism the type 95 can fire its guns accurately on the move the vehicle also has a secondary role against ground targets and can engage light armoured vehicles the pgz 95 also carries up to 4 qw to short range ir homing surface-to-air missiles the armor of the pgz 95 provides protection against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters [Music] Shepard the Jeffords self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was developed in the 1960s as a private venture the first prototypes were built in 1968 it entered service with the Bundeswehr in 1973 as the flak panzer one shepherd the vehicle is fitted with twin Oerlikon gdf 35 millimeter guns the maximum rate of fire for a single gun is 550 rounds per minute the ammunition load of the jeopardy of 640 armor-piercing incendiary rounds for firing against air targets and 40 armor-piercing rounds against ground targets the hull of the Jeffords protection against small caliber cannons while turret protection is only against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters it is also fitted with an NBC protection system [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sadam 25 the sedan 25 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was developed by OTO Melara it was adopted by the Italian Army in 1987 the Sadam uses the chassis of the m113a1 armored personnel carrier this system is fitted with four Oerlikon KP a 25 millimeter guns each gun has a rate of fire of 570 rounds per minute the Saddam 25 usually fires short 15 to 25 round bursts this system can engage air targets flying 50 to 300 meters a second it also has significant capabilities against light armoured vehicles and personnel the armor of the Saddam 25 provides protection against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters this system has a crew of three including commander gunner and Driver [Music] type 87 the type 87 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was developed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in the mid 80s for the Japanese army it has much in common with a German Shepherd the type 87 is fitted with twin fully stabilized Oerlikon gdf 35 millimeter guns these guns were licensed produced in Japan the rate of fire for a single gun is 550 rounds per minute the type baby seven fires armor-piercing incendiary and armor-piercing rounds maximum effective range against air targets is four kilometres the vehicle can fire accurately on the move the armor of the type 87 provides protection against heavy machine guns and artillery shell splinters its front arc can't be penetrated by small bore cannons the vehicle is fitted with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems [Music] marksmen the marksman self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was developed by Marconi this British company had a history of radar development the marksman is comparable with the German Shepard SP AAG the only operator of this system is the Finnish army which ordered seven units in 1990 locally designated as the ITP sv 90 the marksman is primarily used against helicopters low-flying aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles however it can also be successfully used as a fire support vehicle the marksman is armed with two 35 millimeter Oerlikon kDa automatic cannons a total of 460 fragmentation rounds and 40 armor-piercing rounds are carried the effective range is four to five kilometres [Music] Loara the Loara self-propelled anti-aircraft gun was developed in Poland in the late 1990s the vehicle successfully passed trials in 2001 the Lu era is fitted with two Oerlikon KD a 35 millimeter guns currently this gun is licensed produced in Poland the rate of fire of each gun is 550 rounds per minute maximum range of fire against air targets is 4 kilometres the Lu era is also effective against light armored ground targets the Lu era is fitted with surveillance and tracking radars a laser rangefinder and a radar based fire control system the radar has a range of 26 kilometres and can track and identify up to 64 targets at once the Lu era is based on the Polish PT 91 main battle tank chassis which is an improved variant of the Soviet t-72 MBT [Music] - s-six Tunguska the - s-six Tunguska is a Russian low-level air defense system it was developed to replace the zsu 23:4 Shilka self-propelled anti-aircraft gun and nine k31 Strela 1 and Strela 1 M 2 mobile surface-to-air missile systems the 2 s 6 designation denotes that Russians consider this system as a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun with auxilary missile armament the Tunguska is armed with twin 30 millimeter guns and 4/9 m3 3-1 short-range surface-to-air missiles on each side this makes for a total of 4 30 millimeter guns and 8 missiles the combined rate of fire for all four 30 millimeter guns is 5,000 rounds per minute the armour of the two s six Tunguska protects the crew against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters though it will not withstand heavy machine-gun fire the vehicle is fitted with automatic fire suppression and NBC protection systems [Music] to s38 derivation evo the 2s3 ad Revathi up evo is a new Russian self-propelled anti-aircraft gun it was designed as a concept or technology demonstrator this new mobile air defense system was designed to engage low-flying aircraft helicopters UAVs cruise missiles and air-to-ground missiles it can even engage single large-caliber artillery rockets the 2s3 a combat vehicle is based on a BMP 3 infantry fighting vehicle chassis it is fitted with a remotely controlled weapon station armed with a single 57-millimeter cannon such an arrangement is rather unusual for a vehicle of this class the two s3a can engage targets traveling at a maximum speed of 1,800 kilometers an hour it is also effective against ground targets vehicles and infantry holed up in buildings and field fortifications it's 57 millimeter ammunition is much more lethal than the 30 millimeter rounds of the 2 s6 Tunguska [Music] Pansear s1 the pantser s1 is a Russian short-range air defense system it was designed to protect strategic military and several point targets this system is capable of engaging a wide variety of aerial targets such as aircraft helicopters ballistic and cruise missiles guided bombs and UAVs the Panther s1 is a further development of the two s 610 gasket air defense gun missile system based on a tracked chassis it carries up to 12 surface-to-air missiles in sealed containers the Pansear also has two dual thirty millimeter guns similar to those of the tunguska the combined rate of fire of these guns is up to 5,000 rounds per minute these can engage targets up to four kilometers away the Panther has a multiple band target acquisition and tracking system it detects targets at a range of 30 kilometers and has a tracking range of over 24 kilometres [Music] hey 30 B ho the K 30 B ho self-propelled anti-aircraft gun has been developed by Doosan since the early 80s to meet the operational requirements of the Republic of Korea army the K 30 B ho is armed with twin 30 millimeter guns cyclic rate of fire for a single gun is 600 rounds per minute each gun is provided with 300 rounds of ready-to-use ammunition the K 30 B Hope fires high explosive fragments I guessed air targets it's effective firing range is approximately 3 kilometers the K 30 has a high kill probability against low-flying airborne targets the armor of the K 30 B Howe provides protection against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters the vehicle is fitted with NBC protection and automatic fire suppression systems [Music] that's all friends thanks for watching write in the comments which of the anti-aircraft guns you liked the most also click the like button and subscribe to our channel so you don't miss any new interesting videos [Music] you
Channel: Incredible Facts
Views: 725,416
Rating: 4.754519 out of 5
Keywords: top, top10, top 10, rating, list, compilation, 10 best, best, Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns, 10 best spaag in the world, spaag, in the world, PGZ 95, Anti-Aircraft Gun, weapons, armament, army, usa, us, Gepard, Sidam-25, self-propelled, Type 87, Marksman, Loara, 2S6 Tunguska, 2S38 Derivaciya PVO, air defense, Pantsyr-S1, K30 Biho, air defense system, short-range, low-level air-defense system
Id: 6qdOyrNDyHU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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