10 Best Places to Live in MEXICO 2021

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it is 2021 i don't know how but here we are i wanted to remake this video which um served as a very popular video last year all about the 10 best places to live in mexico just like the video from last year this video is totally subjective it is based on my opinions my experiences around mexico my likes and dislikes so please take that into account as you uh listen for the top 10 places that i would love to live in this country i've swapped out a lot of places just based on mostly on what i'm looking for now it's really different than what i was looking for a year ago life is so different now um and i really want to spend a lot more time outside in 2021 it was something that brought me a lot of peace a lot of space mental and physical in 2020 and it's something that i really want to bring into the new year so without further ado let's get into the 10 places that i really want to live with a few places at the end that i think you might like as well as always with these videos i will link in the uh comment section to the different timings so that you can skip around this time i have not put it in order of my top 10 with 10 being you know the least likely in one being the most likely i've just sort of sectioned them off based on cities uh beaches and then a few places that i haven't been but that are super super high on my priority list for 2021 that i would like to spend extended periods of time so let's get into it let's start with the beach towns um so a new addition to the list is sayulita you guys i am in love with sayulita if you haven't seen my videos from that trip that i went on in october i'll link to them here it was like the sanest i felt in 2020. it's a town that is so beautiful it has so much good food there are so many beaches and hikes it's got a real mixture of people there were argentinians there and there were americans and canadians and europeans and it just felt like this really i don't know like an escape um so i understand why a lot of people live there i did try to to find a place there in december but it was just a little out of my price range it's certainly more expensive than some of the other beach towns that i've lived in in the past but if my budget was a little higher i would without a doubt call syulita home it's such a beautiful part of mexico i fell in love and i also really love sampancho which is like just up the road from sayulita i understand why people prefer that to sayulita and i know just along the whole riviera nayarit is just such a beautiful part of mexico i uh i will definitely be returning there if not for longer periods of time maybe in 2022 or for uh a place to live the next beach town city on the list is one that i got to know somewhat well in december and that is masatlan i think it is such a cool city i can't believe it's taken me so long to go there i it it's so beautiful the beaches are incredible the city is so well set up the centro historico has such beautiful buildings and then as you head sort of along the coastline the malecon what a great place to exercise to ride bikes uh the beach along that area is so beautiful and then as you head out of the town there's more beaches it's just endless there's islands for hiking and camping the food is incredible the seafood is amazing so yeah i highly recommend adding that to your list if you're thinking about uh beach towns it's super affordable as well in comparison to other beach towns that i've been to we paid 350 dollars a month for rent while we were there and we stayed in a place that was right in the centro and really close to everything it wasn't super high-end or anything crazy but it had absolutely everything we needed all bills were included uh so yeah i imagine that if you're looking for long-term rent in mazatlan you can definitely get yourself a bargain the third and final beach town on this list is one that i talk about all the time one that i would love to call home one that i have spent a decent amount of time in the past a place i returned to again and again and that is puerto vallarta i love this city it's just it's just great it has everything it has everything that you need um to live by the beach and still be able to enjoy city amenities like great restaurants awesome bars great such nice people and and just yeah it's a great place there's every every neighborhood has its own character and that's something that i really really appreciate appreciate about puerto vallarta um and it's something that draws me back in all the time testing out different neighborhoods and seeing which is my favorite and seeing lots of different beaches the other thing that i really love about puerto vallarta is that it's a really good base because the rest of the coast of jalisco is so beautiful some of you know that i spent a fair bit of time last summer in a town called barra de navidad which is also near malacca and very close to manzanillo none of those places are on my list because i probably don't need to live there again but that coastal area between manzanillo and puerto vallarta is incredible and i highly recommend renting a car the next time you're in puerto vallarta and doing a road trip along it because it is amazing so we move on to the cities both big and small there are a lot of swap outs that surprised even me on this list i'll be honest um the returner on this list is queretaro i still think it's an amazing place to live if you're not following alex of the backpacking brunette i highly recommend doing so she lives in queretaro and she does youtube videos pretty much every week about what it's like living there and she's hilarious so uh if you want to know more about what it's like the cost of living uh experiences finding apartments and that sort of stuff i'll link to her channel in the description box below so that you can follow along with her and get more detailed information but otherwise keretara is a beautiful city it's very small compared to living in mexico city like i have done for the last four years but it still has all the amenities it's super walkable if you live in the downtown but there's also quite a lot going on in the neighborhoods around keretaro that i think are cool especially the hercules brewery which is pretty awesome number five on this list and a place that i definitely did not expect to ever put on this list and that is san miguel de allende have like not a love hate relationship but a love confusion relationship with this city um i did a video about it last year or two years ago now when i revisited um i'll link it here it's it was just a conversation that i wanted to i wanted to understand why people loved it so much and then i revisited it and then i spoke to more people who lived there and then i followed people who live there on social media and i realized it's a really cool place while it may be well known around mexico as the haven for expats and retirees um it's actually really really cool like it's trying to change its image image a lot it's it's full of really cool bars really incredible restaurants it's kind of like a bougie chic city now and and i can see myself maybe in a couple more years like spending a lot more time there it's certainly more expensive than a lot of other places in mexico and that's something that i don't love but i but i understand the draw and i do believe that it's a really cool place to live a really beautiful place to live and i think based around what's been happening in the state of guanajuato in the last year or so safety wise i think that it's probably a better choice than guanajuato at the moment which was on my list last year and if you want to be in this mountainous region of mexico san miguel de allende is such a great place to base yourself six seven and eight i'll just go in quick succession because they were on last year's list and i still love them and that is merida oaxaca and guadalajara amazing cities that should not be missed if you want to live in a city and you're not too worried about being that close to the beach oaxaca and guadalajara are amazing cities both very different lots of history lots of amazing museums incredible food in both places as always i will link to some videos so that you guys can check out more about those places if you've never been merida is a good option if you want city life but you also want to be close to the beach it's less than an hour away to the coast those beaches are far less explored than the closer cancun and playa del carmen and tulum which are very well explored these days um but i just love it so much and as many of you know if it wasn't so hot i'd probably live in medieva so there you go number nine is a new addition to this list and another place that i was never sure that i would add to this list and that is lake chapala i spent a little bit of time there in november and i fell in love it's so beautiful i completely understand why so many people flock to this area um perhaps one of the things that maybe puts me off or put me off initially was that it is the largest um area of expats in the entire country and by that i mean like the largest area of north americans that aren't mexican live in lake chapala in comparison to other parts of mexico so it it's an amalgamation if you will like a it's a it's a mess club of cultures there um but it's still so close to guadalajara and the lake is so beautiful i went there in november and the weather was incredible which is something people always rave about with like chapala and i just loved it it was so many seconds i could just imagine waking up and going for a walk along the malecon every day and and seeing that lake going out on the lake on a boat i know that's this a lot of you told me that there's like a ferry boat usually that takes you out to that island in the middle it wasn't running when we were there but all the different towns around there if you had a car you could just go on day trips and explore and and get away from the crowds and i get it it's it's beautiful and i think it's a place that i could definitely call home for for a little while number 10 is more like a region i guess but when i went to chihuahua i did not want to leave i've i've never been to a place in mexico that wasn't warm that i loved so much chihuahua was cold in november but copper canyon was magical truly magical and the people from the moment we arrived in the city of chihuahua from the moment we left on the train out to sinaloa everyone in chihuahua was so nice incredibly nicely so yeah if i could live in the city of chihuahua and learn more about the history there i loved the size of it i loved the architecture the food was incredible um and the access to copper canyon and not just copper canyon but chihuahua is the biggest state in mexico so you can imagine that it has so much to see and do uh and it just like sparked something in me i i want to get back there and i really really hope that we can get back there this year and get to know the city better and also get back into copper canyon and do more hiking it was just some of the best moments of all of my time in mexico in the last four and a half years so if that gives you any sense of how amazing this place is i really recommend adding it to your list no one talks about chihuahua um in terms of expats sort of moving to this region and i don't know why because it's amazing okay it's not hot what's hot in the summer but it's not like tropical weather it's it's probably weather that you're trying to escape in whatever country you're trying to exit um so i understand that it's not probably high on a lot of people's priorities but it's so worth your time even if not to live to visit um it's it's just amazing and i really hope to get back there and spend a lot more of my time it's a place that i would love to like use as a base for for i don't know as long as i can so those are the top ten uh as promised there are a few places on this list that i have not been to but i really want to spend more time and i believe based on a lot of your recommendations but also on research that i've done that they would be places that i would love to live and they include aguas calientes zacatecas jalapa in veracruz is it halapa with the x because there's also a halapa in jalisco i think right but i mean the jalapa in veracruz and then finally todos santos which is in baja california sort of between cabo and la paz i love la paz it's in my video from last year you guys know that i would happily live there but 10 is a limiting number and i wanted to share more places with you that i discovered in the last 365 days that um i want to spend more time in and that's where my focus is for 2021 so yeah i'm out of breath and i'm out of places to live so i hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know in the comments below which of these places you would love to live did i leave somewhere off the list i always do uh that you guys love so let me know in the comments below somewhere that i haven't been or perhaps that you love that sort of off the beaten path um and that you think is an amazing place to live in let me know if you enjoyed this video or found it helpful please give it a thumbs up it really supports my channel and i will see you next time bye
Channel: Eternal Expat
Views: 151,550
Rating: 4.8840113 out of 5
Keywords: travel, living in mexico, where to live in mexico, living in mexico 2020, moving to mexico 2021, best places to live in mexico, places to live in mexico, safest places to live in mexico, moving to mexico, eternal expat, eternal expat mexico
Id: D5haqPWVWcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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