10 Best Countries You can Buy Land (Investing or Farming)

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the beautiful thing about buying land is that it serves a blank canvas for whatever you want to do land is empty space that is full of potential and whether you're looking for land in the mountains or on the beach or somewhere in between you can utilize this land to generate revenue by homesteading farming or residential use in major cities the land is very expensive and that is why many prefer to buy agricultural land an hour away from the city you can already find much more affordable land and a few countries offer such opportunities however searching for data on best countries to buy land in the world was not a light task as we didn't have access to such a large and detailed report concerning every country in the world nevertheless farmland is an increasingly stable and resilient investment so here are 10 best countries to buy land number 10 malaysia malaysia is the only southeast asian country where foreigners can directly buy and own land other countries in the region have comparably stringent foreign ownership regulations including vietnam indonesia and the philippines there are four different land types that are of interest to many foreigners when buying land in malaysia namely residential land commercial land and agricultural land furthermore vacant land is cheap in malaysia compared to residential and commercial land but brings both benefits and drawbacks for example vacant land is easier to maintain and you'll be able to buy a significantly larger area compared to residential land however it's important that you choose a location that is still sufficiently central or where developments are planned for the future nearby number nine ireland there are no restrictions on foreign nationals buying property or land in ireland this means that both eu and non-eu nationals can buy land and property in ireland without limitation while land prices have recently increased in ireland agricultural and vacant land can still be purchased relatively low ireland overall has an oceanic climate that is mild but changing at a low end its lush mild climate and frequent rainfall produced vegetation and earned the sobriety of the island's emerald most of the land property in ireland is owned by britons and the cost of land ranges from twelve thousand dollars to fifteen thousand dollars per acre despite the challenges of covid19 and brexit land prices in ireland have remained remarkably resilient throughout the country number eight italy it's easy to see why this country of wonderful food and wine vibrant culture and romantic scenery has many alluring attractions whether you're thinking of buying property near cities or anywhere in countryside you're likely to be greeted with a plethora of housing styles ages and levels of upkeep but there are some restrictions on who can and can't buy land in italy however it's largely seen as a no restrictions country american canadian and uk nationals can buy property in italy whether or not they live in the country the same goes for citizens of any other country that has a similar reciprocal agreement with italy additionally the price of land in italy varies greatly based on exact location and property type number seven greece one of the most preferred locations in europe that has attracted people for buying land is greece in the last few years thousands of foreigners have bought real estate under their name in this heavenly country furthermore any foreigner can own land in greece the country does not apply any restrictions on the purchase however it is highly advised that you have legal assistance to hold your back additionally overseas residents in the country are offered terrific tax deals if the resident's native country is under a tax treaty with greece he doesn't have to pay double taxes moreover income from greece's properties will be taxable in greece only and any income from abroad will be tax-free number six australia unending stretches of sand vibrant landscapes paradisal island destinations and unique wildlife make australia a top destination for travelers and investors all over the world but temporary residents foreign residents or short-term visa holders from any country need to apply to the foreign investment review board to purchase land in australia the non-statutory body advises the government on australia's foreign investment policy and offers certain guidelines furthermore it is still possible to find cheap land especially if you are looking for unused land for a farm what's expensive in australia are houses apparently but since there is plenty of unused lands it can be bought very cheaply number five canada canadian land is an increasingly stable and buoyant investment in general it seems that land is widely available in canada there are many uninhabited parts of canada where potential land can be found for sale in fact there is so much space in canada that free land is being given away in some areas as long as those that take it agreed to a contract to develop it but foreign investors seeking to buy farmland in canada should consult their legal advisors before making an offer some provinces have placed strict limitations on the number of acres that foreign individuals or corporations may own while other provinces allow non-residents to buy up agricultural land unrestricted furthermore if you're buying land to earn and don't intend to become a resident of canada yourself you may also have to pay additional taxes number four united states about two-thirds of americans are home owners but when it comes to owning land wide open spaces the percentage isn't nearly as high the washington post reported that the wealthiest one percent of households owned 40 percent of the nation's non-home real estate in fact an increasing percentage of land has fallen into the hands of a wealthy few nevertheless there is still millions of acres of land available to buy in usa additionally foreigners have no particular issues to buy land in the u.s in fact the buying process is straightforward and transparent the same as in most other western countries plus there are also huge foreign conglomerates and companies that seek to buy land in usa for the purposes of expanding their operations or agriculture in the usa number three spain spain is known to be the heart of europe the country offers a high standard of life to its residents and those looking forward to moving there that is why many people often consider buying land in spain to be their priority and preference additionally the rules for buying a property in spain are relatively straightforward and anyone can buy land there easily spain also offers a golden visa program for foreign property owners under the scheme if you invest more than eight hundred thousand dollars in spanish properties you'll get a residency visa golden visas are primarily for retirees and holiday home buyers but are particularly popular with investors from outside the european union number two france whether for a luxury escape an eventual retirement destination or just a change of scene buying a land in france is a dream for many with plenty of places to choose from each with their own character and swaths of beautiful countryside there's the potential for everyone to find their niche in france there are no restrictions for foreign investors buying a house in france even non-residents all investors need is a french bank account and a valid id but be aware if you're buying directly from the owner you may find prices inflated even up to twice the cost of what might be offered to a french person so it's a good idea to engage a local real estate agent as they're likely to have a better understanding number one portugal you have the vibrant cities of lisbon and porto the sublime stretches of coastline in the algarve the unique islands of madeira and the azores as there are so many beautiful areas in portugal one of the most breathtaking and definitely understated areas to invest in is the portuguese countryside owning land here in the heart of nature is perfect if you are looking for a quiet reclusive spot there are no restrictions to buying land in portugal as a foreigner the real estate sector in portugal is also very well developed you should therefore not have any problems when buying land or property here plus land can be cheap in portugal some of the cheapest in europe and can cost less than 200 dollars per square meter in some rural areas thanks for watching be sure to subscribe for more amazing content
Channel: Skerry Harry
Views: 22,575
Rating: 4.8576512 out of 5
Keywords: 10 Best countries to buy land, 10 countries you can buy land, 10 countries to invest in land, 10 countries to buy farm house, 10 countries to retire and buy land, Move to, Relocate, Maps, homesteading, homestead, homesteading for beginners, tiny homes, tiny house, vacant land investing, vacant land for sale, dream home, real estate, land for sale, real estate investing, real estate agent, buying land, 10 cheap countries you can buy land, countries
Id: 8qzq9VgqiVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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