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hi DIY friends it's Shannon from the dailydiyer.com and I have some awesome Dollar Tree outdoor hacks for you today we're gonna be using mainly Dollar Tree items to keep this budget friendly these are all projects that are super easy that anybody can do as well the first one we're gonna need a solar light and also a pack of these children size hangers from Dollar Tree big tip here always test your solar lights before you use them so pull that tab test it out if they work then you can move on with your project nothing worse than having a solar light that doesn't work after you've done all the work to it so we're also going to need four hangers we're gonna make an outdoor butterfly so to do that we're going to take our hangers put the hooks opposite each other making sure the points touch in the center we're going to do that twice one on each side obviously these are going to be our butterfly wings grab some of these cable ties from Dollar Tree to the white one since our hangers are white and we're going to start by adding one of the zip ties to the points that are touching there on the side a good tip here too is to not tighten your zip ties all the way until you've got this all put together the next zip tie you're going to put those hooks together on the opposite side tighten them up a little bit get them situated how you want it and then go ahead tighten up those zip ties come in with some Snips and snip off the tails we're going to repeat this for the other side connecting them at the points and at the hooks snipping off the tails so now we have two butterfly wings looking good so far but we're going to be using that solar light in the center there to give it some outdoor Pizzazz but we need to attach These Wings together first we don't want these to go anywhere we don't want our butterfly flying away so we're going to add two zip ties to the center there connect them together tighten them up snip off those tails and now we can add our solar light we're going to use two more zip ties connecting them in the center now you can leave it as is if you want a white butterfly but I wanted to give my butterfly some colors so we're going to take the solar light part off of this and then we're gonna head outside with our spray paint and here is where your creativity can really Bloom grab whatever colors you want get some metallic colors you could even do glitter pearlescent like I said get creative whatever color you want to create for yours outdoor space I love the rainbow colors obviously so I went with yellow and blue and pink and just kind of hit it here and there kind of like a butterfly wings would be so I didn't really color block it I just kind of added Speckles here and there and did two coats let that dry then went ahead and reattached the solar light and then to hang this I grabbed these command style hooks from Dollar Tree I like these clear ones the best and we are just gonna take that and use that to hang our butterfly I'm showing you here on our fence but you could put this on siding you could hang this from a shepherd's hook wherever works in your space so I definitely want to show you this during the daytime look at all those bright fun colors and I also wanted to show it to you in the night time too so you can see it all it up if you enjoyed this project and you love fun DIYs that are affordable simple and so easy and you haven't yet hit that subscribe button there's also a bell next to subscribe that you can click and get notifications whenever I post new ideas just like this one now I'm so excited to share this project with you because it turns out beautiful and it turns out so so good and you're going to need to start with one of these wire hanging baskets from Dollar Tree and the first thing we're going to do is take off the chains that come with it but set them aside we're going to be putting them back on here shortly but it's going to make it a little bit easier for us to work on this project without them hanging around so you just have little hooks on them and they pop right off and we are going to add some little crystals hanging off of these to make a outdoor chandelier I found these little crystals on Amazon very affordable I'll link them down in the description box below I really liked them because they come with hooks on them already so it's going to make it really easy for us to attach them onto this hanging basket so I'm using some needle nose pliers to just crimp those hooks onto each one of the wire dividers on the basket I also probably should have mentioned that we are going to turn this basket upside down so our crystals are actually going to hang from the top rim of this basket at this point now we can start adding back on the chains that came with it but this time instead of attaching them around the top we are going to attach them around the bottom which is going to now be the top so you can see how it's going to hang just like this again we're going to grab out another solar light and as always we are testing it out before we add it to our project to make sure it's going to work and unfortunately the Dollar Tree solar lights kind of slide right down into the circle opening of this basket so no big deal we're going to fix that problem with a little bit of wire and we're just going to attach it on to a few different points to make a triangle that is going to close up our Gap and make it a little bit smaller so our solar light will just sit right there on top and it really is just that simple quick and easy to make this hanging outdoor chandelier I was amazed by this we had so many rainbows reflecting into our houses our kitchen sits right off our back porch so that was really pretty to see and then I had to show you of course at night time too when the solar light lights up and still kind of bounces some light off of those crystals that hang at the bottom I really hope you give this project a try it was so quick and easy and it has such a beautiful gorgeous look in the end back in Dollar Tree we're gonna grab this planter it is a huge planter a 14 inch planter for only three dollars in the plus section such a great deal on such a large planter unfortunately I needed to take this one inside to do some spray painting as we had some not so nice weather that day and instead of the orange color I'm gonna use some oil rubbed bronze spray paint here to give this planter a makeover just giving it a couple coats and also going down onto the Inside Edge of this planter so we don't see any of the orange poking through now here's a cool tip and trick grab some pool noodles from Dollar Tree I had some left over from Christmas time and Dollar Tree now has this really cool pool noodle knife which works like a dream so you can find it at Dollar Tree I highly recommend to keep it around I'm using it to cut down these pool noodles into smaller sections because we're going to use them as filler pieces in this giant pot it's going to save us from having to fill the entire thing with soil so that is going to save us some money so I'm just adding my potting soil on top of those pool noodles and we're going to plant this blackberry bush I am so excited about this I love blackberries I hope I don't kill it if you have any tips and tricks on how to care for blackberry bushes leave them in the comments for me down below I could use all the help I can get there and so just adding some more potting soil basically planting the bush right and I thought it'd be nice to also create an arbor to add some more stability to this bush as it grows so these are actually wooden barbecue skewers you can get a Dollar Tree really long ones and I'm I have six of them here just sticking them around the outside edge down into the soil and then we're gonna gather them all at the top there and we're going to use a rubber band to hold it in place now obviously a rubber band is probably not going to last very long probably is going to dry rot from the Sun and the rain this is just kind of a temporary hold for us right now and then we're going to use some Dollar Tree jute to go over the rubber band that will more permanently hold this little Arbor thing together for us so just wrapping it around and tying a couple knots to hold it all together so I love the update to the Pod it makes it look a little bit more fancy high-end looking I love the little Arbor that also makes it look really fancy but it's also got a great purpose as well and cross your fingers for me again that this blackberry bush develops thrives and we get some blackberries by the end of the season so what in the world are we heading into the baking section to grab a cake pan for when we're doing outdoor DIYs today well we're gonna use these cake pans and some of these plates to create our own stepping stones and this is such a fun project grab some plates that kind of color coordinate we're also going to head over and grab ourselves some glass beads you want the ones with the flat bottoms not the round ones because those are going to stick out unless you want them to stick out I guess you absolutely could if you wanted to but we're gonna use these to add Decor on top of our Stepping Stones now of course Safety First here I probably should not be wearing flip-flops but I am we're just gonna be careful here I have my gloves on I have my safety glasses on we're putting a plate in a trash bag and taking a hammer and literally just hammering this plate so that it is in tiny smaller little pieces I was so funny the lady at the checkout was like oh I'll wrap these plates for you and I'm like oh you don't have to I'm gonna break these apart anyway so they still survived didn't have to um worry about that so much but once I got all of these plates broke down I put them into a dish actually moved these over onto a pizza pan so I could see them I also had to kind of go back and break down some of the bigger pieces as the bigger pieces aren't going to work for this you want small little pieces kind of spread them out so you can see what you have same thing with your glass beads and then you need to prep your cake pans same thing I know it's so funny we're gonna use some cooking spray that is literally going to lubricate up our pan and so that way once we go to dump the Stepping Stones out it won't pop right out like butter so just lightly spray them then we can start working on our concrete mix this is Quikrete and I'm going to tell you right now this honestly was something that we just had in our garage so used what we had it's probably not the best and you'll see why here in a little bit so I will link down in the description box a better option for Quikrete that will work better for your Stepping Stones I do want to mention right now though Safety First here as well you want a mask on when you are working with concrete it will definitely get in your lungs you will have horrible respiratory problems if you breathe in that dust so absolutely wear a mask here and you want to just mix it up until you have about this consistency a little bit of water at a time and then once you have the right consistency you can just scoop that right into your cake pans I kind of smeared it around and kind of leveled it off as I added a scoop at a time making sure to get around all the edges this once I started doing this realized it's probably not the best concrete there's better stuff out there this kind of had little rocks in it and you probably want more of a sand type consistency so like I said I'll link some down below it didn't stop us from getting in there and decorating these though my son had a ball he wants a garden this spring so we're gonna be putting these in a garden for him one of my daughters also got involved here again making sure you are wearing gloves for adding all of your elements into your stepping stones and pushing them down so that they stay in the concrete once it sets and dries now you want to let these set for a good 24 hours or read your concrete instructions to see what it says specifically we let ours sit for 24 hours and unfortunately I'm not quite sure that that was long enough or we added too much water not enough water we had a couple casualties here these first two unfortunately it did not make it which is why I don't recommend this concrete mix and I'll link a better kind down in the description box I was much more careful with the next two and those just happen to be my son and daughters it's okay though I'm glad those are the two that survived here but they looked so pretty in the end sad the other two didn't make it but maybe we'll give this a try again another day because it was a super fun project to do have you ever seen the really pretty glass gazing balls and Gardens we're gonna make our own Dollar Tree style and you're just gonna need a Bubble Glass face and another kind of planter that it fits down into so we are going to of course make this beautiful with the help of some alcohol ink if you've never used this medium before it's super easy to work with and it is so fun to create with we're also going to use some canned air you can keep your eye out because you can find this at Dollar Tree sometimes too if you can't find it you don't want to spend the five dollars I think it is at Walmart then grab a straw and just use your own air and blow into a straw and it'll help dry this alcohol ink and there really is no right or wrong way to do this it just kind of has a mind of its own and you just put a few drips inside your vase kind of roll the vase around until it dries or you can come in with your can of air and kind of push your liquid around it's also going to dry it at the same time so it is a really cool effect and if you just are using a straw now is the time to also kind of use that to help move around the ink and dry it at the same time the stuff dries pretty quickly so you do have to move kind of quickly as well so I did one color at a time and then the last color is what I use to kind of connect all the colors together or get in between any of the gaps that weren't filled with a color yet so I worked my way around this entire vase just creating kind of splotches of color here and there you want to make sure you get the top and all the way down to the bottom Edge foreign so look how pretty this is and depending on the colors that you choose it's going to completely turn out different and they also have some metallic colors so I'll link these alcohol inks down in the description box as well so you can find them on Amazon if you want to give it a try too they work on Christmas ornaments as well so keep that in mind now we have our little planter from Dollar Tree and I'm going to show you a couple ways you can display this little gazing ball you can take the fairy lights put it the batteries in the bottom and then kind of loosely wind the lights around your hand and then stick those into the vase pop your vase upside down onto the top of your planter and you have a gorgeous little light that you can use indoors or out this is just one idea but you can also grab out a solar light from Dollar Tree and since there is still light rays coming into this vase even though it's got color on it it will still recharge again I'm gonna say it again and again and again always check your solar lights before you use them to make sure that they're working so many comments about people saying that they don't like the Dollar Tree lights because they don't work we'll test them out before you buy them because I've had some good luck with a lot of them so I just tucked my solar light down into this vase and this really does not do it justice it looks so much nicer in person it's kind of hard to capture it at night uh with the camera but so pretty put this outside put this inside put it into windowsill such a pretty little gazing ball so for this project we're using the using this always make wreaths for our front door but what about making a wreath for our tree we can do that with the help of some glass beads and I'll link these down in the description box below as well you can find them on Amazon or hit your stash hit Dollar Tree see if you can find some glass beads at the craft store but you are going to need some floral wire as well we're just gonna leave a lot of it on the roll and add our beads as many as we can onto this wire until we have the whole thing used up because it's going to use quite a few beads here [Music] thank you and so now that we have our Garland completely filled up as much as we want quite a bit as you can see we're going to take this in piece we left extra wire at the very end so we can attach the end to our wreath so we're going to take that wire we're going to wrap it around the divider and also the outside ring there and just twist it as much as we can we don't want that coming off then we're going to use little sections of wire to then wire on our bead Garland and kind of a coil shape around to the center at different points to help it stay in place if you have any Tails from The Wire sticking off from twisting it just take your Snips and get rid of all of those extra pieces and of course I'm sure you're going to ask how are we going to hang this we're going to use a key ring hook well that's what I'm going to call it anyway we're going to wrap that through one of the outside ring sections and use that to hang on a tree and this was in the great greatest angle as the sun was directly above me but as you can imagine as the sun comes up and the sun sets it is just gonna hit off of these beads and give you that beautiful colorful glow I just love it it is such a Whimsical look now if you watch my latest planter hacks video then you've already seen this project but I'm bringing this back because you all were just obsessed with it and it has so many views on Instagram Pinterest and of course on YouTube but if you are new here and you missed it I'm throwing this in for you now because it's a good one we're gonna grab several different supplies from Dollar Tree including a big planter this one was really really pretty so I grabbed that one and then we need a planter that is gonna flip upside down and fit on the inside and what in the world are we making a fountain this is the easiest Fountain ever we're again gonna use a pool noodle and our pool noodle knife this is what it looks like it's hanging up that you need to grab if you see it at Dollar Tree because I've used it so much and it does not hurt your work surface so you don't have to put down like a cutting board or anything so I love that we are just going to take that knife cut our pool noodle up into small sections and go around the inside of our planter around the inside planner small pieces here the more you fill in the less rocks we're gonna need so it's Gonna Save Us some money so also get down into those little bitty nooks and crevices there so that the Rocks don't fall down so you can cut your pool noodles even smaller for those spaces so this is what we have so far we're going to use this really affordable solar fountain pump that I found on Amazon I will link it down in the description box below for you and we are going to set that on top of the inside planter it's got suction cups on the bottom so it grabs on and then the whole rest of it we are going to use our Dollar Tree River Rocks and just go around the entire thing cover it up make sure you get you cover up all those pool noodles and even the bottom part of your uh solar pump so I know I just said that this is a solar pump however this actual kit comes with a solar panel and a USB option so you can plug this into a power source and it will stay on continually not just when you have Sunshine outside but I thought I would throw that little tip in there and this is what it looks like once you put the water in and you have the solar panel out in the sunshine it turns on instantly it also has little caps you can change those out for different water feature options and the panel has little feet on it so you can stand it up or you can hang it up to get the sunshine that it needs all these projects were so simple quick and affordable let me know which one was your favorite down in the comments below if you missed that planner hacks video I'll have that one popping up on your screen and you can head over and watch next thank you all so much for joining me today and I will see you in the next one have a creative day
Channel: The Daily DIYer
Views: 250,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar tree, dollar tree diy, dollar tree hacks, outdoor diys, garden hacks, summer, spring, garden, planter hacks, planter diys, solar light, solar light diys, solar light hacks, dollar tree solar lights, home decor, outdoor decor, stepping stone, diy, craft, tutorial, inflluencer, chic on the cheap, bargain bethany, do it on a dime, the daily diyer, dollar store, bargain-friendly, cheap, easy, quick, fast, simple, brilliant, genius
Id: bmdBmgX8x4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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