10 Asian Hoopers vs 1 FAKE

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today we have 11 Asian hoopers but two of them are secretly fake Asian my name is moy now I'm Asian my name is Ethan and I'm Asian my name is Kevin and I'm Asian my name is Jason I'm Asian my name is Justin and I'm Asian my name is Kevin and I'm Asian my name is Andrew and I'm Asian my name is Carlo and I'm Asian my name is Steven and I'm Asian my name is John and I'm Asian my name is Tate and I'm Asian each round the group will collectively vote off who they believe is the fake Asian Hooper if the group can vote off the fake Asian Hooper the Asians will win but if the fake Asian Hooper is the last to survive the fake Asians win off rip guys anybody that you believe might not be Asian number 10 over there little accent sh accent all right number 10 what's your favorite meal to eat before a basketball game adobo what adobo what's that Filipino dish ah okay raise your hand of your Filipino all right why did you raise your hand number 10 huh what's your name uh John okay if you are Asian you want to convince them that you're Asian my mom used to uh beat me when I was a kid W okay yeah for sure certified certified what is she she beat you with chinel little okay that was that was Spanish I'm sorry number 10 is digging himself a hole 11 too damn big you look tall as too you guys are about the same size you guys are the same size but why he got the brighter green one cuz I'm yellow bro I'm half asian what's the other Chinese and white number one what type of Asian are you and can you say one thing in your language he forgot number one what type of Asian are you oh Filipino okay can you say something in tagalo boie that's pretty good pretty good sounds correct number two what kind of Asian are you I am Chinese long may my last name is tamashiro Japanese Japanese yeah how about uh kichwa that's very generic number four I'm Korean okay Chas wait wait how do we know if he's not watching K drama on the regular I'm Filipino my last name is Haro my bigh poy as well I don't really know too much to G but I'm definitely Filipino what do you call your parents friends what do I call my parents friends yeah when they come over what do you call them I don't know what kind of question that is but yeah the thing is lon's Chinese but he knows a lot of Filipino that's true my last name is sisa and I'm Filipino and and my parents are from bakalo City who's your favorite NBA player number six Jeremy Lynn that's Su yes Vietnamese a last name's buoy wa coincidence his brother I don't speak much G that means thank you gum Tha he could F to be Vietnamese right now too yeah I'm seeing right through you number eight I am Filipino salop thank you for having me on this video say that again Sal okay listen I'm like the black sheep of my family my great-grandfather came to Texas and I honestly barely know any what's your last name Sanchez number nine I'm Vietnamese because I almost took off my shoes before I come on the court but they told me to put it back on Mitchell also knows a bad Vietnamese word he wants to share with you guys D oh that okay he felt hurt I am sorry for saying that to you number nine number 11 you said you're half Chinese in Cantonese I say Sean it means it's time to eat but it really means eat rice and then say something white hello I'll just use my credit card verifiable yes number 10 where didd you get those shorts on the bucket Squad website nice number four where are your shorts all right we're just going to go down the line and vote number one I think it's number 10 cuz he keeps changing his accent one vote for 10 no I'm going roll with it I'm going to go with 10 too two votes for 10 number 11 who are you voting weird vibes from you number eight from me little bit your voice sounds a little forced you think I took some helium or something number 10 who are you voting for I'm going to have to vote for number one number nine number 10 number eight I'm saying number 10 only because I felt like Jeff was kind of defending him a little bit number 10 you're on the chopping walk is pretty heavy can you say something that proves that you might be Asian or not my Asian word is Pang huh I knew that one Baka can you translate to English R well bako means gay it's either in Tagalog or ilano cuz my family is from yasur my parents wanted me to be an engineer or an RN if it's not that or go to the Navy or go to the okay you know now we have more information we're going down to number seven can we take votes back like I that was convincing number five number five one vote for number five number six I'm sorry I'm sorry bro two votes for number five I'm going to pick 11 over there 11 number four I'll go one he been quiet another vote for number one and number three I'm going to go for number five number two staying with number 10 you know what I'm going to switch it up I'm going to go with number eight so two votes for number eight I'm going to take my I'm back hey sorry number 10 but I'm going to vote for number eight okay number eight just because my family came to America I have family in Sabu I just haven't met them all yet there is a three-way tie after everybody voted you guys are all on the chopping ball you guys will have 30 seconds each to convince the crowd that you are Asian I'm fluent to G are you Filipino I am Filipino all three of them are Filipino my mom's from Fung so I I was in Manila before Co I couldn't go back because obviously Co hit my great-grandfather is from there and I haven't been what's your grandfather what do you call him I call my grandfather grandfather I don't know the name okay I get a lot of heat because I never learned it Lola or Lola Lola is your grandpa the only Lola I know is Lola Bunny I feel like this guy went and did his research the night before I can't lie cuz I'm actually Filipino actually Filipino he sounds too cool to be Phil from the Philippines on the count of three please point to the player that you're going to vote off three two one a you have been voted off they believe you are not Asian all right the number five five I'm telling you is sus you guys voted wrong Asians are you guys pretty confident on that first vote yeah yeah wow I don't know I feel like I'm killing my own kind here you know we're moving on to round two remember there are two fake Asians in the group and the group's goal is to vote off both in order for the group to win number one what is your basketball level experience High School some Filipino leagues that's it were your parents supportive of you playing basketball just my dad my mom not really cuz she doesn't want me getting hurt and stuff what does she want you to be she wants me to be a nurse I just played some in high school lately I've been playing in some like leagues and stuff you played in Asian League I played in one recently where did you play at in my city it was a SCV there were the Tigers number three basketball level experience mine's really just wreck ball pickup ball I didn't like basketball until like 2015 because of the Warriors then so I did jump on that bandwagon I'll admit it though turned my love for basketball so the Warriors do have a a lot of Asian fans yes number four I played high school as well but I also played in Asian leagues SLC Tigers you guys play on the same team what's going on here n no no no I don't know this dude that's a little sus right there you guys want to talk about this or like I didn't play in Asian League until like last year like last year so he said that number four what's your occupation I'm a real estate it's Asian occupation number five what is your basketball level experience in occupation some college I actually played in the Philippines and I also played at Pierce College out here what team did you play on the PBA I didn't play in the PBA I played college out in the Philippines at a school called San Sebastian it was in the NCAA though that doesn't confirm Philipino cuz you don't have to be Filipino to play in the Philippines oh to play college you have to be uh like philam so Phil American oh half yeah so I had to get dual citizenship to play out there interesting that may or may not be true I don't know number six I play Community College and I work at gen number seven high school and then now I just play in like Filipino leagues oh oh but you're you're a Filipino uh no I'm Vietnamese currently I just go to school fulltime right now number nine I don't really play competitively I just play with like co-workers and we called oursel the UN Ballers cuz it was me the Asian guy it was a black guy there was a Indian guy United Nations and I also semi playay poker on the side that's very Asian number 10 I just play pickup I don't play in any Filipino leagues because uh it's a freaking hack job out there I'm an accountant you're accountant yeah reminder if you're Asian you can't lie are you accountant yeah Drew what I think number 10 looks like number 10 muchi has drawn a portrait of what he believes you would look like under there number 11 I played Little League just as a kid I dropped out of dental school and I'm just a rapper now respect all right you guys two people are going to get voted off this round number one we're starting with you I'll just say it's number 11 because we were talking about Asian Hooper he said he doesn't even hoop I'm a reborn Hooper I play ball every day now number two I'm going to have to go with 11 as well also Asians don't wear LeBron's 11 that's three votes for 11 number four yeah I'll stay 11 wow when the rains it's hard number five sorry 11 11 wow he said he a rapper I don't know he got he out yeah number seven I got to go with 11 number nine I'm still sticking to number 10 you're sticking to number 10 John the two people with the most votes will be voted out oh number nine number 11 can do something crazy if you vote either nine or 10 one of them's getting out L is eliminated at this point but he gets to decide if nine or 10 gets voted out I'm going to take 10 with me but just to prove just to prove that I'm Asian wa wa 11 and 10 have been voted off we moving on to round number three where we talk about your NBA basketball experience number one what's your favorite NBA team and who's your favorite player Lakers favorite player Kobe all time uh current y'all probably going to on me but it's Russell Westbrook currents a little crazy Asians have a certain amount of teams that they like the Lakers go State Warriors and anything else you're not Asian number two my favorite team is the Oklahoma City Thunder my favorite player Shay gilis Alexander who's your all-time favorite player I mean it's easy to say Russell Westbrook but are you guys friends or something like no no no no I'm not saying it's Russell Westbrook because I had a lot of problem albums with Russell westg Penny Hardway Orlando Magic Orlando okay number three Golden State Warriors favorite player curry curry Fair number four favorite Squad is the Lakers my favorite player is Lou Williams but all time is is is Bean Kobe every agent loves Kobe Bryant okay number five my favorite team is actually the Clippers a favorite all time Alan Iverson favorite player right now is Kyrie Irving wow J it up number six my favorite team is the Warriors I got a lot of family from Frisco so favorite all time I love curry and I know it sounds funny but I love Jeremy ly as well number seven favorite team is uh Lakers alltime favorite player is going to be Kobe current I'd probably say Giannis on Yannis respectable number nine the Lakers is the team all time is Kobe and I'm really rooting for ruy this year so ruie haimura remember there are two fake Asians in the group and the group's goal is to vote off both in order for the group to win we need to eliminate two people I feel like we already el the non Asians so number nine you think everybody here is Asian left no I I still feel like one of them is still in who would that be number nine I think number five number five is the questionable number five you're Filipino what is the biggest event back in the day that all your families would gather for fight number five who do you think it is I think it's number seven could do an Asian squat oh yeah let's see everybody's Asian squat the heels are down great number two Asian Squad yeah he got it he got it number three Asian squat oh good little crack number four Asian squat wow the heels are up heels are up but go ahead number five oh you got to get a little lower no that kind of looks like a squat like no Asian involved number six ohy all right well he's a big boy all right number seven okay yeah yeah he's got it number nine I got to have a cigarette too oh that's beautiful oh yes can I asan squat I'll be real I'm pretty sure I can Asian Squad cuz I used to be able to dude mci's Asian then I'll vote number five again one vote for number five I think number six one vote for number six I say like number two I haven't heard him say nothing like all day number five I'm going just stay with seven there's a vote for seven number four I think it's five cuz Asians don't wear 11 Asians don't like 11s number three number two what kind of Asian are you Chinese what kind of Chinese I don't know what other Chinese I think I make both for number two number two who you voting I'm going to go with seven I'm going to go for number six you guys are confused as a group after the voting it's a fourway tie for four people 10 seconds while you're Asian literally every single one of my dishes has steam rice in it and also I have to note that I am half Mexican my Chinese side always comes in with steamed rice number five I mean my mom's Filipino number six yeah my mom's Filipino she's always making lpia got the rice cooker she always getting us right with the Good Eats so number both my parents are Vietnamese they came straight off a boat I eat rice with every meal number 1 3 49 on the count of three please point to a player 1 two three so five you are eliminated sir number two you have been eliminated and we are now down to six hoopers this next round we're going to do some basketball we're going to see their simple layups and see if we can get a read if they're Asian or not he made it all right oh my God yes he did go six number six number four oh my God I was going to say he looked like he got bounced yeah oh reverse are you a lefty number three yeah I had to do it three from there I saw that you were a lefty because if you're Asian it's like bad luck to use your left hand so even if you're left-handed your parents forc you to be right-handed sometimes this is what I've heard my mom's Hispanic and she was born in the ' 50s so her family came from Mexico you're half Mexican yeah and half Filipino no I'm Japanese all right guys there's two people getting voted off this round again I just say get the tall people out you guys are down to get the two tall people out Asian people are known to not be tall I'm going to go with six tall on tall crime that's insane all right number three Heights number six okay number four so I I got one number one number six yeah you coming with me bro number seven I'll go one one okay number nine so number six and number one have gotten three votes each they have both been eliminated and please leave the court and we are now down to four hoopers and once again we're going to eliminate two people how confident are you guys that you guys are all Asian two thums yes sir we're just going to go and see your guys' jump shot a lot of Asians are shooter what is going on here oh oh yeah that's the left-handed too little of spin for me but hey number nine was the only player to make it two people have to be voted off I think you guys just got to discuss as a group even if you guys think you all our Asians who you're willing to sacrifice to not lose this game if I had to vote I would have to say you one of you two just because I'm Vietnamese and I know he's Vietnamese because he's confirmed everything that I I know in Vietnamese we start with number three who you voting off seven Dam four got to go seven damn and then number seven Corner three number nine three damn it's two and two so number seven and number three have been voted off we are now down to two final players and it's time to reveal the final two players which were left was number four and number nine which are on the right hand side if those two players are Asian then the Asians win number four and number nine please reveal yourself and number nine and number four we're both Asians let's go the Asians have won will the two non-asians please step forward right now and reveal yourself number six was Mexican number eight I'm full Mexican and everybody else was Asian last video popping up right here I love you guys until next time peace
Channel: Jeffrey Bui
Views: 390,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5_2zXFVF6xE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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