10 UNIQUE AI Tools You Won’t Believe Are Free!

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AI is advancing so fast, so let me save  you some time by sharing some of the best   AI tools this year and most of them are free  to use! AI tools that will automatically shift   your daily schedule to get more free time out  of your day create music and soundtracks from   a single sentence like a soothing and adventurous  atmosphere and then even transform a simple photo   into a high-quality 3D render within minutes so  let's get right into the first AI tool head over   to mesh. and once you've landed on this website  here click try meshy for free and sign up for a   free account on the left hand menu there's a new  image to 3D feature click that then we'll take an   image so let's use a sneaker here for example  and then the AI will take that uploaded image   and generate a complete 3D render from that image  quite quickly and here's where it gets even cooler   go over and click the voxel feature here which  is essentially 3D cube models and then type in   whatever you'd like to create and the result is  a really cute Lego like render once you're done   you can even download these 3D models into a 3D  app such as blender and then customize it from   there this is an AI tool that is great companion  for illustrators Architects game designers or if   you just want to have some fun and create cool 3D  renders without 3D experience so almost everyone   wants more time in their day but we all have 24  hours in one day day but the next tool will help   you get more out of your day by cleaning up your  calendar automatically so head over to reclaim   AI so once you've logged in using your Google  account select the habits that are relevant   to you like grocery shopping laundry and for me  I'd practically pick everything on this list then   choose how much buffer time you need in between  events then continue on now when you click Planner   on the left or refresh your Google calendar now  reclaim AI will update and optimize your entire   calendar and events the best part is it will  continue to optimize your calendar based on your   meetings and habits to give you what the AI thinks  is the most effective schedule for you helping you   save some time next up I've partnered with one  of my favorite software tools I've used for years   notion it's a powerful productivity system  bundled with plenty of new AI tools built in   let me show you what notion AI can do you can get  started with notion for free by clicking the link   in the description box below then you'll land on  this page here after you've signed up you'll find   yourself on a blank canvas where you can begin to  get creative and build out custom dashboards and   workflows filled by AI so let me show you a few  examples of how I'm using AI tools with a notion   to give you an idea of how you can use it too  from any page in notion click the sparkly icon   in the bottom right which opens Notions brand new  Q&A tool so the Q&A tool is a personal assistant   providing instant answers to your questions by  accessing information across your notion workspace   so let's ask it which docs do I need to read to  catch up on my interior makeover project Q&A then   analyzes all my notion pages and immediately I get  a customized response with all the answers that I   need you can even click on the reference numbers  to see the exact page with more details I also   use notion AI to save time from manually updating  and analyzing tables so by clicking the wand icon   here the AI will generate insights summaries and  next steps automatically for you and this tool has   saved me hours of my time and speaking of time  saving the automatic meeting insights feature   is incredible as well taking a look at a page with  my meeting notes here you can type for/ summarize   and the AI will generate a full overview of the  notes and it can even generate the next steps   in a useful to-do list too by typing out slac  action items and there we go what I love most   about notion AI is how nicely integrated the stack  of AI tools are and it's all found in one spot   rather than having multiple different tools and  websites for different functionality you can get   started with notion for free in the link below and  then unlock the stack of AI tools for $10 a month   and thanks again to notion for sponsoring the  segment of the video moving on the next AI tool   is not only useful but also really fun to use it's  called music FX and it's been blowing my mind log   in with your Google account and you'll arrive on  this simple page here from here you can generate   all sorts of music and soundtracks through text  like songs that would play in a poolside party   with Summer Vibes and once it's generated the  speed is pretty good I'd definitely play this at   a pool party you can even get a really specific  and create music through your mood by selecting   specific instruments and more so for example  let's generate a soundtrack of trumpets playing   a festive Christmas tune and there we go it almost  sounds like we're in December right now you can   adjust the settings to adjust track length down  here turn on the music looping option and adjust   a variety of Sound by increasing the seed number  here then click download to save the Masterpiece   you've created next is flare Ai and this tool is  going to change your product photography game head   over to flare. a and click get started and sign  in with your Google account then click create   new project now go ahead and upload the image you  want to fancy up I'll upload the sneak again and   yes I do like my sneakers then go go ahead and  remove the background with just one click tell   the AI tool what's in this image so I'll type  out sneaker now here's the fun part scroll down   the templates and choose a background you want  to place the product in front of let's choose   this beautiful floral background and then click  generate and wow this looks like a professionally   shot and edited product in a studio setting  and if you're feeling extra creative you can   click the editor tab right here and you can then  change the variables to absolutely anything you   want so the world is your oyster so AI art has  been around for a while but image FX is possibly   the easiest and most accessible free AI art tool  and I'm shocked at just how good it is so click   on the prompt box once you arrive on the website  and type in absolutely anything you'd like let's   try having AI create a photo realistic drawing  of Zelda Link then click generate quite quickly   it's generated a set of images on the right and I  am so impressed with this one here in particular   and then you can go ahead and save it by clicking  the download button here the prompt box here also   highlights keywords so it makes it really easy for  you to change variables like changing the photo   realistic prompt to the suggested cartoonish  prompt and immediately it generates something   quite different but just as impressive this is a  great tool to create avatars article images social   media posts or just to get some ideas another  creative AI tool is auto draw and this will turn   your Doodles into usable and professional looking  illustrations head over to autodraw.com and with   this blank canvas here click the autodraw bubble  on the left I'm going to attempt to draw a flower   but as you can see it's pretty bad thankfully  Auto draw is here to save the day with the do   you mean function with any of these illustrations  at the top here click on it and indeed this is   what I meant a perfectly drawn flower you can  then adjust the illustration the size color it   in and even add some text at the bottom now head  over to koala Dosh to use the best AI writer I've   seen yet so click koala riter for free then leave  the selection at chat gbt 3.5 since it's free to   use then choose your article type enter the main  key wordss like what is the best sneak in 2024 you   can even add relevant AI images and YouTube videos  automatically to the article by clicking Auto here   scroll down then fill out your other preferences  then finally click generate and take a look at   this comprehensive article filled with interesting  images relevant YouTube videos and best of all it   is SEO optimized to rank on Google at the top you  can download or copy the article and I'd recommend   building out the article a little bit more with  your own voice and touch before publishing it   so we all know that chat gbt is what kickstarted  the AI Revolution but Gemini May soon be the new   AI King so head over to gemini.com and when you  arrive on Gemini it looks very similar to chat   gpt's interface but one of the biggest differences  right now is Gemini will always produce the most   upto-date information thanks to Gemini's internet  access even on the free version let's put this   to the test let's ask Gemini when is cpl's next  concert in New York and hit enter and immediately   we get those details including who the supporting  acts are the venue and the potential songs they'll   perform now ask this question on chat gpt's free  version and it'll tell you as you can see here   that it unfortunately doesn't have access to real  time information nothing against chat GPT though   it's still a leading AI tool but I've been using  Gemini's free version more often for upto-date   answers another really cool AI tool that's free  to use is pix art GIF generator head over to pix   art.com gifmaker and here you can go ahead and  type out the animated gift you'd like to create   let's go with something wacky like a spaceship in  warp speed traveling across the universe and then   click generate then from here choose the style you  want to use like concept futurism sci-fi let's try   cyberpunk and then click generate select the style  you like best and after a few seconds not only   does it generate AI art it analyzes the image to  animate it so it's able to create a short GIF for   you so if you made it to the end of this video  Drop the code word comment robots and I'll give   it a like for making it to the very end of this  video I'll leave a video right here to 10 other   AI tools for you to check out and as always thanks  for watching and I'll see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Andrew Ethan Zeng
Views: 69,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai tools, best ai tools, best ai tools in 2024, ai for beginners, ai for productivity, how to use ai, best ai software, best ai image generator, guide to using ai, how to use ai in 2024, amazing ai tools, ai tools 2024, ai productivity, notion ai, 3d ai tool, music ai, ai art, ai writer, chatgpt, gemini ai, gemini google, andrew ethan zeng
Id: iw0ENZxufeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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