I Tried 1000 AI Tools, THESE Are The MOST Useful! 💯🚀 | Ishan Sharma

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in the last three months me and my team have tested 1000 AI tools and have created a list of 10 most valuable free AI tools that you can use today and will be insanely valuable for you and that is what I will be talking about in this video hi everyone I'm ishan Sharma from India and we are talking about some amazing AI tools that will give you a ton of value if you are a college student if you are working in a big company or you're just a hobbyist trying out different things I will also share a bonus tool at the very end of this video so make sure that you watch till the very end at the very first of our list we have Google AI Suite in the recent Google I O 2023 Google showcased how they are merging AI with their Suite of tools and products for example with Gmail you can get automatic replies with the help of AI you can even summarize the whole email to find out the gist of it in just a few seconds on Google Slides you can create ppts with just a single line of prompt just talk about what do you want the PPT to look like and it will automatically be generated with the help of Google AI inside of Google Slides talking about Google Sheets if you want to create a simple tracker for your routine for your gym or a tracker for some influencer marketing campaign if you're working in some company you can do that with just a single line of prompt right there in Google Sheets itself and it will create it in front of you magically with the help of AI talking about Google Docs if you want to create a letter for appointing someone for some job if you want to create any document you can simply type it out for the AI to write it for you in just a few clicks and seconds it is amazing how seamless everything is and it just makes life a lot easier to get access to these AI tools you have to register on their Labs website as you can see on this screen just visit this link and then you can sign up for this program and then you can get access to all of these AI features in all of their Suite of applications talking about the second app now this one is a replacement for chat GPT I get a lot of messages saying that ishan chat gbt is paid right we cannot pay that much money or charge GPT is just not working for me due to too much traffic it asks me to come back later if you are also facing such problems you can check out this platform called as perplexity AI now perplexity AI is a Chrome extension that you can put on your Google Chrome browser and then you can scan any website you can ask any question about the website to perplexity AI Chrome extension and it will give you all the relevant answers or you can ask any general question just like you would do to charge gbt but in this case it is completely free and there is not as much traffic as you would have on charge responses are a lot quicker one more Advantage is that for every answer it will give you it has resources right it will cite the source that you can click on and that way you can know that this response is not a hallucination what does this mean so child GPT when you will ask it to generate some information it sometimes creates trash data right data that is of no use some random numbers it will just throw which are actually wrong in reality in comparison to perplexity AI it has mentioned the source that you can visit and that way you know that the data that it is talking about is exactly right I'm sure you've been using AI chatbots like child GPT and Bart for your writing tasks but I think they often fall short when it comes to crafting a marketing copy and why not copywriting is a challenging task and that's where hubspot's campaign assistant comes in an AI powered tool that can generate copies for your landing page marketing email and AD copy in just a few clicks all you need to do is to provide information about your campaign choose a tone of voice that resonates with your brand and select which type of asset you want to generate campaign assistant will then use AI to create high quality copy tailored to your needs it's fascinating to me how just one tool can help you do these many things also campaign assistant is free to use so they there is no reason not to try it so if you are looking for a way to save time and money on your marketing copy campaign assistant is the perfect solution click the link in the description to check out this amazing tool right now and now let's talk about the fourth tool and this is called click drop dot Co now this tool is power packed with a ton of different features you can actually remove the background of any of the pictures with the help of AI you can also clean up anything that you have in the image if you have something that you don't want in the image you can remove it with the help of Click drop you can upscale any image to any higher resolution that you might want to you can relight any image for example as you can see this bulb is creating a yellow tint on my body and my face you can change this tint of any image that you have with the help of this AI tool you can even remove text from images and extend any image that you might want to just the way you can do it on Photoshop you can also do it on this tool for completely free so that that was click drop for you a great tool that you can use to alter images with the help of AI and come up with some amazing variations now talking about the fifth tool this is save day telegram bot it's a telegram bot that you can get for yourself and you can save anything that you might be consuming an article an audio a video a picture and then you can use commands like forward slash search and you can search for anything that you want and using AI it will be able to find out the relevant pieces and give you those results right many a times you don't remember the names of the videos that you're watching or the headlines of the articles that you are reading and that is where this tool comes in very handy you can even get the key points summaries from the Articles from the videos from the audios that you are giving to it right it's very simple just go on telegram just search for Save day it's completely free of cost and then and just go to any content it could be a video just click on share and just go to Telegram and just click on the save day bot and you are completely good to go from there onwards I think it's pretty cool because a lot of us end up consuming a lot of content every single day some of it we absolutely love While others are complete noise but the content that we love we end up forgetting most of it and using save day you can make sure that you can keep all the content with you and can access it with ease at the same time now before we talk about the sixth tool if you're liking this video hit the like button share it with your friends I think these tools are very helpful I have taken a lot of time and effort to go through tons hundreds thousands of AI tools to come up with this list so make sure that you hit the like button talking about the six tool and this is kick resume now kick resume is a great tool that you can use to generate four different resume templates four different cover letters for completely free right it has a ton of different examples it has a ton of different features as well that you will love if you are looking for a job in your career go try this out you can even get your resume checked with the kick resume site itself and you can find areas in which you can improve your resume that would help you get hired at better companies alongside your resume this website also allows you to create your own personal website and I think that's an amazing thing that you can do if you're getting started with your career having a website a great catchy resume along with a cover letter will help you land a ton of more opportunities so go check out kickresume.com now the seventh tool is mubert.com with the help of this tool you can generate music soundtracks right if you are a YouTube Creator or if you are trying to create some music you might require original Tunes or soundtracks you can get them with the help of this platform itself it will use AI to generate original music that you can add to your own song and make it original without anyone saying but it is very simple to use just go to mubert and start creating a track just enter what do you want the track to be about and it will create several different variations you can pick the one that you like then you can move ahead with it and that is how simple it is to create original music with the help of AI now the eighth tool is very cool right it's called bardeen now bardeen is a AI workflow automation platform what does this mean you can now create automations between different applications you can integrate all of them with just a single line of text with the help of bardeen the way this works is very interesting so imagine that you are a marketer and you need to find leads right so you go on LinkedIn you search for those leads you get them on an Excel sheet and then you start reaching out to them and then you share that list with your boss this whole process takes up a lot of your time imagine what if you go on to LinkedIn you find your leads and activate bardeen and it will create the whole workflow it will automate the whole workflow automatically extract all the emails and the data from LinkedIn put it on a Google sheet and then also share it with your boss right that is so convenient that is so much more time saving and that will help you to get more things done in that limited period of time I have just talked about lead generation but you can literally use this in developing a product in recruiting in HR in sales in every other domain of life that you are working in so go explore this create your workflows create that automation get things run faster and make more money doing so now this ninth tool is very popular amongst designers it's called framer.ai right framework AI is an amazing platform that you can go to you can use it to create amazing beautiful looking websites without knowing how to code all you need to know is to have a bit of idea of design and ux right create the whole interface and hit submit it will then create the complete website without you needing to code anything right it's that easy to use they even have a website where you can go and look at what websites people are creating on their platform and you can get inspiration from that and then you can do that for your own self or your own business or for other clients that you are working with all right now talking about the last tool this one is going to help you to create images for particular use cases imagine that you are working and you need a game asset right or you need a character asset in a game that you are trying to develop you can go on to Leonardo AI specify what you are looking for and just enter the prompt for it and it will create different variations that you can then use and save time and your energy again that's what it is all about so go check out Leonardo AI if you want to create specific images with the help of AI in this case let's say you want to create a character you want to create some in-game assets or you want to create anything right it could be a vector art it could be anything under the moon and you can do that with the help of Leonardo AI effectively yes you can also use mid journey and other tools but again those are more generalized tools that you can use they're not AI is a bit more specific and that is where the specialty lies so these were the 10 tools now let's talk about the bonus tool before you stop watching this video and this is not exactly AI tool but it is still very important so with the recent feature of mid journey in which you can face swap anyone on any one's body this has created a big problem right A lot of people who are using this tool for nefarious purposes are taking a picture of someone they know and put it on some person who is doing some inappropriate activity some NSFW activity these people threaten them asking for money or else they will leak this footage right and this is a very bad thing that is happening right now on the internet if this is happening with you if someone has leaked some AI generated pictures of you online and you want to take it down check out take it down you can go on this website you can fill in the details and then it would hunt down every single copy of that picture or video in which your face is visible and some inappropriate activity is being conducted it will take it down immediately and that will make sure that your privacy is maintained so this is a very important tool that everyone should keep handy in case something wrong ends up happening as you are using the internet so that were the 10 amazing free AI tools that you can use plus the one tool called it down that you should use as well thanks a lot for watching this video go check out hubspot's campaign assistant with the link in the description it's completely free to use and you will love trying it out as well thank you so much for watching this video I will see you on the next one share this video with your friends if you have any questions about this video let me know in the comment section as well if you're still watching right in the comment section I watch till very end I will see you all in the next video till then stay curious bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Ishan Sharma
Views: 100,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ishan sharma, tools better than chatgpt, chatgpt, chat gpt, must have ai tools, ai tools for 2023, openai tools, tools like chatgpt, ai tools, best ai tools, artificial intelligence, ai, ai applications, best ai websites 2022, free ai tools, online tools, free ai websites, tools, websites, gpt 4, ai websites, best ai tools 2022, best online tools, top 10 ai tools, ai apps, best ai tools for students, ai free tools, I Tried 1000 AI Tools THESE 10 FREE Tools Are the BEST!
Id: vlhJeyg3zTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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